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FW: Re: What really happened...

From: <>
Date: Sat 03 Nov 2001 - 07:46:11 PST


I can't believe you are saying this. You'll be denying the holocaust happened next...

You want to get outdoors and experience some life instead of scouring the net for conspiracy theories propagated by spotty teenagers...


-----Original Message-----
>From : Tom Zimmer <>
To :
Date : 02 November 2001 20:33:43
Subject : Re: What really happened...
Or maybe only (only?) 2500 by some qualified reports. Seems the government can't get even that simple figure right. Next you know it'll be 10000. Who's right when everybody's wrong?
>I'd say Saudi Arabia and Iraq are bigger training grounds than anything the Taliban can afford to support. Besides, we've been bombing the crap out of them for what, 3 weeks? How much can be left to bomb? Nothing's going to be resolved there until the ground troops get in. When the casualties start mounting up, I'll wager public opinion will shift somewhat. Glad I'm way too old to be drafted for this one.
>All I'm really trying to say about this is you can't believe everything anyone tells you. Swallow this whole thing as protrayed by Washington and London and the major mainstream news media, without thinking or digging into it on alternative news sources, and next thing we could be doing is living in a fascist police state. Perhaps this quote from Mark Twain (found at says it best:
>ıThe citizen who sees his societyıs democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry out is not a patriot but a traitor.ı
>But we could both argue forever and never change anything, nevertheless each other's minds. Hope the “evil doers“ don't get you or me :-) Have a good one.
>On Fri, 02 November 2001, wrote:
>> What do you suggest then? Continuing to allow the Taliban to run a breeding ground for terrorists? Hold a be-in?
>> Open my mind? Doesn't need it mate - you should wake up and smell the coffee, 6000 innocent people dead...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From : Tom Zimmer <>
>> To :
>> Date : 02 November 2001 18:49:33
>> Subject : Re: What really happened...
>> You're obviously mentally unstable. Give a thought to returning to the UK to live. We have enough right wing nuts of our own just now.
>> >
>> >I don't think anyone is advocating ıtaking it up the arse from the terroristsı. But bombing a stone age society back to the stoneage isn't going to weed out an highly sophisticated international network of terrorist cells. It's all show and no substance, just to make Bush and Blair look like we're at least doing something.
>> >
>> >Grow up and open your mind (and quit making assumptions about what will offend other people). People like that offend me ;-)
>> >
>> >TZ
>> >
>> >On Fri, 02 November 2001, wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> My point being that not being an American means i am not blindly supporting the US just cos that's where i was born. However I am supporting their action by not just sitting and taking it up the arse from the terrorists like you peace brigade beatniks would do...
>> >>
>> >> I just wonder what the remaining Brits on the list would be saying if the atrocities had happened in London and your favourite US band leader was promoting anti-british web sites...
>> >>
>> >> Hmm indeed...
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From : Tom Zimmer <>
>> >> To :
>> >> Date : 02 November 2001 17:01:45
>> >> Subject : Re: What really happened...
>> >> > If any of you went to the website
>> >> >> you will see a load of anti-american garbage saying how bad
>> >> >> things are for Afghanistan, doubting the identity of the sept
>> >> >> 11th terrorists and basically blaming the US for everything
>> >> >> that has happenend. I didn't stay on the site for long but I
>> >> >> saw enough...
>> >> >
>> >> >Perhaps if youıd stayed there longer youıd not have seen it as anti-American garbage, but just an alternative news view of the situation. If you think Resident Bush and his aging cold warrior cabinet are telling the truth and nothing but the truth, thereıs this bridge in Brooklyn Iıve been looking to sell. I think the stories and the author of the site raise some damned interesting questions that are NOT being answered by the Feds or the mainstream media.
>> >> >
>> >> >> Pat, surely you don't believe any of the rubbish on this
>> >> >> website. Don't you realise how popular you are in the US? and
>> >> >> how many people on this list you will offend by advertising
>> >> >> the site in a note containing good news that the JBC are
>> >> >> playing more gigs...
>> >> >
>> >> >What? Weıre not all as narrow minded as that (and apparently you).
>> >> >
>> >> >> By the way, I am British but live in the US.
>> >> >
>> >> >Your point being?
>> >> >
>> >> >TZ
>> >> >
>> >> >
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>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
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