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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001

"Rhino" Bootleg and a Humble Recommendation

From: Philip Duris <>
Date: Thu 04 Oct 2001 - 13:55:29 PDT

 Dear List:  

A friend of mine who is, despite not being himself a list member, as big a JBC fan as any, e-mailed me about the "Rhino best-of" release. I was informed, through no fault of my own but by virtue of being on this list, that this was indeed a bootleg, and told him. I don't know how hacked off anyone else is, but my friend was incensed ("the Butch is not for ripping") and he may be right. So he ratted the Seller out to ebay. Good for him.  


In a completely unrelated ramble, I would like to stick my neck out and highly recommend a group making intelligent, melodic, risk-taking music. They are the Mendoza Line, formerly of Athens, GA, which is how I heard of them (as I live in nearby Atlanta). They have since moved to New York City. I have heard only two releases, an EP originally released on Kindercore records in Athens called "Like Someone In Love," and an LP entitled "We're All in This Alone" on Misra -- Bar/None Records. Note: I sent Bar/None a money order for one of the titles and they ripped me off, so go through a retailer or reseller or possibly an address listed below. I got the latter title off

I can recommend both of those titles highly. They have another out now called "I Like You When You're Not Around" which I haven't heard yet though I've ordered. They say their first OOP release isn't too great, but they say their next release due out in February will be their best yet.  

Give them a shot if you are looking for some new stuff. AFTER of course you pick up the new JBC re-releases.  

You can also check: for their rating of the group and for news and amusing musings
and if you are looking for either of the two releases I have mentioned you might also try dan@kindercore though I haven't verified if that is a good address or not. The band also reads their e-mail at  

And no, I have no direct connection to the band, whose royalties are probably roughly equivalent to the JBC's anyway. Just a fan.  

I wouldn't stick my neck out risking banishment or flaming if I didn't think these folks were pretty darn good.  

Philip Duris
Atlanta Received on Thu, 4 Oct 2001 16:55:29 -0400