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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001

Re: Arik's Tribute

From: Sonia Bovio <>
Date: Fri 24 Aug 2001 - 16:41:25 PDT

Okay, here goes:

  1. Nick Cave- Love Kittens
  2. Radiohead- Real Men
  3. Public Enemy- Grey Flannelette
  4. Fatboy Slim- Nightmare Being
  5. Madonna- this one was tough - Come Friendly Spacemen... maybe

And I finally figured out which song I want Teengae Fanclub to cover: "Girlfriend" or.. maybe "May I" or... maybe, "La Mer." Damn, back to the drawing board.

AND.... just to add to the previous demanding fans rant - when are we going to get some Wilson material released?

-Sonia Received on Fri, 24 Aug 2001 16:41:25 -0700