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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001

Re: JBC Dream Tribute

From: Jack Burden <>
Date: Thu 23 Aug 2001 - 08:45:53 PDT

How about:
THE DEVIL IS MY FRIEND - Weird Fat Elvis and the Country Klingons

Sonia Bovio wrote:

> I've been trying to pick a tune for Teenage Fanclub to cover... I'm
> leaning toward Rain but just don't think I've found the right one yet.
> Pat's voice is so different from theirs that it's hard to come up with a
> match. Also contemplating Looking for Lot 49. Oh my head - this one
> hurts! We of course also need to pick a tune for Oasis to cover (he
> heee).
> -Sonia
> >
> > Great list and great choices, I wouldn't change a thing that you have
> > already picked. Couple additions I might make, however.
> >
> > > My not so well thought out track listing:
> > >
> > > 2. SUSIE - Lou Reed
> > > 3. PARTYTIME - Leonard Cohen
> > > 4. HARLAN - Sinead O'Connor
> > > 5. SHE'S A YO-YO - Shane MacGowan
> > > 6. GIRLS WHO KEEP GOLDFISH - Bob Dylan
> > > 7. WHADDYA? - The Flaming Lips
> > > 8. ANGELS - Brian Eno
> > > 9. PENGUINS - Laurie Anderson
> > > 10. GIRLS SAY YES - Joe Cocker
> > >
> > > Anyone else?
> > >
Received on Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:45:53 -0600