The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001

Re: Is there anybody ... out there?

From: <>
Date: Wed 22 Aug 2001 - 18:33:44 PDT

I must say, the list has been quiet.
Here's a hook that might get things going again. The re-releases are coming soon. I'd like hear stories about the most rare JBC finds out there before they become moot. I think my rarest of finds (non E-bay) has been Distressed Gentlefolk on CD. I found it two years ago in Greenville, SC at the third used cd shop I hit that day on a six hour break during a really dumb business trip. The poor proprietor had no idea and I scored it for seven bucks. (He asked me if it was too high!!!!) I pushed my luck and asked him if he had any more. He produced my first vinyl copy of Hamburg misfiled in a Big Planet, Scary Planet sleeve for which I gave him five bucks. That took 12 years of traveling the country scouring the small shops. Once I found it I took another job with no traveling.

  • Original Message ----- From: Gene and Kelly To: Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 2:09 PM Subject: Is there anybody ... out there?

  I've been having e-mail trouble, but I haven't heard much from the list for a while. Have things been slow, or am I missing mail?

  For example, what's up with Cake City and the list of songs people don't like?


  Gene Received on Wed, 22 Aug 2001 21:33:44 -0400