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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001


From: Jack Burden <>
Date: Thu 19 Jul 2001 - 16:36:59 PDT

I have a 'bootleg' Scandal In Bohemia t-shirt that my co-worker Pat (not Fish) traded with Brent Banbury of the CBC (Canada) radio show Brave New Waves. We were working at Fred's Records in St. John's, Newfoundland in 1988 and Brave New Waves out of Montreal was doing their show there for a week. Brent found out that Pat had a rare Young Canadians LP that he had to have. Pat negotiated two black-market Jazz Butcher t-shirts for the album and the exchange was to take place via mail after Brent went back to Montreal. The shirts showed up a few weeks later but I don't know if Pat, the buzzard, ever sent the LP. The shirt has the album cover on the front and the pink pig on the back. Very cool, especially back in '88. A few weeks ago I found it in a garbage bag bound for the Sally Ann. Always check to see what clothes of yours your girlfriend is throwing out, donating, burning etc. She just doesn't understand that even though there are holes in the armpits, you can see right through it and I never wear it anymore, it still deserves a spot at the bottom of my t-shirt drawer. The shirt stays.

I heard that the JBC bought some of the bootleg shirts and sold them at their show in Montreal.

BTW, the b-side cuts on the Canadian release of Spooky were recorded for Brave New Waves. Favourite lyric (from the Spooky b-side): "Bruno Gerussi - Sex Engine!" Pat mispronounced Gerussi but what the hell.

If you're out there Brent and you didn't get your Young Canadians album let me know and I'll razz up Pat the next time I'm home.

JB in Calgary Received on Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:36:59 -0600