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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2001

JBC (fwd) - GLASS recordings to be released!

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Tue 26 Jun 2001 - 21:20:20 PDT

THE JAZZ BUTCHER CONSPIRACY London – Hamburg – Los Angeles – Northampton

Vinyl Japan have succeeded in licensing a number of old Glass-era JBC recordings, which they plan to release this year. They will start with a 19 track compilation entitled "Cake City" and then they will re-issue the long-unavailable titles "A Scandal In Bohemia" and "Distressed Gentlefolk". Place your orders now via:

In what appears to be a related move (though in truth it is the merest co-incidence!) the JBC are embarking on another of their completely pointless but savagely hedonistic world tours. Unbelievably, the band line-up remains stable for another year:

Pat Fish – Guitars, singing

Max Eider – guitars, singing

Owen Jones – Drums, accordion, singing

Steven D. Valentine – Bass guitar

Sunday 8th July – The Troubadour, Los Angeles, California

Support: Special Mystery Guest!

Wednesday 11th July – Café du Nord, San Francisco, California

Friday 3rd August – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds, England

Support: Curtis E. Johnson, Saab 77

Saturday 4th August – Regency Club, Rugby, England

Support: Curtis E. Johnson, The Moths

Monday 6th August – The Soundhaus, Northampton, England

Support: Curtis E. Johnson, Saab 77

Wednesday 8th August – Radio 4, Notting Hill Arts Club, London, England

Support: Curtis E. Johnson

Thursday 9th August – Upstairs at the Garage, London, England

Support: Curtis E. Johnson, Saab 77

Sunday 12th August – Rock am Rathaus, Hamburg, Germany

Saturday 18th August – Festival, Ieper, Belgium Received on Tue, 26 Jun 2001 21:20:20 -0700 (PDT)