The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

JBC CD Tree #1: Seattle 99 Commences!

From: Patrick J. Enders <>
Date: Fri 22 Oct 1999 - 06:05:14 PDT

Hello all,

Welcome to the first JBC live CD tree, featuring Pat, Max and the gang on stage in Seattle just a few short weeks ago.

The plan is simple: If you want a copy of this 2 CD-R set, then e-mail me and say so. Then either I or a fellow JBC Tree conspirator will arrange to send you a copy of this very fine soundboard recording for a very modest fee of $5 to cover the cost of the discs, packaging, and postage.

Happy listening, and let the dubbing commence! Patrick Enders

the fine print:

We have no idea how many of you out there will want a copy of this. Twenty? Fifty? One hundred? Two?... There are only ten of us, so if you have a CD-R and are willing to help out making a few copies if needed, please let me know. This is particularly true if you are not in the US. As it currently stands, one of us is in Germany and the rest of us are in the US of A.

If you are not in the US, your cost will no doubt vary somewhat from the $5 figure, but you will not be left out and you will not be ripped off. Costs for Europe should be around 10-15 DM, $5-7.50, or the equivalent.

If you don't like exchanging money, or if you are very particular about your choice of digital recording media (which will no doubt vary from conspirator to conspirator), you may also be able to send one of us a pair of blank discs and a SASE, and we will return them to you no longer blank.

the discs contain the following:

(and don't lose this, because the discs will not come with this info. We're looking into ways to distribute a very nice cover for these discs electronically, but it has not been worked out yet.)

The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy
September 16, 1999
The Crocodile Cafe, Seattle

2 sets of music: the first is a low-key opening act version of the JBC, and the second is the band in its full amplified glory.

DISC 1: THE SUPPORT ACT CONSPIRACY (48:04) 1 (taking the stage)
2 Partytime (Pat & Max)
3 Falling in Love
4 Raking up Leaves
5 Whaddya?,
6 Betty Page
7 Girls Who Keep Goldfish (+ Owen on Accordion) 8 Waiting for You (?) (+ Steve on Drums) 9 Don't Let Me Keep You
10 Who Loves You Now?
11 DRINK DISC 2: The JAZZ BUTCHER CONSPIRACY (69:07) 1 (taking the stage)
2 Soul Happy Hour (Steve on Bass, Owen on Drums) 3 She's On Drugs
4 Mr. Odd
5 Rain
6 Walk with the Devil
7 Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present
8 Angels
9 Girlfriend
10 The Long Night Starts (Max on vox)
11 Take The Skinheads Bowling
12 Big Foot Hotel (partial)
13 Zombie Love
14 (taking the stage for first encore)
15 Roadrunner
16 (taking the stage for second encore)
17 Dracula Time

p.s. You want this. You won't find a better waste of $5 anywhere else this side of the millenium. Received on Fri Oct 22 06:00:21 1999