The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

ny show

From: <>
Date: Mon 27 Sep 1999 - 15:30:43 PDT

Hello all,
I'm still recovering fromt he NYC show- truly a mind altering experience! Pat and the boys seemed to really enjoy playing, and that made it one of the best gigs I've ever seen. Even the broken amp wasn't a big deal. I was sad that there was no David J, but Kevin Haskins is better than nothing! I didn't take notes, but here are some songs I remember being played (sort-of in order)

Raking up the Leaves
Girls Who Keep Goldfish
Who Loves You Now?
Soul Happy Hour
Falling In Love
Mr. Odd
Zombie Love (totally kick-ass version)
JB v Count Dracula
President Reagan's Birthday Present
Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present
Bigfoot Motel (another totally kick-ass version) Don't Let Me Keep You
Walk With The Devil
She's On Drugs
Rain (with a bit of Purple Rain in the beginning) Girlfriend
Old Snakey
The Long Night Starts

Encore 1-
Take the Skinheads Bowling

Encore 2-

Wow, it seemed to go by so quickly, but that's a good bit of songs... thanks to everyone who got this tour together!

-Ken Received on Mon Sep 27 15:33:38 1999