The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Etc | Mailing List
The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

[JBC] Please read (was: A request for information!)

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Mon 20 Sep 1999 - 19:11:14 PDT

let's make this easy for everyone.

everyone - if you wish to get in touch with darren and his JBC CD duplication service, please respond to him at his angelfire address - please refrain from such discussions on the jbc mailing list. just be aware that darren's actions are not sanctioned by the JBC.

after a few heated emailings, i decided to remove darren from the mailing list. (the first such removal in the decade this list has been running!) he continues to act rather, um, feisty. this is not the correct forum for such behavior, and nothing is stopping the darrens of the world from starting their own parallel e-universii.

to avoid such confusion in the future, i am updating the JBC mailing list charter (such as it is) to state our position on trading of recordings. these are not arbitrary decisions - these are the stated desires of Pat Fish.

please contact me for removal from the mailing list if you do not agree with the following changes to the mailing list charter:

|                                                                    |
| What Is Permissible:                                               |
| most anything pertinent to the jazz butcher and related/spin-off   |
| projects has been discussed here: the black eg, pat fish, david j, |
| max eider, richard formby, creation records, tours, live bootlegs. |
|                                                                    |
| What Is Not Permissible:                                           |
| as it impinges upon the artist's ability to earn a livelihood -    |
| but mainly because the artist requests that you do not do so -     |
| we do not encourage the copying and redistribution of digital      |
| copies of Jazz Butcher releases.  basically, don't be an idiot.    |
|                                                                    |

sorry to have wasted bandwidth with this, but it needed to be done.

> Dear David and Gang,
> I demand to know what has been happening on the board since I was thrown off last week!
> Did David get his braces off?
> Who won the "Holier Than Thou" contest?
> It's been hard getting in touch with everyone, seeing that I've been in Honolulu the past week (those monies from those "illegal" pressings of Jazz Butcher titles really do add up!), but I do miss you all (especially David).
> So don't forget to visit the site (with new "bonus"
> commentary from David himself), and all that stuff.
> Let's work to get me jailed!
> Darren
> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

-david (

700w st c m dj ct v c m nc nv n nt c m htdb rg m r c rcl n c rg s d sw p c m s m s n c c m xp ll n8 c m mustn't offend Received on Mon Sep 20 19:11 PDT 1999