The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Re: Live tapes, new studio work, and rare "Glass" pre-Jazz Butcherrecordings

From: David Zembower <>
Date: Thu 16 Sep 1999 - 10:49:36 PDT

Youch, this is getting heated!

As I understand it, the material being put on the website was authorized by Pat. And therein lies the difference.

Though I intially supported the "trading site" concept, I am disturbed by the requirement to pay. No money is being solicited, that's true, but you are requiring payment in the form of blank CDRs, which represent a monetary cost to me. This does not constitute a "trade", but a profit in your favor, and therefore represents piracy of copyrighted material.

The only reason I even *know* older JBC material is that some kind listmembers, five years ago, made tapes of early Glass-era recordings for me. *None* of them ever asked for compensation, other than return postage paid and a blank tape to replace the one they sent me. They did not earn a penny, no matter how you slice it. Was this a violation of copyright law? I have no idea. However, I am comfortable with the transaction, because someone other than the artist was not profiting.

There seem to be a lot of conflicting points to this issue, contradictions even. Everyone should just do what they are comfortable with, stop antagonizing others about their positions, and suffer any consequences that may result.


At 10:45 AM 09/16/1999 EDT, you wrote:
>Dear board,
>I've heard a lot of talk regarding the trading of "live" tapes of recent
>shows, as well as "new" songs recorded in a studio in San Francisco, plus
>some pre-1983 recordings by Pat on Glass. Now, you know, that Pat does not
>get any money from these trades. These trades are bad....BAD! We must
>what the artist's wishes are, and any attempts to trade this music are
>against Pat's wishes! How could you! I will personally give a thumbs down to
>these proceedings and will sent letters to the RIAA making sure all these
>operations are stopped legally! You people will get what you have coming to
>you, and if you go to jail, it is your own fault!
>Oh, by the way, my trading site is up and running. Want "Jazz Butcher" OOP
>titles on CD? Ooooops! I guess I did a boo-boo! I wonder how I can join the
>club which allows the trading of "illegal" material and make it okay. What's
>the secret hand-shake?
Received on Thu Sep 16 11:15 PDT 1999