The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

utterly despondant

From: Gregor Young <>
Date: Wed 15 Sep 1999 - 20:20:37 PDT

Work cheated me out of a trip to San Fran two years to see the Butcher and it's happened again. I just found out that I won't be able to drive down to the Seattle show tomorrow. Thoroughly gutted. I was going to bring my DV camera and make a little movie that could've been hoisted onto David's web site for all to see. Instead me and my DV will be busy til late on Thurs evening in Vancouver so I hope the rest of the list that's going enjoys it.

It's been about eight or nine years since I've seen the JBC and each time an opportunity goes by like this it feels like it will be the last. Received on Wed Sep 15 19:32 PDT 1999