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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Re: SF Show

From: David Zembower <>
Date: Tue 14 Sep 1999 - 11:42:32 PDT

If there is a tape of the show, that would be ideal!! Aside from the music, obviously, the between-song comments by Pat and Max were certainly highlights of the evening. Especially Pat's comment after they played Max's new song "The Long Night Starts"...

"This will go down as the last song of the 20th century to include the word 'hemorrhage' in the lyrics. Perhaps the only song".

Classic stuff.

At 05:59 PM 09/14/1999 GMT, you wrote:
>OK, I'll bite and ask the one question that's been on everyone's minds, but
>we fear to ask because of the CD-burner thread: is there a tape of the
> (iaa) on 09/14/99 11:08:25 AM
>Fax to:
>Subject: SF Show
>David Zembower wrote:
>>It was also great to meet a few
>>people from the list; at least I can put three faces with names, even
>>though one name is a lurker (you know who you are, can you send me the
>>playlist you recorded?).
>okay, okay. i suppose it's not so fair to continue lurking when i have
>something that people want...
>SF playlist was as follows:


>What's the Matter, Boy?
>Rakin' Up Leaves (Max)
>La Mer
>The Human Jungle
>Just Like Betty Paige
>Baby, It's You (???-a great Max tune, but as i've never found his record,
> not sure of the name...)
>Girls Who Keep Goldfish
>Don't Let Me Keep You (???-an Owen Jones tune, again not positive of the
>Soul Happy Hour
>------------- Intermission -------------
>Jazz Butcher -v- Count Dracula
>Mr. Odd
>She's On Drugs
>Freebird... (Well, okay, they didn't actually play it. but it was strongly
> requested, to which Max said "Don't tempt me...")
>Walk With the Devil
>President Reagan's Birthday Present
>Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present
>The Long Night Starts (a new tune from Max)
>Old Snakey
>Bigfoot Motel
>Zombie Love
>---------------- Encore ----------------
>Who Loves You Now?
>Take the Skinheads Bowling
>and, for the first time i've ever seen, a...
>-------------Second Encore -------------
>all in all, well... not a song on the list i didn't enjoy. (course there's
>not a song that he _didn't_ play that i wouldn't have loved to hear.)
>special thanks to the lovely woman who loaned me her lipstick (so's i could
>continue obsessively jotting down song titles after my pencil broke...)
>glorious time at the show, and at the edinburgh castle after for drinks
>with the band and various list members i met two years ago. (or at least a
>glorious time until the drinks caught up and i crawled home. hope you all
>continued the fun well into dawn.)
>same time next year? or at least make it a semi-annual event, as it's been
>recently. please...?
>ciao. back to lurking...
Received on Tue Sep 14 12:08 PDT 1999