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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Re: [JBC] -v- the tape machine

From: <>
Date: Thu 09 Sep 1999 - 20:11:05 PDT

And what will come out of these sessions?

new material?

And will we ever get to hear it? (I hope)


David Whittemore wrote:
> so i couldn't make it to LA for tonight, so i did the next best
> thing... i booked the JBC for 4 hours in a recording studio
> on monday in san francisco! they just confirmed.
> whooo hooo!
> -david (
> -------------------------------------------------------
> 700w st c m dj ct v c m nc nv n nt c m htdb rg m r
> c rcl n c rg s d sw p c m s m s n c c m xp ll n8 c m
> mustn't offend

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