The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Re: San Fran Get-Together

From: A. Schwickerath <>
Date: Mon 06 Sep 1999 - 10:06:58 PDT

> I will be arriving in San Francisco this Saturday for the JBC show at
> Great American Music Hall. Is there a planned list get-together before
> the show? If not, let's get one planned. Perhaps we could all meet for
> dinner at 5:00, then head over to the show. Anyone interested? The
> list has been awful quiet the past few days.

(just resubscribed to the list after a year or so of being off. hello again, to old an new alike.) it would be fun to get together before the show. i don't know how early i would be able to make it, though, since i have to attend an office picnic with the friend i am staying with that afternoon. still, if you all set something up (perhaps a little closer to showtime), let me know. otherwise, i'll see you all at the show.

tcheuss. - drew Received on Mon Sep 6 10:24 PDT 1999