The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Seattle show

From: Brent Aliverti <>
Date: Thu 02 Sep 1999 - 23:41:56 PDT

Now that September is here, I just have to say I can't wait to see Pat, Max and co. in Seattle on September 16th! I've seen JB twice before in Seattle, both times at The Backstage (now closed, sadly). Both times were great, but I particularly remember the second time when Pat sang covers of "Over the Rainbow" and "Tugboat Captain"...pure magic! I have never seen Pat and Max on stage together, so needless to say, I am really charged for this show! Anyone else on the list going to make the Seattle show?

Regards, Brent Received on Thu Sep 2 23:56 PDT 1999