The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

jazz butcher kfjc radio special

From: Philip Chang <>
Date: Sun 29 Aug 1999 - 10:01:14 PDT

I was listening to KFJC 89.7, a college radio station in Los Altos Hills, CA. They played a promo for a Jazz Butcher special on labor day September 6, 1999 from 2-6pm. The radio station also has an audio feed to the internet. If you're not local to the SF bay area, it looks like you might be able to listen to it too though it sounds much better on my radio than my net connection.

Is anyone on the list involved with the radio special? Is Pat going to make an appearance either by phone or in person?

Philip Received on Sun Aug 29 10:22 PDT 1999