The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

JBC - Mp3 sales and the JBC on the radio.

From: Queso Martin <>
Date: Thu 26 Aug 1999 - 11:55:32 PDT

Someone suggested that an existing e-tailer could work to sell JBC music in MP3. I'll offer. is my site. We're mostly oriented towards local artists, but I'm ready to offer pat a non-exclusive contract to market _ANY_ music he has produced. I'm even willing to get the rights to the old JBC stuff.

And Pat, I'm not being patronizing. You _should_ get money for all the music you've brought us over the years. I'm perfectly willing to forego any personal profits from these sales. My way of contributing.

  If you want to hear JBC, without worrying about copyright violations, go to the above site and listen to 'blackgoat radio'. It's our shoutcast station (AM Stereo quality), so you'll need WinAmp, MacAmp, or any mp3 player that supports streaming. I play a fair amount of classic JBC. And yes, I have my BMI/ASCAP performace licenses. The station is *usually* up 24/7 (barring random errors) and I'll guarantee a two-hour block of JBC material tonight Thursday August 26 at 8PM US Mountain Standard time.

Again. I believe MP3s are the way to conquer the 'black hole' of music companies' back catalogs. And while I've traded both CDR's and MP3s in the past, Pat's word is law. no more for me.


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Bid and sell for free at Received on Thu Aug 26 12:11 PDT 1999