The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Etc | Mailing List
The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

(no subject)

From: <>
Date: Sat 21 Aug 1999 - 14:36:35 PDT

Hey..........i'm Russssssssell Bowie (no relation to you know who. as a matter of fact he steels his sir name from me!!!!!!!)

I wanted to be on your guyes mailing list. oh... and i still do. Yes!


Yea man I dig your groovy tunes. I have your Distressed gentlfolk on vynal. Sex and travel pro mo vynal. bloody nonsense and fishcotheque ya you guessd it on vynal.     

                    scott walker                 Jesus what was that!         
Received on Sat Aug 21 14:54 PDT 1999