The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999


From: SpookyFish <>
Date: Sun 15 Aug 1999 - 15:52:11 PDT

I'm Curious if anyone knows whether the Troubador sells tickets via phone/mail order? As i don't want to deal with the filth that is ticketmaster and their ridiculous $6 worth of fees that they tack on to tickets if i don't have to.

Also, this tour is in the bag, right? Pat and Max and Jones, do indeed, have their work visas and this isn't a case of getting over eager before all is cinched up? Just want to know before i make travel arrangements and put down deposits.


" Doubt is not a pleasant state of mind, but certainty is absurd"

Received on Sun Aug 15 16:08 PDT 1999