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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1999

Hamburg show, Feb. 26

From: Nora K Horsfall <>
Date: Wed 03 Mar 1999 - 13:05:07 PST

I just thought you all might like to know what you missed -- hee hee! I was at the show in Hamburg last Friday and I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I enjoyed it even more than the one on San Francisco in 1997 (which was also great) -- it was a much(!) smaller venue and, as my husband put it, "the songs which really needed more than two people had more than two people." In addition to Pat & Max, Owen Jones played on quite a lot of songs (accordion, drum, triangle, etc), another Pat played harmonica on several songs, and a guy whose name I didn't catch played guitar on one song, as did Curtis Johnson, who also opened with a rather enjoyable set.

The songs they played (and there were a lot of them) were:

What's The Matter, Boy?
Raking Up Leaves
Soul Happy Hour ("I want to go to the Getrankemarkt-store...and fill up my Executaire")
It Has To Be You
Just Like Betty Page
Girls Who Keep Goldfish
A Max song I didn't recognize -- the lyric "waiting for you" recurred a lot The New World
Human Jungle
Who Loves You Now
Old Snakey
Go Go Gorilla / Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present "The Long Night Starts" or "The Start Of A Long Night" -- another Max song Bigfoot Motel
Zombie Love

Take The Skinheads Bowling


My Desert

So, I've seen them in three countries now -- where's the next show?

--Nora Received on Wed Mar 3 13:25:29 1999