The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

Ticket Update

From: Knight H. Berman, Jr. <>
Date: Mon 20 Apr 1998 - 20:27:50 PDT

        An employee at the Point tonight was overheard saying, in reference to the May 1 show, "There won't be any tickets left by the night of the show."

        It's a small club, dress for sweat and the all-out guitar arsenal attack! Intimate, perhaps. Memorable, most definitely. Hurry before they're all gone.

        The local bassist & drummer are from a groop called #1 Family Mover. They did some work with Mo Tucker (hence the rumor & possibility of her appearance, but it's a long-shot).

       There appears to be a new feature on the website that gives some insight into the whole affair, some type of JBC Newsletter. A really great feature! Frequent updates would be great! Does that come straight from the sports desk, David?

        Working on a meet-n-greeter as in San Fran. We'll see what happens.

        And thank you, but no. I'm not the one getting hitched.

        ~KBJr Received on Wed Apr 22 18:04:14 1998