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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

FW: The Point

From: Frangooles, Bob <>
Date: Wed 08 Apr 1998 - 13:51:26 PDT

I can't speak for the logistics of the the show at the Point, but to provide some independent confirmation, I spoke with Pat a couple of weeks ago and they will be in that neck of the Americas for sure, with all plans including a public show.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like we will be able to make, but I hope everyone who does has a great time.



p.s. If you want to be bored a little, I put a few pics from our wedding up on the web, including a couple of the boys.

Robert Frangooles
AT&T Wireless Services
Desk: 425-580-6706
Portable: 206-790-1607

>From: Dave Coverly[]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 1998 6:51 AM
>Subject: The Point
>In case anyone's curious, I spoke to a woman at The Point last night, and
>she had heard nothing of a Pat/Max concert, nor could she find anything on
>their advance listing. Does anyone know when this will be formalized
>(Knight)? Also, for out-of-towners, she said tickets aren't generally sold
>in advance, but just night-of, so if this show does happen, plan on getting
>there early, I guess...
Received on Wed Apr 22 18:02:59 1998