The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

To Pat via the Mats and David'll have to read it to understand

From: Gregor Young <>
Date: Sat 21 Mar 1998 - 13:08:56 PST

I just got this from the Replacements mailing list and thought I'd throw it up on this list in the hopes that maybe word gets to Pat. Always had a lot of respect for David J's musical abilities but it's really nice to see someone in his position make the effort that he did.

To contact Adam, email :

>Hey Matt,
>If you could send this e-mail out ASAP, I'd love you forever.
>My 21 year old girlfriend Summer was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer
>and I'm on a mission to have some of her favorite bands call her or visit
>her. Tomorrow night, Slim Dunlap is playing at the Coach House in Santa
>Barbara with Mary Lou Lord (he's also playing tonight in Tempe, AZ at Long
>Wong's). We love Slim. We went to see him play at the Casbah here in San
>Diego awhile back and he charmed the hell out of us, playing country songs
>and just plain being sweet & hilarious. When he was done, we talked to
>him for awhile and went back to our car. In our back seat was a toy we'd
>recently found at our local Pic n' Save, a "cornymonica" (a plastic
>harmonica shaped like an ear of corn). We knew he had to have it and
>we've never so impressed by someone's reaction to a gift like that. He
>LOVED it! He had a friend who was a corn farmer and had a whole house
>full of stuff made of corn and couldn't decide whether he should keep it
>for himself or give it to his corn friend. We wanted to take him home so
>we could listen to him talk all damn night. Anyways, we're leaving for LA
>to see a kidney cancer specialist at UCLA on Sunday but if he called us
>Saturday night or Sunday morning, he'd be able to say hi to Summer and
>it'd give her a big smile. Unfortunately, he's playing in San Diego on
>Sunday night when we'll be in LA or else I'd be setting this up myself
>(and going to see him). If you can get to him somehow and have him call
>collect, I don't care! Drop me a line and I'll give you my home phone
>number. I recently got David J (ex-Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, & Summer's
>favorite, The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy) to call her and sing her a tune
>over the phone when she was in the hospital. Slim's one of the nicest
>folks I've ever met & I know he'd be willing to at least say hello. If
>you e-mail me soon, I can try to call you from my work and let you know
>the scoop.
>Thanks in adavance for your help
Received on Wed Apr 22 18:00:56 1998