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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

Re: Looking for Lot49

From: Kirk Biglione <>
Date: Mon 02 Mar 1998 - 00:14:21 PST

> From: "David Zembower" <>
> Subject: Re: Looking for Lot49

> Thomas Pynchon is a pseudonym, nobody knows who the writer really
> is. About eight or ten years ago I tried to read "Vineland", the
> latest novel by him/her at the time. Awful. I got through about
> 100 pages and had to quit. It simply rambled and went nowhere.

Incorrect on every count. Mr. Pynchon is now living not so happily in Manhattan (dodging CNN news crews).

BTW, Mason and Dixon is brilliant.

Kirk Biglione

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