The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

The Petition Lives

From: Gary McBride <>
Date: Sun 18 Jan 1998 - 17:09:54 PST

Hi All...

In case you'd forgotten with the holidays and all, we are still working to collect names to present to Velvel to compel them to release the four Glass-era Jazz Butcher titles they have rights to. (Velvel is also responsible for the Pastels re-release that's been discussed here lately.) We recently topped 200 names on the petition, which I'd considered the minimum to present to the record company as a "show of strength", so thank you to all who've signed up.

Any thoughts on whether to present now, or go for 300? We seem to be losing momentum and it could be tough to get that many, but I'd like to know your thoughts and/or encourage you to visit and sign if you have not yet.
AOL users visit:

Also, any listies in the NYC area interested in personally taking the list by the Velvel offices? I was planning to just FedEx them with a follow-up call, but an actual person should be harder to ignore or misplace. Let me know...

Many of you who signed the petition mentioned a desire for "bonus tracks" on the CDs...I think we all agree that that would be wonderful, but the reality of the situation appears to be we'll be lucky to see the re-release of the titles in their original form (none of the other Velvel reissues seem to have any bonus material, and I'm guessing they don't have access or rights as a sub-licensee). So don't hold your breath for bonus cuts, but who knows?

Your thoughts on all this?
Gary Received on Wed Apr 22 17:54:44 1998