The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998

Re: coming to terms

From: Steven J Hall <>
Date: Fri 16 Jan 1998 - 10:26:33 PST

Gregor Young wrote:
> Withdrawal is kicking in. If they were still around it would be about time
> for another JBC album...

Maybe I've missed something, or maybe I still haven't "come to terms", but just how *broken up* are the JBC? It seems to me the JBC has always been a collection of musicians playing a certain style of Pat's songs. I always assumed these songs fit his standard way of writing, and the other projects (including Sumosonic) were put together intentionally using a different style. He has recently played quite a few shows under the name The Jazz Butcher, so he's not turning his back on all the stuff he's done. Has Pat said there is NO WAY he will ever put a band together using the JBC name which will carry on their musical style, and has he been so adament that we should all believe he will share this opinion in five years? Wasn't a reunion with Max also out of the question?

I may be showing my ignorance - I haven't seen anything about the breakup other than the website's proclamation the the JBC has split. I'd love to hear other comments so I can gauge how much to expect future releases.

Steven J Hall
Metairie LA

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 14:32:49
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: jazz butcher

quoth del Amitri:

>jazz butcher: _big planet scarey planet_ genius genicd008
> my fave is opting for the way of jonathan richman, it seems.
> doing the same ole thang.

'Course, Butch always did have a thing for Jonathan (remember the cover of Roadrunner)...yeah, both of them have failed to fully live up to their potential lately, but I think this album has its strong points.

> his previous release _fiscotheque_ showed promise & growth which
> _big planet_ fails to continue. back is the john rivers production
> and reverb which looses mr fishes witty lyrics in the mix.
> some good tunz, but no gems as in his previous few lackluster albums.
> (well mebbe _bad dream lover_)

Mr. Rivers may be sort of a one trick pony, but he was responsible for the masterpiece "A Scandal In Bohemia"...BPSP is a bit of a disappointment after Fishcotheque, but then that was so welcome partly because it followed the wretched Distressed Gentlefolk. I think "Bicycle Kid" and "Line of Death" may qualify as gems, but only continued listening will tell.

  • Stewart

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 89 01:18:30 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: jazz butcher

just off of a three-day tour with the butcher (chicago, madison, milwaukee), i have some excellent bootleg material, and a 1.5 hour taped interview which i might be willing to provide copies to interested parties.

the band is heading west and into canada right now. go see them if you have the chance.
buy his new record, buy him a drink.
you will not be disappointed.



Date: Thu, 23 Nov 89 13:37:13 EST
From: Gary Smith <> Subject: Re: jazz butcher

I missed my chance to see the Butcher in Toronto a few weeks back and I am really kicking myself.


Date: Fri, 24 Nov 89 16:25:17 EST
From: (The lights are out and no one's home.) Mitch@UMass Subject: Yow!!

You toured with Butch? Tell me all about it! I haven't heard of him coming out the Boston way yet, but I'll keep my eyes peeled! Oh, btw, I finally found 'Scarey Planet' on disc in Boston, and the more I listen to it, the more I think it's his best work in years! It's CERTAINLY better than 'Fishcoteque', (which I think sucks, actually), and is better than 'Distressed Gentlefolk', I think.

Anyway, if you got bootleg material, you bet your ass I'd like a copy! Send me an address and I'll send you a couple of 100 minute tapes. That interview must be a scream...

Date:     Sun, 26 Nov 89 19:46:49 EST

From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: jazz butcher

Hi Del,

I'd love to get any rare and unusual Jazz Butcher things you have. In exchange, I can offer 75 minutes of an almost-excellent audience recording from a small club in Cambridge (Jonathan Swifts') from 1986 (I didn't record it, but got it from the person who did). Tell me what I need to do to get your goodies. (Other boots I have include Legendary Pink Dots, Echo and the Bunnymen, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Sugarcubes, Cocteau Twins, and dozens and dozens of Cure boots -- if you're interested in any of those, perhaps we could do an even tape trade....)

I went to the concert here in Boston on the 8th, and it was really a great show. Only about 200 people showed up, since the Buzzcocks were playing the same night. I managed to get a play list again this year, and we were right in front of Patrick, but our only "conversation" consisted of yelling things at him and once in awhile he'd respond.

I'm babbling, so I better go.

Thanks for offering your tapes!


Date: Sun, 26 Nov 89 19:54:17 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: jazz butcher

Hi again,

I've been gone for five days, and I'm plowing through my e-mail one message at a time (100 new messages), and the letter I just sent you was a response to your nm-list posting! Thanks for remembering to e-mail me personally! I guess there aren't that many JBC fans on the net....

My sister just got back from Germany a week ago, and while she was there, she managed to pick up a copy of the JB "Live in Hamburg" album for me. I'm anxiously awaiting that! (I gave my sister a special request for this album, and when she got back, she said, "Um, those bands you wanted the CDs for aren't very popular in Germany, so I couldn't get the CDs. But, I did get you the albums. I hate to tell you this, but the Jazz Butcher was filed under the 'Pop' section...." I guess she thought I'd be ashamed of liking something considered "pop".)

Babbling again,

(must be the tea and cognac I had to combat this sore throat....)

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 89 12:02:56 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: jazz butcher

yeah during the interview on tape,
pat says that he is "liked eveywhere but in england". strange, huh? he also says of _hamburg_ album "shows that a great night live isnt necessarily a great album". i tend to agree. aside from my faves _only a rumour_ and _girlfriend_ the rest just dont come off that well on vinyl.


weird things and were wandering around

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 89 17:03:45 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: trading

my boots are pretty good, i guess, based upon you descriptions; i was right on the stage, holding my recorder over the butchers monitor (under his nose) so that the vocals come out extra good. the chicago show recorded especially well. ex++

he played _the devil is my friend_ at all 3 shows, as well as at least 3 new tunes: _mr odd_ (GREAT!), _moscow drug club_ and something he dedicated to mr bill wyman (manager for tear drop explodes).


Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 13:35:48 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: trading

a clarification:
i have the spooky cd, which has the canadian studio material.

in fact, in talking with th butcher before the madison (2nd) show, i was showing pat the cd, and they were freaking "ah, weve never seen the cd of this" and he asked me if i wanted to hear them do anything off of it well i am thinking to myself "he just saying that", but i request _girl-go_ and they played it not only that night, but the next too!
so, it is on the tapes due to an effort of mine. coooool


Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 13:42:09
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: jazz butcher

So, you met the Butcher? Always seemed like a fine fellow to me. I met him when the Conspiracy played an acoustic set at Reckless Records in San Francisco. Asked him to sign my copy of "Hamburg" (that I'd just bought) while mentioning that I'd had lots of trouble finding that album. He wrote "Stewart -- this is a bootleg" on it, then grinned as I read it and said with pride, "we spent three days mixing this to make it sound like a boot." I joked with Felix about being mistaken for a more famous bass player, and he obligingly signed the album "David J". Fine bunch o' guys, too bad they didn't stay together longer.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Butch again, it's been a few years since last time.

  • Stewart

Date: Tue, 12 Dec 89 15:24:15 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: tapes

i am planning on seeing the JBC in new orleans on the 18th and staying with a friend who goes to school there.

well, it seems that this friend of mine has a hand in at the radio station which is sponsoring the JBC there. he in essence, talked the station manager into allowing *me* a three hour time slot with mr fish the day before the show.

this outta the blue. watta way to start the day, huh?

so... have any questions that i can pass on to the man. i would be more than happy to fence your questions. maybe i will even have a coupa a drinks with the butcher to your name :-)

i really wish that i had a video outfit; my pixel video camera really isnt the most versitile, and i would just love to document this upcoming trip.

god! what a month.
and i still am not sick of this band.


Date: Wed, 13 Dec 89 13:49:23 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: tapes

Hi del,

We're trying to come up with a bunch of questions for you to ask Mr. Fish. If nothing else, you have to ask him why he's so anemic....

Tell him that thanks to me, "Bicycle Kid" gets played a lot at the Boston College radio station. (I kept requesting it before they got the album, then two DJs that I talk to a lot started playing it when the album came in, and other DJs started following their lead.)

Of course you're going to tape this! I'll send you a couple more tapes to get copies, *please*please*please*

Anyway, you'll hear from me before Friday!


Date: Fri, 15 Dec 89 21:41:39 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: tapes

oh yeah!

Questions. Hmmm.

  • If living in England leads to anemia, to what does living in America lead? If Mr. Fish doesn't know, perhaps you should ask the bass player...
  • Is it true you're the Captain and Tenille in cognito? When will you start playing "Muskrat Love" again?
  • How are the cats?
  • Do you base your songs on personal experience, or on things you see/hear/read about? (Both, most likely - a stupid question.)
  • Is it true that the band is just a corporate tool, and has been bought out by Red Stripe and so JBC stands for Jamacian Beer Conglomerate?
  • How do you explain that you are more popular in Canada than the US or England?
  • If you happen to hit the American mainstream tastes, do you see yourself playing at large venues? (I don't see that you can make this leap without transforming the band into something it isn't, and shouldn't be.)
  • What's the real story behind you and Max not playing together anymore?
  • Why haven't you been playing "The Word I Was Looking For" live?
  • What people have been your biggest influence musically?
  • What sort of music do you listen to?
  • What's your favorite movie?
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  • What sort of reading do you do? Informational? Pleasure?
  • Who are some of your favorite authors?

That's about all the silliness we can come up with right now. I hope you have a great time! Buy Patrick and the rest of the band a beer for us, and tell him we're the two obnoxious people right in front of him in Boston, requesting old songs and holwing to add atmosphere to Zombie Love.

I'm looking forward to getting the tapes!

Talk to you next week,
nancy (& craig)

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 89 23:58:53 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: tapes!

Hi del!

Your tapes arrived earlier this week. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

They're wonderful, especially the interview tape. Sorry the questions we sent to you were so silly, but it was all we could come up with on the spur of the moment. Are you the person asking the questions (I've been assuming it is you)? I'm from Minnesota originally too -- where are you from? I lived in Wadena, New Brighton, North Oaks, Mendota Heights, St. Paul, Roseville, and Minneapolis. My dad lives outside Hudson WI these days, and my big brother lives in Maple Grove, so I get back there once in awhile. It would be great seeing the JBC at Seventh Street Entry. Then again, TT the Bears Place is about the same size...

I laughed out loud repeatedly while listening to the interview, as is my boyfriend (I'm playing the tapes for him right now). Patrick's such a good and engaging story-teller. It must have been fun!

How was the trip to Louisiana? Did you tape anything? Can I get copies? Please?

Talk to you later,

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 89 15:46:04 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: trading

i dont remember if you are the person who used to have the .signiture which attributed the sampled chicken ad at the beginning of _the best way_ to ronald reagan... but i think that it was.

i asked pat about where ever he dug up the reagan tapes and he told me that it *wasnt* reagan. seems that a friend of his supplies him with absurd tapes for use in songs, and the reagan sound-alike is actually just some radio personality from california... pat couldnt remember his name though.

.... to clear up the confusion...
(as if it really mattered)

looking forward to the second decade of th e butcher: -del
"jesus loves the spacemen 3. jesus, i love you" - pat fish

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 1990 15:53:16
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: fish stories

Wow! Some wild adventures with the JBC you've been having...I've been appreciating your tapes greatly; they did a number of songs in Chicago that they didn't do when I saw them (they didn't do "Devil is my Friend", for instance, but then they didn't have any idiots shouting for it through the whole damn show). I'd never heard "Moscow Drug Club" or "The Biggest, Loudest, Heaviest Band of All" (or whatever it's called). They did do "King of Joy", to the great pleasure of the three or four of us who recognized it. Alas, we didn't get the TV Personalities cover either, pretty cool stuff...I have to get me some TVP someday soon. By the by, have you heard the Perfect Disaster record that Pat talks about on the interview?

Anyway, back to the tapes. Cool covers. Is that you who says that you don't have "Hamburg"? If so, I might have something to tape for you after all...last week I met a songwriter/guitarist who's looking to form a band; I'd called him up after seeing him claim Jonathan Richman and Ludwig Wittgenstein as influences. Turns out he's also a Jazz Butcher fan, and we banged out some of Butch's three-chorders on his acoustic guitar over a few beers. Looks like it's going to work out well...if only we can find a similarly-minded drummer...anyway, this guy had been "out of touch" for a few years and had totally missed "Distressed Gentlefolk" and "Fishcoteque", but did have a copy of "Hamburg", which was only about the third copy of the sucker that I've ever seen (the other one, besides mine, belonging to the radio station at my alma stepmater, UC San Diego, which was there because the music director at the time was a huge JBC fan. She, too, testified that Pat and his cats were all real swell guys, so you are not alone in your estimation!).

Enough rambling for now...

  • Stewart

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 1990 15:59:02
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: fish stories

It's very sad to hear about Kizzy's condition. I didn't even realize that that wasn't him playing on tour until I heard your interview. Is he suffering from some kind of cancer? I couldn't quite piece it together from the comments on the tape.

  • Stewart

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1990 13:58:29 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: fish stories

actually, the guy who starts out the interview is a guy whom i met at the madison, wisconsin show, and it is he who doesnt have the _hamburg_ album. i am the guy who keeps cutting in on the second side of the tape with sometimes stupid comments. but... i did have pat stumped with my david j _the partys over_ observation. if you are wondering what i am refering to, pick up david j's solo release titled _on glass_. pat and he have a wonderful drunken duet at the end of that album.
yeah, pat gave me his copy of the perfect disasters latest release which is pretty good. kinda has that droaning creation records sound to it ala nikki sudden or the spacemen 3, but it finds it groove. i would pay to see them if they ever come over.

well, the JBC should begin recording soon. lets hope that more magic occurs and that they tour again *real* soon!


"the world really is quite big" - cornelius trout

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1990 14:01:56 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: fish stories

yeah, about two months ago, kizzy was hanging out with martin (the soundman & producer of the upcoming album) and harry (the tambourine guy) at harry and laurences when kizzy went into a pretty serious epileptic fit. the next day, he had a large portion of his brain and tumor removed. hopefully he will be well enough for a final studio session, but the guys were doubtful. i would expect alot of death & angst in the next album, unfortunately fueled by kizzys illness.

so thats what i know.


Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1990 15:37:34
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: fish stories

Yes, I thought that was a pretty interesting observation about "The Party's Over". Interesting response from Mr. Fish, too. I do have "On Glass", but overall I don't think it's nearly as good as "Crocodile Tears". Good to hear that David is going to be doing another solo project! Which reminds me, some of Pat's comments might bear wider circulation -- in particular, I was thinking that the info about Love & Rockets might be of interest to the folks on Do you get/post news? If so, you might want to pass on the L&R hiatus and the Butcher's comment about the Bauhaus breakup and L&R's formation.

Personally, I've never cared much for L&R, although I quite like some of Bauhaus's stuff.

Anyway, I thought you asked some pretty interesting questions; definitely stuff more of interest to a fan than a casual radio listener, but that's okay by me since I'm a fan!

  • Stewart

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1990 14:39:31 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: fish stories

actually, i dont have ready access to r.m.m, but if you want to trascibe anything, go ahead. BUT! you might slander pat by posting some things which he admittedly says is "only a rumour".
i just hope that his wife never hears it!

hmmm. i never really liked the bauhaus & associated bands. i also rather like _crocodile tears_, but i like the on glass version of the song _crocidile tears_ as the lyrics change person and seem to be more reflective & intersting. anyway.


Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1990 14:13:27
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: fish stories

Your latest mail arrived as I was listening to "Big Planet Scary Planet" here in my office. Coincidence? I think not.

I may post some of the comments about L&R, but if so I won't attribute them.

Maybe you can clear up something for me. Laurence played on the album, and is touring with the JBC. The guitarist on tour is subbing for Kizzy. Is the current touring drummer the same one that plays on the album?

  • Stewart

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1990 14:08:31 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: fish stories

Mulreany played live... yet another super nice guy. a trade would be nice. the erikson would be a great addition to the collection.

for a *great* live JBC tape, from 1986 (ya know, when Max was still around), ( she sent me a copy
and it is fabulous! entirely different set of songs and band members. from just before the release of distressed gentlefolk.

umm. i probably have a single tapes worth of the band goofing off and playing acoustically. you could either wait until i get soundboard recordings from martin for more live stuff, or i could copy a less than perfect radio broadcast from new orleans (my recorder kept drifting slightly off station, oops). the atlanta recording is ok, but not as good as side 2 of chicago...

thats all the butcher info for to-day.


Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1990 16:20:57 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: tapes!

Hi del!

Thanks for sending the question sheets ahead of the videotape! I'm really looking forward to reading what he had to say. Craig and I were shocked and appalled and embarrassed (sort of) that he actually saw our silly questions, but hopefully he understood that we're just silly people. Did you explain to him that the questions were from two people who are merely electronic entities that can make tapes?

Your trip down to New Orleans/Atlanta sounds great. I'm quite envious of you. When you get tapes of everything, what can I do to persaude you to make copies of them for me? You can have my firstborn child! And my secondborn too! Hell, if I ever have any kids, you can have all of them! (Then again, I may change my mind, and I may actually decide that I *want* children some day...)

Talk to you later,

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1990 14:17:44 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, mason jones address

(responding to the jazz butcher was slagging off of skinny puppy in the song _sex engine_ which is available on the canadian import cd of _spooky_ (1988). in that song (and live), the butcher throws out preposterous persons or things and then calls them a "sex engine" as a way of ridiculing said persons. he also names brian mulrouney (spelling? the canadian prime minister), members of the band, daffy duck, etc. stupid. but you get the idea. so there really is no "skinny puppy" link, other than he probably had heard enough skinny puppy shtick and wanted to whap them.

"they give you the sex engine 'til you dont want any more" - pat fish

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1990 11:40:19
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

Hey, what's this about "Spooky"? Is this a JB project that I don't know about? The only version of "Sex Engine" I've heard is the one on "Bath of Bacon"...please, tell me more!

  • Stewart

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1990 15:35:27 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

i found a neat-o CD of canadian origin which has same songs that the 12" of _spooky_ has.... and more! (in fact, i am listening to it now... strange coincidence, eh) the extra tracks are studio recordings from the summer of 1988 in toronto and are titled:

_whitfield, sarah & the birchfield road affair_,
_sex engine_ (golly is this one hot!)
_girl-go_ (he played this one during the tour. i like it alot)
_grey flannelette_ (another hot one)

for reference, the specs for the CD are: creation/mercury 8721832 1988

i suppose youd like a copy? its worth it!

happy butchery

"skinny puppy... sex engine!"

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1990 16:26:30
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

Sounds pretty cool, but how did Pat manage to put out a record without me finding out about it? I've never even heard of "Spooky" until just now. I gather it's a post-Fishcoteque release? Hope I can still find the sucker somewhere...

Thanks for the info,

  • Stewart

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1990 22:10:10 -0500
From: (del Amitri) Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

well, the record was really just the 12" of _spooky_ which had as the flipside an extended version of _the best way_, so it was about this time last year that the single was released.

the CD is identical to the vinyl, except the songs which i listed before were tacked on the end. the fold-out sleeve of the CD has loads of butcher written tidbits, which i can xerox and send along. yeah, i thought that i had the only copy in existence, in fact, when i showed it to the band in madison, wisconsin, they all gawked and said "gee, we havent seen the CD of this before". BUT, the coupla people from that show who i talked with all had that CD and said that it was readily available. but then again, they are closer to canada...

i think that it is also available with the studio stuff as a cassette.

dont we all just know people who are bicycle kids?


Date: 10 Jan 1990 12:11:26 PST
From: drew@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM
Subject: (no subject)

     I'm sorry to say I missed them when they were down here. No one that good and obscure seems to make it down to San Diego. You have to drive to Los Angeles.

     I've been into the Jazz Butcher for about four years but I think I am missing alot of their albums. There are many cd's in the import sections of my favorite record stores but most are on odd little labels and they seem to have many of the same songs. Most of these cd's go for around $25 so it is hard to make a decision on what to purchase. Here is a list of the cd's/albums that I currently have ranked in order of most favorite to least favorite (although I like them all):

  1. Scandal in Bohemia/Sex and Travel (double cd) This is the cd that first got me interested in them. I like every song and they sound better every time I listen to them.
  2. Distressed Gentlefolk
  3. Fishcotheque (sp)
  4. Big Planet Scary Planet
     I also have a great single called _Rebecca_Wants_Her_Bike_Back_ 
from a Big Time compilation cd called _The_Big_Time_Syndrome_.

     Any bootlegs that you have would be greatly appreciated. I can send you blank cassettes or whatever is convenient for you. I am looking to hearing back from you.

  • Drew

Caroline Wheeler's birthday present was made entirely from the skins of Dead Jim Morrisons ... that's why it smelled soo bad

  • Jazz Butcher

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1990 19:33:11
From: sco!stewarte@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, maso

Well, I just talked to my friendly neighborhood CD dealer and he found "Spooky" in one of his distributor's catalogs, so hopefully it's winging its way to me even as we speak...thanks for enlightening me! I don't know how I managed to miss that single entirely.

  • Stewart

Date: Fri, 20 Apr 1990 16:08:27 -0200
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <vmars!> Subject: (no subject)

Hi David!

Full of beer, tired, excited, *with* a C90 bursting full of music. JBC at Vienna. I was there over an hour early. When I came in, some guys who looked like they were members of the band sat at a table. Nevertheless I walked around trying to find the entrance to the dressing room. Suddenly I spotted Pat --- coming right out of the 'Restroom'.
Ohmygodwhatdoisayhowabout: "Greetings from David Whittemore, Indiana, USA"

Well, this worked. We went to the dressing room and I got introduced to the band and to Martin. They then went to get some food and I joined them. I talked with Pat quite a lot, telling about how I came to know you ("So you know David. Did you meet his girlfriend, Jenny? "), about the political situation in the UK, about the new songs they were about to play. There's only three or four of them, according to Pat, as most of the new songs have not yet been rehearsed for live performance. About coming to the US: Sometime in summer, they don't know when exactly, because Richard is busy producing a band and their schedule has gone haywire. Next JBC appearance in Austria will be in June in Salzburg at a festival. This is on a saturday, maybe I'll go there. If I do I'll ask them again about US plans.

I did not tape what we talked, as I thought (and still think) that the man should simply have the chance to talk without having to think twice about every word. He was writing the playlists while we talked and I asked him about some of the songs. He even told me when to flip the tape over!

He then went to the dressing room and invited me to join them after the show.
I was left to talk with Richard and Alex. Richard shaved his beard off. I did not recognize him. God, on your pictures he looks like 30+, now he looks like 25-. Yeayea, we got a gig with a saxophone player. He was *great*. In many songs he took the parts once played on the guitar by Max.

Just before the show was to begin my girlfriend Julia showed up. I had not expected to see her, and was very surprised. She has got some serious exams next week and was not really up to painting the town red. Pity.

I, however, enjoyed the show *a lot*.
He did some of the announcements in german, he played "Partytime" (Max replaced by Sax), some coverversions ("Take the Skinheads Bowling" and "Parttime Punx" (?) by Television Personalities), and "Mind Like a Playgroup" with the following instruments: Plastic Sax, Plastic Trumpet, Guitar, Empty Orange Juice Bottle, Fire Extinguisher.

After the show we got a taxi for Julia and I rushed back to the club and went to the dressing room. There came the bad news: They had played Linz the day before and would play in Stuttgart (Germany) the day after (Friday). The bottom line was that they had accomodation in Linz (2 hours drive from Vienna) and had to rush off soon after the show. But they were there for about an hour in which we talked a lot. He mentioned Kizzy's illness to a girl and I therefore dared to ask about Kizzy's condition. He said that he was doing good, but still needed lots of medication and therefore could not go on tour. Also he'd get cramps in the left arm from time to time and therefore could not play the guitar.

I then talked a lot to Martin while Pat was concentrating on the female part of the dressing room's population. The bastard *can* speak german. At least when he's talking to a girl :-) Anyway Martin and I talked a lot about Chicago and exchanged addresses. He promised to write and I sure will too.

Well, that's it for today. A copy of the tape will be on its way soon, as well as a copy of my TMBG-tape. No, I don't promise a specific date. I'll try to do it as soon as possible, though. Friday, 1:15am. My brain still thinks it is Thursday, 7:15pm. I feel Mad Like A Clockwork Orange [:-)]. Good night.


P.S.: *SHIT* I just finished listening to the tape. It was too short. It's over in the middle of "Mind Like a Playgroup". Me stupid just looked from time to time whether the *play* button was still in. What I forgot: The FUCKING recorder has auto-reverse. And after the tape was over he'd stop recording and re-played the other side of the tape. To which no-one was listening at that time. Homework for tomorrow: Write down the sentence

    "I shall look for the record button, not for the play button"     100 times. And I *had* another blank tape right there in my pocket.     Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit.     Oh well, better that 90+ minutes of austrian radio playing -- what     was the term you used -- ah, "pop shit music". Scotch tape is your friend.     Good night! (I mean it this time!)

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 1990 22:22:56 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: jazz butcher

ah, the ratskeller show... that was the show where all the short people were dancing around during the warm-up act. i was busy getting slammed against the stage when the crowd started swinging from the ceiling! fun fun fun.

the woodentops..
rolo (now of the woodentops) played on that album, he is also ridiculed in an obscure JBC tune _christmas with the pigmies_. something about rolo (and the woodentops in general) being "the shortest pop group in the world". pat is a smartass.


Date: Mon, 30 Apr 1990 09:40:58 -0200
From: honey!miles!
Subject: (no subject)

JazzButcherTape on the way to the airport. ( Have I been playing with X-windows too much :-) )

Sooo... to give you something to do till it arrives: Here is the playlist, interspersed with german announcements, english translations to the right.

JB -v- PM

	"Dieses naechste Lied heisst 	"This next song is called 
	 Big Bad Thing"			Big Bad Thing"

        "Danke schoen" "Thank you"
	"Danke schoen. Dieses Lied 	"Thank you. This song talks about
	 spricht ueber das Leben in 	life in England today. Well ...
	 England heute. 		not "today", 'cause I'm here"
	 Well ... not "heute", 
	 'cause I'm here"

	"Dieses Lied spricht auch 	"This song also talks about someone
 	 ueber jemanden tot.		who is dead. 
	 Aber es ist nicht das..."	But it's not ..."
LOT 49
	"Mr. Odd war Nachbar von 	"Mr. Odd was a neighbour of
	 Lawrence, aber schon jetzt	Lawrence, but he also is
	 ist er auch tot. 		already dead.
	 Too much death going on here.	Too much death going on here.
	 Not only death, but also 	Not only death, but also
	 moralistische Gefahr."		moralistic danger."
	(someone in the audience 
	 "It's out of tune")
	"Du hast ganz recht.		"You are completely right"
	 And you speak english.
	 So do I."

MIND LIKE A PLAYGROUP Well, that's that. Enjoy ninety minutes of a ninety-three minute concert.


Date: Tue, 12 Jun 1990 15:40:58 CDT
Subject: Jazz Butcher

I got the tapes you sent late last week, and just finished listening to them last night (no, not continuously...). They are fantastic. I really enjoyed the interviews, he definitely sounds like the person I expected, someone who would be a blast to drink with.


Date: Wed, 20 Jun 1990 13:18:35 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: (no subject)

oh latest butcher news:
i saw the blue aeroplanes monday night and talked with gerard (the lead guy) and alex (one of the guitarists).
like pat said in the interview, gerard is kinda like "*we're* on a major label". alex, however told me that kizzy is getting worse, although he did play on half the new album. alex confirmed that the new album is the best yet, and he didnt know the release date yet.
also, the perfect disasters bass player (josephine wiggs) has quit the band. SHIT! and i never got to see them.


Date: Sun, 24 Jun 1990 15:43:04 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: (no subject)

Jazz Butcher NEWS:
i, uh, yesterday picked up the new JBC single!!

_girl-go_ (it seems that the single version is closer to their live

        rendering; longer that the _spooky_ CD version. the b-side includes:
_excellent!_, which is a 3 minute rap of things which the group

	deem "excellent".  fun fun.  lots of inside jokes: the names of
	their plastic animals, etc..

_burglar of love_ (live) and
_girl-go_ (from the LA radio interview tape)

also, last weekend, i saw the _blue aeroplanes_ and talked with gerard and alex. both said that kizzy (JBC guitarist) isnt getting any healthier and that the new album is the best JBC ever. they also mentioned that the bass player for _perfect disaster_ has quit the group. bah.

thats it for now..

"these are the things we need a case of. excellent!" - JBC

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 1990 17:21:11 EDT
From: Subject: Info about Jazz Butcher

 I'd like more information about Jazz Butcher..

I first heard of them when I saw their name in the credits of the show "The Onion World" on the Comedy Channel, I'm assuming they did the title song for the show. What is the name of their new album? How many members do they have? What does "JBC" stand for?


Date: Wed, 27 Jun 1990 10:15:17 MET DST
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <vmars!> Subject: Deutschstunde

Na gut, ich habe mir gestern `Grooving in the Bus Lane' angeh"ort. Die letzten Zeilen sind tats"achlich Deutsch:

`So spare Nerven, spar Verdruss,
 fahr mit uns in deinem Bus'

Was das heisst?

`So save your nerves, avoid the bother,
 go with us on your bus'

Obviously a kind of commercial of some public transit authority in some german city. Nice thing is `.. go on *your* bus' as public transit is ... well ... public.

At first I thought this was english, and yup, Farmer Jones is not too far away (phonetically, that is).

In the samve vein: On The Hotel Lobby Tape (ya know, PaleBlueEyes etc.) he sings `May I' and afterwards explains about Kevin Ayers and the line `mal a queue'. After that there is Yet Another German Butcher Snippet (tm):

`Kein Schwanz ist so hart wie das Leben'

Hmmm ... kiddies, stop reading here. This translates to:

`No dick is as hard as life'

This is not his invention, but used to be sprayed or scribbled in lots of public places, along with `Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht', `Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand' etc.

Translations? :-)

`Destroy what destroys you'
`Beneath the pavement there's the seashore'

(Explanation: Paving-stones are a popular weapon in street-fights  against the police.)



Date: Tue, 17 Jul 1990 14:00:51 PDT
From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: Re: new Aztec Camera single: _the crying scene_

the new JBC record is called "The Cult of The Basement". So far i have only seen it in L.A. where i got it 2 weeks ago. It only out on import record and CD. I would suggest buying the record because the cover has this really neat glossy reflection "thing"? anyway, the record itself is quite excellent! the 'basement theme' is an instrumental which opens and run through the record in between songs. the songs are much more personal than on the last two butcher records.


Naggi Asmar

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 1990 17:43:58 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: (no subject)

jazz butcher news:

the domestic release is on rough trade usa RUS832, entitled _cult of the basement_, a direct reference to basement fish: laurence and harry's flat. the liner notes describe the room itself: "improbable combinations of czech beer and jalepenos". pascal legras does the album cover art again. but i open up the inner case and the b&w photo of laurence inside looks *very* familiar. hmmmmmm. photo credit: david whittemore. HEY! thats ME!

last night, the producer martin stebbing (the reverend botus whiteblood fleming) had business in indianapolis, so we met up and talked about the album and things. martin just got a job with a recording studio in chicago and since his girlfriend lives there, it will be interesting to see how much more he will have to do with the JBC. he will be the soundman again on the next tour which is slated to begin in "early to mid september". the band burned out on touring for nearly 6 months straight the last time, so this next US tour will be only 1 month.

the album has the basement theme (odd noise samples) between most of the tunes. a word on some of them:

_shes on drugs_ the most fishcotheque-esqu of all, music-wise.

	pat has been listening to the blue aeroplanes obviously,
	he uses that poetising spoken-word style.
_pineapple tuesday_ the hopeless romantic.  i like how he is incorporating
	the spacemen 3/perfect disaster sort of spacey soaring guitars, but
	laurence and paul provide a very solid base.  they have matured
	*much* on this album.
_my zeppelin_  the oddball song.  country western sendup about owning
	an airship.  the guitar solo is by alex lee, the 19 year old
	guitar player for the blue aeroplanes.  last night martin told
	me that the solo was a ONE take.
_mr odd_  oh yeah.  this should have been the single.  very powerful.
	mr odd lives next door to basement fish.
_after the great euphrates_ as explained on the KCRW interview tape
	(from whence comes the _girl-go_ 12er b-side) gregory euphrates
	is a plastic mallard which hung out on laurences bass amp during
	the tour.  apparently euphrates was kidnapped in california, although
	the band likes to believe that he just slipped away with a she-duck.
_girl-go_ is the single.  this is a longer version than from the canadian
	_spooky_ CD of 1988.  also, pat uses the word "ta" instead of "to"
	in the line "everything she used to do is wrong", which i particularly
	dislike.  _girl-go_ has the chord progression of the perfect disaster
	song _all the stars_ off of _asylum road_.  this makes sense, as
	the bands are friends.  by the way, the perfect disaster split
	up last month; their bass player has gone on to do a 4AD project.
_turtle bait_  i think that this is the one martin meant when he said
	"i really hate one of the tunes".
_sister death_ well, at least the song titles are finally becoming the sort
	of things one would expect from a band named jazz butcher, huh?
	none of this _love kittens_ shit.  actually, this is a down tempo
	song about the hazards of women with the mad eyes and serious
	earrings. hmmm.

other items: martin thain, their tour manager has just been married, martins psycho ex-girlfriend from hell was in possession of his stuff in england while he was over here and she simply sold all of martins things: guitars, stereo, cameras. he could only recover two pairs of jeans.

thats it for now.



Date: Mon, 23 Jul 1990 9:55:38 MET DST
From: vmars! (Alexander Vrchoticky) Subject: Wow!

> but i open up the inner case and the b&w photo of laurence inside looks
> *very* familiar. hmmmmmm. photo credit: david whittemore.
> HEY! thats ME!

Wow! So it's true you're going to be the exclusive photographer for the Rolling Stones next year 8-} Now you're going to be rich and famous :-) That's great. When I get the album I'll show it around `See, he's the man I met in the US. And he still is a normal person.  Stardom didn't change him *a* *bit*'




Date: Mon, 23 Jul 1990 11:44:01 PDT
From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: i'm back

I live in goleta, the most exciting place on earth. it's outside of santa barbara. where the fuck is purdue? my serious condolences if it's in indiana.

the jazz butcher takes on a bigger than life posture in my mind. my girlfriend thinks that he and max are the sexiest men around. They were definitely godlike on the '86 tour.

i've been listening to the new lp quite a bit. i do agree that turtlebait is basically a bad tune. everything else i like a lot. if you have a complete JBC discography could you please send it. i have this thing about lists.

"everything i do want is out of reach"


Date: Tue, 31 Jul 1990 17:28:34 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Jazz Butcher News:1

jazz butcher news:

a friend who has recently spoken with richard formby says that richard has been working with (the spacemen 3s) sonic boom of late "doing alot of writing". hmmmm. this group really *does* kill its guitarists, doesnt it? i hope that richard stays around. his solo on _mr odd_ is great! also, richard has been producing a group named the telescopes. their 1st release _taste_ is a noisey thing ala (once again) spacemen 3. i picked up a live CD from this year which sounds not surprisingly like a live noisey gig. the latest single on creation records is a bit more mellow and listenable. richard once told me that he wasnt sure how serious this group were about their music. the new single shows they are getting there.

_cult of the basement_ tidbits: the line "now its dark" from the 3rd or 4th song is straight out of the movie _blue velvet_, a movie of which pat is obviously fond. once, live, pat held up for the crowd to see his bottle of heineken and said simply "fuck that shit, PABST BLUE RIBBON" and then started the next tune. go see the movie and also catch where his live intro to _angels_ comes from.

trivia: in the song _hard_ (what it is about is told during the KCRW 1989 interview tape... the bootlegger of which *is* on this list..) the last lines are (in german):

	So spare Nerven, spar Verdruss
	fahr mit uns in deinem Bus

translates, thanks to, to:

	So save your nerves, avoid the bother
	go with us on your bus

he does have a thing about public transit, doesnt he? trains, busses, and now zeppelins...

have you noticed that _fishcotheque_ is the only pop album with the word "ludicrous" in two consecutive songs?

"its almost brooklyn" - pat fish

Date: Mon, 13 Aug 1990 15:34:19 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: JBC

Hi del,

Chris Woodward at Wake Forest is the person from other-voices asking about the JBC. I have pointed him/her (I'm not sure which, but I think Chris is a him) your way. He bought "cult of the basement", thinks it's really great, and is going to start looking for older material.

I like the new album too, but not as whole-heartedly as earlier (e.g., Sex & Travel/Scandal in Bohemia) albums. "She's on Drugs" is a really catchy song, and I think it'd be a great single. "Mr. Odd" just wasn't as good as it was live last year, but it's still great. I've got the college station I listen to to play "Panic in Room 109" even though it has a "bad" word in the middle. I like that song a lot too.

A Cure-friend of mine in London (a *real* pen-pal, as opposed to an email pen-pal) finally heard her first JBC song - she saw the video for "Girl-Go". She liked it a lot, and remarked that they were "very Cure-like". Yeah, that puzzled me too.... Since I've run out of Cure things to send her, I think I'll send her a JBC sampler tape as well as a live tape from last year's tour (any opinions on which one to send her?).

back to the salt mines,

Date: Mon, 20 Aug 1990 11:23:09 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Jazz Butcher News:3

Jazz Butcher news:

new business...

my friend, hunts em down and translates them:

	Just Another German Bitcher (:-)) Snippet (wait and you'll see)
	Between two songs on ...Basement there is the word `Schweinehund'
	Hmmm ... how do I transliterate this, so that it sounds like german
	if you pronounce it ... Ok : `Shwinehoond' (There's an audible sound
	between the _n_ and the _h_. Yet another noun consisting of two nouns.
	`Schwein' is pig and `Hund' is dog. And `Schweinehund' is a (somewhat
	dated) synonym for `asshole'. The Jazz Bitcher, indeed.

i finally reached pat (instead of his answering machine) over the weekend...

	o	this is richards last week with the group.  he has been
		busy working with the telescopes and he has been
		writing/recording with sonic boom (of the spacemen 3).
		so this week is "richard-o-rama" and then richard is off
		on tour to play keyboards wih the telescopes.
	o	since richard is leaving, the JBC are in need of (yet another)
		2nd guitarist.  they are auditioning right now for a
		replacement.  a quick practise session with the new guy
		(i suggested that phil parfitt might fit in :-)
		will put them back in the US in mid-october; a month later
		than they had originally planned.
	o	the blue aeoplanes will be touring the US again in november.
		pat was hoping that the JBC could hook up during the end of
		the tour for a double billing, as they are friends.  if this
		is to be a typical tour pattern, november will place the JBC
		on the west coast and coming back east through the south.
		those shows really should be pretty intense.
	o	pat has recorded on the up-coming spacemen 3 album. he plays
	o	the video for _girl-go_ was recorded while they were touring
		in Europe.  he says that the guy who made it had a thing
		for clouds and pat was afraid that the PMRC might see
		things like S-E-X or D-R-U-G-S written in clouds and
		consequently censor it.  has anyone seen it yet?

thats about it, really. we discussed the possibility of me filming them this time around, and he was up for it. now, if only my (hopefully) new employers could wait a month longer before i start...

old business...

does anyone know:

	o	where the john cale cover tune
		_leaving it all up to you_ could be found.  i forgot.
	o	the catelogue #, etc for the _womad_ compilation and
		which JBC song is on it?
	o	which song is on the _10000 glass fans can be wrong_
		compilation record?
	o	the source of _x-mas with the pigmies_.  was it a flexi disc?
	o	anything else wacky.

"check-up from the neck up"

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 1990 12:54:23 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Jazz Butcher News:4

well nothing really earth-shattering,
but i saw the video for _girl-go_ on MTVs 120 minutes last night.


well, i was told that the guy who made the thing had a thing about clouds. unfortunately it is no joke.

the vid starts out in (presumably) *the* basement, with the JBC all lounging about, a HUGE big planet scary planet poster behind their heads. quick shots of them all, then pats ugly mug with obvious lipstick doing a drunken lip-synch. sunglasses, of course.

then they are outside, a long shot of them frollicking about in some meadow with these huge frigging blooming clouds rolling about in the heavens.

heavens. with exception of some heads shots of pat & his lipsynch, the clouds dominate the remainder of the video.

intense, man.

yeah, you can see the clouds, you just cant get out of their way

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 1990 11:22:55 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Jazz Butcher News: 5

apparently, richard formby is too busy to be the 2nd guitarist this time round, so the new guy is named julian, presumeably from the spacemen 3.

martin told me a story of being on the ferry coming back from their last european date. drunken out of their skulls, pat attempts to prod a bunk ladder up laurences behind as he lay naked and sprawled on his bunk. laurence comes up swinging, misses pats chin and breaks his fist on the wall. he wears a cast for the next several weeks.

harry (the tambourine guy) will not be on this tour either. laurence managed to come to blows with harry too and they no longer live together in *the* basement. i got the impression last time round that harry was being trained as the next guitarist. martin agreed and regretted that the fight had occured, cause now they have an untrained guitarist.

"and then you come crashing through my wall" - bad dream lover

From: stewarte@sco.COM, uunet!sco!stewarte, or whatever. Date: Tue, 25 Sep 1990 12:12:56 PDT
Subject: (no subject)

Hey, I'm up for any news of Mr. Fish. Please put me on yer list.

P.S. You were right, "Mr. Odd" definitely should have been the first single release...not that it matters, JB singles never go anywhere anyway...

  • Stewart

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 1990 09:52:12 -0500
From: (de l'abattoir) Subject: Re: discography

the girl-go CD is the canadian-only release with 5 (FIVE) studio tracks which were recorded in montreal in 1988. actually, it is the _spooky_ CD, so it has the same cover as the _spooky_ 12er, but since this is the original version of _girl-go_...

an interesting note... i dont know whats up with "birchfield road", but live in 86, when the "twilight zone" section of _zombie love_ would come around and pat would tell of "thats where max went", birchfield road would also be mentioned. so perhaps the whitfield in the song is an obscure reference to max? i dunno. pure speculation...

but there ya go.


Date: Thu, 4 Oct 1990 12:53:47 PDT
From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: (no subject)

Greetings. I got the tapes last week and thought I'd take some time before I commented on them.

tape 1: odd collection of b-sides, live songs and the Atlanta

	hotel session.  All of this is excellent, every version
	of every song on this tape is classic.  I remember
	(vaguely) that the JBC played 'Grey Flanelette' in 1988.
	the hotel tape had some pleasant surprises in Pat singing
	'Pale Blue Eyes' and 'afterhours', 2 great Velvets songs.
	The version of 'Caroline Wheeler...' on that tape is
	amazing.  Do you know when 'Xmas with the pygmies', 
	'Affection' and so on were recorded? Who the personnel
	on them are?  'The heaviest Group of all' is a true
	classic.  Is that an original?
tape 2:	Live at Swift's in Cambridge.  This is an excellent live 
	show.  But I must say the band was a bit more reserved
	than when I saw them that year.  Maybe by the time they
	got to the west coast they were looser (more tired) and
	tended to clown around more.
tape 3:	Interview and music from KCRW session.  An excellent show
	from an outstanding radio station (KCRW is the NPR station
	in Los Angeles.  It is also a college radio station( Santa
	Monica City College).  So it combines the best of radio.)
	Pat sounded very loose and happy, and the band seemed to
	have enjoyed this show very much. I must admit that 
	Deirdra tends to grate on me, but she was prety nice to
	the JBC (except for the constant request for 'Girls who
	keep goldfish').
tape 4:	Interview with Pat in Milwaukee. This is also very interesting
	and I might add illuminating.  It seems that Pat is a very
	mellow and honest chap.  As usual he's also very funny.

The interview you sent was also interesting. I was very happy with all this stuff. Thanks. I have an interview with pat from the magazine called Contrast from 1986. If you would like I can dig it out and mail you a copy.


Date: Thu, 4 Oct 1990 21:40:55 -0500
From: del (de l'abattoir)
Subject: (no subject)

> 'The heaviest Group of all' is a true classic. Is that an original?
ah yes. this is from the chicago show. he told me later he liked that song for the line "slept with girls who couldnt read or write too well" it is by bill wyman (who used to manage the teardrop explodes). when i 1st heard it i was thinking "hmmmmm does pat think he is turning into a fat elvis character or what?"

> tape 4: Interview with Pat in Milwaukee. This is also very interesting
> and I might add illuminating. It seems that Pat is a very
> mellow and honest chap. As usual he's also very funny.

he was also moderately drunk! this was the night the picture inside the album was taken. if you notice in that picture, the only light available were some lamps which they set on top of the amps. the spotlights were wired terribly and caused horrid buzzing, so they decided not to use them. since the buzzcocks were also playing in milwaukee that night, the crowd of 25 didnt seem to mind at all... the club was the club where segments of the movie _this is spinaltap_ were filmed. useless trivia. the main interviewer for that was a fellow i met the previous night, brian kelly.

i am glad you enjoyed the tapes.


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 1990 14:42:51 -0500
From: del (de l'abattoir)
Subject: JBC:6

apparently there is no final decision on the 2nd guitarist as far as i have heard. three weeks ago, it was a guy named julian, now i am told it might be alex lee (of the blue aeroplanes). we shall see..

i will be attending the shows from minneapolis through new orleans. please get in touch with me so that i can put some faces with your e-addresses, K?

5 days until they hit the continent

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 1990 21:20:00 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: Have you read ...

just to-day, i got a package from scott schleentz in new jersey. he sent me his sony d3 walkman, his bands EP and three 1985 JBC bootlegs. no, i did not threaten his life for all of this. there was also a 1982 aztec camera side. you must not beg for these, alex. but you can try other imaginative ways to persuade me to send you copies :-) (like mail me a pretty girl)

one of the tapes was from zirenberg and is just nuts. the crowd has em back several times. the line-up is about the same as on the _hamburg_ album, but they do _mind like a playgroup_, and finish up with the VU tune: _waiting for the man_. pat is screaming his head off during it. straaaaange. he also says a curious thing when introducing the band. something like "....and felix, my brother". hmmmmm.

oh. i have decided that i am *not* restoring a car. instead, i am creating a sculpture.



Date: Wed, 31 Oct 1990 14:01:25 -0500
From: del (del Amitri)
Subject: Re: Misc Stuph

"this is a mans world, thank you very much" 'but it aint a thing without a womans touch' "(or a big butt!)"

new release:
JBC (*not* jazz butcher): _we love you_ on creation records. three versions of the rolling stones tune.


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 1990 14:45:22 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: are you home yet?

Hi David,

I just got mail from Chris Woodward. I'm really sorry to hear about your lost camera and tapes. Not just sorry, but shocked and appalled. Chris didn't tell me any details, but I'm assuming someone stole them.

Well, I hope you had a fun time touring around. It was really great to finally meet you, and we enjoyed both concerts a lot.

take care,

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 1990 23:19:47 -0500
From: del (de l'abattoir)
Subject: JBC:9

hi all! i iz back: 6000 miles from minneapolis to dallas in 15 days. following the JBC/blue aeroplanes on tour turned out to be pretty much what i expected: exciting, tiring, drunken, and fun! i will try to give some sense of where the JBC are heading as well as utterly useless tidbits of gossip for those interested. bear with me as i just got back this morning and my head is still seeing pavement whizzing by :-)

ignore tense changes and misspellings, please...

the line-up:

pat		sings/guitar
			the man.  32 years old and approaching a(nother) crisis
			in his career.  the desire to write/create/perfrom is,
			as ever, alive, but the funds are getting tight.
			the JBC single _we love you_ might be seen as a means
			to reconcile, although pat was seriously discussing
			finding a rich eccentric.  more later.
laurence	bass
			the ladies man with a new fretless bass.  the burglar
			of love got his last one in 1988.
paul		drums
			not much into touring anymore and he has a girlfriend
			in california. laurence and paul really pulled it
			together in _cult_.  it will be a shame to see them go.
julian		guitar
			the 20 year old taking a semester off for the tour.
			incredibly naive and upper class.  pointing his video
			camera out the car window and asking stupid questions.
			to a hung-over half-asleep laurence: "where are we?"
			and not expecting a crew shag.  excellent video gamer.
alex		sax
			for the 1st time ever on US tour!  alex is someone i
			am glad is not my father.  he is a straightfaced
			sarcastic intensely observational person who is great
			over a drink, but who is never wrong.  he finally opened
			up about half way through the tour.
martin		soundman/engineer/producer
			*the* reverend botus whiteblood fleming.  martin and
			i shared the wheel of the rental car alot.  he lives
			in chicago with his wife-to-be (they are getting
			married in a brewery).  devilishly handsome, young
			and talented.  to-day is his birthday.  he is 27.
mark		roadie
			the lower-class cockney of the lot.  julian and he
			constantly go at it, julian at the losing end of the
			fights, always.  (wait... there *was* the time is dallas
			that julian successfully nailed mark in the eye with
			a yoghurt-covered carrot).  the blue aeroplanes have
			offered mark a job for their new world tour.
phil (crusher)	driver/roadie
			this year, phil got on everyones case.  he checked the
			band into cheap hotels far from the town centers and
			was very tight with money.  apparently the JBC are
			not making money on this tour. 
	1st avenue		5	minneapolis, mn	

this was my 1st stop and where the blue aeroplanes joined the JBC who had just come across from western canada. both bands were on particularily good behaviour in front of each other.

        metro 6 chicago, il
one of the best turnouts of the tour. except through canada, where the JBC are better known, the bands will take turns headlining. this pisses off the BA managers a bit, since they are on a major label (chrysalis). whereas the JBC tool around in a Dodge van ("note the pedestrian advisory on the front of the bus" pat quips), the BA have a classic rock-n-roll touring coach with TV and bar. however, the bands themselves just seem to enjoy being able to tour together.

        peabodys 7 cleveland, oh
the bands drink more beers (93) than people turn out (92). wojtek, the BA dancer takes the opportunity to jump on the sparcely populated bar at the edge of the stage and dances above speechless drinkers. a 6 guitar strong version of _sweet jane_ as the JBC join the blue aeroplanes on stage for the last song.

        the diamond 8 toronto
days on tour work into a simple regime: up around 8, sample the hotels coffee and on the road by 8h30 for a 5 hour drive. unload the bus, soundcheck for about an hour, peruse the local eateries and relax until the show begins. whereas the JBC stay in hotel and drive during the day, the BA drive directly through the night in the rock-n-roll chicken (the damned thing has huge flying eagles painted all over it much to the JBC bemusement!) and wake up in the next town.
the hotel was full of teenagers with black tee-shirts waiting to get a glimpse of AC/DC who were staying a few floors up. laurence (the stubborn JBC bass player) managed to sleep in too late and the hotel management insisted that we pay for another day.
"they check in... but they cant check out!" the JBC do not particularily like canada. it takes $23 to fill the car with gas.
*i* do not particularily like canada.

        peter clark hall 9 guelph, ontario
a show to live in JBC memory. the venue was in the guelph university union where, apparently, there was some sort of rule prohibiting alcohol to be in the hallways. well, a hallway separated the dressing room and the venue. during the JBC set, the nazi youth door checkers in matching shirts, haircuts and walky-talkies, mistake the BA drummer for a bum and pummel him during his cross from the dressing room to the venue. _partytime_ contains the great line "give em a walkie-talkie and they think theyre adolph hitler". yet another reason for the JBC to dislike canada. i watched italian television in canada with a roomfull of englishmen. go figure.

        the diamond 10 montreal, qu
the show is sponsored by a local brewery, st ambroise of which the JBC entire approve. pat plays _la mer_ for the french as well as david js _the partys over_. it is generally known that it is not a good idea to fall asleep in the presence of the JBC. during pack-up, i nod off and awaken to martin hovering above me with a sharpie (TM). bastards!

        paradise 11 boston, ma
the best gig i saw. the room was full of video equipment from rough trade who tape both shows. i begin filming for the _pineapple tuesday_ video. pat agrees with my assessment that it is a traffic tune. by now, the JBC/BA (or JBAC as pat calls it) join each other on stage for their last tunes. _caroline wheeler_ turns into a giant frenzy with alex lee and angelo from the BA on guitars and pat dancing around like a las vegas entertainer with his microphone. this *is* what he lives for.

        maxwells 12 hoboken, nj
maxwells, the traditional 1st stop on the JBC tour and the 1st place they ever played. whatta shithole! (sorry). a dank room with a poor sounding pa and not enough room for the guitar army. they should have seen it coming. after two night of intense success, they bomb. the small crowd is apathetic and most leave after the blue aeroplanes open. before the show, rich hall of the comedy channel show "the onion world" has the JBC on to play _conspiracy_ and _mr odd_ to video cameras in a speaker shop. it seems that this rich hall guy plays JBC material quite often on his TV show. pat says that when he gets royalty sheets there are things like "mr odd, 1 play, madrid"; "human jungle, 1 play, chicago"; and then a whole page of stuff from being played on the comedy channel. has anyone noticed the nintendo commercial on TV with the BA guitar riff from _and stones_ in the background? gerard says that it was lifted without permission and that the lawyers will be set loose soon...

        marquis 13 nyc
this is the 1st time i ever put any of my stuff onto the bus so that i can ride into manhattan with them. we go to rough trade where pat does an interview and we watch a bit of the boston show video. while martin and i walk around manhattan before the soundcheck, phil drives around doing errands. the burglar of loves cousin breaks into the van and offs with my 16mm movie camera and all the _pineapple tuesday_ footage, and EVERY SINGLE JBC TAPE I EVER HAD. bottom line: i lost my ass. being on the JBC bus, it was not insured. julians hollow body guitar is taken too. he has to borrow angelos for the rest of the tour.

        the 930 club 14 washington dc
washington consists of big polished mercedes and back alleys of rats. i slip the new JBC single into the dance mix before the set and only the band notices! laurence is overheard using the pickup line "its your loss, not mine". JBC fans from new jersey fill a hotel bathtub with booze and proceed to feed them to the band. for a group one would image to be total alcoholics, the JBC were surprisingly sober, i found out. realistically, with only a few hours to sleep each night, it doesnt make sense to drink heavily. BUT! the shades *are* for real. the JBC always leave the hotel in the morning wearing sunglasses as a hangover deterrent.

        cats cradle 15 chapel hill, nc
warm weather finally and the land of jesse helms. they groove to the cheap smokes and buy cartons of camels and marlboros. the songlist through canada was mellower. now it starts off with rapidfire _conspiracy_ _lot 49_ _marnie_ sorts of songs which dont work as well. the blue aeroplanes set never changes. the "this is just work" side of things is becoming apparent. since the crowds are small, the bands just play for themselves and seem to look forward to the last songs when they can cut loose. _sweet jane_ has become a regular set-ender. it is approaching glam rock self indulgence. i have to run the lights as the club is understaffed.

        masquerade 16 atlanta, ga
who has seen this? just into the east of georgia is one of those bulberous watertower things except it is supposedly shaped like a giant peach! martin and i agree that it looks more like a huge upturned monty python butt suddenly to split open and begin eating the passing cars. anyway... the masquerade was easily the most interesting venue. it is a huge converted textile mill with great grooved oak floor and the old machinery still in place. pathetic turnout. mark feels that his crewcut has grown out too much and has martin completely shave his head. the pseudo nazi black-jackboot clad poseur club workers dont know what to make of it.

        jimmies 17 new orleans
new orleans, the town that just *is* what montreal so dearly wants to be! the pinball machine at the bar next door to the club gets a workout. the club management doesnt seem to want to hear _sweet jane_ and unplug the JBAC who are sent into the night looking for entertainment. pat and gerard langley, the BA singer end up getting blitzed in the french quarter until the dawn. by the way, all of the blue aeroplanes hate the band portrait on the new BA album, except gerard, who looks much better than real life. gerard wears his shades even more than pat does if you can believe it.

        liberty lunch 19 austin, tx
pat hates texas. everyone else wonders "whats his problem?" the food is the best of the tour and the weather is nice and warm. the liberty lunch is a dusty open warehouse with an amateur soundman. typcically, martin runs the big soundboard in the back of a club, and one of the club members runs the monitor board which is by the stage. this particular soundman had the attitude but totally sucked as a technician. martin and the JBC loose their patience as the guy keep causing horrendous feedback. halfway through the set, he simply walks up and places a photograph on the board in front of martin: he wears fatigues, and army hat and a grin. he holds a sub machine gun. alex notes after the show "an admission of guilt, dont you think?" good food though..

        trees 20 dallas, tx
this is it for me. easily the best sounding system. unfortunately, across the street is a 10-band gig which draws most of the people in town. pat teaches _angels_ to julian and plays it for the only time this tour. the mellower songlist is back:

	shes on drugs
	pineapple tuesday
	the best way
	lot 49
	girl go
	human jungle
	mr odd
	sister death
	groovin in the bus lane
	room 109
	caroline wheeler

a quick band portrait for me in the morning and we are on our separate ways. they will be driving straight through to california to stay with deidre of KCRW and downey mildew. you california types should have great shows!

as i drove back into purdue university this morning, i hear on the radio that margaret thatcher has resigned as prime minister of britain. big party day on the JBC dodge van i would imagine: thanksgiving, maggie resigns, martins 27th birthday. the JBC drunk in arizona. quite a site for the cactii, to be sure!

the future?
whats the future of JBC?
good question. really. the sobering reality is, there will probably not be a full tour for awhile. paul does not enjoy touring and the laurence problems and sure to come to ugly blows. pat mentioned the possibility of doing a small european tour with alex. it looks like it is going to be difficult for the band to get together like the last time to do an intensely personal album; martin lives here, paul has a girlfriend in california, julian is in school.
they are discussing doing the next album in the US. candidates are LA, NYC, or chicago if martin can line something up. but a US album will cost alot. coming off of a poor tour turnout, this might be difficult.

looks like 1987 all over again, huh?
buy the man a beer and give him a hug.

"been there. done that"

Date: Sat, 24 Nov 1990 14:03:24 PST
Subject: JBC!!!

Hi, Nancy!!

     Well, I made it to the JBC concert last night at the Roxy in LA! It was fantastic!! First of all, Alex Green (sp?) the saxophone player did put me on the guest list-- that was really sweet, I wasn't sure if he would remember or not. I stood in your "favorite spot" with my friend Kristi, so it was almost like you were there. It was great to be right in front in the middle the whole night, even if we thought we might get killed a few times by flying musicians!

     Anyway, I guess Pat Fish (sp?) found a new fetish-- he went to a novelty store and purchased several "Flat Cats"! They're great -- they're cardboard cats that stand up -- he put them all over the back of the stage! The Blue Aeroplanes were really good, although the lead mike kept going out. They seemed a little bit reserved compared to Boston -- that is, the dancer stayed on stage. For their last song, some of the JBC joined them -- I thought that was neat considering they hadn't even played yet.

     Okay, JBC was incredible -- they really seemed to enjoy themselves. They were set up a little differently than in Boston. Instead of having the sax. and bass? ( or was it guitar) in back, all members were in front -- I liked it. They all seemed to have more of the spotlight, whereas before Pat and the long-hair on top guitarist seemed to have most of the limelight. Well, I was able to get a song list -- this guy next to me actually fought to get it and gave it to me!

WHEELIE was with members of the Blue Aeroplanes plus someone from the audience. Oh, towards the end they brought out a stuffed crocodile that waved its tail and bit at the air. Also, someone was blowing bubbles and at a crucial moment in a song, Pat broke a big bubble when the music stopped -- it was great! Theewas a heavy metal concert in a theater next door -- Pat was making jokes about playing there. (It was a real trip when we left the theater -- all of these people with long hair, boots, spurs, chains -- I felt short!

Anyway, I wish I could express it better, but I hope you get the idea! I really enjoyed the concert. I was able to talk to Alex after the concert to thank him.I would give you the song list, but I got his autograph on it. Also, the song lists were written on the back of the Flat Cat packaging - I have to show it to you. Alex said he wasn't exactly part of the JBC -- they asked him to tour with them. He said he played on all of the David J albums (are these worth getting?)I asked him about his saxophone -- it's a 1936 Conn!! He said it was a really good year for instruments. Unfortunately, he said it would be the last tour for the sax -- it got damaged a bit and he said it's getting too maleable. Also he will be doing a solo project with the Sonic Boom (or something like that) early next year -- it may be out in March.

I'm going to try to get my brother to go to their last concert which is in San Francisco either Sunday or Monday. They are playing in Long Beach tonight. If he sees them I'll let you know what he says.

Thank you so much for introducing me to this band and their music! I really feel that they are good musicians as well as fun to listen to and watch. Thats really important.

Take care,

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 1990 10:55:09 -0800
From: mantis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (NOT spiggy) Subject: jbc news 10...

well. got back about 2:30 last night from what was probably the  best jbc show in recent years...

i got there a little late, but the aeroplanes hadn't gone on yet,  so i stopped the roadie, and asked where martin and pat and all  were, that i was a friend of david's, and i got taken downstairs  to where they all were, and talked with the guys for about  15 minutes or so... great bunch, i must say... the friend who came  with me thinks pat is a laugh a minute, as do i... told the story of  the "night porter from hell" at eh place they stayed in l.a.  apparently the guy put them in the wrong room about 2 or 3 times..

but: the show... i don't know the names of many of the aeroplanes'  songs, but they played about a 1 hour set, with lots of great tunes.  played you (are loved) and _and stones_, which was incredible live....  angelo jsut tore it up, and the crowd went crazy... i think they  got a lot of new fans this show... not many of the peope there knew  of them... they were there to see the jbc...

the faster songs (bigfoot motel, lot 49, room 109, etc) were _wild_  i get eh feeling pat was saving up for this show.. not something to be  missed... the slower songs were perfect... i would easily say this was  the best show i have _ever_ been to.

_3_ encores:

the first, pat and laurence do "crocodile tears and the velvet cosh",  introduced as "a bob dylan song, i think" they lowered a trash can  onto pat's head... all this being filmed by angelo with julian's camcorder

second "caroline wheeler's" with _8_ guitarists, a mechanical  alligator and talcum powder on the drumset. pat looked like a  looney who had just gained admission into heaven. a happy man, if  i ever saw one.

third "sweet jane" with _everyone_ on stage, flailing madly

pat lectured the crowd about biodregradalbe fish in elevators,  screwed around with lyrics, and generally looked like he was having  a hell of a good time. someone gave him a bottle of whisky, which  he declared to be "a big mistake. whisky makes me hyper"

pat is the physical incarnation of outgoing. this man would stop  axe-murderers in the street to talk...

overall, i wouldn't have missed the show for the world...


"do you know what happens when a fish sits too long in an elevator?"

Date: 26 Nov 1990 16:31:14 EST
From: <MTG@CSI.CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: jazz butcher tour review

    Del, sounds like you had the greatest time with that, and I can't blame ya. Someday I hope to go on tour sometime; dunno if The Evolution Control Committee will ever get to that stage but I can always hope. I don't think I would ever leave anything I ever cared for unattended in New York City, because I have heard nothing but horror stories from there, save maybe one or two. That's why I live in Columbus; I have mounds of equipment and have never been robbed.

  • Mark G.

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 1990 23:52:12 -0800
From: mantis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (NOT spiggy) Subject: the full story of the drunken girl:

funny story from the show:

there was this girl who showed up just before the jazz butcher  came on who was _incredibly_ drunk. she staggered around,  asking everyone if they knew which one was the jazz butcher.  no one paid her that much attention. then she looked over the  railing around the stairs down to the dressing room and yelled  "where's max? we want max! we want max!" laurence came up, and  very angrily told her that "max left the band a while back.  would you just lay off it?" and went back down. she then started  yelling about daivd j, asking where he was... thankfully no one  paid any attention to that. once the show started, she pushed  through the crowd to the front, right off to the right of pat,  closer to where julian was, and after a few songs, started screaming  "jazz butcher! jazz butcher!" at pat as if she wanted something  from him (you can guess what). pat responded with a quick "yes,  i'm the jaz butcher, and that's _all_ you're going to get".  quite funny, if you ask me. she shut up for a moment. a couple  songs later, she apperently flung an earring up on the stage  while reaching to try and touch pat, and julian gave back to her  inbetween songs. she had this wonderful look on her face that said  "earring? what's an earring?" she was _toasted_. so it went on  like this for the rest of the show, her reaching out at pat  whenever he came within 5 feet of her, and pat just laughing  at it all... at one point she got up and sat on the stage...  i was getting a little worried for pat... :) but the bouncers  took her down... nice bit of secondary entertainment, though...


Date: Fri, 30 Nov 1990 16:39:55 -0500
From: del (de l'abattoir)
Subject: JBC:11

the notes on the back of the _bloody nonsense_ BigTime compilation dont quite make sense, do they? pat explained that apparently fax machines on opposite sides of the ocean dont use the same format. what he fed into his machine came out bigger at the BigTime offices. the right margin of the notes was truncated, leaving the BigTime folks to make up what they thought was lost.

"one mistake and it all turns bitchy"

Date: Sun, 2 Dec 1990 19:30:45 -0500
From: del (de l'abattoir)
Subject: JBC:12

i picked up the brian eno / john cale album yesterday _wrong way up_. one of the songs is entitled _been there, done that_. hmmmm. towards the end of _pineapple tuesday_ off of the new JBC album, there is the chant "been there, done that". i bet the butcher is very pleased with that on; he recorded *his* song at least a few months before his idols did :-) so... perhaps eno/cale heard _cult of the basement_?

the last couple JBC albums have been pretty liberally sprinkled with samples, eh? lets play the "identify where pat stole the sound" game.

these are the ones i have identified:

o	all the "poisson rouge" (male voice) samples on _cult_ *and*
	the "toutes les etoiles" (female voice at the beginning of _girl-go_)
	are from the win wenders film _betty blue_ (english title).
	"toutes les etoiles" translates to "all the stars", which interestingly
	enough is the title of the Perfect Disaster song from which pat borrowed
	the chords for _girl-go_.  great film, by the way.
o	"hes a sick and dangerous man" off of _burglar of love_ is from
	_blue velvet_, a movie which just keeps popping up in JBC material:
	from _the onion field_, pat uses the line "now its dark",
	live before angels, pat would sing a few lines ("the candy coloured
	man they call the soundman..") that the dean stockwell character
	sang in _blue velvet_.  somewhere in western canada, laurence
	talked a fan into giving up his t-shirt. it has a big photo of the
	dean stockwell character, and in big letters underneath, the word
	SUAVE.   at one of the texas gigs last year, the club
	had a contest for which the 1st place prize was a case of Pabst
	Blue Ribbon.  naturally, 2nd prize was a case of Heineken.
	what?  oh.  just go see the movie...
o	what else?

"everything she used to do was wrong" (but now she is dead?)

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 1990 17:50:22 EST
From: del
Subject: (no subject) says:

> I saw the discography recently and was impressed with its
> completeness. But there's one item I have that I don't recall
> seeing mentioned there. On David J's album _On Glass_ (which
> appears to be a compilation of previously released singles)
> there's a song titled "The Party's Over."
> In the credits it's listed as having "Noises by The Jazz Butcher"
> or something similar. I could go home and look up the exact
> information if anyone's interested . . .

indeed, that is pat playing the glockenspiel and singing a very drunken duet. in the milwaukee interview tape, he tells the tale of how david kept bringing him back into the studio to re-record the vocals for that tune saying "no good, not drunk enough". he played it once live this tour, in montreal.

Date: Fri, 21 Dec 1990 09:41:56 +0100
From: (Joe Nicholson)
Subject: Newsletters


Thanks for sending me the newsletter material.

I am relatively new to the Jazz Butcher. I was in a music store in Toulon (the FNAC) and they had this amazing machine which let you listen to parts of selected tracks from a whole load of albums. Quite snazzy interface: touch screen scrolling, picture of the album cover etc. Well, anyway I was playing with this and I saw ``The Jazz Butcher'' and I remembered that a friend of mine raved about the Jazz Butcher about 5 years ago, so I listened it, bought it and have liked it ever since - My Zeppelin is my favorite (``Steffi Graf Zeppelin Queen'').

I haven't heard much about them in France. I am actually English, working down in the South of France. I suspect that they have a slightly higher profile in England, but not much.

I will endeavour to spread the word.

Merry Xmas


Date: Sun, 23 Dec 1990 16:45:22 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: revolving door

happy Xday everyone!

as has been anticipated, laurence okeefe has exited the revolving door that is the jazz butcher conspiracy.

paul mulreany is staying in LA with his girlfriend, melissa coranado, whom he met on the 1989 US tour. she was the t-shirt salesperson provided by the LA genius records label.

the blue aeroplanes are in LA right now recording their new album. apparently, their drummer john had differences during the recording and hopped on a plane back to the UK. so... paul is now the drummer for two bands.

no info yet on the start of the new JBC album. martin still hopes to engineer.

the telescopes, who richard formby, a former JBC guitarist, produces seem to be pretty popular judging from the UK club pace they are keeping. they are due to have a new single out this january.

thats all for now

"whoooooa-oooooo... its christmas with the pygmies!"

Date: Wed, 19 Dec 1990 20:54:45 GMT
Subject: Jazz Butcher Mailing List

It's not such a small world as all that. Pat went to "school" here as well, taking PPE at Merton and leaving in 1980, unless I'm very much mistaken. He plays here fairly often. but to disappointing (to me) audiences.

Pat has an attack of the Robyn (Hitchcock) ailment - drawing practically zero audiences here and then assuming that they are hated. It's not like that, really -- people are simply _unaware_ of the band -- the limited hype they received was never enough.

Over here we have a literate and semi-sentient music press, but nothing like college radio. People might get to read about the Jazz Butcher (half a column inch in passing) but they don't get to hear his stuff.

Anyway, enough late night moaning about the state of the music business...

   "been there done that"

Been there, had that done to me.

| <>                     love is the distance     |
| 11 Keble Road, Oxford, England              between reality and pain   |

Date: Thu, 27 Dec 1990 12:55:00 EST
From: del
Subject: (no subject)

the robyn hitchcock syndrome:
pat has said that he really dislikes being catagorised along with hitchcock. (paraphrasing) "sure, we both play acoustic guitars and write tunes, which *is* a bit of an oddity in England, but whereas he writes in code, i just report it as i see it; i am rather less extraordinary"

the jbc audience here is the crowd who got into them in 1986 and saw them their 1st time over (course, i missed em). the mainstream press has no attention but for the top-40 and then only because it is product (yeah, right... like they care about the music). except for isolated looneys in various big cities (montreal, boston, chicago, LA) the people who even have headrd OF the jbc are very rare. even amoung the hep-cats. seems that the latest acid thang is their product. mind you, i give it all a go also, but the youth of to-day, i swear, are very narrow in their tastes.

ugh. enough poseur bashing :-)


Date: Sat, 12 Jan 91 14:31:33 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Music Express interview

<a href="/press/91musicexpress.html">Music Express interview</a>

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 91 14:54:14 -0800
From: mantis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (NOT spiggy) Subject: 1985 interview

<a href="/press/85abstract.html">1985 interview</a>

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 91 17:19:16 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: recent recordings

the new perfect disaster album _heaven scent_ is out on fire records (fire US6-2). while there *may* be dissenters in the crowd (hi alex! :-), i feel it has loads of integrity and like it alot. obvious Velvet Underground influence, but, who can help it that plays feedback guitar? :-)

the song _father_ contains some lyrics found in the JBC tune _girl-go_. _lee_ is an anti-war song dead on mark. it was recorded before the war shit began. overall, the album is in the mellow guitar vein. josephine wiggs *does* play bass & cello on this one - she has since gone on to be in the 4AD group the breeders.

a 1991 creation records "dance compilation" entitled _keeping the faith_ includes the JBC (thats J.B.C., *not* Jazz Butcher Conspiracy - please make the distinction :-) house tune _we love you_, as well as some excellent stuff from the likes of hypnotone, primal scream, and crazy eddie. 80 minutes - good buy.

the tribute album to the Velvet Underground _heaven & hell, vol 1_ has a track done by the the telescopes - one of richard formbys bands..

thats it fer now.

"DJs the man ya love the most... love the most... love the most" - we love you

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 18:59:13 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Re: letter from cornelious trout

da rekkid: spacemen 3 -v- the beach boys, on the mark, the part about charles manson we will all have to wait and see... the solo/due tour, i would image, would be with alex. he claims it would be to test morale. i doubt he would make any money onnit, seeings how he lost $$ last time. the 16 guitarist thing: well, you *saw* how much he enjoyed the group thrashes at the end of the live sets... well, he has *lots* of guitar-playing friends, right? its only a logical thing. i, for one, am looking forward to it. i might have to buy myself a DAT recorder for the next tour :-) am i insane? yup.

i read in the most recent alternative press that the new spin single is to be produced by the jazz butcher. that man gets around.. he apparently also has his hand in on production work with a band from vienna called the black egg. our friend alex, however, has nevere heard of em.

c'est tout.

"whos that scarey man?"

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 91 14:10:32 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: new JBC release

due out on creation soon is a new compilation of JBC material (seems to be stuff from 1986 -> 1991) entitled: _edwards cupboard_. i saw a blurb about in one of the english trade mags.

it had most of the singles you would expect from fischotheque through cult: best way
girl go
shes on drugs

hmmm suspiciously similar to the tour playlist 1990.. didnt mention anything new, though.

they did mention extensive liner notes ("is there intelligence here?") and that it was "better than any single by the farm"

"we once had a horse, but it went, to visit an aunt in Kent" - mick sibley

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 91 14:29:22 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: new JBC release

I actually held a copy of "edwards cupboard" in my hands on Feb. 13th, but it belonged to the guy at the store, so it wasn't for sale. He didn't think I'd be able to find it easily. He was playing it when we went into the store (Mystery Train in Boston).

And yes, I'm still here. Just busier than I used to be, what with moving to a new project and all (I'll get to do *real* programming for a change! yay!).


Date: Wed, 6 Mar 91 19:21:48 -0500
From: Subject: Edwards Closet

Hello fellow Butchie fans! Well, I was going to be the first to report seeing 'Edwards Closet', but I didn't get the address right in time. Anyway, my first impression of it was that it was a live set? Too bad it appears it's not. Also, our very own David W. is again credited for pictures. There are quite a few on the back...which ones are your David?

On 'Bloody Nonsense': nope, definitely not on CD. My impression was that most (if not all) of it wound up on the only Butcher CD I don't own, 'Big Questions (Gift of Music II)'. If anyone sees this for sale, LET ME KNOW! We can work something out. When I went to England this summer, this disc was my #1 priority, and I searched high and low with no luck.

He lives next door,
Mr. Mitch

Date: Wed, 06 Mar 91 19:27:07 EST
From: (David A Whittemore) Subject: Re: Edwards Closet

> Hello fellow Butchie fans! Well, I was going to be the first to report
> seeing 'Edwards Closet', but I didn't get the address right in time.
> Anyway, my first impression of it was that it was a live set? Too bad
> it appears it's not. Also, our very own David W. is again credited for
> pictures. There are quite a few on the back...which ones are your David?

ARE YOU KIDDING!?! i dont even have the CD yet.

they used more of my pix? wow. i feel... strange. hard to tell you which ones they are... cause usually, i only do B&W, but i *did* take a few colour this time round.

wow. i can hardly wait to see em!

thanks for the news!

"in the camera i'm a clown, and every move you make i write it down"

Date: Wed, 27 Mar 91 16:54 EST
From: * <GU090SLB%ITHACA@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU> Subject: A new David J lp

Hello. I just got news of David J working on a new record. He says a demo is in process and the actual recording may happen in the U.S. I'm quite happy to hear this, I'm not up for a new Love and Rockets record. There was no mention of whether or not Max and Owen will be working with him.

Is anyone else surprised with how "Edward's Closet" sounds? It seems to be in direct contradiction with the lively live shows from last fall. --Sonia

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 91 18:36:00 MET DST
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: an oooooold single review ...

<a href="/press/87spex.html">an oooooold single review ...</a>

"as you poison the earth you poison our lifes" (james)

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 11:58:34 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: martins wedding & more

hello all!

i was in chicago this weekend for the occasion of martin stebbings wedding. martin was the producer of _cult of the basement_ and was the soundman for the past two tours.

in no particular order:

the only conspirator present was paul mulreany, who was the best man. i met a couple more zanies like myself who met the guys on tour - and so i have more bootlegs to offer soon. in particular is a 1986 chicago soundboard tape - from the master! i heard it and it sounds great! i should be receiving mine next week.

i have just bought a DAT recorder, and martin has promised me possession of the 1990 california DATs. he will be on tour with KMFDM for the next month or so. after *that*, i hope to have them in my hands to make tapes from.. martin on tour as soundman for KMFDM. hmmm. he said that ian ohiggins (the engineer of _fishcotheque_) will also be on tour. ian, apparently a leach of life, a totally disgusting fellow, will hopefully will lose an eyebrow to martins razor the last night on tour.

i also met martins younger brother francis, who is (was) the drummer for the group the wolfhounds, who are well worth checking out, by the way. unfortunately, they have recently broken up. their catalogue is available on midnight records.

paul, even though he is officially the blue aeroplanes drummer, is not sure yet if he wants the job. something about not wanting to be on the road forever - the BA begin a worldwide tour within months. the new BA album is completed and paul had a tape of it in chicago.

pat was in the states with the BA for awhile but is back home where, it is said, life is not treating him very nicely. the home front is very shakey and he no longer has a band. mr congeniality in depression. yikes! lets hope he weathers this one as well as he did in 86-87...

a new creation records video compliation has the vid for _spooky_. available at reckless records in chicago. pricey though, ($26), so i passed on it.

i picked up the new JBC compilation, _edwards closet_. non-essential stuff here folks. all 10 tracks are available elsewhere: mr odd, the best way, spooky, pineapple tuesday, keeping the curtains closed, shes on drugs, line of death, girl-go, susie, the good ones. the photos on the back are basically one per of the JBC since fishcotheque. i took the one of paul at top. the dominant picture of kizzie holding a bottle of champagne and staring at the camera, paired with the last tune on the disc - _the good ones_ - paint a very sobering end to this JBC disc.

a small pause for kizzie here..

"man and machine in the night keep driving man and machine never might arrive"

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 23:25:18 -0400
From: Subject: JB history?

As I was listening to some fine Jazz Butcher material today, I realized that I know nothing about the man himself, or the history of the band. Could someone who knows post some info on Pat Fish, Max Eider, etc. as well as some info about lineups and such? I mean, in David's recent posting he mentioned trouble for Pat in 86-87, what was all that about? Thanks...


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 22:04:38 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: news on the mental state of mr fish

from sonia (GU090SLB@ITHACA.BITNET),
our lovely correspondent in ithaca new york:


| I knew I wouldn't make it back to campus last week. Christmas with the pigmies
| is on Glass and is "HMMM 001." Lost in France is on the Situation Two comp.
| "Gunfire and Pianos" and is SITU 017.
| I got a letter from Mark, who had just been to visit Pat. David J was there
| and played a demo of a new song called "(the future perceived as a) big white
| bus" which he said has Pat "joining in harmonizing and banging tea-trays."
| He also adds, "Pat's new one is gonna be SOMETHING GREAT. It's called
| `thirteen' at the moment.
| He's not had a very good winter and it shows in his music."

"you make me want to carry on"

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:22 EDT
From: * <GU090SLB%ITHACA@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU> Subject: soundtrack jbc

Several years ago I saw a movie called "Space Rage" or "Space Race" which had "Death Dentist" and "President Regean's Birthday Present" in the soundtrack. Has any one else seen or heard it?

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:44:19 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: soundtrack jbc

"Space Rage" -- a C-grade space western.

Yeah! I saw "Space Rage" in November '87. I was visiting my sister, and we rented it since it looked like a good junky movie. I was flabbergasted when I heard the JBC songs.

It was especially remarkable for me because I had spent the weekend before with my then-new boyfriend (hi Craig!), and he had given me a complete introduction to the JBC that weekend (I think Angels and Human Jungle were the only two JBC songs I had known before I met Craig). I don't think I would have remembered that movie if I had seen it a month earlier....


Date: Sun, 12 May 91 22:31:05 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: whats the proverbial up?

hello everyone. been pretty quiet out there. pretty quiet here too...

whats (kinda) new:

i picked up the 1990 creation video comp a couple of weekends ago. it has the video for _spooky_ on it. geez. maybe the JBC could have a higher profile if they actually *spent* something on their videos. this one is pretty much a "stand in front of viedo camera and do our song" type of vid, with a low-tech 16 hue separation overall. ick! the my bloody valentine video is good though.

um.. creation has been putting out a slew of comps recently. the latest is entitled _a palace in the sun_ which contains _shes on drugs_. i still recommend the dance music compilation - it has some good and obscure bands worth tracking down. richard formbys telescopes have been prolific this last year - about 5 eps they have released.

on pat: word out is that he *is* recording new stuff with (at least) paul. Nth-hand news says that a latest song(?) is entitled _thirteen_. no new info of his "solo US tour" though..

mr fish shows up on (the latest?) release, _pluto_, from the german crazoid band named m walking on the water, on a song called _love_. oh my god is this a great tune. the credit claims "written with jazz butcher and nikki sudden" - a collaboration of which i entirely approve. two nice drinking woman-are-bad-news song writers :-) (thanks alex!) this tune is in your face rock-n-roll, full of emotion: "i dont love her i dont care i dont love her i dont care i dont love her i dont care...".


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 10:40:45 MET DST
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: m. walking ...

our beloved revolutionary sweetheart wrote:
> mr fish shows up on (the latest?) release, _pluto_, from the german crazoid
> band named m walking on the water, on a song called _love_. oh my god is
> this a great tune. the credit claims "written with jazz butcher and nikki
> sudden" - a collaboration of which i entirely approve. two nice drinking
> woman-are-bad-news song writers :-) (thanks alex!) this tune is in your
> face rock-n-roll, full of emotion: "i dont love her i dont care i dont love
> her i dont care i dont love her i dont care...". words is that barbara
> has left pat. i wonder how close to the recording of this song the end
> occurred..

nope. not the lastest release. the first album was self-titled, `pluto' was the 2nd album.
after that came `the waltz', a 6-track mini-lp with nothing but waltzes on it, and `elysian', which came out this year. *all* of them are chock-full with weirdness, great tunes and crazy instrumentation. all of them are on fuego, distributed by rough trade, with the exception of the last, which came out on polygram. i don't know whether the non-europeans on this list (all except me?) will get ahold of this stuff ... if you can, do.

i saw them live twice in the last few weeks, once in munich and once in vienna. *fun* time for all the family. i would forward the review i sent to david after i saw them, but the disk that file is on was fried in a *really* bad crash ... did any of the unix-hackers among you ever see the kernel error message `panic: init died'? well, i did. i taped the vienna show, but the batteries ran out after slightly over an hour. wellwell. don't trust electronic equipment :-|.

"party in the cemetery, dancing with a ghost" (m. walking on the water)

Date: Tue, 14 May 91 08:09:43 EDT
From: (Void where prohibited by law.) Subject: Hairbrush? Tank?

Grrrrrr . . . stupid site administrator is right! I've been trying to post this to the list for the past week or so and now it turns out I was sending to the wrong address? Thanks, David, for setting me straight . . .

I was re-listening to Big Questions the other night when a thought struck me (No, it didn't hurt. I'm used to it. One of the hazards of modern living . . . ): the song, "The Hairbrush And The Tank." There's a song on David J's album, Crocodile Tears And The Velvet Cosh, called "The Vandal And The Saint" that's got the same identical music and rhyme scheme. Now I know that David was with the Butcher for the first album or so but still . . . what's the deal here? What's the story behind these two songs? Which came first (I suspect David's came first but I don't know the release date of the single that "Hairbrush" appeared on)? Does anyone even care?

Just wondering . . .

Date: Tue, 14 May 91 12:33:28 EST
From: (David A Whittemore) Subject: Re: Hairbrush? Tank?

you guessed it right. _the vandal and the saint_ was the original. i asked pat about the obvious rip-off once and he said that he was just listening to _vandal_ and he heard the line: "sharing a room with the butcher" hmmmmm... it inspired him to poke fun at david j, who is his good friend. he said that he had written an earlier version which more closely parodied the _vandal_ lyrics, but he lost them.

this conversation is on a 90minute interview tape from milwaukee 1989, but i dont have a copy right now. (nancy? :-)

during the same inquisition, mr fish also was telling about the song _the partys over_ from the david j 1985 album _on glass_. they both had to get fall-down drunk to do it right. i asked him whether he thought david j wanted to do that duet as a sort of good-bye-to-the-JBC tribute. pat, speechless (for once) paused and then said "my god, i hadnt thought of that"

it is still a little strange to listen to the newest david j album and hear, basically, the jbc lineup from 1985 minus pat.

has anyone noticed how much early woodentops sound like early jazz butcher? rolo mcginty *was* in the JBC once, i guess, but come on! must be something in the northampton water.


Date: Tue, 14 May 91 12:17:44 MDT
From: James Anderson <> Subject: Re: Hairbrush? Tank?

> you guessed it right. _the vandal and the saint_ was
> the original. i asked pat about the obvious rip-off once
> and he said that he was just listening to _vandal_ and he
> heard the line: "sharing a room with the butcher" hmmmmm...
> it inspired him to poke fun at david j, who is his good friend.
> he said that he had written an earlier version which more
> closely parodied the _vandal_ lyrics, but he lost them.
> -david

Just to add a little more history to this song, the tune was actually lifted from a B. Dylan tune. The song is "Shelter From the Storm" on the _Blood on the Tracks_ album. (I pretty sure it's that song, I haven't listened to either in a while, but I'm sure that there is a dylan rip-off on that album _Big Questions_)

jim anderson
soon to be a Colorado resident!!!!!

Date: Tue, 14 May 1991 11:32:22 -0700 (PDT) From: or a reasonable facsimile <> Subject: Woodentops

    > From: (David A Whittemore)

    > has anyone noticed how much early woodentops sound like
    > early jazz butcher?  rolo mcginty *was* in the JBC once,
    > i guess, but come on!  must be something in the northampton water.

I don't see that strong a resemblance...I guess there's a noticeable similarity in Rolo's singing and songwriting, but their manic-depressive "hypno-beat" sound doesn't remind me of the Butcher at all, nor does their cheesy Casio keyboard sound.

Pity about the Woodentops, actually...I think their first few singles were fabulous, but they were already past their peak by the time they put out their first album.

  • Stewart

Date: Tue, 14 May 91 13:44:25 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Re: Woodentops

one song i think in particular sounds very woodentopsesque is _i need meat_.

a friend was playing me some old woodentops and it had that same driving but loose ("hypno-beat" *is* a good description) drum beat and walking bass. i think i noticed some stolen lyrics on that tune, too, but i dont know the titles of any woodentops tunes.

"i dont want to be a road statistic"

Date: Wed, 15 May 91 16:30:26 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: The Scary Powers of "BOB"

Dear Abby,

I am a healthy, attractive 35 year old housewife. Until about two weeks ago my life was happy and normal. Now, frankly, it is a living hell. I can't sleet (that's sleep), I can't eat, and I can barely function in my day-to-day duties.

The problem started when I was looking through my son Biff's desk. I found all these computer printouts about something called the JBC. In one of those printouts  was a listing of JBC songs, and two of these songs (City of Night and It Has to Be You) are listed as being on the Glass Compilation "5000 Glass Fans Can't Be Wrong". Now I distinctly remember a Jazz Butcher cover of the Johnathan  Richman song "Affection" being on that album. I told my husband about it, and he said that, no, the Jazz Butcher never covered that song. I insisted that I was right, but he continued to argue with me. Finally, I got so flustered with him that I stabbed him through the back of his skull with one of those wonder-ful Ginsu Knives that my Aunt Flo got me for our wedding. (Incidentally, I really could slice a tomato razor thin afterwards.)

So Abby, could you please tell me 1) Did the Jazz Butcher really cover "Affection,  and if so where I can find it, and 2) can you reccomend a good lawyer who specializes in the Prozac defense I have read so much about?

Puzzled in Provo

Date: Thu, 16 May 91 13:15:19 EST
From: (David A Whittemore) Subject: Re: The Scary Powers of "BOB"

dear provo puzzled.

was that a ginsu II or ginsu III knife you used on your husband? i ask, because the ginsu IV model is now available and it would be embarrassing to have to explain to the police why you used such a primative, brutal device to resolve your problems of affection. onto your more piercing questions:

  1. yes, indeedily, mr fish has covered and recorded _affection_. being the square that i am, i do not know where the song can be found.
  2. i recommend listening to AM670, WMAQ in your own windy city. every 4 minutes or so (usually right after the foot pain specialist adverts), there is some lawyer starving for your business. if i recall correctly, you are the same "puzzled in provo" who last year asked if the insanity plea for a parking ticket would work. having this experience and background of instabilty might work to your advantage. good luck.

"people all over the world are starving for affection"

Date: Tue, 21 May 91 12:55 EDT
From: * <GU090SLB%ITHACA@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU> Subject: a new contingent

Hello. I just got new mail from David J - seems he's joined a new band called (to the best of my handwriting deciphering abilities) Rose Meddow. The rose bit is certain but it could be mildew for all I could tell. He didn't mention who else is in the band, but said it was spiritual, uplifting kind of stuff. He adde

   d that Love and Rockets are still an existing thing and that they're thinking about recording in the not too distant future. So get those antenni going and lets see who else might be in this band. I think he would have said if it were max. Maybe it will be Spacement 3 type folk. Y'never know with those damn Northamptonites.

Has anyone else noticed an increase in bicycle kids in their neighborhoods recently. They come out like the mosquitos I think.

Ta for now - - Sonia

Date: Tue, 21 May 91 17:07:51 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: Old Jazz Butcher interviews: 1986 Non*Stop Banter

<a href="/press/86nsb.html">Old Jazz Butcher interviews: 1986 Non*Stop Banter</a>

Date: Tue, 21 May 91 17:07:51 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: Old Jazz Butcher interviews: 1990 (unknown)

<a href="/press/90unknown.html">Old Jazz Butcher interviews: 1990 (unknown)</a>

Date: Mon, 27 May 91 02:17:39 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: hollywood DAT

finally! i got the goods. the hollywood 1990 DAT tape.

isnt this the way it always is? the best performances are captured by an audience recording and the soundboard tapes are dry and lifeless? well, this one is a draw.

right. perfect digital reproduction of a mix that is bass and guitar shy. vocals and drums up front. with some smancy EQ, i think this tape can be pretty good though.

this is a long show with a killer _caroline wheeler_. _sister death_ is in there, _angels_ too.

anyone interested in copies?

joel! its looking like your FM capture of the 1989 KCRW interview is our only source - martin has some other KCRW stuff, but not that one. too bad, there is lots of good material there. grrrrr.

"hold your nose - its mr odd"

Date: Wed, 29 May 91 10:51:31 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: upcoming release?

> From: David A Whittemore <>
> Date: Tue, 14 May 91 12:33:28 EST
> this conversation is on a 90minute interview tape from
> milwaukee 1989, but i dont have a copy right now. (nancy? :-)

Sorry to take so long to respond, but Craig and I have been "on holiday", as they say. Yes, I indeed have the aforementioned interview on tape, thanks to David. Tell you guys what -- within the next month, I hope to get completely caught up on my tape trading activities, and update my bootleg lists (I'm over a year behind on that). When I do that, I'll post the list, and start actively trading JBC tapes.

In the meantime, I actually have some JBC news!

Craig and I recently discovered we like The Wedding Present, and as we were heading over to Paris and England for a well-deserved 18 day vacation, Craig said, "Wouldn't it be great if we could see the Wedding Present?" I agreed.

Turns out they were doing a small tour, and we got to see them last Saturday at the Brixton Academy in London (Buffalo Tom opened). It was a really good show, though a bit short - 50 minutes, no encore. I had brought my Cult of the Basement tour shirt on the trip, and wore it that night. After the show, a guy came up to me and asked me if I liked the Jazz Butcher. He was astounded that he found someone in England who did, but then he found out we're Americans, and wasn't so surprised. Anyway, it turns out this guy does graphic art stuff for Creation Records, and he said that he'd just finished up some stuff for a new record. He told us the title, but I didn't quite hear it, and can't remember now. The only thing I really remember is something about some weird German stuff on the liner notes, and something being attributed to "von Butcher". He said it should be available within the next two months.

Sorry for the lack of details, but after two pints of cider and being bounced around in the pit for three or four songs, I wasn't in complete possession of my faculties at the time.

The guy (Pete Mays, I think) promised to send me some information about a fan club, and remarked that he has some "really good" bootlegs, so I'll let you know more when I hear from him.

So Craig, if you can fill in any details, please do so!


Date: Wed, 29 May 91 21:36:13 -0400
From: Craig Kolb <> Subject: Re: upcoming release

> Anyway, it turns out this guy
> does graphic art stuff for Creation Records, and he said that he'd just
> finished up some stuff for a new record. He told us the title, but I didn't
> quite hear it, and can't remember now. The only thing I really remember is
> something about some weird German stuff on the liner notes, and something
> being attributed to "von Butcher". He said it should be available within
> the next two months.

He said the title was "The Black Egg", and that the cover art consisted of a bowl of caviar and a sticker saying something like, "Written by von Butcher". He said that he couldn't figure out why there were obviously veiled references to Pat's True Identity on at least the cover of the record.

He also said that the album was full of songs with strange titles, including one that had something to do with British Petroleum (or was it just "British oil"? It was hard to hear...)


Date: Thu, 30 May 91 10:57:39 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: "The Black Egg"?

A couple of weeks ago I sent you all those two JB interviews, and in the one from 1990 Pat talks about the Von D&auml;mmerung brothers' band "The Black Eg" (one "G"). Says Pat, "It's just heinous."

"Food, food, food, and sex, and sex and food and food and sex and food and sex and drunken sex and laughs and sex"


Date: Thu, 30 May 91 11:33:55 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: The Wedding Present

Anyone else besides Craig and Nancy and me like the Wedding Present? I have many excellent quality tapes of Wedding Present shows. The best is probably from Lounge Ax in Chicago last February. Their new single is pretty good, and if the material they played at their last Chicago show is any indication of the quality of their new album (due to be out this week, I hear) it probably won't leave my turntable until "The Black Egg" comes out.

Speaking of Von Butcher...

Reverend Botus just gave me yet another KCRW tape with a sort of mix of JBC, Blue Aeroplanes, and various combinations of the two. It was recorded the day that Thatcher resigned, and contains the one JBC hardcore song entitled "You Cunt", andf dedicated to Mrs. Thatcher. Pat did not want it recorded, and Martin assured him that the tape player was off. It also has a n acoustic "Sweet Jane" with Pat and Gerard, three or four attempts at "Crocodile Tears" with just Pat and Alex Green, and lots of very short covers of really bad 70's songs. For me, the highlight is when they are attempting a cover of a song called "If"(?) and pat sings "If a face can launch a thousand ships, then why can't I launch you..." I vaguely remember the song, but I don't think that that is the line. Pretty sick stuff.


Date: Thu, 30 May 91 11:43:58 EST
From: (David A Whittemore) Subject: Re: upcoming release

well, well.

the Black EG is, as was pointed out in a previous interview posting, the band of the von d&auml;mmerung brothers from vienna (hi alex!) which pat has been producing.

last time over pat was saying how, unlike other bands might sample a nice james brown drum beat, the black eg would sample the spacemen 3. all these guys *must* sleep together. that, or UK/Europe is about the size of one city block!

speaking of the spacemen 3... joe, i found a copy of the new sonic boom 7"er. very tasteful clear mixed with yellow and blue vinyl. the label is: sympathy for the record industry, and the label says "play at any speed". its a geetar drone-thang. would sound good with a nice beat mixed over the of of it :-)

anyway. good work commrades!


Date: Sat, 1 Jun 91 16:33:28 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: The JBC 1990 San Francisco Show

A fragment of the above mentioned show has found it's way from the collection of the Reverend Botus Whiteblood Flemming (a.k.a. Martin Stebbing) into my greedy little paws. The highlights  are some good audience banter, a version of "Caroline Wheeler" with five guitars, and an acoustic rendidtion of Bob Dylans "Crocodile Tears". Pat says that he wants to live somewhere where he can wear a cowboy hat, and asks for someone  to volunteer their apartment. Lawrence bemoans the loss (theft) of his lobster. Actually, he says "I lost my lobster in San Francisco" ("I left my heart in San Francisco") I'll see if I can dig up the rest of the show from Martin' tape case. It's probably there somewhere.


Date: Sat, 1 Jun 91 15:10:03 -0700
From: mantis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (NOT spiggy) Subject: JBC s.f. 1990

i was at that show, and i was told that the sound guy forgot to press  record onthe deck...

a wonderful show...

during that version of crocodile tears, which was intro'ed as "i think this  a bob dylan song" (and no-one recognized it 'cept me, it seemed :) ) pat  had a garbage can lowered onto his head by the rest of the guys. most amusing

and caroline wheelers was *incredible* (and it was 6 guitarist, as  i recall)... sweet jane was done with 7 or so...)

if you can get this on tape, talk to me. i want it for the memories! :)


Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 10:19:06 PDT
Subject: Bill Drummund (the man)

     I noticed yesterday on the liner notes of Echo and the Bunnymen's
     _Crocodile_ album that the producer was Bill Drummund.  Is that
     the same Bill Drummund of _King of Joy_ fame?
     -drew (

Date: Mon, 03 Jun 91 15:13:02 EST
From: (David A Whittemore) Subject: Re: Bill Drummund (the man)

yes! mr drummond gets around, doesnt he? one of the recent mixes of the KLF hit _what time is love_ has an "echo&bunneymen remix" which, i guess, the bunneymen reciprocated on.

_the man_ is a must have album, as is _chill out_ as is...

justified ancients of mu mu

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 21:00:33 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: JBC Alumni Report

I was looking through the new releases bin at my favorite "alternative" record store, and I noticed that Paul Mulreany shows up on the new Biff Bang Pow record.

Anyone know if the new Fall record sucks or not? Or should I say, "Anyone know how badly the new Fall record sucks? I am being kind of harsh, but they just aren't up to the standards they set for themselves.


Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 20:24:13 -0700
From: mantis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (NOT spiggy) Subject: jbc tape 10.23.90 the ritz hollywood

just got a tape of this show from david...

it's from a re-equalized DAT taken from the soundboard...

the most *incredible* recording i have heard to date. sounds like  a studio album in recording quality, but with the banter and  energy of a live show, and crowd noise in between tracks. next  to no tape hiss. without question the finest boot i have ever  come in contact wwith, as far as recording quality goes. the  performance itself is great as well, and reminds me a lot of the  show i saw two days later in s.f...

the master is prolly of good enough quality to cut an official live  album off of... :)

anyhow, talk to david. you *need* this tape :)


Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 22:37:01 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: interviewing mr fish

ok poppettes, its springtime, the flounders are floundering, the tenches are learning to walk and the dace are laying low. so is mr cornelious trout. i wonder what he is up to...

tell you what. with some help from my friends i think a proper interview of the jazz butcher is in order.

what do YOU want to know? i will try to bait it out of him.

we have heard talk of his work with some wacky weiners (hi alex!), new recordings, associations with the spacemen, m walking on the water.. then there was that tease of the solo US tour.

but whats he REALLY doing?
what inspired that particular lyric?
_sister death_? one can only speculate... how does he see his work progressing?
what turns him on nowadays?
does he think iceT is better than ice cube? what drugs *does* he take, anyway? :-)

we could probably come up with a nice variety of things to embarrass him about.

what do ya think?

"the world is actually quite large" - pat fish

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 15:24:27 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: Interview with Mr. Fish

On Saturday, David and I are going to call up Pat and grill him about various topics such as:

Whats the deal with the new album?
Who's on it?
What's it about?
When is he going to tour?
With whom will he tour?
What other projects has he been working on?

And lots of other things along those lines.

Any suggestions as to lines of questioning would be greatly appreciated.


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 91 14:37:39 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Quality in sound

oh my god is this good!

i just picked up and am listening to the Black Eg CD.

from the liner notes:
"... this brief and fascinating glimpse into the world of three foolish central europeans who thought they were making dance music"

no mention of mr fish anywhere, although the i just heard "been there done that" from _pineapple tuesday_ in the mix.

what can i say?
perfect hangover material.

"g-g-good cheesecake"

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 91 11:12:30 CDT
From: (Falls on Floor) Subject: New JBC album

I just talked to Martin who just got a message from Pat. I guess that the new JBC album is ready for shipment, since Julian just sent Martin a cd of it. I guess the incarnation of the JBC from the last tour is still intact, since Julian and Paul both play on it.

I don't think that it is called "The Black Eg" though. I think that maybe the guy that Nancy talked to in England got the band "The Black Eg" which is produced by Pat confused with the new JBC album. I mean the album by "The Black Eg" has a black cover and makes veiled references to the Jazz Butcher. But there definitely is a new JBC album, and for all I know it could be out right now. I'm tempted to make a call to Creation to find out the release date.


Date: Fri, 5 Jul 91 11:41:24 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: chat with pat

i spoke with pat over the weekend and the butcher man hasnt been doing too well. i may transcribe highlights of our conversation, but in summary:

o	yes!  the new album has been completed, and it is "cult of
	the basement 2."  julian, alex lee (of the aeroplanes) and
	laurence (!) play guitar.  paul is still playing drums
	(at least in the studio).  about a dozen musicians showed up on it
	and he was fretting over the credits when we talked.
o	pat has been playing small shows in london which he describes as
	being "very spacemen".  lots and lots of delay and very little
	beat.  he is very proud of this latest sound, but has yet to
	record it for release.
o	next week he will be recording an EP with richard formby.
	so perhaps he *is* about to record the new sound, as richard
	has been producing the telescopes and other grunge bands.
o	the tour.  nothing definite, but possibly before december.
	even then, he is not sure what he wants to perform - the traditional
	new cult material or the new stuff he has been doing.
	he is going to be over in the states visiting in august.
o	pat had just returned from the west coast where he did some
	vocal work with the blue aeroplanes.  he is almost certain,
	however that all his stuff will be cut.
o	the Black Eg.  all the delay effects on the Black Eg record are pats
	guitar delay pedal before it blew up upon his return to england
	in january.  so he calls the Black Eg alum the "solo record for
	my guitar pedal".  apparently, the guitar pedal wasnt the only
	thing to go to pieces in january.  he laughed manically at the thought
	that he recorded during this time.  in england, the Black Eg
	record is plastered with "Von Jazz Butcher" stickers.  pat wanted
	his involvement not to be known, so the stickers pissed him off.
	the A C Lionheart (ha!) who wrote the liner notes is, of course, pat.

thats all i can remember right now.
off on a road trip to philadelphia in about an hour, i will see if there is anything i forgot when i get back.

happy 5th of july.

"a girl is an animal with long pointy horns" - vergiftung

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 91 14:45:51 CDT
From: Falls on Floor <> Subject: Pee Wee Herman

I was just listening to the news, and it seems that Pee Wee Herman was just arrested in Florida for "exposing himself in an adult movie theatre". Whatever network Pee Wee's Playhouse is on is considering whether or not they should scrap the show. Too bad. It is probably the funniest thing on saturday mornings.


Date: Wed, 14 Aug 91 12:41:52 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Spacemen 3 Record

I was just in my local hip record store, and they had a really cool new Spacemen 3 record. It is a single album with lots of rare b sides and demos and stuff. Its packaged in a double album package, and in the fold out area there is a complete discography, including common bootlegs. (It even lists the "Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To" bootleg!) It also has an essay by some music critic guy about the Spacemen. The front and back covers are made up of a sort of collage of all of the Spacemen 3 album covers. Inside is this little fold out thing with the song list and all these pictures of the band. It was made in Belgium, but it doesn't say who put it out. Its called "Losing Touch With Your Mind". The thing is that only 1500 were pressed, and only 500 were imported.

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 91 14:45:16 WST
From: (David CAKE)
Subject: hellos

I have been asked to introduce myself and say a bit about the Jazz Butcher in Australia. My name is David Cake, I'm a cognitive science student, and I also am an announcer for the local public radio station 6RTR. The Jazz Butcher in Australia is easy - hes never been here, and no one has eever heard of him.

        The alternative music shows on public radio were the only place he was ever heard until recently. Just recently the government funded national youth broadcaster JJJ (who are amazingly cool for a government body, we are real strange over here) have picked up 'shes on drugs` 'girl go` etc. so he gets vastly more exposure here now, but all the older stuff is virtually unknown.

        Jazz Butcher records have always been quite hard to get here. That has improved a bit since hes been on Creation, and a lot since Creation got a good australian distributor (Shock Records).

        To summarise, JBC have always been very little known here until the last six months. They are now reasonably well known.

David Cake

P.S. I'd love some back posts.

Date: Thu, 29 Aug 91 12:20:22 -0500
Subject: Re: where can I get the "spooky" cd-single?

stewart asks:
> ...anybody have any idea where I might
> lay my hands on the "Spooky" Canadian CD-single (or equivalent 12", if
> there is one...I think I remember del saying there was). I tried
> ordering it from a local store about a year or so ago, but no luck...

i havent seen many in *my* part of the world (midwest USofA) in awhile, but that particular release, being canadian, is pretty easy to get in the toronto area. can anyone help stewart out with this one?

a note about the spooky 12" - it does NOT include all the tastey "brave new waves" studio session songs that the CD does. plus, and this is uncommon - the 12er sounds worse than the CD. usually, the vinyl version of creation releases have a better dynamic range than their shaving mirror counterparts.

dangerous rumour: deerkiller reports that a friend in NYC has spotted a "new" JBC release. its possible that she just saw _edwards closet_, but everyone should be on the lookout anyway.

since speaking with mr fish over a month ago, i have heard not a peep. martin reports as of two weeks ago that pat was in ireland. its getting to be that time of year again. i hope the JBC wheels roll soon.

how has everyone been? gagged?

"you tie me up and i dont want to disengage"

Date: Tue, 17 Sep 91 9:59:19 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Condition Blue review and Levitation

Hey gang,

<a href="/press/91rage.html"> Here's a review</a> of "Condition Blue" from some British magazine (a friend of mine sent me the clipping):

She also sent me a clipping about a band called Levitation that features their "bass maestro Laurence". And yes, it's the same Laurence... The article is one in a series -- "Each week a member of leading Daisy Age pomp-rockers Levitation offers our reader some handy hints from their lexicon of country lore. This week, bass maestro Laurence shows us how to achieve onenss with nature while simultaneously protecting valuable seedlings."

Anyone heard anything by Levitation? Can't say I'm too attracted by the "Daisy Age pomp-rock" description....


Date: Tue, 17 Sep 91 12:15:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Condition Blue and Levitation

i havent heard anything by the Levitation, but last weekend i picked up the new pete astor album, which laurence also plays bass on. ian keary (ex-blue aeroplane) also appears.

when i spoke with pat a couple of months ago, he mentioned that before he came over to the US, he would be touring europe with pete astor.

sounds like he is going through hell, though.

i hope he keeps that minimum balance. :-|


Date: Wed, 18 Sep 91 16:46:48 MET DST
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: fishcotheque ...

taking the 168 bus from hampstead heath to waterloo station (we're talking london buses here, poppets), and looking out the left window, there it is: tucked underneath a railway bridge at waterloo station, greasy as a can of lard, is the fish+chips takeaway that's on the cover of that album.

just another bit of utterly useless trivia for the jbc-heads out there :-)

"it's never enough to see how others fall in love" (the blue aeroplanes)

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 91 17:21:03 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: news from the front room

i just talked with my friend scott in new jersey. over the weekend, scott called pat and discussed things. in summary:

pat just came back from the west coast where he OPENED FOR ROBYN HITCHCOCK.
ok, ladies and gents - why wasnt this general knowledge? back from the land of bliss, scott said pat seemed in a really good mood.

the new album was expected to be released in the UK in about *3 weeks*, which doesnt not jibe with the Reckless Records Chicago story. he didnt even know what the cover would look like. it seems things were held up because they had to call him to check the song credits.. "WHO else would get credit for this?" expect a record full of long _pineapple tuesday_-esqueness. fine with *me*. richard formby appears on guitar again, alex green on sax.

upcoming for the poppets in france: pat will be touring there around the 20th of october. i may try to get european tour dates out of him myself so that the '91 tour is documented (right, joe?) bad news for the rest of us - he does NOT have a US tour planned as of last weekend. he said that he may hold out until next summer.

other things.. he loves the new primal scream album (on creation, naturally). paul mulreany is playing drums for the blue aeroplanes. richard formby is still working with sonic from the spacemen 3.

second hand news, i know, but news nonetheless..

"keeping curtains closed"

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 91 18:41:41 EDT
From: (woj)
Subject: let's try this again...

forgot about the pasture bit the first time through with this... (de l`abattoir) sez:
>pat just came back from the west coast where he OPENED FOR ROBYN HITCHCOCK.

neat. that is a good thing (tm) cos that show that robyn did on the west coast was a promotional type of show, where the majority of the audience (if not all of it) was record and radio industry people (robyn is trying to push the new record on aor if he can - or a&m is - or both of them are).

presently have a copy of the "spooky" cd in my possesion - i have to return it to the rightful owner eventually, but the one quick listen i've had so far (finally!) was promising...and the sessions from brave new waves are great.

so that is what brant bambury looks like. and he sings too? wow...never would have thought that after listening faithfully for three years when i lived nigh to the great white north. - smou/dj-for-hire - cutting out a silouette of dreams

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 91 19:32:34 EDT
From: (woj)
Subject: jb and rh in la

the show was arranged by robyn as a promotional thing for his new record, _perspex island_. i guess he invited pat to open for him (bianca "bob" miller opened for the nyc promotional show) and pat obliged (knowing that the two hobnob a lot over in old blighty, this isn't really surprising). i don't know anyone who got in though - all the tickets that were available  to the public were snarfed up by a&m records. bastards. - smou/dj-for-hire - cutting out a silouette of dreams

Date: Mon, 30 Sep 91 10:59:43 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Confirmation of bad news

I just spoke with the Reverend Botus. While in Germany producing the new KMFDM album, he spoke with Pat. Pat will definitely not be touring the US until next summer. The problem is that since Rough Trade has ceased to exist there is no one to put up the money for the tour. He said that he thinks that he has found someone to take care of the distribution of "Condition Blue".


Date: Tue, 22 Oct 91 19:06:16 -0700
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: jbc fanclub

My name is Arik Florimonte, i've been a fan since about summer '88... and fortuneately there was a large backlog of jbc music to keep myself amused, bnut lately i have felt a loss of good things to come from the man... I have all the import and domestic albums, except bathofbacon, which i will very shortly be able to tape, i'm set there. I don't have any of his singles, but if i'm not mistaken, many of those songs have been on complilations.(?) my favourite album would have to be DistressedGF. I missed a chance to see the jbc on their fishcotheque tour, but saw them on their bpsp tour, and passed on the cult of the b. tour, although i had originally planned to follow them around california. it just fell through.
When i saw them at the Roxy in hollywood on the bpsp tour, my friends and i managed to hang around and meet Lawrence O'Keefe and get on the guest list the following night. That was certainly a high point, although a lot of it has faded from memory. I remember him being fascinated by the Lakers and saying that the next album was going to be the really good, one, no, not the next one but the one after that. I hope he didn't mean Edward's closet (what a ripoff.) We realized later that we came very close to being invited to stay at their hotel with them. We told Lawrence that we had driven down from Santa Cruz to see them and LA and he was concerned that we didn't have a place to stay. we of course didn't think to say no, and told him we were sleeping in the car. I always wondered what would have happened.


Date: Fri, 01 Nov 91 14:54:06 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: The Fish

I just spoke with Herr Fish. According to him, the new album should be available here within days as an import, and by January as a domestic release. Two american record companies are fighting over the rights to it, I guess. He has been away working with a band called The Love Kittens. They do a cover of Angels. While they were doing the cover of Angels, the singer fell ill, and Pat was forced to finish the vocals.

The new type of music that he has been performing in France, and will be performing in Spain and Germany in the next few months is called "Gothic Techno-folk" and consists of him and a guitar player and a saxophonist (i.e. Alex). Oh yeah, and a drum machine. He said he was really pleased because they could just get on a train and ride around and not have to worry about a drum kit. Speaking of drummers, both Paul and Mr. Jones play on the new album.

15 people played on the new album, and he said that he was considering calling the band "The Jazz Butcher Anti-Sonic Tabernacle".

The new album has a picture of "naked french people" on the sleeve. Another Jean Paul Looney creation, I guess.

By the way, Devoid, Pat said to tell you "try to remember that the LEFT pedal is the brake".

Later, y'all!

DEERKILLER Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 21:51:25 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: hello and stuff.

I was thinking, the most exciting mail i get are the ones from the jbcfanclub, so i thought i'd add my two bits to the discussion.

first, you all probably have access to this, but I have a tape of David J., Max, & op jones on <snap> KCRW Los Angelese from two summers ago. It's taped off the air and not necessarily that interesting, but it is MORE STUFF. I think they do 'fingers in the grease', 'the grass is always greener' and (i think) a (john cale?) cover-- 'antarctica starts here'.

Also, i've got a friend in my dorm who's convinced that he's going to be the next guitar player for the JBC. He wants me to send notice along to butch of that. I used to think i was going to be their next bass player... And that got me to thinking, that probably a lot of us have musical talents. I realize that with our small number that you aren't likely to live around here, but i'm just itchin' to play some tunes since my old band just broke up. unlikely, but if in Santa Cruz, CA area, email

I've taken up enough bytes, methinks.
And be sure to pass it along to Pat if you see him that there is a guitarist (and a bassist) here that would do nicely.


Date: Mon, 11 Nov 91 11:18:00 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Got it

Well, I just picked up "Condition Blue" this weekend. Nine songs, 55 minutes. Those of you with calculators can average it out. But anyway, the songs are looooooooong. I am going to reserve judgement on it until later in the week, as is our gracious host Devoid (who zipped up here from Purdue when he heard that I had found it). My reason is that JBC albums usually take a while to grow on me. There are three songs on the new album that totally blew me away, and there is only one that I can say that I really don't like, and there are some tracks that are difficult at first listen. But then again, I was really ambivalent about Distressed Gentlefolk, Fishcotecqhe, BigScarey, and Cult O' the Basement the first time I heard them as well. So both Devoid and I are going to give it several more listens before we actually post a real review. I'd really like to hear what anyone else who manages to stumble onto it has to say about it. But it is definitely worth getting, even if it is just for "Racheland". Later, y'all.

Der Deerkiller

"I think the man next door is having a nervous breakdown  Sounds like he's me in there
 Don't know if I believe you care"

-from "Racheland"

Date: Fri, 22 Nov 91 17:08:35 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: cd catalog

ok. the name of the catalog that i saw the older jbc cd's listed in is C
CD International

CDI Publishing Corp.
PO Box 22014
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 652-1291 editorials
(503) 652-1291 subscriptions
(503) 654-1132 distribution only

when i looked last they had everything in it, but Big Questions was *'ed, meaning that it probably isn't available. Didn't see spooky either, come to think of it/
good luck.

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 91 14:02:33 MET
From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: the man comes around

my place, though, not yours :-)

there is a date scheduled for december 14th here, vienna, austria. `an evening of fine pop music: the jazz butcher and peter astor'.

more of that as the time arrives.


Date: Mon, 02 Dec 91 06:11:08 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: JBC Retrospective Radio Show

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you about the old stuff. Girlfriend, Next Move, Angels, Southern Mark Smith (both versions), and Olaf Palme all make my list of the songs to put on the show. The one thing that I have not yet decided is if I should play the record versions or live versions of the songs in question. If I play the live version of Angels, I will play the one on the 1989 Chicago tape. (Did David get that one to you?) But, I also have a 1986 version with Max on guitar and a 1990 version with Julian on guitar. The same goes for Southern Mark Smith and Girlfriend (but I don't think that they did it on the 1989 tour). The first thing that I am going to have to do is play all of the JBC tapes that I have and write down set lists, and then pick the songs that I want to play and then listen to each version and decide which one I like best at that particular moment.

Now, about Condition Blue...

Racheland is the Butcher at his best. The rest of the album I have some (minor) problems with. In general, the songwriting is top notch (with the exception of Honey, which I cannot stand). But some of it is just too produced(?), maybe. Case in point - the background vocals at the end of Harlan. And the background vocals in Girls Say Yes, which is a terrific song otherwise (and maybe despite the background vocals). Shirley is really cool. Monkeyface I can take or leave . I don't think I like She's a Yo-Yo. The song with the weird sax bit at the beginning would have been a lot better if it had been less produced.

So all-in-all, I would have to give the album as a whole an extremely reluctant thumb down. I mean, I would definitely reccommend it to anyone familiar with with JBC if only on the merits of Racheland, Girls Say Yes, and Harlan. But I think that this would be a poor introduction to the JBC.

But I think that the stuff on this record is going to be really amazing live, when the songs are going to be really stripped down and concentrate on the songwriting and the melodies and all of the things that I love the most about Pat's songs. But the truth is that for the last two albums (BigScarey, Basement, and this one) I have not been that particularly fond of a lot of the songs until I heard them live.

Now I feel kind of bad because I feel like I am being over-critical. I guess what I am trying to get at is this: the songs are definitely there, but it seems like he is having trouble getting them from the instruments and onto the medium without the production getting in the way. One really notable exception to this is "Onion Field" off of Basement. That is a really terrific song, and the production is so tastefully done that you don't even notice it. Compare that to the song on "C.B." with the sax thing at the beginning whose name I can never remember (you know, the one that goes "did you think you were doing me a favor..."). On that one, the production is just too overdone for my taste.

But, I definitely agree with you about the songs themselves. For me, though, the entire record revolves around Racheland, Girls Say Yes, and Harlan.

So, am I being too harsh and over-critical? I would definitely like to hear what other people think about this.


"Food food food and sex and sex and food and food and sex and food and sex and drink and sex and laughs and sex" -the jazz butcher (from Cowgirl Fever)

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 91 13:00:05 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: oka, forthose...

of you lucky enought to hear the record, i have some q's. Are there any really good guitar solos on it? any potential classics that groups of drunk people will howl together at parties while desparately hanging on one another?

is anyone else a fan of Nikki Sudden's Robespierre's Velvet basement album? He also has another good one... this was early Glass.. it's quite good once you get past the Dylanesque vocal style.

"The conversation's limited to say the very least"


Date: Mon, 2 Dec 91 16:16:35 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: burning blue heart

> Are there any really good guitar solos on it?

in the sense that a spacemen 3 record would have a really good guitar solo. as deerkiller pointed out, the songs are rather _onion field_-ish in feel, with a guitar "presence" more than a guitar lead. _shes a yo-yo_ (which is my least fave track) is traditional staight up no chaser rock ala _line o death_.

i *like* the over-production, especially on _filth_ with female backup and crowd screams mixed in. pat is experimenting and even if the results are not perfect, they are listenable and a new approach to the 'D' chord. he has grown musically since _big planet_. isnt that what its about?

deeklicker is right. _racheland_ is a fabulous "my cat was just squashed by a car right in front of me" song of lost lurve and desparation and determination. emotionally complex as _angels_.

> any potential classics that groups of drunk people will howl together
> at parties while desparately hanging on one another?

the entire album. honestly. i find that i can put it on and let it work into my brain where it finds a nice niche that says "lets get drunk and cry some, if theres a shoulder i will take, if not, fuck off". the album has a mood unlike any of the other recent albums. i recommend it soley on that fact.
did that answer your question?

> is anyone else a fan of Nikki Sudden's Robespierre's Velvet basement album?
> He also has another good one... this was early Glass..

i have a bit of nikki suddens work which i like alot. even more upfront drinking sorrow music. reaching for a jbc tie-in, the german band M Walking On The Water has a tune called _love_ on which both pat fish and nikki sudden sit in. jbc-list alex can answer questions about M...

"its almost brooklyn"

Date: Wed, 04 Dec 91 14:39:48 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Pus Filled Blue Heart

Yeah, that's kind of gross, but that is what it looks like at 4 AM after too much vodka. But, to the point...

Maybe I was a little to harsh on the production of Condition Blue, but I still think that some of my criticism is warrented. Those last 10 seconds of Harlan, with the loud echoy sighing background vocals really bugs me. A friend of mine put it best when she said, "what's this? fuckin' Christmas music?". But it is still a great tune, and I can't seem to get it out of my head today, esp. the part where he keeps singing "you know all about it, you know all about it...".

I think that I am going to call pat this weekend and try to set up a time to do the phone interview thing for the radio show. Between now and the time I do the interview I have to decide what I am going to play so I can ask him about the specific songs. In the interview I am going to concentrate on old songs and on his future plans. I will try to avoid talking about the songs on this record . I can see it now:

Q- So, what insprired you to write Racheland? A- Well, I got divorced, had a nervous breakdown, and I was contemplating


Q- And what inspired you to write "Still and All"? A- Well, I got divorced, had a nervous breakdown, and I was contemplating


Q- And what about "Harlan"

...and so on.

On my radio show this week, I played something off of Asylum Road by the Perfect Disaster. It completely blew away anything I had heard by them before, and the song I played sounded like a blueprint for Girl Go.

And speaking of Girl Go, I guess there won't be a single this time around. But if there was 1) what would it be, and 2) what SHOULD it be. The only reason I ask is that I remember David saying that Pineapple Tuesday should have been the single off of Basement. I think it should have been Sister Death.



Date: Thu, 5 Dec 91 16:29:26 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: since i haven't heard

the new album yet (i've only seen it on vinyl and my turntable's been broken for years), i can't really say what i think the single should (have) be(en).

but i can talk about C.oftheB. The best songs on which were (imho) Girl go (because of that great sax part at the beginning), Mr. Odd (because of the backup vocal on the line "from Winnipeg") and my Zepplin, for the guitar solo and throwback country and western style. The rest is pretty good, except for Turtle Bait (aeck!)... Panic is predictable. so's sisterdeath. ohyeah, i liked daycare nation too.
but all in all i thought girlgo was the best choice for a single. I hated the cover, but i like the cover on the new one.

my two cents.

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 91 17:37:18 GMT
From: Joe Nicholson <> Subject: Since I have heard it

I have heard the new album and I don't think it is good as the previous albums. People may agree that:

  • the songs will probably be brilliant live
  • the guy has gone through a hard time, and
  • we will all be looking forward to the new (i.e., the one after Condition Blue) album

I'll double your two cents.....


Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 11:09:58 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Let's be fair

Alright folks,

I think that I have been harping just a little too much on what I don't like about condition blue. Now, for the people who haven't heard it yet, this kind of sucks because when they listen to it for the first time they will listen for all the bad stuff that people have been telling them about. So today, I am to post an incomplete list of things that I love about the rekkerd.

  1. The beautiful guitar line on "Girls Say Yes". Especially on the part where he is singing "She takes you to the movies/she knows that you never ever go". Perfect.
  2. The lyrics on the serious songs. I think that I would toss "Shirley" and "She's a Yo-Yo" in the same bin as "Line of Death" and "Panic in Room 109". Except that I do kind of like "Shirley". But the lyrics on "Still and All", "Racheland" (worship! worship!), "Harlan", and "Gorrilas Say Yes" really do blow me away.
  3. Even the two techno-sampling tunes "Monkeyface" and "Our Friends the Filth" have a lot going for them. Monkeyface is obviously a continuation of "Basement" and would do really well as the theme music for a cheesy cold-war spy thriller set in some third-world country. Our Friends the Filth is like the Black Eg with a big budget and taken to its logical conclusion. I am starting to really like some of the tracks on Black Eg, by the way.
  4. The music on most of the songs is really good as well. Examples: When the distorted guitar on "Racheland" kicks in, I get serious chills. And how at the end the tempo picks up and it turns into a big distorted mess.

And the guitars on "Shirley" are really cool when you are in that kind of mood. And the more I listen to it, the more I appreciate "Harlan" and the less the background vocals annoy me.
So what I would suggest is that you buy it, tape the songs that you like, and then pretend that it is a really awesome ep. And wait for the next one.


Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 15:49:29 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: coupla things...

it seems that since bpsp i've been saying oh well, wait for the next one. NO. i am determined to like this one. I have noticed something about record buying, and that's that if you are anticipating a new album, it never lives up to your expectations. The best ones are the ones that you hear here and there until they grow on you, even if it's a band you already love.   Sooo.... i'm not going to buy it anytime soon (i have no choice, i can't FIND it anywhere), and when i do, i'll be really nice to it, maybe chat with it over a cold one, pass no judgements.. etc.

The other thing... I'm here in the SantaCruz area, and last night at a local 21and over place there were two bands (neither headlining) playing. They were called 'The Butchers' and 'The Best Kissers in the World'. I think the other band was called 'urj'. Anyone ever hear of them before? I didn't get down to see the show, though i was very curious.

YA KNOW? -arik
"don't smoke no reefer, don't take no pills..."

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 91 14:17:13 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Trivia

Just had breakfast with the Reverend Botus Whiteblood Fleming (or, as he now calls himself, Reg Bogus or Vlad the Inhaler, Infamous Boozehound of the East). He is leaving for Germany on Friday to record KMFDM. And he just recorded GERARDO! Not Geraldo, GERARDO! You know "RICO SUAVE"! And he left the master tapes in my apartment for about an hour. I feel so proud.

And I jokingly asked him if GERARDO left his shirt on while he was recording (in his crappy videos he never wears a shirt). And the answer was no! Martin said that it was 50 degrees in the studio, and everyone else was wearing their coats, and this bozo refused to put his shirt on.

Help me with this logical progression-

>From the JBC to KMFDM to GERARDO to ?

Debbie Gibson?
The New Kids on the Block?

Actually, I shouldn't make fun of Martin. It's not like he sought out GERARDO. Some cool bands also record at his studio. One of these is "A Tribe Called Quest". Sonic Boom also records with them. But then, so do Samantha Fox and D.J. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. Strange world we live in.

Beer Swilling Sexist Pig Oprah-Watching Meat-Eating DeerKiller

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 8:26:11 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: levitation

So has anyone bought anything by Levitation yet? The DJ this morning on WZBC played a track called "Squirrel", which I liked, but he said something that surprised me -- 3 of the 5 band members are former JBC members. I was only aware of Laurence's presence (Cure pun, sorry) in the band. Who are the other two?

still waiting for condition blue,

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 92 11:56:06 -0500
Subject: Re: condition blue

i talked recently with a friend who had been in contact with pat.

for those of you wondering about the domestic release of _condition blue_... apparently the label will be restless (a division of mute, i believe), and it sounds like they want the single to be _shes a yo-yo_, if only for the incredibly stupid promotion of passing out yo-yos to every college radio station in the country. so.. from what i hear, this ablum in going to actually have some promotion in the USofA.

pat is in france this month recording with "some group". after that, we may see him "march/april". the line-up would be the one they are using in their european tour: two guitarists, bass, and a drum machine.

wish i knew more.

"all a honey ever wants is love"

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 92 12:33:58 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Re: condition blue

> She's a Yo-Yo??!!!! That is probably the most feeble song on the record!
> (Next to "Honey"). I mean, if they wanted a tune that rocked, they could
> have used Shirley! But then again, I guess that all they are really
> interested in is easy promotion ideas. But if they want those, they should
> have used Racheland, and passed out razor blades.
> -joe

i agree entirely.

maybe the plastic frances farmer and shirley mclaine dolls would have been too expensive to distribute..

"robyn hitchcock in a minefield"

Date: Fri, 07 Feb 92 11:12:51 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: The Fish

Well, I spoke to Pat this morning. I wanted to find out if the rumors about an upcoming tour are based in reality. It turns out that there will be a JBC spring tour. He has been using a drum machine on all of the European dates, but he thinks that he will be brining over a real live drummer this time around. He says that he hopes that a drummer won't make the tour too "rock and roll".

The tour should be starting up mid-April, and the first show will be in Georgia(?)! I guess that the new album is being distributed in the US by a company based in Athens GA, so that is where they will be starting the tour. He is not sure of all he details yet though. He said to try calling him this time next month, and that he should have all of the details by then. He just got back from France, where he was recording a record for a band called Chelsea (not THAT Chelsea!).

>From what he was saying, it sounds like he has been very busy recording other
peoples records for them.

Here is an entertaining tidbit: Shirley MacLaine's manager called up Pat's manager and requested that he send her a lyric sheet for the song Shirely MacLaine! I wonder if she is a fan or just condsidering sueing him.

More later...


Date: Sat, 15 Feb 92 18:56:15 EST
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: News

I actually heard "Monkeyface" being played on the radio yesterday afternoon (on WZBC in Boston, the Boston College station). It figures that the domestic release is finally available, since we just got the UK version from a friend visiting from England.


Date: Tue, 18 Feb 92 09:43:07 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: My Bloody Valentine

I would appreciate it if anyone who knows where and when an upcoming My Bloody Valentine show is going to be. A friend wants to do a road trip this weekend or next, and if it is withing a days drive, I might want to go and see them again. So if you get a chance, please consult your local trendy newspaper and let me know. Many thanks!

Also, I took a look at the domestic release of Condition Blue, and the track order is totally different. Racheland moved up 5 notches from 9 to 4, Monkeyface dropped all the way down to 9, and She's a YoYo jumped all the way from 7 to 1. It looks like they are trying to showcase that one, since it is the single. I feel like Casey Kasem!


Date: Tue, 18 Feb 92 18:19:59 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: i just got it...

on import, for $21+, and now it's out domestically. oh well. so it goes i'd say it was worth it though... (condition blue, btw) i'm so far really impressed by it, maybe as good as fishcotheque, if not then definitely a step in the right direction. It starts well and ends well, (girls say yes and racheland). _our friends the filth_ seems to me to be a (finally) tolerable rendition of a type of song that is on every album... the annoying parody/exercise in repetition and sampling... not bad, this time. i've only heard it in all 2-3 times, once on shrooms, so the jury (me) is still out on the rest of it.
_shirley maclaine_ seems cool so far, _still and all_, not so at this point.

so i guess i'll just enjoy my $21 worth of import cd until the domestic comes out and the less dedicated (slag?) go out and buy it.

"You want it large, you'll have to feed it."

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 92 18:24:09 -0500
Subject: Re: i just got it...

arik says:
> i'm so far really impressed by it, maybe as good as fishcotheque, if not then
> definitely a step in the right direction.

agreed. no cheap studio noise of Cult, either. (Cult is impossible to get clean samples from :-)

> _our friends the filth_ seems to me to be a (finally) tolerable rendition
> of a type of song that is on every album... the annoying parody/exercise in
> repetition and sampling... not bad, this time.

very well put. i rember pat being excited about (or at least quoting _do the bubonic plague_ quite often) last US tour. i thought to myself "yeah, 'where'd ya get it' is a cute sample, but a complete *song*?"

for fish-sampling-gone-overboard-into-brilliance, the Black Eg album is a must.

"Mmmmmm... good cheesecake" - Black Eg

Date: Thu, 20 Feb 92 10:46:08 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: No Subject Given

>>arik says:

> i'm so far really impressed by it, maybe as good as fishcotheque,
>if not then definitely a step in the right direction.

I don't think that I
skip over any songs on fishcotheque. I skip over about half of the songs on this one. The songs on fishcotheque have this nice sublety about them, while this one is about as subtle as (insert your own metaphor (or is it a simile?) here)_____________. I think that is what hurts it the most.

When I spoke with Pat a few weeks ago, he said that this record was recorded for only one person (his ex?) and if anyone else wanted to listen in, that was fine, but it wasn't recorded as a spectator sport. And if you are trying to I get a point across to someone, sublety isn't always the best way to do it. In that context, the lack of sublety is much more forgivable. But that still doesn't make it a great album. I think that I am sounding over critical again. I mean, I do still play the album once in awhile, and I don't intend to trade it in for a Grateful Dead cd, but I refuse to abandon the expectations I have for a jbc record. This one has some great songs, but by no stretch of the imagination is it a great album. I am still caught up in the production thing.
>> no cheap studio noise of Cult, either.
>>(Cult is impossible to get clean samples from :-)

Yeah, but what would you rather have, Devoid, "cheap studio noise" or over-done background vocals. I would prefer the sounds of a rabid gorilla killing people with a chainsaw in the room next door than the background vocals.

By the way, does anyone have the "New Invention" 12" single? I really like the b-side song called "almost brooklyn", and I was wondering what everyone else thought about it.

> _our friends the filth_ seems to me to be a (finally) tolerable rendition
> of a type of song that is on every album... the annoying parody/exercise in
> repetition and sampling... not bad, this time.

"Every album"? What is the comparable song on Basement? As Devoid points out "bubonic plague" is the one on BigScarey. But the chicken rap from fishcotheque doesn't fit into the same category. And that one has become an excellent live staple.

>>for fish-sampling-gone-overboard-into-brilliance,
>>the Black Eg album is a must.

As Ed McMahon would say..."That is correct, sir!"


Date: Thu, 20 Feb 92 20:02:16 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: annoying songs...

of course, it is my personal opinion, but...

Fish-  Best Way
BPSP-  Bubonic plague
Cult-  turtle bait
Blue-  our friends the filth

those are the ones i get most annoyed with when i listen to these albums granted, turtle bait doesn't have any sampling, but it is certainly annoying. Best Way is good, in small doses.

When i was talking about the annoying songs that i sort of group together, i just meant the ones that i usually (or sometimes) skip when listening. Our friends the filth seems like a keeper.

Re: what someone said about not skipping any on fishcotheque: I agree, i can see that i will be skipping some of these new songs eventually, when i know them a little better, but the ones i like are reminiscient of Fish. The whole fishcotheque album gets bland faster than the previous ones, though.

of course, my personal fave is Distressed Gentlefolk, even though Scandal in B. had the best cover.

Off to watch the simpsons...

"The conversation's limited, to say the very least..."

Date: Fri, 21 Feb 92 10:58:44 PST
From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: Condition Blue

Well, it's finally out domestically. I purchased a copy last weekend up in Berkeley. I think it's a good record. When I first heard it a few months ago, I really didn't like it. But now it seems to have grown on me. BTW, I think I'm the only person here who still buys LP's because no one has commented on the fact that "Monkeyface" is only on the CD. I think the muddy production is only slightly improved on the CD.

I have to disagree with Arik about comparing "Turtle Bait" with "Best Way". The latter, I think, is a great song, and as has been pointed, is really excellent(!) live. "Bait" on the other hand doesn't really have much going for it, is universally disliked and, as far as I know, is never played in concert.


"Eggulous is digging the potatoes forever"

Date: Tue, 25 Feb 92 19:30:41 GMT
Subject: yo-yo

   > oh, and there was a brief sentence in the nme last week, stating that the    > only decent freebee they'd received recently was a Jazz Butcher yo-yo

   oh shit! deerkiller heard right!

   "think i'll saw my leg off"

I'm sure if Pat knew that you needed a yo-yo, he'd see that one was sent flying your way. I wonder how many they've made? The idea of forty or fifty people throwing themselves around at a gig, with yo-yos flying left and right, up and down, is kind of appealing...


whoever said "robyn hitchcock in a minefield" deserves a yo-yo, too

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 92 01:10:24 EST
Subject: condition blue

finally got around to listening to the new album. and well, perhaps i am uncouth and not hip to things fishy, but i like it. course, i am not the slave to pat that some of you seem to be...i'll agree that it is not the greatest (though is it the latest), but it works for me. the _fishcotecque _ comparisons are spot on far as i'm concerned.


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 92 18:36:28 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: Pat's Pet Projects

I spoke with The Man this weekend, and he mentioned some of the stuff he is currently working on.

  1. A Brian Eno cover for a Eno cover compilation. When I called, he was experimenting with "The True Wheel", an excellent pop song.
  2. Producing a French band called "Chelsea" (not THE Chelsea).
  3. Producing a band called The Love Kittens, who cover "Angels". On the day they were recording Angels, the singer was out sick, so Pat did the vocals.
  4. Already in the can is something by Pat and Richard and "a girl singer", called "The Vaguely Familiar". Pat says that Sky records is "eyeing" it.

Unfortunately, none of the above is currently available.

I am psyched for this tour. JBC and chemical abuse. Ask for it by name.


                    p.s. - anyone else out there read "Milk and Cheese"?

Date: Mon, 16 Mar 92 22:18:48 -0800
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: what about Max?

does anyone know what good ol' M.T. Eider is up to these days? Or David J.? I would eagerly gobble up anything new by either.

anyone like "Asylum Road" by the Perfect Disaster? I bought it a couple of years ago and, with the exception of a few tracks (incl. the Girl Go prototype), it's really pretty boring. Still looking for the Love Kittens.... anything out yet?


"Kitty in a mine field, not heavy enough"

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 92 21:15:05 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: some news

3 weeks until the US tour begins in athens, georgia, but you knew that.

the bass and 2nd geetar player is unknown, but mr paul mulreany is said to be doing the drums again.

a recent philadelphia enquirer article has a 4 paragraph RAVE of the new album, _condition blue_, claiming that it is the best from the fish ever. well... the same article also claims that this was the 5th album and "hitchcock inspired", so what do they know? good album, though.

_shirley mclaine_ is available as an australian import CD EP, shockCD4010:

	shirley mclaine (edit)
	shes a yo-yo
	daycare nation  (still only available on CD)
	panic in room 109 (why?!)
	shes on drugs

the liner notes says something to the effect that it is dedicated to "f# crabs, for his contribution to awareness of the JBC in australia"

all the news thats fit to fish




  1. a town near the US-Canadian border
  2. a song by the pat fish impersonator

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 92 23:20:21 -0500
From: (Void where prohibited by law.) Subject: JBC in MI

Does anybody happen to know when and where (and if) the Jazz Butcher will be playing in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area?

Also, a local record store has this CD single titled "We Love You" and contains three mixes of that song, apparently a Stones cover or so the writing credit leads me to believe. The artist is simply listed as J.B.C. Since it's out on Creation records it seems possible that this is the JBC that we all know and love. But I have my doubts. The song isn't from any albums I have and I'm 80% sure I've got them all. This in itself doesn't mean anything but it just seems so atypical of Pat to not include any bonus tracks other than remixes of the title song. Is this just a case of a record store's misfiling or is this really an official Jazz Butcher product?

Date: Wed, 01 Apr 92 23:44:15 -0500
From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: JBC in MI

> Also, a local record store has this CD single titled "We Love You" and
> contains three mixes of that song, apparently a Stones cover or so the
> writing credit leads me to believe.

yup. thats one that pat put out in 1990. titled JBC so as not to label the Jazz Butcher a dance band. _we love you_ is most definitely a dance cut, if you are into that sort of thing. just showing that he can do it too, i guess. hell, _peter lorre_ was a sort of dance track, so you shouldnt be too surprised if you give it a listen.

snag it, there arent too many of them around.

"DJs the man ya love the most, love the most, love the most"

Date: Mon, 06 Apr 92 16:25:59 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: JBC World Domination Tour Dates

Directly from Karen, the JBC tour manager...


24 Athens GA, Georgia Theater
25 Atlanta GA, Cotton Club
26 Chapel Hill NC, Cats Cradle
27 Off
28 Baltimore MD, Max's on Broadway
29 Philadelphia PA, JC Dobbs
30 Hoboken NJ, Maxwells


1 Washington DC, 930 Club
2 NY NY, Tramps
3 Providence RI, Club Babyhead
4 Off
5 Boston MA, Night Stage
6 Montreal, Club Soda
7 Ottawa, Zaphod
8 Waterloo, Bomb Shelter
9 Toronto, El Macambo
10 Guelph(?), Trashateria
11 Off
12 Catherine, Hideaway
13 Cleveleland OH, TBA
14 Detroit, St Andrews
15 Off
16 Chicago IL, Lounge Ax
17 Chicago IL, Lounge Ax
18 Minneapolis Minn, TBA
19 Off
20 Winnepeg
21 Saskatoon
22 Saskatoon
23 Calgary
24 Edmonton
25 Off
26 Vancouver
27 Off
28 Victoria
29 Off
30 Seattle WA
31 Portland OR


1 Off
2 San Francisco CA
3 San Jose CA
4 Santa Barbara CA
5 Los Angeles CA
6 Long Beach CA
7 Long Beach CA
8 Off
9 Off
10 Phoenix AZ
11 Off
12 Dallas TX
13 Austin TX
14 Houston TX
15 Off
16 New Orleans LA
17 Jackson Miss
18 Athens, GA (full circle!)

Look for me at all the show through Hoboken, both Chicago shows, Cleveland, maybe Minneapolis, and LA and Long Beach shows.


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 92 22:46:44 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: 16 days

my friend scott passed on some things he learned from pat.

the tour:
pat is unsure how the audiences will respond to the anticipated "downer" set. _susie_, _angels_, etc. there will be no elephants or drinking songs and not as many older songs as in the past.
the second geetarist will be the guy who played the solo on _girls say yes_. neither paul or alex green will be along this time. the last show they do before the north american tour will be one in london around easter.

pat has produced a french band named chelsea and he played saxophone on 3 tracks of the new spectrum (sonic boom) album entitled _soul kiss_.

one to add to the discography:
a magazine from 1984 called: what a nice way to turn 17 included a 4-song sampler with the jazz butcher song _chinese envoy_. david j also contributed an article on john cale to this issue.

"quality in sound"

Date: Thu, 09 Apr 92 13:04:14 CST
From: BEAULIEU-JOE <> Subject: The Downer Set

I, for one, am actually looking forward to the downer set. Most of my favorite JB songs are the "downers" - Angels, Sister Death, Suzie, Racheland, The Good Ones, etc. I wouldn't object to hearing Southern Mark Smith or Big Saturday or Girlfriend on this tour either, (but wait! I seem to remeber Big Saturday and Girlfriend being on the Vienna tape from last December), but I think that if Pat is really into the set that he is doing, then maybe the show will be a bit more intense. I mean, he might be getting bored with doing Caroline Wheeler and Partytime at every single show. It would be kind of depressing if the JBC turned into a wandering nostaligia act, wouldnt it?


"What do you want- a caberet show, or a band that's awake"?

          -Pat Fish

"If you want requests, go and see a fucking juke box."

          -Pat Fish

Date: Sat, 2 May 92 22:31:00 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: live from wyckoff, NJ.

the JBC are in NYC this evening playing two shows (10pm & 1am) at tramps, rioting aside.

the tour so far has been, in a word fuckinggreat. too bad no one has shown up for the gigs, though. about 80 people per night. it is picking up some here on the east coast. _yo-yo_ is even being pushed on philadelphia radio.

my job has gone pretty well - making recordings of the shows i attend. the set is, as promised, death death death. the new band are young and very talented. peter crouch, the geetarist, evens attempts some eider twiddlings..

i sound like a complete dolt, so it ends here. i will check back in as i can.


"i expect to see the UFO in some equadorian jungle in the World Weekly News" - pat fish

Date: Sun, 3 May 92 18:03:34 EDT
Subject: death death death

ditto ditto ditto

didn't see our beloved listowner at the hoboken show, but i can agree with this description wholeheartedly. pat was *really* subdued and downright melancholy.  even when he made light of things, he was fatalistic in his delivery.

despite all that, the show was still fairly good. but i hope that pat cheers up sometime soon anyways...


Date: Mon, 04 May 92 11:46:34 CST
From: Beaulieu-Joe at CHAPIN <> Subject: the tour

Hi everyone. I just got back from NYC, where I saw the JBC play two sets at a club called Tramps. I was able to catch 7 dates before I had to return to work. The JBC are really getting their act together, and are starting to really rock. They have added several songs to the set list since the first show, and you should really catch them if you can. David is taping most of the shows for a possible live album, and some of the tapes are just amazing.


Date: Tue, 5 May 92 08:26:45 EST
Subject: da JBC tour

"fuckinggreat" is right.
not only a fine set, but a bunch
of really kind chaps as well.

i was a bit surprised pat fish
was so difficult to get to talk to.
perhaps it was just my own intimidation
problem. but he is quite the goof upon

nice suit. nice.

pinball with peter
and company
i will never forget.

exchanged addresses with peter/nick.
i am to find peter a job in the states
for after june 21.
hmm, but where?
i cant see the guy flippin burgers, but he swears he would do "any job" and "anywhere" hmm. have to think on that one.

damn good time.
see em if you can.
you wont regret it.


Date: Fri, 8 May 92 18:56:50 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM>
Subject: with labelmates like this...

I saw this in someone's .sig on the 4AD list:

from jeff wright's .sig:
> "We kept getting pushed further back in the file cabinet, towards
> the Jazz Butcher and the Jasmine Minks. When we got to the
> Revolving Paint Dream, we figured it was time to leave."
> -- Moonshake on leaving Creation

Anyway, the two shows I went to were really great, with Cambridge being better than Hoboken. The band was tighter, more energetic, and seemed to be having more fun. I like "Condition Blue" a lot better now, after hearing the songs live, though I'm not sure why really.

The highlight, for me anyway, was "Betty Page" during the first encore in Cambridge. It was just Pat and Pete, and Pete did a great job with the "max-eiderisms", though he did seem a bit nervous about playing it.

(abrupt change of the subject to a thread going on in a completely different mailing list)
woj, I have to disagree with you about Bloom. I thought they would have been ok if their singer wasn't such a posuer. I mean, he didn't really have to wrap himself around the mike stand, or make grotesque movements a la Peter Murphy. (One man's emotionalism and sensitivity is another man's silliness?) And I didn't like his voice either. So were you the guy leaning up against the stage-left wall while Bloom played?

(back to the Butcher)
The Cambridge show was disappointing in that there were so few people there. I'm not good at estimating crowd size, but I'd say it was between 100 and 150. (Hey Mitch, do you have a better estimate?)

The band just keeps getting better. Go to the shows in your area, and bring all your friends! Show Pat that we love him, and care about his music a great deal! And don't request "Who Loves You Now?".

If you get a chance to talk to Pat, be sure to mention you're part of David's network. I think he's amused by our very existence.


Date: Thu, 21 May 92 13:11:49 EST
Subject: the 1992 JBC tour - article i wrote for a local mag.

<a href="/press/92rider.html">the 1992 JBC tour - article i wrote for a local mag.</a>

Date: Thu, 21 May 92 14:50:13 EST
Subject: DETAILS FOR MEN magazine June 92 page 129:

<a href="/press/92details.html">DETAILS FOR MEN magazine June 92 page 129:</a>


Date: Fri, 22 May 92 15:30:54 EST
Subject: Re: the JBC in bton

remember when i told you i got condition blue for $1.99? well it was an illegal sale of a promotional tape given to Tracks records who proceeded to sell it as a used tape.

i found this out when pete was in my
car rummaging thru my tapes and said "well the hell is this? why does it say SKY records on it so big like this. it seems like some sort of bootleg or something."

i was too silly to realize that it s not the official release, and soon read the cardboard inside that said "official release date January 1997" that REALLY confused me, 1997?


Date: Sat, 30 May 92 15:16:16 CST
From: <> Subject: New Orleans

Got a call from the JBC in Seattle last night at 4am Chicago time. Pete said that he would have called eariler, but he wanted to make sure that he would wake me up. Pat was impressed with the "Black Eg North Africa Tour" drawing that I gave him. Three black eggs wearing fezzes. On the same piece of paper was a drawing of Milk and Cheeze screaming "Pete must die"!


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 23:22:07 -0700
From: Robert Eggersgluss <> Subject: Jazz Butcher

        I'm the Butcher fiend who emailed you a couple of months ago. I finallysaw him in concert two days ago, which was simply amazing. My friend and I talked to him for about fifteen minutes before the concert. I'm kicking myself for not going to Music Millenium because he played for about an hour-stuff like Love Kittens and other old stuff. I rate this conert much better than the previous tour (Cult of the Basement), even though he played a lot of songs from CotB. Speaking of last years tour, the Butcher only netted about 300 bucks for the five week tour.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
Robert (

Date: Tue, 02 Jun 92 10:59:25 -0500
From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Jazz Butcher

i agree entirely - pat (musically) has his shit together, i think, and it shows. fuckinggreat set selection.

the in-stores are usually pretty fun, i have a couple recorded, although the quality of those is iff-y.

the *real* shows, though are the best live JBC recordings i have ever heard :-) honestly, most are very nice sounding recordings. what i did was took the stereo signal from the soundboard and mixed signal from stereo microphones live to DAT. right now i have about 20 shows taped from this tour, and i have another 10 days or so when they pass close enough for me to follow again.


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 13:22:49 -0700
From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: saw the show in SF

and here's what i thought:
first, there were a bunch of really annoying guys in front of us who had apparently made friends with the tour manager and talking about "this is the best connection we've ever had!" and I couldn't help but chuckle. I'm glad they were too into themselves to pay attention to me. Anyway, later in the show , when they were drunk, they kind of floated around near the front of the crowd, where I was,
and they would kind of fall on you and lean in your face and when nudged out of the way would take great offense. Anyway, the t-shirts are cool... i don't know how well i like having that big "puss-filled heart" in the middle. But heck, i bought two of 'em. I also picked up the cd of spooky; they were peddlin' a few wares along with the shirts.

now, the important stuff.
I thought the set was really good, nice an mellow as promised. I was very pleased
when they played Girlfriend and FAlling In Love, and of course, Angels. I was disappointed with the club, Slim's, because i would have rather been able to sit back and relax and enjoy the show than have to fight fucked up people with too much energy for how mellow the show was just to be able to see. Butch was in fine form though. eg:
"Who's mooing at me? Raise your hand if you're mooing at me. (As he tunes his Tele) I've got a good idea. Why don't you fuck off?" and similarly: (I didn't catch what the person said, but he replied) "Does that mean fuck off and go home? Because you can, you know, it's a free country." Pete was sweet on partytime. I was sorta lookin' forward to some more of his own solo's... but i never mind hearing max's. The banter was really good with the audience, I guess that's what i'm trying to say.

The set was excellent. A good mix of older and new songs, and interesting e... encore covers: Somewhere Over the Rainbow and Take the skinheads bowling. not to mention the treat: "Thing" per request of one of those people in the front. "You want me to play Thing in front of people," Pat asked in disbelief. But then he did.
I was really hoping to hear Betty Paige. Maybe I'll make it to the Los Osos show tonight.

set list, in no particular order, to follow. Cover your eyes now if you want be surprised at the show, if you haven't seen it yet.

Partytime/Southern Mark Smith ("Light and Space" version)/Girlfriend/Thing/ Falling in Love/Angels/Susie/She's On Drugs/Pineapple Tuesday/Mr. Odd/Girl Go/ Sister Death/girls say yes/she's a yo-yo/honey/shirley maclaine/racheland/ and the aforementioned covers. Angels opened with the traditional "candy-colored clown" bit... and during the break i caught "In heaven, everything is fine"
I wish they'd come through again. A show in Santa Cruz would be especially appreciated. maybe never. But hell, they're playing Los Osos for chrissake.

anyway. CATCH THE SHOW! it's worth every $. ( I think I spent $80 some after all the T-shirts, cd, and tix for two friends)

take care.

"If you want to see a comedy show, go see Nirvana." -butch 6/1/92


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 17:12:40 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: updated tour dates

i just talked to sky records and they gave me the following info for the end of the US tour:

12 June	Dallas			Club Clearview
13	Austin			Liberty Lunch
14	Houston			Fitzgeralds
15	New Orleans		Tippetina
17	Birmingham Alabama	Nick
19	Atlanta (TBA)

they also told me that after the last show, "the rest of the band is going back and pat is staying in the US to do some other stuff".

whatever that means... solo? hmmmm.

well. i have been silent long enough, i suppose. work does that to me. being on the road for a few weeks with the jazz butcher was just what i needed. lots and lots of miles, time sitting around before the shows, setting up, soundchecks, greasy french fries and beer.

when the band connected with the audience (as i saw in baltimore, boston, toronto, and chicago) the JBC were very good. the off-nights (playing in dives to 50 people, or having to deal with unprofessional club staff), it was tense.

it is obvious that pat and pete are the core of this incarnation of the JBC. i am not certain how i feel about pete mimicing the eider style in _betty page_ and _partytime_, but he ripped through the newer material when needed. _racheland_ always ended the normal set (as it does on _condition blue_ - pat was furious that sky fucked up by switching the A&B sides - _monkeyface_ is not supposed to end it all. buy the creation release if you have the choice)

the first day in canade, pats face blew up - an abscessed tooth made him truley look like the elephant man. how he continued for the 4 days until it was finally pulled, i dont know. chicago, i think, was the turning point. before then, the band wasnt consistent - cock ups by the bass and drum player were frequent. with pats face back in order, and being back in a city he liked, they shined for two shows. the first one was the "up" set, the next night was the "down" set. they played during the 1st show a complete improvisation piece entitled _beautiful snow white hair_, in tribute to the fact that the soundman, iain ohiggins, had made the mistake of showing them one of his baby pictures when he had snow white hair. needless to say, ohiggins nearly lost it when pat began babbling lyrics. listening to the tape later that night, pat was very pleased that they had pulled the improv off, and felt that they were now ready for some serious playing. look out california.

through all the interviews, and hinted during stage chat, pat admits the causes of his current state of mind. i asked him "what next?" and he went off, cursing the hipsters for embracing bands such as Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, as they were once a group in pats shoes - aging, talented, but not gaining the acceptance from serious work. they sold out. pat, detesting that, probably will not. he *is* serious about his work with the Black Eg, and had brought rough mixes for new songs along. i believe that the Black Eg is not that far from the silly songs on _bath of bacon_, just that pat is having to hide his involvement in it, so the Black Eg is as low-tech as possible to throw people off. "maybe i will hang with the (von d&auml;mmerung) brothers."

he is not, though, the happy man he once was. several blows to the emotional chin have stunned him a bit, and he is coping as best he can: (of _condition blue_): "it is me screaming 'COME BACK' for 50 minutes." the "afghan vet at a beach resort with a shotgun" is the outwardly charasmatic mr fish, scarred from life wanting to end it all, soon. it is a man who has been shielded from normal life encounters finally on his own and not knowing how to cope, except through a very public forum, which he has often apologised for.

where will it lead? i think that some solo touring would be less hectic and expensive than a full blown tour. he said that he hates the "idea of a drummer. once a drum kit is on stage, the audience *expects* a rock and roll show, which we arent, of course". sky records had recommended a drummer over a drum machine, even though the JBC had just finished a european tour witth that line-up. "without a drummer, the stage is transformed - it can become theatre." a candleabra on the bass cabinet is a nod towards the theatre experience.

longwinded babbling, that i had to share.

"ive seen the future and its birdlike"

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 13:21:59 CST
From: <> Subject: JBC News


An abbreviated form of the JBC is supposed to be opening for Downy Midlew on the west coast later in July. It would just be Pat and Pete doing the record store thing, I guess. But Pat has been talking about recording the new album in LA and Chicago, with Martin doing half and Ian doing the other half. They may end up spending some time in Chicago between Athens and going back to LA.

But it would be really nice to have Pat and Pete recording in Chicago.

So what are the New Orleans through Athens dates? I may just be able to catch one more date on this tour if things work out the way I hope.

If Pat and Pete are coming back to Chicago, you may want to give one of them a ride back to the midwest if they need a ride. I have no idea what happens at the end of a tour, like if they have to hang out in Atlanta for awhile or whatever.


Date: Sat, 13 Jun 92 15:08:17 CDT
From: (John Michael Davison) Subject: two things

        Saw the JBC last night at Club Clearview in Dallas, which is a kind of mini-Medusa's (for Chicago types) except with alcohol and no sailors. This means that the JBC's sound was fighting against the sound of the two adjacent rooms (both playing disco). Nonetheless, it was a good show.

        For trivia hounds, it may behoove one to know that Pat runs his Telecaster through a Marshall Guv'nor pedal and a "Stage Tuner" pedal (I forget who makes the tuner pedal...but it's the same company that put out a flanger whose standard mode of operation was to invert the phase of the delayed signal, making it weird among pedal flangers). Dooj is the only one who uses a wireless setup. (Dooj is the bass player, if you didn't know.)

        The drum machine which was used by the Jazz Butcher when he went on tour without a drummer was borrowed from Dooj. Dunno what kind it is. (No drum machine is used on this tour, though. No keyboard either. Not even a tambourine.)

        Shirt prices: $14 for the two white T-shirts, $17 (I think) for the black long-sleeve thing.

-- {until August 21}
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 11:17:44 -0400
Subject: Thats entertainment
Hiya David! It was great to finally get to meet you. Damn I had a great time
at the Butchie shows - Boston was especially fun! Pat was just too cool, I
can see how you got to know him. He was really friendly and seemed to enjoy
talking to us all. I take it the rest of the tour went well for you too, eh?
So tell me, is there really going to be a live album culled from your tapes
after all? Heh heh...
I've been wearing my fine JB t-shirt around, but so far only one person has
been cool enough to actually know who it was all about. And I must agree with
what someone else said, _Condition Blue_ somehow sounds better after seeing
some of it performed live. Is Pat really going to do a small solo tour? Ahh...
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 92 13:50:36 -0500
From: (de l`abattoir)
Subject: there's a mad old boy asleep on my floor
hello everyone.
i caught the last couple of dates of the tour: new orleans and birmingham, AL.
the guys were obviously a little burnt out after having done the BIG loop
of north america.  neither pete, the geetarist, nor nick, the drummer
have solid jobs to return to, so they were a little depressed.
nick more or less voluntarily gave $7 to a stranger while wandering
drunkenly around the french quarter in new orleans.  the next couple of
days, band members would walk up to nick and ask to borrow $7.
in birmingham, after the show, a redneck-looking 40 year-old from the audience
came up to pete and drawled "son, you're too talkative, and y'all're too
flamboyant up on stage".  if you had seen this tour, you know that pete
never moved, never spoke, and stared intently at his frets the whole show.
the somewhat anticipated solo tour doesnt appear to be happening,
as pat is leaving for home the end of this month.
pat and i have spent the weekend going over the live tapes, and he thinks
there may be enough to work with as source material for a live album.
he is thinking about making it more a documentary than a straight live album,
with bits of interview, in-stores and radio stuff mixed in.
candidate album titles: "been there, done that", and "the highlander".
(if you are ever in calgary, you must stay at the highlander hotel, btw)
at some of the california shows, there were violinists on stage during
_racheland_.  if ANYONE recorded these shows, please let me know,
as pat feels those versions are essential for a live release.
prolly tomorrow i drive him up to chicago with the selected
songs so that he & martin can clean them up.
how many times *can* one listen to _angels_ without
throwing up?  round bout 100 here, feeling nauseous.
"i am the devolio, smoyke lots ov marawinya"
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 92 21:53:03 CDT
From: (John Michael Davison)
Subject: Re: there's a mad old boy asleep on my floor
Dave writes:

> in birmingham, after the show, a redneck-looking 40 year-old from the audience
> came up to pete and drawled "son, you're too talkative, and y'all're too
> flamboyant up on stage". if you had seen this tour, you know that pete
> never moved, never spoke, and stared intently at his frets the whole show.
Not true. In Dallas, there was a 20-year-old Jazz Butcher fan (I think her name was Melinda or, none of those...but it was some kind of old-fashioned name that starts with an M...let's call her M.) who brought a camera along to the show, hoping to get some good shots of the famous Pat whatever-his-real-name-is. "Do you know if they would mind me taking pictures during the show?" she asked me. I replied that I have a friend who is more invasive than that. (He even makes recordings!) When the show began, Pat accomodated the camera by moving close to the camera, standing with one leg on the monitor nearby, and striking a number of snapshot-ready poses. I was impressed; not a lot of entertainers would do that. Later on during the show, Pat began to get grouchy about a poor monitor mix (supposedly the drums were too loud) and the fact that he was competing against the sound coming out of the two adjacent dance rooms. It didn't help his mood that the crowd kept getting thinner as the night went on, but nonetheless it was inappropriate for him to talk one minute about how nice it is just to play "pretty" music without all that rock and roll hyperactivity, then start griping about the soundman "fucking off." Of course, for $6 a ticket, the JBC weren't making enough money not to complain about things, but whatever mood he was trying to create was not enhanced by his sharp words. The other thing I noticed about the Dallas show was the lack of promotion. The only thing I was in the _Dallas_Observer_ about the show was a sentence that went something like, "From the U.K. to the U.S. comes the Jazz Butcher at Club Clearview, etc." Nothing beyond that. There were some die-hard fans there, most of whom found out about the show either by checking the club listings in the _Observer_ or some similar entertainment guide, or by word of mouth. Why was the promotion this poor? Were press releases issued and ignored? I guess that Pat is reluctant to capitalize on his association with Love and Rockets and the Woodentops, presumably because he stands to lose some friends of he started doing that. That's just a guess, but honestly, I don't understand why stuff like that wasn't mentioned in the _Observer_. The turnout might have been substantially better. Speaking of ignoring things, upon being told that Dave Whittemore has plenty of DAT recordings of Jazz Butcher/Jazz Butcher Conspiracy performances, M. expressed an interest in getting in touch with this Whittemore fellow. Since I didn't know Dave's address off the bat, I gave her my work number. She hasn't called yet. Maybe she thought I was trying to hustle her... Oh well; less duping work for Dave to do. Ho ho ho, won't she be surprised when she sees my friend's name all over the Jazz Butcher live album! Hee hee hee. If anyone knows a 20-year-old Jazz Butcher fan from Dallas whose first name starts with an M, give her Dave's address. -- {until August 21} Date: Tue, 23 Jun 92 10:42:36 EST From: Subject: "the highlander hotel" aw, its just gotta be the highlander! and should include the discription of the luxuries the hotel provides which was listed on the back of pat's postcard (he also read it aloud at the birmingham show) -del "i just walked into the bath after someone had just showered and looked at the floor and thought 'its SLIGHTLY wet'..... now, see if it had been SOPPING wet it might have been interesting." pete's boring dream #3 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 13:14:56 CST From: <> Subject: Black Eg Hi David. So have things returned to normal yet? Are you adjusting to reality fairly well? According to Pat, Karel and Otto will be appearing at the radio station for my one hour special on The Black Eg. Thad (who does the show with me) and I have been working on questions for the brothers, and have been collecting the various rumors about the Black Eg, so that they can verify or dispel them. I am especially eager to ask them about the large cult of fanatical "Eg Heads" who follow them all around Europe, and to ask them about their unsuccessful attempt at the Indy 500 time trials in their super- charged "Eg-mobile". And what's this about Emil being in a Ecquadorian prison? What fun this will be. Hopefully, Pat will be able to pass the questions on to Karel and Otto before the show on Friday, so that they can add anything else that they want to talk about. One thing I was going to ask them about was influences and kindred spirits, and I was hoping that you will have given Pat a tape of Vergiftung (for Karel to listen to, of course), so that Karel could play a tape of this hot new band he discovered in Indiana while they were there for the Indy 500. Thad is really good at designing and drawing, so he is working on a poster for me to copy and post around Hyde Park in preparation for the show. If the interview turns out really well, we will probably transcribe it, and use the best parts for the quarterly magazine that WHPK puts out. But anyway, I must get back to work now. Talk to you later... -joe Date: Mon, 13 Jul 92 15:21:43 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: JBC-list archives due to overwhelming demand, all of the more interesting bits which have been posted to the jbc-list are now available in one big file. after the tour, when mr fish was relaxing in chicago, he had the opportunity to go over this little document. he was chuckling frequently, and said that it was more than he had expected from the list. reading the section where we all tearing _turtle bait_ apart, he yelled: "Lay Off!". <a href="">to obtain:</a> ftp login anonymous (or ftp) use e-mail address as password cd pub/music binary get jbc-mail.Z quit muchos gracias amigo alex vrx`tzyhkpty. yes, this ftp site is about 6 time zones away. it took about 15 seconds to xfer the file when i tried. while i was in chicago, martin and pat and i went into the studio to give the live tapes a preliminary listen. i got the impression that a live release may not occur. the enthusiasm i saw as he was sorting through the tapes here seemed to have faded when he heard them on a bigger sound system. but, martin can work wonders in the studio, so there still may be hope. anything to add, joe? i havent heard from martin since i was there a couple of weeks ago.. -david Date: Wed, 15 Jul 92 10:54:48 PDT From: Greg.Dykema@Eng.Sun.COM (Greg Dykema) Subject: jbc tour 92 All right, all right, I realize I'm horribly delinquent with this, but better late, right? I went to the San Jose (CA) show at F/X. The crowd was quite small to begin with, but worse it seemed that at least half the people were just there for the opening bands. I don't remember the name of the first one, we came in the middle of their set. The F/X has a frightfully well-tuned PA system with rather low ceiling which just bounces everything straight off of it. Unfortunately, we were in time to catch all of the second opener, one "Mute Angst Envy," who failed to live up to the first part of their name and were way too loud. An awful gloom band in the current grindgoth style. I spent the entire time watching their bassist who playing his bass like a rhythm guitar, moving his hand faster than the lead guitarist! But this is all about the Butcher, so we endured MEA and waited patiently for the JBC and watched people start to drift out of the club. Pat came on and announced "Hi, we're the Velvet Underground. We'd like to thank the Mission for opening up for us," to general amusement and confused looks from MEA wandering around in the audience. He also muttered something about his band including no former members of Bauhaus. When Partytime started (what was that about General Gates?), we went down to the front, and more people left. The conspiracy seemed rather subdued and it took a couple of songs for Pat to get in the groove. It was interesting watching Dooj transform from shy and laid back to Townsend-style licks. It got the feeling Pete would've been happier playing behind a curtain off stage, and we wouldn't have missed him. He certainly lent nothing to the visual aspect of the show. By the middle of the set, we were down to about 50-60 people in the club, most up front. We were quite enthusiastic, though. Best quote of the evening: "I love you guys. You're small but perfectly formed." There were several more VU comments throughout the set, including several variations on is a song about Margarita but I just want to drink her tequila." The song list seemed pretty standard, judging by the other comments, although we were probably the only ones to be treated to a solo version of "Hungarian Love Song." Someone shouted it out and Pat couldn't believe it. He commented that we couldn't possibly want to hear that, which of course got everyone cheering and shouting. The rest of the conspiracy just watched in amusement as Pat picked out the first verse and chorus, a bit uncertainly, but satisfy- ing nonetheless. The standard set didn't end with Racheland--that was second to last. I think She's On Drugs was the last one before the encore ("I think it's time to pick things up again"). The encore was Take the Skinheads Bowling and something else. I also caught part of an interview with Pat on the radio (San Jose State station). He related a rather humorous tale about Andrew Eldritch of the Sisters of Mercy. The Butcher is a Sisters fan, believe it or not. If you haven't heard the story, I can attempt to tell it. greg Date: Thu, 16 Jul 92 09:05:07 PDT From: Greg.Dykema@Eng.Sun.COM (Greg Dykema) Subject: The Butcher Meets the Prince of Darkness (I'm not sure I have the time frame right, but this is the gist of it) It seems one Andrew Eldritch had been spotted in Hamburg (where he lives) going to local record stores and buying Jazz Butcher records with his own money. Pat was rather surprised and amused to hear this, having no idea the Prince of Darkness followed his own work. Sometime later, the JBC set out on a European tour. Pat noticed that the Sisters were also on tour and were playing many of the same venues a couple of weeks after the JBC. So Pat starting writing on dressing room walls things like "Eldritch, the Butcher is looking for you!" Eventually they arrived in Hamburg (perhaps to record the live album?) and Pat gets a telephone call. The deep, dark voice on the other intones "Is this the Jazz Butcher?" Pat allows that it is. "This <pause for theatrical effect> is Eldritch." They chat and it comes out that each is something of a fan of the other and they agree to meet in a pub. Pat is quite disappointed to find that Eldritch is really a short little guy with a fairly high, abrasive voice. At any rate, they have a few pints and Pat just has to ask, "So tell me, is the Sisters all just a big joke?" Eldritch just looks down and giggles into his lager. That night at the show they decided to do a cover of "Sympathy for the Devil" (I think) and when they get to the part where everybody goes "Wooo-ooo" (high voice), everyone's singing along going "Wooo-ooo" (high voice) and then Pat over and notices this little guy in black leather and black cowboy boots and he's going "Wooo-ooo" (high voice). It's the Prince of Darkness at a JBC concert, not going "Wooo-ooo" (low, menacing voice), but "wooo-ooo" (high voice) just like everyone else. It was great. And that's the story of the wag and Prince. All references to the "Prince of Darkness" are Pat's, not mine, by the way. greg Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 15:05:43 -0800 From: frendli@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Arik Kissinger Florimonte) Subject: JBC day I have, due to the first rainy, windy day of the year, declared this JBC day. I am not goint to any classes or otherwise fulfilling any responsibility, and I am listening to all my discs chronologically backwards. I suggest you do the same. arik Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 15:13:19 CST From:> Subject: pat I called Pat a last weekend, and he gave me a laundry list of things that he has been working on: Stuff with Richard A single with Sonic Stuff with Richard and Sonic Stuff with Joe Foster And some other stuff I can't remember Oh yeah. The JBC plays every week at a local bar. While Nick is officially still the drummer, they use a drum machine at those shows. I may have to call him back this weekend, since I seem to have lost Pete's address. Oh yeah. You now have the ONLY existing copy of the second Black Eg album. Pat said that due to some mysterious circumstances, all known copies were erased. Imagine that. Do you think he came to his senses? -joe Date: Sun, 20 Dec 92 15:23:00 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: jbc-list on hold i gave mr fish a birthday call and found out the following tidbits: the live release will be out jan 25. the 92 tour live release will be a CD-only release and will feature a picture of some Calgary grocery on the front, and a picture of the highlander hotel (also in Calgary, Canada) on the back. pat says he hopes he doesnt get into legal problems over this. the JBC will enter the studio in january for the next album session. pat is planning a release of his richard formby collaboration "the vaguely familiar" material after january. he has been working with the cartoonist moore (as did david j) who may end up singing the words he has submitted as lyrics. -david Date: Fri, 12 Feb 93 14:45:09 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: (forwarded) Warm Leatherette forwarded message: --------------------------------- Wow, my first posting. I'm the infamous (only to those who listen to KBVR Corvallis) Jazz Butcher fiend DJ. I play him every week, usually using Fertilizer as my background music for PSAs. Anyway, I heard this song last night, "Warm Leatherette" obviously related to "Grey Flannelette," although I don't know which came first. The band was the Normals and if anyone knows about them I'd like to know who ripped who off. JBC's version is of course wholly better. Leah partytime-"it's better than a cold bath with Police Chief Daryl Gates" -------------------------------- well, grey flannelette is the spin-off. bath of bacon has several allusive lyrics: grey flannelette -> warm leatherette zombie love -> the zombies velvets references in gloop jiving/jb theme probably others. yeah, he has hung his laundry in his lyrics since the beginning - not so much lately, though. i appreciate *how* he does it though. its sort of like how kids completely miss the classical and popular references in the old warner brothers cartoons, yet they still hold up for all audiences. -david Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 15:37:07 GMT From: Sarah Eaglesfield <> Subject: Dave Kusworth Dear David, Just wondering if any of you USians have heard of my buddies Nikki Sudden and Dave Kusworth. They both swear they're famous over there but I won't believe em... Nikki's bet me a fiver that you will know who he is. Sorry to be so rude, mailing you like this, but as I said I have money resting on it!! Please Reply! Sarah Eaglesfield, Brunel Uni, London! Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 13:29:15 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: Western Family arrives! and they are sitting in front of me. i finally got a copy of the live JBC release entitled Western Family: the Jazz Butcher conspiracy in America & Canada 1992. the cover is a nice burnt red and yellow oval logo taken from the "matchbook cover of my favourite grocery in calgary", western family. the inside has three photos. one of a tea-cup ride at an amusement park, the Highlander Hotel (tm) in calgary, and school busses sitting in front of a naval destroyer. that about covers the bases, i'd say. the fold-out photo of the JBC shows them sitting on a ledge in front of a big ship. nick on the right is making a thinking-real-hard face, pete is just screwing around with something that cant be read in front of his face. pat looks off into the distance and dooj is wearing the blonde version of his hair. da tunes: southern mark smith shirley sister death still and all pineapple tuesday angels beautiful snow white hair (fish/kember pierce) shes on drugs girl go shes a yoyo racheland everbodys talkin (fred neil) tugboat captain (galaxy 500) over the rainbow (arlen/hamburg) pat told me that _mr odd_ was dropped due to time considerations. come on. 14 songs! that's the most in years. overall its pretty fairly what their set looked like last tour. the sound? rev botus fleming aka martin stebbing was able to do wonders with my live tapes. the bass is solid on everything, and i got the live/board mix mostly ok (but sure would like to try again with better equipment!). i only had a quick scan, but i would say that i am pleased with about 2/3 of the quality (in sound). your milage may vary. the adlib from chicago, _snow white hair_ is a standout, and is almost a spacemen 3 tune. the absolute best part... continuing the "groove" notes from LP days, right around the hole in the CD it says simply: "the floor was slightly wet". the inside story (re-printed from the jbc-list archives):
> pete's boring dream #3
> "i just walked into the bath after someone had just showered
> and looked at the floor and thought 'its SLIGHTLY wet'.....
> now, see if it had been SOPPING wet it might have been interesting."
our own deerkiller is in the "thanks and respect" column. (though he has been notably absent here) (wait.. so has everyone else.. :-) is anybody out there? is anybody out .. is anybo .. i .. -david "you've got to stay at the highlander hotel" Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 19:06:44 GMT From: Sarah Eaglesfield <> Subject: Life, universe, everything! Dear David, I wouldn't believe that bunch of pissheads if my life depended on it! Actually, Nikki isn't a real DRINKER anymore, as a matter of fact he's a reformed character. Dave, on the other hand is a TOTAL drunken slob - decent bloke but nevertheless when his dole cheque arrives it is spent on the alcohol... Truth is, I only know of Pat cos Dave introduced me at a gig they did together some while back. Don't really talk to Dave about his music associates. Just someone I go to the pub with! I suppose I loose the bet... I always wondered howcome Nikki was so chummy with the likes of Nick Cave, Pete Buck, Robyn Hitchcock, etc. Sure, sign me up for the mailing list! I run a fanzine over here in England and if you like I can print the latest on the jazz butcher in it.. (it's called WAXSTREET DIVE). Oh yeah! I found out about you via ftp Thanks a lot *hugs* Sarah xx Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 12:02:59 -0800 From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU Subject: Re: Dave Kusworth
>From Thu Mar 4 07:37:07 1993

> Just wondering if any of you USians have heard of my buddies Nikki Sudden
> and Dave Kusworth. They both swear they're famous over there but I won't
> believe em... Nikki's bet me a fiver that you will know who he is.
> Sarah Eaglesfield, Brunel Uni, London!
Well, I have heard of them... I was pretty into a couple of their albums a while back, but i haven't heard much of their new stuff. They're cool, sorta dylan-stones esque with sometimes hard to handle dissonance, but, as a friend of mine once said, "they have all the good feel of the jbc." or something like that. I still prefer the jbc. Speaking of the jbc, sort of, I just got hold of a copy of an old "Modern Lovers" album. They're the band that originally did roadrunner. A friend of mine claims he can see butch stealng a lot of mannerisms or tidbits (you know) from this guy (I forget his name). Anyone else heard it? It's from 1973... That's all for now. arik Date: Fri, 5 Mar 93 17:12:46 EST From: Subject: oh my god!!! i cannot believe pete's boring dream #3 is on there!!! do you remember me telling you about it after he had told me he had it? that was in alabama when we (nick pete and me) went swimmin at like 10am. he told us about it and i couldnt stop laughing, it was 10am ferchrissakes and i thought it was great. too damn funny. suz Date: Thu, 18 Mar 93 16:14:57 EST From: (Chris Camfield) Subject: hi folks! I just joined the list, so I thought I'd introduce myself... I can't wait for the JBC to tour again! I first heard of them from a newspaper article - they were playing in a local club (called "Zaphod Beeblebrox":) There was a $5 entry fee... anyhow in the end I very stupidly decided not to go *because I thought I might not like them*. Several months later in HMV I listened to a track or two from Condition Blue and liked it... then started to collect albums. I still can't believe I didn't go to that concert!!!! :( Now I'm a really big fan... I've heard that this list is slow but I will try to make it otherwise - prepare for lots of mail! :) At very least, we should try and figure out the lyrics to songs... I wish they'd stick the lyrics in the liner notes. :( Chris -- Chris Camfield ( "Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight" (The Police) Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1993 13:59:45 -0600 (CST) From: (Rick G. Karr) Subject: Apocrypha. . . . Bits of probing questioning for y'all: 1) Though this may not be the appropriate forum, I can't think of a better place to ask, especially since there's no, and no alt.max.eider. So here it is: What's become of our Maximillian Theodore, where is he now ("Living in East Ham, writing ad slogans for bog roll," was the last answer I heard from Pat.), and is he still playing? Related topic: Is the band currently barnstorming the Midwest under the moniker "The Best Kissers In The World" at all indebted to Max? 2) Does anybody know if "Starpoint Studios in Beautiful Downtown Clapham" (From the opening cut of _Bath_In_Bacon_, my copy of which was sadly abandoned in said area of London when I was forced to flee H.M. Immigration Officers some years ago) is the same as "ReMaximum" studios there? I suppose this question is for the hard-core only. 3) Is it true that Pat, while studying classics at Oxford, frequently used to busk at sunrise in his college Quad? And which college was it? Curiously, Rick G. Karr P.S. Seen posted on a chalkboard in the entrance to Leona's, a friendly Chicago Italian eatery: We'll be your lunch (sic) We'll be you dinner You won't go hungry You won't grow thinner To see you starvin. . . . Y'all know the rest. . . . Rick G. Karr Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1993 22:08:34 -0600 (CST) From: (Rick G. Karr) Subject: And while I'm at it. . . . Two more things for y'all to gnosh: 1) There is (was?) a mag here in Chi called _Pure_ that not only seemed to have been run by JBC-heads (can we think of a better name for ourselves?), but featured lotsa JBC-related material, including a tip on when Pat'll be in town to record with the Rev. Botus W. Fleming, and an article by Pat hisself. Ennybody know these people? 2) More serious: I'm obsessed with the Fall. In fact, one of the great short- comings of my current e-mail server is its inability to direct my mail to fall-list at E.S.A. somewhere in the Netherlands. Regardless, JBC-Fall coincidences never fail to impress. Start with their mutual use of Mr Legras' artwork. Then go back to, uhn, 1985, is it? "McGinty thought he could fool the Fall with his imitation speeds but he could not know the psychic nose. . . ." (--"Pat-Trip Dispenser," M.E. Smith, et al) Pat? Trip dispenser? Surely he couldn't mean. . . ? I asked Pat last time he was in town: "Is 'Pat-Trip Dispenser' about you?" The cryptic response: "Well, Smith does shout 'McGinty!' at the end. And 'Southern Mark Smith' was released the week before." (Or was it the week after? I can't remember.) So: What's this "McGinty" stuff? Was this two bands slaggign each other off on vinyl? Was Pat bonking Brixie? (After all, we all know how much he likes American women.) Were he and Smith just havin' fun? There's something here. I know it. Anybody have a good NME/MM/Sounds file from the time? I suppose it's too much to hope that the UK version of Nexis carries those. Sigh. Theories solicited. Facts preferred. Rick G. Karr Date: Wed, 24 Mar 93 00:04:44 -0800 From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU Subject: Maximillian Eider -> From Tue Mar 23 11:59:45 1993 -> Bits of probing questioning for y'all: -> 1) -> What's become of our Maximillian Theodore, where is he now -> ("Living in East Ham, writing ad slogans for bog roll," was the -> last answer I heard from Pat.), and is he still playing? Check out the last two David J. albums. His presence is at the least, noteworthy. I like his work better on "Songs...Season" than on UrbUrb. I saw them about two years ago (David, Jones, Max) playing at the Roxy in Hollywood. I would assume that if David J tours again for this album that max will join him. -> Related topic: Is the band currently barnstorming the Midwest under the -> moniker "The Best Kissers In The World" at all indebted to Max? I have wondered this as well. Especially since at least a year ago there was a twin bill on dollar night at the local venue (The Catalyst) of The Best Kissers in the World along with The Butchers. Mere coincidence? I think not. sadly, I did not attend that concert, so I never found out. Arik Date: Wed, 31 Mar 93 00:33:14 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: recent news one of the "jersey posse" spoke with mr fish last week. the new album is to be titled "Waiting for the love bus", or somesuch. a few of the songs they recorded last month will appear as an EP. among the tunes will be "everybody's talkin'" and "do you wanna dance", both cover versions. news which i think *sucks*: the JBC have killed yet another geetarist. pete crouch has tired of the touring thing and has taken a "real" job. so... alex lee (short guy from the ex-blue aeroplanes) is peter's replacement. when they tour the US again, the second guitar player will be either alex lee or richard formby. both very capable, but i think pete had a hell of a lot of talent. -david "they check in and they check out immediately" Date: Mon, 17 May 1993 11:05:36 BST From: Matt <> Subject: Mr Fish plays London (brief report) To confirm what joe said, the gig was held in a truly tiny venue, crammed with an audience of about 50 devotees. Pat was completely unaccompanied, just him, his guitar, and what is evidently his fave effects pedal. Pat was wandering around the bar during the support acts, muttering "Christ, I'm nervous. I haven't done this in years." Once he got on stage though, he seemed pretty relaxed, and was full of sarcastic comments. He opened up with Girl Go, followed by lots of Condition Blue-esque new stuff. "Stop whining and play something cheerful, you miserable git," he chided himself between songs. And cheerful things were indeed played. As well as the Cult of the Basement stuff joe mentioned, there was a *brilliant* heartfelt version of Chickentown (the evening was full of Northampton references). She's on Drugs was also great, despite Pat's protestations "You're a bunch of soppies aren't you? There are thousands of bands can play you stuff like that, with drums and everything." Altogether the set lasted about 1hr 20mins, and I captured (nearly) all of it in glorious digital sound (though on the quieter, new numbers, there's a bit of background chatter going on in the bar - (shock horror)) I spoke to Pat (very) briefly, and asked about plans for the States this year. He says that if all goes according to plan he'll be over in the fall. He also mentioned between songs that he'll be at the Edinburgh festival this year (OK Jim?), but he was speaking French at the time so I didn't really pick up the details too well. Full playing order when I've worked it out. Matt Date: Wed, 2 Jun 93 11:25:46 +0200 From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Waiting for the Love Bus There is a review in this months ``Les Inrockuptibles'' of the new JBC album. General impression in the review is positive - after several mediocre albums, this is a ``good'' album, with some catchy tunes which will hopefully mean more airplay. <a href="/press/93inrockuptible.html">Here is the translation</a> of the review of the JBC ``Wating for the love bus'' album. Taken from ``Les Inrockuptibles'', June 1993.. The style of Les Inrockuptibles reviews is a bit arty, using a lot of words which I never use. Some of the similes are untranslatable! It Waiting for the love bus available yet? If so, has anyone got it A bientot Joe Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 11:01:41 -0500 (CDT) From: (Rick G. Karr) Subject: Revisionism Sebastian Hagedorn writes:
> Finally, probably this has been discussed over and over but don't
> you think that it has never been the same since Max Eider left?
> With the more recent albums I always like a few songs, but not as much
> as I liked "Scandal in Bohemia" etc.
Perhaps it has, but not since I've been on the list. Consequently, I'd like to take a shot, especially in light of what I consider to be an odd schism regarding "post-Max revisionism" among JBC fans. First, a little background on my own opinion, so everyone knows my prejudices up front: Like many of you, I held the belief for a long time that _Distressed_Gentlefolk_ was the zenith of the _original_ JBC (I know there were lineup changes in there, but the main strength of the band seemed to me to be the interplay between Max and Pat). After the split, I was thoroughly impressed by _The_Best_Kisser_. . ., which seemed to retain the melancholy ambience of _D_G_ while proving that Max was a solid songwriter, lyricist ("A hundred years have hardly left a trace/I can't believe what twenty-eight/Have done to mine"), arranger, and a vocalist with a unique, though limited style. _Fishcotheque_ (Is it still open under the arches at Victoria, I wonder?) struck me, on the other hand, as a sloppy, thin-sounding parade of second-rate Pat songs. This analysis was hotly disputed by my JBC-listening friends at the time (A few members of this list among them). To them, _T_B_K_I_T_W_ was "a sell out," "overproduced," etc., while _Fishcotheque_ was "honest" and the like. I know this is typical indie aesthetic; I suffer from it myself sometimes. But it had always seemed to me that Pat was uncomfortable workingf in the low-fi, cut it and release it world of indie land. He _wanted_ to spend hours in the studio, creating achingly beautiful sound- scapes. I think _Condition_Blue_ and, more importantly, _Cult_Of_The_Basement_ bear that out. I also think _C_O_T_B_ surpasses _D_G_ in most respects (lousy mastering notwithstanding. An aside on that front: Mr. Whittemore -- do you think Mr. Stebbing would allow us to copy his safety DAT of _Cult_ to an FTP site? Although I've never heard it, it sounds as though it's worth hearing!) So on to revisionism, as I realize I've rambled far longer than I should've: Now, most JBC fans seem to have demoted _Fishcotheque_ from the landmark status they once accorded it, and promoted their respect for Max's LP. The questions are: (1) Is this true, or am I misinterpreting things, reading things into people's comments? (2) If it is true, how does this revision relate to the "Is Pat's with-Max output inevitably better" question? (3) Does Max lose points for not following up? (4) Why do so many people in this group seem to write off more "serious" post-Max works like _Cult_? What am I missing (or what am I seeing that others aren't?) -- Rick G. Karr Journalist, audio engineer, sleepy guy. 1444 N. Greenview Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 312/276-7450 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 11:42:38 PDT From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: fishcoteque I have always thought that the best 2 records Pat has done are Gentlefolk and Fishcoteque. They couldn't be more different records, but they both showed Pat maturing as a song writer. I'm speaking of course of my perception at the time of their release. We are now very familiar with the "mature" (more like morose) Pat Fish of the last 2 records. I agree with David Wittmore that the early records are not as interesting. I can't remember the last time I gave Scandal or Bath a spin. But I find that I'm always in the mood for fishcoteque. I also have a soft spot for Best Kisser... I thought it was a great record when it came out and I still think so. I would not compare it to any JB records. To me, it's a record by a different band. naggi Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 21:45:47 -0700 From: frendli@cats.UCSC.EDU Subject: fishcotheque To tell you the truth, it was years before i spoke of this album with anything but disgust. I too considered DG the pinnacle of the fish's work. Lately I have found myself listening to all of the albums about equally, but considering i've heard D_G hundreds of times and I am still listening to it as often as I do C_o_t_B or B_P_S_P, which i've heard dozens rather than hundereds of times, i would take that as a testament to how completely D_G has wedged itself into my musical-taste standards.... B_K_i_t_W was a successful, I think, but I do wish that max had followed it up with something besides his sexy licks on david j.'s work. Aside, anyone else think Woodentops' Giant is just the bee's knees? Anyone know what happened to king Rolo? -arik Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 11:11:57 BST From: Subject: Hindley, Brady, Arding and Hobbs. The latest news is that the new Jazz Butcher album is due out on Monday (in the UK at least). Two things prevent me from getting too excited: (1) Creation are quite often two or three weeks over- optimistic with 'trivial' releases (e.g. "Western Family", Black Eg, anything by teeny bands like The Times, etc. etc.) (2) The actual piece said "...follow up to the acclaimed 'Western Family'." which makes me think that it is tinged with irony. :*) Time will tell. Date: 17 Jul 1993 14:34:31 -0700 (PDT) From: ABERSONC@CGSVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU Subject: cond. blue, tour '92
>what did you think of Condition Blue?
i felt that condition blue was one of jb's better albums, containing some of the bands finest tunes (shirley maclaine, racheland, girls say yes). i dig the sampling on "our friends the filth" (what tune is being sampled ?). One of the tracks "monkeyface" sounds like a cult of the basement outtake. all in all i found it to be a fine album however it seemed to lack the continuity of cult. also i thought the cover art was kind of lame.
>did you see them on the 92tour?
of all the jazz butcher shows i've seen, 1992 made 4, i thought that the most recent was the best i've witnessed. i saw them at the Roxy in Hollywood, an excellent venue for this type of show. j.b. played a great selection of songs including angels, big saturday, pinapple tuesday, falling in love, looking for lot 49, human jungle, girlfriend, and many more jbc classics. the opening band, the black watch, was outstanding. the blue aeroplanes opened the year before, while i like their music, i must admit a slight irritation over their 'dancer'. they employ a band member to dance to the music, that's all he does, no tamborine, no nothing, just dancing. he kept spraying sweat all over the first few rows of people, i don't need that. chris (#55) Date: Mon, 19 Jul 93 02:35:43 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: Broiled Fish interrupting pat's dinner on satday proved a decent thing. with cats crawling over him, he mentioned: o recently, in lisbon, pat played with the blue aeroplanes. playing were 3 JBC members - paul, ridney, and pat. due to gerard's (the BA's singer) imagined JBMutany, the blue aeoplanes have *yet* again broken up. o Yo-Yo is getting tons of airplay in the states, apparently on mainstream stations. he said that Yo-Yo alone tops all others combined in worldwide play. o for those wondering about back catalogue re-issue... bitch to Fire Records. they own it. Creation *would* put it out, but cannot due to boring business reasons. o earlier this year, pat was invited to a "Cruise on Lake Ontario with Billy Ray Cyrus" by polygram records in canada. while billy ray himself never showed up, pat will now have no bad-mouthing of the man, because of all the cyrus-paid drinks provided. he enjoyed line dancing. o a french group has asked pat to remix a song he claims to be "I will survive" in french. the brothers are intrigued. o he attended the Velvet Underground show at wembley with David J. Luna opened. he had just come from the studio where he and Sonic had done a version of Luna's song Indian Summer. Luna were playing that song when the got to wembley. pat says that that day was one of the most perfect days of his life. o Mean Fiddler. he was scared, and un-sure of how it would go over. it had been awhile since he had performed totally alone. he will be doing another Mean Fiddler gig in september. o the US distributor of the next album (yes, out monday uk-side) will be by Tri Star, the sony people. there just might be hope for real exposure *finally*. o touring... portugal is next. probably not a US tour until at least november (oh well). forthcoming: a care package with rebuttals to jbc-list Condition Blue bashing. -david Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 14:56:21 BST From: Subject: ephemere -- antarctic I picked up "Waiting for the love bus" this lunchtime from Avalanche Records. I had a hard time convincing them that the product did actually exist ("But he's only just released a live album"), but once they relented it was ordered and arrived in 48hours. Anyway, it's got quite a nice picture of penguins on a frosted glass chess board on the front and rear of the CD box, and inside there's a predictable (but naughty) picture by Pascal Legras. Also inside there's credits, no lyrics, a picture of a bloke sitting on an upturned chair on a unicycle wearing a hat and some teeny but cryptic heiroglyphics. Here's the tracklisting: rosemary davis world of sound bakersfield kids in the mall / kaliningrad whaddya? sweetwater ghosts baltic killed out ben penguins president chang angel station rosemary davis world of sound (reprise) The whole lot clocks in at almost exactly one hour. The sleeve implies that the jbc on this recording consist only of pat fish and richard formby. it's produced by richard formby as well (more on that later). Other musicians credited are: dooj, bass; nick burson, drums and peter crouch, guitars & voice. The production is actually quite "raw", almost like they set up a live PA in the recording studio at times. Whether this is intentional or just shoddy mastering like what apparently happened to `Western Family' is anyone's guess. IMHO, it doesn't really suit some of the material, which - very occasionally - is more like Spacemen 3 than even Spacemen 3 are. That kind of spaced-out lush drippy stuff deserves a clean, sparse production. I will restrain saying what I actually think of the new material on the basis that nobody else will have any idea what I am talking about at the moment. Unless you're all sitting there listening to the damn thing anyway and I'm telling you what you already know, of course. When is it released in the US? de. Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 18:37:34 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: ephemere -- antarctic muchos danke for your report, ed. i special ordered it here this week. they may get around to doing something about getting it by 1994.
> From:
> When in posession of the facts I'll take issue with you (and the rest of
> the world bar one by the look of things) concerning Condition Blue.
bar none now... when i spoke with pat last weekend, he commented on a jbc-list condensation i had sent him, and he had words in particular for you. something about your jbc clipping collection not being very complete. i *think* he may just have taken offense to your k d lang photo comment :-) at any rate, the jbc-populous has irrited him enough into a (forthcoming) direct response, so i see this all as a positive thing. the new thing... i would like to know what the general mood is these days. this spring, he promised a "sarcastic" record. well, his previous promise of a "cynical" record turned into condition blue, whose cynacism is buried under lushness, so i am doubting exactly how sarcastic the guy can get. Date: Mon, 26 Jul 93 10:58:21 BST From: Subject: Re: ephemere -- antartic
> i *think* he may just have taken offense to your k d lang photo comment :-)
I have independent witnesses! Well OK, some bloke looked over my shoulder and said "Is that kd lang?".
> the new thing... i would like to know what the general mood
> is these days.
muscially, it varies pretty much as we'd expect from the quiet lush stuff ("rd world of sound") to the relatively rockin' ("killed out") just as CotB flits between "Girl Go" and "Room 109". I don't think it's sarcastic at all. "penguins" is quite rude about penguins but I'm not a penguin so I don't take offence. It's less sarcastic than CondBlue is cynical (which CB is a bit). I reckon it's a damn cheerful record, actually. whaddya?, sweetwater and ghosts are all blissfully optimistic in one way or another and they bouy the rest of the album up. Yea, even unto the crap song. ed Admit it, though, it does make him look a *bit* like kd lang.... Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 22:19:27 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Busload o love songs superb. with exactly 3 exceptions: bakersfield, killed out, and president chang, which (to me) are all the panic in room 109 thing. unlike the last few "bring on the geetar player" albums, the love bus seats 4, plus richard. the players obviously are comfortable together, and the solos when they happen are a refreshing addition. production is sparce and clean - nice work richard. the drums and bass for the most part, are just there. lots of brushes instead of full-out pounded percussion, and they seem to have stolen nick's toms. this is an album to showcase the vocalist who is swimming in just one little bowl too many of 'verb. pat has been mentioning affection for the beach boy's brian wilson, and the affection is *almost* there in mood, although it is filtered. a couple tunes have 4 and 5 part harmonies, but they are used darkly. notes: rosemary davis world of sound suburban observation with changes i didnt expect. whaddya? probably the single. to-the-point love song. perfect organ parts. sweetwater up-tempo. an un-expected chorus. suspicous 2nd verse. ghosts another singles candidate. with a catchy my bloody valentine sample and good sing-along chorus. killed out the bicycle kid grows up - rocker. penguins or rather, pineapple penguins. same chord progression as pineapple tuesday, but with lyrics suited to much earlier albums. this one will be fun live. president chang clinton, really. but why? angel station perhaps the last "come back" tune? rosemary davis world of sound (reprise) spacemen 3 version of the opener. at the first listen, i was unprepared for the apparent change in overall mood. love bus is closer to fishcotheque than to condition blue in attitude, even though keyboard fills are present. the songwriting is there. lets see what Sony/US makes of it... ed - navels arent naughty! -david Date: Wed, 28 Jul 93 14:20:20 BST From: Subject: did I miss my stop?
> superb.
maybe. certainly the closest to superb he's been for a long time. I (too) was impressed by the fact that the album wasn't swimming with guest musicians (like Cond Blue was). That is, it was a band recording this rather than Pat in the studio with everyone he knew who could play an instrument.... and then some.
> with exactly 3 exceptions:
> bakersfield, killed out, and president chang, which
> (to me) are all the panic in room 109 thing.
my three exceptions are: kids in the mall / kaliningrad, president chang and *maybe* baltic the first two just wash right over me. I listen to both of them wondering when the next song is going to start. Baltic's OK, actually, but it's a real downer for some reason. three notes:
> whaddya?
I'm in love with that "pingggg" noise. It's hard to sing a sound effect to yourself all day but, well, I'm trying.
> rosemary davis world of sound
> angel station
Very spacemenny... the first line of "angel station" sounds like a straight lift off-of a track whose name i can't remember on 'Playing with Fire', doesn't it? If "angel station" is a come back tune, which is likely (!) then it's a zillion times better than the come back album. They're splendid songs, both.
> ben
any clue what the hell this is about?
> at the first listen, i was unprepared for the apparent change in
> overall mood.
it's hardly "sarcastic" though, is it? I dunno if it has a fixed kind of mood. Like CondBlue was, for better or for worse, an kinda one-track emotional record. (*) WFTLB is a disparate collection of moods, including the aforementioned "come back" track. At least some of it's *cheerful* at last. In a charitable mood, I'd say that this is a welcome return to form with, it has to be said, the good bits of the last couple'o'albums as well... so better than ever, perhaps? Uncharitably, it's as good as I could possibly expect.
> navels arent naughty!
Scots puritanical upbringing. I didn't know navels existed until I was 21 and allowed to visit the National Gallery to have a Rubens explained to me. ed. (*) Condition Blue complaint moved out of main text for reasons of repetition and relevance. This is my last word on the subject for... oooh... a week or so. Of course we don't blame Pat for making Condition Blue like he did or when he did. Hell's teeth, I'd probably do the same. The question is, though, whether cathartic emotional snarly wall climbing records are best released to the general public or used in a final poetic gesture of defiance and snipped into little pieces and thrown into a river. I'm on the "snip into little pieces" ticket, as you may have guessed. Date: 28 Jul 1993 11:43:17 -0700 (PDT) From: ABERSONC@CGSVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU Subject: busload
i wouldn't go that far but i will say prettydamngood.
> rosemary davis world of sound
i like this one alright but why the reprise ?
> whaddya?
i really don't like the spacey synth sound on this but otherwise its a nice tune
> sweetwater
this has a true 70's love bus type feeling - the 1st verse reminds me of vu's sweet jane.
> ghosts
> another singles candidate. with a catchy my bloody
> valentine sample and good sing-along chorus.
nice guitar solo too - good ear on that sample.
> killed out
i dig this tune - great bass line
> penguins
> or rather, pineapple penguins. same chord progression
> as pineapple tuesday, but with lyrics suited to much
> earlier albums. this one will be fun live.
this one leaves me humming "been there done that" too
> president chang
eh, this one's a little weak - stick to the uk politics
> angel station
nice song, nice baltic i like this one the best. got kind of a gothic feel to it ben what the hell is this song about ????
>at the first listen, i was unprepared for the apparent change in overall mood.
neither was i but after a couple of spins i really began to dig it. chris Date: Fri, 30 Jul 93 01:46:10 -0700 From: Subject: Ben
>> ben
>any clue what the hell this is about?
It's not that old friendly grizzly bear, is it? -arik (I haven't heard it. I'm just, um, conjecturing.) Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 23:21:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Hello! Hello! My name is Paul, and I'm new to the JBC list. I was first introduced to JBC back in 1986 when I d.j'd in college. I stopped listening to them for awhile (basically after Max Eider split), and then decided to buy "Big Plant, Scary Planet" on impulse. I enjoyed it, and then went and bought "Condition Blue" shortly thereafter. My favorite is "She's On Drugs", followed closely by "She's A Yo-Yo". Are any of their early recordings available on cd? If so, anyone know where I can buy them? Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 14:38:29 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: whats up with pat pat is on a plane heading for L.A. to do US promotion for the new album. he and alan mcgee will be doing radio spots with deirdra of "91X" (KCRW?) in san diego and L.A. any chance you guys out there can try to document them? the EPIC release state-side is about to happen. the song "sweetwater" from the new album is a hit in germany, and the recently-finished portugual tour was a success. there may be another germany tour before they come to the US late autumn. pat now has tunes in 2 movie soundtracks. the first was in the truly awful "space rage" from the mid-80s. the latest is in (i forget his name), the guy who did "women on the verge of a nervous breakdown". "shes on drugs" get played during a scene. does anyone have comments of (or have) the new album? -david Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 15:38:43 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: JBC-list Introduction
> Question 1:
> What's the deal with the butcher's catalog? I'm assuming they're all
> out-of-print since it's rare to find anything pre-Fishcotheque. I once heard
> that Sky Records was going to pick them up, but I also heard that Pat wasn't
> all-over the idea of having them re-released.
well, at least from the jbc-list, the interest is there. fire records owns the back catalogue, convince them to re-release.
> Question 2:
> What are the "Black Eg" and "Western Family" all about. Are they just EPs,
> re-mixes, etc.? Do they contain any new material?
western family is a live disc from the 92north american tour. it has some worthwhile moments. there are 4 tunes not available elsewhere, 3 of them covers. black eg... well, it is an album, and it is all new material..
> Question 3:
> Is there a new studio album in the works?
yup. "Waiting for the love bus" on creation has been out for a month or so. it is a nice cross of distressed gentlefolk and fishcotheque, i think. and it could be massive.
> And is the Butch still w/Sky records?
nope. nice people, but they dont know how to promote! pat goes mainstream with EPIC for the new album. lets hope there can finally be some decent promotion ferghodsake. -david Date: Mon, 30 Aug 93 02:54:25 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: update for you uk hepcats: the jbc will be playing 2 dates soon, both at unknown venues. 3 sep, and 9 sep. the line-up will be: pat, peter crouch, alex lee - those funny stringed things dooj - bass paul mulreany - drums. paul is sitting in since nick is busy doing squelchy things in toronto. i hear transatlantic flights are dirt cheap... more to come. -david Date: Mon, 30 Aug 93 22:01:13 GMT From: Drew Lettington <drew@npg-sd.sandiegoca.NCR.COM> Subject: Re: What's Up With Pat
> pat is on a plane heading for L.A. to do US promotion
> for the new album. he and alan mcgee will be doing radio
> spots with deirdra of "91X" (KCRW?) in san diego and L.A.
> any chance you guys out there can try to document them?
Dierdra O'Donahue does a show in Santa Monica on the PBS station KCRW called SNAP. She also does a show on 91X in San Diego called Snap Judgements. KCRW is out of my range, but I did tape the 91X show. I'll have a set list for you tomorrow but he played a few solo accoustic live numbers and they played a few album cuts. Also on the 91X show was Guy Chadwick from the House of Love. If Pat was on KCRW also, he probably played more as they don't have to play commercials. After the radio show, he played a free concert at a coffee house in La Jolla called DisCafe which I was unable to attend. :-( If people want tapes, please send be mail. I'd prefer to trade but if anyone doesn't have anything to trade we can work something out.
> the guy who did
> "women on the verge of a nervous breakdown".
> "shes on drugs" get played during a scene.
His name is Almodovar.
> does anyone have comments of (or have) the new album?
I'm still looking. From what I've heard of it so far live and from the album I'm really looking forward to it. - drew | Binky's fomenting worker Drew T. Lettington | dissatisfaction again, sir. NCR - ADE San Diego | Date: Tue, 31 Aug 93 21:54:48 GMT From: Drew Lettington <drew@npg-sd.sandiegoca.NCR.COM> Subject: 91X Set List As promised, here is the set list from the 91X appearence: Girls Say Yes Angels (live) Ghosts (live) She's On Drugs (live) Pineapple Tuesday Bakersfield Ben (live) September Gurls (live) Angel Like You (?) I'm not sure of the title of the last song. It was off of Waiting for the Love Bus which I haven't found yet. - drew | Binky's fomenting worker Drew T. Lettington | dissatisfaction again, sir. NCR - ADE San Diego | Date: Wed, 1 Sep 93 16:44:55 BST From: Subject: Radio Sessions / Production Notes
> Dierdra O'Donahue does a show in Santa Monica on the PBS
> station KCRW called SNAP. She also does a show on 91X in
> San Diego called Snap Judgements.
He's done stuff for her show before. On the Creation compliation "Pensioners on Ecstasy" and "American Pensioners on Ecstasy" (sp?) which contain some fine rare/unreleased Creation oddities, there are a couple of tracks recorded for Diedrie O'Donahue: Mr Odd on PoE and Girl Go on APoE (or was it "She's on Drugs"? I don't know). A supplementary question to make this worth sending is whether anyone has any idea of what a list of Pat's production credits might be. I know he produced the 1st (and only?) 13 Frightened Girls EP (which is v.good, incidentally). Anyway, I picked up a 12" by a band called "Love Kittens" for only 49p in Tower Records, Glasgow recently and I have since had a vague feeling that Pat has produced material for them as well. Any clues about this, anyone? Date: Thu, 2 Sep 93 11:11:47 PDT From: (Naggi Asmar) Subject: (no subject) Hi everyone. After listening to the new one for a month or so, I thought it was about time I had some opinion, not that it's necessary. Rosemary Davis World of Sound I really don't like this song but I can't say why. Bakersfield Fun song. It's starting to grow on me. Kids in the Mall/Kaliningrad Great. Whaddya? Ditto. Reminds me a little of Big Saturday. SweetWater Another great one. Destined to become an Indie hit? Ghosts Also great, albeit very light. Baltic Pat's poetic-Eastern-European-Count-side. Is it true he's replacing Tom Cruise? A really good song. Killed Out Sounds like something off Big World... Ok. Ben Great song. I have ne idea what this is about. Penguins cute. Doesn't do much for me. President Chang Truly aweful, and racist as well. This is where it starts to fall apart for me. Angel Station Very drony and boring. Western Family fare. Rosemary Davis World of Sound (Reprise) Don't get it. Why is this here? Overall, I really like this record. I think it's much better Than CB. The overall mood of the record is totally different from CB or CotB. Another small tidbit: I was in the UK last week (while Pat was in San Diego of all places). In a quick survey of record stores in SoHo, only 1 had the new record. What's going on with Creation's promotion dept.? Or could it be that it's so popular they're having a hard time keeping it in stock? Correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't think Snap is on KCRW anymore(the station has gone downhill). It's been replaced by "Evening Becomes Eclectic" (gag). That's all. naggi Date: Mon, 6 Sep 93 18:06:43 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: Letter From Pat: 30Aug93 <a href="/letters/93Aug30/letter.html">Letter From Pat: 30Aug93</a> Date: Mon, 6 Sep 93 21:42:45 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: Whew! so ends the set of six "e-mailed as i transcribed them from paper" messages from the butcher to the members of the jbc-list. there is a final page wherein he advertizes for very specific bootleg recordings he wishes. in exchange, he is will to open his personal bootleg coffers. since it includes un-asciifiable drawings, i will scan it here and post it to an anonymous FTP site sometime soon. <a href="">The scanned picture is here</a> summary: I have tapes of all manner of JBC live, tapes and recordings of radio sessions, all line-ups, all periods, all qualities of sound and performance. I'll glady trade what you want, but I ONLY WANT the following recordings: Szene Wien, Vienna, Austria - March 1993 (Alex!!! you blew it!!) Roxy Theatre, Hollywood, California - June 1992 Liberty Lunch, Austin, Texas - June 1992 Mean Fiddler, Acoustic Room, London - May 1993 Black Eg Special, Chicago Radio Session - June 1992 Sweet water Saloon, Los Osos, California - June 1992 If you can help, let me know what you want. J.B.X. you know... this guy should take out an add in a weeklie, offering dubs of his shows for $20 each. he would be deluged. -david Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1993 21:15:24 -0400 From: Christopher Camfield <> Subject: (no subject) First of all, I have to say that I love used record stores. Some crazy folks (no, not crazy, stupid!) keep selling off their old JBC vinyls that I would never have found otherwise, and they're cheap to boot! I managed to collect the first three albums, the Hamburg recording, and Conspiracy, all at nice cheap prices, and finally got to listen to them at the end of the summer since I don't have a record player but my parents do. Enough blather... time for some more specific blather, I suppose Bath of Bacon - the first side almost put me to sleep. "Gloop Jiving Jazz Butcher Theme" didn't impress, and neither did the original Partytime. I much prefer the version on Bloody Nonsense - where's it from? Was it re-recorded? The second side is so much better! Zombie Love is sicko, Grey Flanellette is great! I could never figure out the lyrics for it on Spooky... Does anyone have the lyrics to La Mer? Something about having fun on a beach, and elephants. Bath of Bacon, also insane. A Scandal In Bohemia - finally, I got to hear Soul Happy Hour! not really listening the first time I heard Just Like Betty Page (btw who the heck is/was Betty Page?) ... "what the HECK?" ... listens more closely... oh my!! Didn't quite expect this song! *grin* Sex And Travel - I'd already heard Big Saturday & Reagan's BDay Present. Good overall, odd as usual. :) Hamburg - a lot of fun... nice inside slip with lyrics (!!) and a cool photo collage (though that's not news to those of you who have it). Does Count Dracula or Death Dentist ever get played these days? I've gotta request one of them if/when I finally get to a JB show, especially if they haven't :) Anyone have comments? What are your favourite songs from the earlier albums? Someone tell the manager that chicken is sick! -- Christopher Camfield ( "Real men, real men from hell..." (The Jazz Butcher) Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 03:40:38 -0500 From: Subject: Re: All that stuff transcribed from Pat... Good to know that "Chickentown" really was that impromptu, and that Pat enjoyed it as much as I did. How's the dubbing going with my DAT. Do you want to do an extra copy for Pat and pass it on to him with my compliments? Although he'll be sad to know that I lost the last half of "Walk with the Devil", (that was my partner's fave song of the evening (never having heard the JB before)). Do you know where this Friday's gig is happening, by the way? I didn't get to the Mean Fiddler last week. Hope to hear from you soon, Matt Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 14:45:47 MET DST From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: Re: Whew!
> Szene Wien, Vienna, Austria - March 1993 (Alex!!! you blew it!!)
oh wow. he really knows how to rub this one in, doesn't he? good work, comrade whittemore. i'm sure that the typing with capital letters has put a strain on your pinkies ... coincidentally, i acquired a vinyl copy of `waiting for the love bus' yesterday ... high recognition value, even though i only had heard the songs once before (and maybe some at the abovementioned show). interestingly, the vinyl copy is missing the reprise of rosemary davis wrld of sound. coincidence or conspiracy? -alex Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 10:27:31 -0400 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: Direct from JB Wow, thanks for all the info straight from the Butcher's mouth! Most edifying. I have to ask though: Is it the case that everything posted on this list eventually makes to Pat? Or that anything posted on the list might possibly make it to him? Or do you, Del, simply forward those you think might be of interest? As you might imagine, I'm a little chastened by his comments to me re: what the hell was everyone talking about with his life being lousy around the time of Condition Blue. Ironically, I still don't know the answer to this question. Is that because everyone else knew that Butch himself might well read what they wrote about his mysterious difficulties? Needless to say, a question that might be appropriate to a bunch of fellow fans on a bulletin board (and I still think mine was, really) is not necessarily a question I would put to Pat in person. Oh well, at least he didn't seem too angry in his reply. Honestly, all I wanted to know was like maybe one sentence: Pat had a nasty breakup with his girlfriend, or Pat was audited by the British tax authorities, or Pat was the subject of a sleazy bio by Albert Goldman, something like that. More in part two, as I'm about to be disconnected. -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 11:12:38 -0400 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: More re feedback from JB As I was saying, I felt a bit like one who had been tattled on for making a joke or comment at the expense of a friend, who then found out about it. In other words, more mad at myself for being foolish, but mildly annoyed at the tattler and a bit aggravated (completely unfairly) at the person who was the butt of the joke, just because they've found you out. Know what I mean? I don't want to blow this out of proportion because his reply was pretty gracious and I did deserve some ridicule, I suppose, and it's not that big of a deal. I just wish I had known ahead of time that my comments might be audited by Butch himself. If that's a general policy, could we have a periodic warning for the benefit of those new to the list? If only certain messages are being passed along, would it be possible to check with the authors first, in accordance with general netiquette? Again, it's not that big a deal, but I post it because I think others might have thoughts on the issue as well. Anyone? So if you see Pat again, will you pass along my apologies for being nosy, tell him I was suitably chastened by his retort, and let him know that no one ever answered my inquiry anyway. Thanks. ;) One last thing: Though it doesn't justify my prurient interest, I want to comment on Pat's remark that the price of a CD and a concert every year doesn't entitle one to know all about an artist's personal life. He's right in principle, of course, but he might forget what it's like to be a fan, since he's been on the other side of the stage for ten years now. Those of us who loyally follow a band that's not so well known, as is true of JB in the US, do tend to develop a proprietary interest in that band. It's because we discovered the artist ourselves, had to haunt used record stores for years before we tracked down all the poorly distributed early work. We told our like- minded friends about the artist and pestered them until they listened to the records. We bought every CD when it came out, and pestered our music stores if they didn't carry it or took a long time to order it. We not only went to see the band in our hometown, we drove or flew to other cities to see the band. We dragged our girlfriends or boyfriends or spouses, our brothers and sisters, our friends to the show, even though they had no real interest in going. (My record was 8 people who'd never heard of the Butcher.) That may not seem like much but when the turnout is embarassingly small due to lack of support from record companies, press, and radio, 8 people can be 8% of the whole crowd. We play the records at parties and wait for folks to ask what it is. We call college radio and pester them to play it. If we're lucky enough to know people in the business, we talk the band up at every opportunity. So it's natural to begin to feel like you have an interest (in the financial sense and otherwise), because there is a real investment of time and energy. That's why, for example, I was so depressed for my city that only 100 folks showed up to see Richard Thompson on the tour for his best album in years. That's why I was so pissed off that the Mekons opted to blow off their Cleveland show because they didn't fell like leaving Chicago. And that's why I bother to read this group and post to it. Curiosity about the personal lives of our favorite groups must be annoying to the artists, I suppose, but it's only the flip side of all the support those fans give the artist. In other words, I wouldn't give a shit about what was up with Butch if I didn't love his music so darn much. Darn it, I went and wrote a rant. I didn't intend to, but there it is. You'll have to take my word that I'm really not mad at anyone (besides myself, a bit) over being embarassed a little in front of one of my favorite musicians. Flames to above address; let's not choke the list with abuse for me. ;-) Del, thanks for all the inside scoop, which far outweighed any discomfort I felt! -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 10:42:29 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Direct from JB
> simply forward those you think might be of interest?
yes to this one. basically, what he saw was a summary of the "survey month", which included the discussion of the mean fiddler gig. i had tacked on some things to the end (condensed, but not taken out of their original context) posts by tim, ed, joe nicholson, and myself. looking back at those now, i feel (as i thought when i read his letter) that he took you to the mat unnecessarily for an honest question. it is my fault that it ever came up, of course, so i am sorry.
> Ironically, I still don't know the answer to this question.
aw.. he said it himself: "divorce rock" and all the shit that one can imagine goes with it.
> a question that might be appropriate to a bunch of fellow fans
> on a bulletin board (and I still think mine was, really) is
> not necessarily a question I would put to Pat in person.
i understand. there are things that i only discuss here as well. again, it is my fault if feathers were ruffled due to my shortsightedness. -david Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 17:33:17 BST From: Subject: We're all Turtlebait. Part One (or "If you're angry, stop... and think.") I don't really want to be drawn into a discussion about whether Pat can drag individual members of the jbc-list through hellfire because we're rude about him. Strikes me he has a perfect right to, actually. Just as we all (well, me at least) have a right to be as rude as we want about the records he releases. The problem arises simply because what Pat responds to is a list-snippet and could be taken out of context as, obviously, it has since I asked the same "Condition Blue Trauma" question and Pat didn't roast me alive for *that* at least. I got what I deserved, but he deserves a severe talking to as a result. "Get a fucking haircut" indeed! The cheek of the man! Part Two Any reaction from the Distressed Gentlefolk brigade about Pat's obvious dislike of this album? Part Three Just thought I'd mention that by sheer coincidence I'll be in London on Friday so I might just pop along to the Powerhaus gig. Should be quite a giggle. Any questions, requests (apologies, even) for the great man? Sorry, but I can't bootleg unless I can lug my portastudio into the venue and find a socket for it. Shame, 'cos I guess that solo US gigs are relatively thin on the ground. :*( ed Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 10:18:02 -0700 From: Naggi Asmar <> Subject: Distressed Gentlefolk I'm not too surprised at Pat's dislike for this record. It was already obvious in David's '89 interview. I think the things about the JBC that we appreciate are not not necessarily related to the reality of the JBC. It all depends on your viewpoint, of course. This happens a lot anyway ( Richard Thompson hates "Small Town Romance", a highly acclaimed record). The JBC played in Los Osos in 1992? Well, I'll be darned. I guess you never know who you might run into in a redneck town on the central California coast. No apologies yet from Pat for "President Chang". naggi Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 12:23:33 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: Fish Artwork (uuencoded GIF's) uploaded to, currently in the <a href="gopher://">/pub/incoming/pictures/jazz.butcher directory</a>: 90193 Sep 7 12:17 <a href="">advert.jpg</a> 140 Sep 7 12:17 advert.txt > a special message from the jazz butcher who is > looking for some bootleg recordings of his own shows. 58347 Sep 7 12:18 <a href="">jbc3.jpg</a> 342 Sep 7 12:18 jbc3.txt > 23 Feb 93 - It's carnival night in Breda, Holland. Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 23:44:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: Distressed Gentlefolk
> I'm not too surprised at Pat's dislike for this record. It was already
> obvious in David's '89 interview. I think the things about the JBC that
> we appreciate are not not necessarily related to the reality of the JBC.
> It all depends on your viewpoint, of course.
I guess my favorites always seem to be the artists least favorites... but I was surprised that Butch mentioned the "new world" along with favorites like falling in love and angels. I always regarded that as the break between the good songs. Sort of a recovery, although i like max's mellow groove. -Arik "I try to make it to breakfast..." Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 12:00:02 BST From: Subject: Re: Whoops
> i dont know exactly *when* in my head the 9th of september
> became the 10th, but the powerhouse show is on thursday
> the 9th, not on friday as i had said.
looks like i'll have to get down to london a bit earlier, then... STOP WORKING! CANCEL APPOINTMENTS! BOOK HOLIDAY! TURN OFF COFFEE MACHINE! I'M GOING TO GET THERE SOMEHOW! (probably) ed. Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 17:02:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Stewart Evans <stewarte@sco.COM> Subject: Distressed Gentlefolk ->From: Naggi Asmar <> ->I'm not too surprised at Pat's dislike for this record. It was already ->obvious in David's '89 interview. I think the things about the JBC that we ->appreciate are not not necessarily related to the reality of the JBC. It all ->depends on your viewpoint, of course. ->This happens a lot anyway ( Richard Thompson hates "Small Town Romance", a ->highly acclaimed record). Seems to me the musicians involved are always going to have different perspectives on the album than the rest of us. Some of that is outside of the music itself (they were depressed, the producer was a jerk, etc.) but some of it has to do with their intent and how well they feel they achieved that. So the JBC (just f'rinstance) may think that some album isn't nearly as good as it should have been because it isn't noisy and raucous enough, wheras listeners might say "what a great pop album". We really have no way of knowing what it was supposed to be like. Julian Cope made his masterpiece, "Fried", at a time when he was apparently very depressed and fucked up. I certainly wouldn't wish another period like that on him, or anyone else. However, since his life got better I've lost interest in his music. Interviews I've read with him indicate that he's not that fond of "Fried" and thinks his later stuff is better. Based on Pat's auto-discography (which, by the way, is both a nice idea -- anyone remember when Trouser Press used to feature this kind of thing? -- and also offered a lot of interesting perspectives. Thanks to Pat and to David for typing it all in) (what a long parenthetical THAT was!) Anyway, based on Pat's auto-discography I'd say that I think much more highly of "Scandal" than he does. I can understand why he might feel a bit embarrased about it, but there's no reason I have to. -- Stewart Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 10:08:10 -0400 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: Thanks... Thanks to those who responded with commiseration, jokes, compliments and various other kind words to a rant that (now that I reread it) would have made me serious flamebait in many other groups. Never let it be said that the fans of the JBC are not a humane bunch. David, thanks for your response and sorry I got a little overwrought. Like I said, the other tidbits straight from the Fish lips were extremely cool. Only one thing... seems like everybody else thought Butch was rougher on me than _I_ thought he was. Perhaps David can tell him about those darn smiley faces we so depend on here on the net, so there will be no further ambiguous messages. Off to WOMAD today!!! -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 07:35:46 -0500 From: Subject: Powerhaus Gig Didn't tape it, but Pat and his underrehearsed (so he claimed in the bar) band played a pretty good show. It was the first time I'd seen him playing with a band, and, in contrast to the Mean Fiddler gig, it was very loud and quite energetic. Pat managed to break 3 guitar strings, two going simultaneously during She's on Drugs. A very rough set list: She's a Yo-Yo Bakersfield Ghosts Mr Odd Sister Death Racheland Shirley Maclaine She's on Drugs President Chang Angels Caroline Wheeler (What an excellent song live) And probably some others I forgot. They didn't come on till about 11pm though, which was a bit odd. Listening to the Condition Blue stuff live, I don't know what we've been moaning on about. It's fine, fine music. I passed on my May 15th Mean Fiddler tape to Pat, which he seemed to appreciate, and shared reminiscences of how fucking cool the Velvets had been at Wembley. Oh well, I guess that's it for another 3 years (approx the last time Pat played in London with a band). Matt Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 11:24:16 BST From: Subject: Powerhaus Gig Phew, Rock'n'Roll. Left work 5pm Thursday, rushed to the airport, caught the 6pm flight, experienced usual dilemma about whether to drink *both* gin and tonics on the plane or to save one 'til later (as it turns out, the beer at the Powerhaus is terrible so I should have done), but after drinking two I was more relaxed and thus better able to cope with discovering that there were no trains from Heathrow to central london that night due to "a passenger placing themselves under a train" at Hounslow West (obviously not a JBC fan). Correction: there was only one train that evening. Rushed through the crowds, onto the train, up to King's Cross, along Pentonville Road, past Angel Station (fact fans!) to the Powerhaus. Collapsed exhausted. Support Bands: The Divided. Not bad actually, they had a loyal crowd. Heavy bass lines, rocky toons, sort of a cheerful The The. With more hair. Second Support were crap I have forgotten their name but they obviously listen to far too much Dave Kusworth for their own good. The amended set list. The order is rough because some git stole my pen while I was at the bar so I couldn't write it down until I got back home. Anyway, these *are* the songs: The Basement
> She's a Yo-Yo
> Bakersfield
> Ghosts
> Mr Odd
SweetWater Killed Out
> Sister Death
> Racheland
> Shirley Maclaine
> She's on Drugs
Girl Go
> President Chang
> Angels
> Caroline Wheeler
The band was: Pat, Alex Lee, Paul Mulreany and Dooj Pat tried his best to justify Condition Blue to me but I was taking no prisoners. That said, Racheland (live) was a cracker, I have to admit. The other surprise of the evening was "President Chang" which rocked! Really very good live and I totally revise my opinion of it song-wise. It's been a long time since I last saw him live, and I have to say that it was really very good indeed. I would start looking forward to the US tour now, if I were you. ed, Date: Mon, 20 Sep 93 15:13:17 -0500 From: del (de l`abattoir) Subject: fun facts UK chart standing of spectrum/fish "Indian Summer" single, 13 sep : 5 Black Eg CD sales for the last six months: world : 8 jbc-list members : at least 2 meteorological conditions for northampton : rain paul mulreany (jbc/blue aeroplanes), frankie stebbing (ex-wolfhounds, brother of the rev botus whiteblood fleming), frankie's girlfriend, and "one guy who was in tav falco" have started a new group. name undecided european tour begins : approximately 11 nov. sticker on window of car in front of pat's house : "The Beatles" -david Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 16:35:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Leah Nagely <> Subject: radio play I just did my first radio show of the term at KBVR Corvallis. Funny thing, there was no copy of Waiting for the Love Bus. The rock directors seem to think Pat is too mainstream and a "MTV hit"; where that comes from I don't know. Anyway I brought my own copy and did the "Kids in the Mall" in a set with Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet's "Kids in the Hall" theme song. Corny? So what. I plan to get all of the new album played on my shows. Date: Wed, 6 Oct 93 18:31:34 MET From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: king rolo ... thought you might like to know ... rolo mcginty is credited with singing on gary lucas' album "gods and monsters". -alex Date: Tue, 12 Oct 93 13:40:42 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: lessee now.. couple of items to report.. before the JBC begin their fall european tour (12 Nov), there will be two shows in london - date unknown, sorry. the first, and this is a biggie - solo at the Forum "and.. i'm opening for JOHN CALE" the other show will be full-band, venue unknown. check the press, i guess. the american tour is shooting for january. richard formby will be back - i wonder how the Spectrum squishy-pack will take to being signed?.. brady, my bandmate, did the talking, after a full night of coffee drinking. not that that would have altered the conversation. what? -david Date: Wed, 13 Oct 93 8:57:54 CDT From: (Robert Jacob) Subject: jb's NEW booking agent. Apparantly the Jazz Butcher has got himself a new agent. I just called ABS and, even though they're listed on the Waiting For the Love Bus liner notes they said they're no longer his agent. Someone called Forward Management is but the nice lady I talked to didn't have a number for them. Can anyone out there in the U.K. give me a number for Forward Management? Thanks, Robert Jacob Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 11:17:58 +0100 From: (Matthew Cockerill) Subject: For UK Butchophiles... The John Cale concert is October 28th. Tickets are &#163;11.50 by phone (&#163;10 cash) The Forum is on 071 284 2200 Incidentally, I couldn't find a listing for Forward Management in our online yellow pages. Matt Date: Fri, 15 Oct 93 16:48:30 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: review from online Compact Disc Connection listing. <a href="/press/93cdconnection.html">review from online Compact Disc Connection listing.</a> i found this (sole) jbc listing in the commercial venture Compact Disc Connection, which is available through telnet at 23 from this review, i am guessing that msr parisien must have heard the 1992 CBC radio interview, as the highlights are nearly identical. this was listed as being on the "DOG GONE" label, which i havent heard of before. -david Date: Sun, 24 Oct 93 04:34:12 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Big Planet.. you know... i give Big Planet Scarey Planet a spin about once a year, and tonight, locked in my office with a deadline bearing down on me, it REALLY fits the bill. when pat said: A curious record. If you actually put it on and play it then it's pretty smart; it's just that I never really seem to WANT to put it on. to some extent he is right. the production ala john rivers, just isnt *right* for this sample-laden album. for one, there is just too much reverb, particularily on the drums. i hadnt paid attention to it before but: We were all aware that music was changing, and, more out of interest than out of any spurious "career" concern, we wanted to see where we could take our pop songs using things like breakdowns, the mixing in of "found" voices... wow. yeah. very few of the tunes are in the typical butcher structure, and there are changes where you wouldnt expect them. i wonder how much that laurence (the bass player) had to do with it? it seems that the unconventional changes are most obvious when paying attention to the fretless that laurence played. anyway. i always liked 2 or 3 of the tunes, but now i think i will give it chances more often. the John Cale/"special guests" (thats what the NME said, anyway) gig is coming up. those in attendance may run into martin stebbing if they are unlucky enough.. -david Date: Sun, 24 Oct 93 05:30:59 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: what the hell?! (obviously going through the collection this morning..) is it my imagination, or is the Glass CD release of Distressed dubbed from LP? right at the tail end of Nothing Special and the start of Angels are some annoying LP-style pops.. hmmm. all that lovely digital recording and processing with a lowly analogue transfer to CD. -david Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 11:22:57 +0100 From: (Matthew Cockerill) Subject: Spooky cover Little bit of trivia. On Friday night, the band in session on John Peel played "Spooky" (quite an interesting, slowed down version), prompting John Peel to comment something like "I *wish* I could remember who did that originally. It's driving me crazy". Anyway, I happened to be taping at the time, which was quite convenient. Looking forward to John Cale on Thursday, Matt Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 23:59:24 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Letter from Pat: 19Oct93 <a href="/letters/93Oct19/letter.html">Letter from Pat: 19Oct93</a> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 93 16:53:58 GMT From: Subject: Further Dispatches from the Deep Wold
> you know...
> i give Big Planet Scarey Planet a spin about once a year,
> and tonight, locked in my office with a deadline bearing
> down on me, it REALLY fits the bill.
ohmigod I know that feeling. I always thought that the trouble with BPSP was that is was an album without a mood. Y'know, you can think of a time when most records will be played. Condition Blue, for instance, would be best played when you are sitting in alone at night with a bottle of whisky and you're getting divorced (for instance). Fishcotheque is that happy find: an album that fits a particular mood exactly when you didn't realise there was a need for it. In this case, Fishcotheque is a waking up with a slight hangover on Sunday morning and it's frosty outside and I think I'll nip out and buy a newspaper but not yet because it's warm here in bed record. Honest, it is. But BPSP just isn't anything very much. They experiment with structure and so on so you just get a collection of (feisty) songs (some good) but there's no theme or coherence to it and I just don't really want to ever play it. "Hysteria" is quite a good record to play if your back is itching and you can't reach round to scratch it, but only because it's such a bastard annoying song that you forget about the itch. That aside, individual sngs are all good and it's hard to pick out the outstanding tracks. Moodwise, perhaps ineffectual rage at circumstances you can't control (qv deadlines bearing down) is the best I can give it. I will go away, get ineffectually annoyed at something (should be quite easy at the moment, the government being what it is) and come back to you on this. What the hell do I know? I just had half an hour to kill so I thought I'd burble away to the void. --- My Top Ten Least Liked Jazz Butcher Songs: --- Obscure Jazz Butcher Sightings: D.Jones (any relation?) where the main character has been known to wear a "Peter Lorre is a Brick" slogan on his T Shirt. bloke forgets to put the handbrake on and his car rolls down a hill (Voiceover: "I wish I was wrong." Implication: "I wish I had been insured with Prudential"). Anyway, he should bleedin' well cheer up because his car rolled past a poster advertising the now legendary Jazz Butcher / Robyn Hitchcock / Woodentops gig. He could probably still get tickets if he hurries. ----
> the John Cale/"special guests" (thats what the NME said, anyway) gig
> is coming up.
best of luck Pat! I will be staying in and listening to records that suit "being in a supportive mood". ---- Curiousity has got the better of me. The back of Edward's Closet credits the cover photography to, amoungst others, Dave Whittemore. Which one(s) did you snap? ed g-g-good cheesecake Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 03:42:29 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Further Dispatches from the Deep Wold edc, working on his stand-out routine..
> My Top Ten Least Liked Jazz Butcher Songs:
> #1 Hysteria.
> #2 - #10 Condition Blue.
bwahahaa. you dont let up, do you? shades of navels..
> #1 Viz: the "adult" comic, whilst detestable, has one strip by
D.Jones (any relation?) where the main character has been known to wear a "Peter Lorre is a Brick" slogan on his T Shirt. that is odd. now recent is Viz #1? those who are fortunate enough, enjoy the show this evening! -david Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 10:44:36 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: JBC at the Forum courtesy martin stebbing, there is a (mono) recording of the 28 Oct solo jazz butcher gig at the forum in london. copies should be available when i get to chicago and dupe it. i hear a mess of infamous people were in attendance. david j, max, alex green, etc. how was this show, anyway? alex? matt? -david Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1993 16:38:54 -0500 From: Christopher Camfield <> Subject: La Mer What follows is a transcription of the (extremely silly) lyrics of La Mer. Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 16:53:52 -0800 (PST) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: New guy to the JBC Hi there fellow JB fans, I'm new to this list and just now got around to posting. The welcome message from the JBC asks: > curious... how did you find out about us?
>From the list

> see any good shows? like any records in particular?
I have never seen the JB (but of course, would like to) and I haven't seen much of anybody lately. I live in the Northwest (Oregon) so live shows are not a daily occurance. The best show I saw this summer was The The in Portland on the Dusk tour. > what you think of the new one? etc.. Here is where the problem lies. I don't even know what the latest is! For some strange reason I have yet to figure out, the Jazz Butcher is virturally unheard of around here. There is not one single record (CD) shop in this town who carry ANY JB cds. And even the store I do most of my cd buying at in Eugene, OR (a large city) which boasts "the largest cd selection in the Northwest", doesn't even have a JB section! I moved here 4 years ago from Colorado where he is quite popular. Anyway, the lastest JB I have is "Cult of the Basement" (and even that is just a cassette tape). What I've been looking for for years and years is, a cd version of JB (I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know the title of it) album with "The JB meets the Prime Minister" and "Partytime". Has this one been released on cd and if so what label? > please introduce yourself to the rest of the list! I think I probably just did. Well, thanks for asking. ---------------------------------- Glen Davis Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 00:45:32 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: stereolab niceties DISCLAIMER: brady has hijacked my keybo.. i'd the fortunate pleasures of seeing stereolab in chicago the same night as our esteemed quieter than usual david. i loved it. as for the forum show perhaps a bit late for discourse but tonight is the very first timee for me to cucumber in to the listen. i wish i'd been there. i hope, alex, that pat bought you drink with the money i sent him for blatant copyist activity and nailbiting transatlantlic bitch fests . i've no idea. yes.. all of vergiftung are waiting for david to win a game of solitaire before we can go for drinks. may never be quenched. thee legacy lager is important. 'why would one care?' well... i'm in love with the new album and nothing elsee beats a good cuppa. thankyou. s -brady Date: 11/22/93 1:16PM From: GBest01 at ISD1A Subject: JBinfo My friendly local record store is unable to locate CREATION CRECD156 "Waiting For The Love Bus". I don't recall who was distributing this in the US. Does anyone know the label and number for the US release? I need this information so that I can order it. Thanks, Gb P.S. - After all the commentary on Condition Blue, I put it on in the car for a few days and had a wonderful time. It was really interesting to hear how a clever lyricist like Pat addressed some rather personnal feelings. Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 23:12:03 +0000 From: (Matthew Cockerill) Subject: Jazz Butcher active in UK (again!) Listings suggest that Pat will be appearing at The Venue, in New Cross, London, on Saturday 27th November. I'm not sure if he's supporting or headlining but this a fair size venue, probably more than twice the size of The Powerhaus. Maybe all those John Cale fans just couldn't wait to hear some more :-) Matt Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 13:57:29 GMT From: Subject: saturday gig brief report En attendant l'autobus de l'amour (?) --- Big Saturday in New Cross ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whoa. We're back. Strange weekend. Hit fogbound London Friday from the M4. Motorway closed at Reading due to bits of vee-hickles scattered liberally like broken crockery. Picking our way through the wreckage to a Robyn Hitchcock gig in Islington. Which is cancelled due to flu. Spend the night in weird flat in Brixton. Woken 5 a.m. by hungry feline wielding squeaky rubber mouse. Saturday took the beat-up VW to New Cross Hell. If you thought it was grim up North, you've never been to SE14. We were worried that we might not get in. Or out. Support band the Wishplants: maybe we're cloth-eared, but to us they sounded like donkeys in feedback. Music to fill paper bags with. But NO inflight magazine. We hid upstairs upstairs in the Venue. Ah, the Venue. A hundred floors, a million red-carpeted corridors, a bad dream interior. And the people? There's me. And Fleur. And Paul from Sheffield. And Paul's mate. And Andy's cousin. And maybe another twenty or so. To see the band, that is. There are a few hundred others who are waiting for the bands to fuck off so the club can start. Whoa. He's back. Pat on stage. With Dave Cavanagh, someone says? Not the journalist from Select? Not the 17th guitarist in the Blue Aeroplanes? And a bassist who looks like Captain Sensible's kid brother. The day finally makes sense for the faithful. Guitar guitar bass drum machine. She's a Yo-Yo, Bakersfield, Mr Odd, Shirley Maclaine, She's on Drugs, Sister Death, President Chang. Maybe a couple more. They played well in the face of adversity. They looked good. Sensible bassist leaps too much but let off due to obvious passion for songs. Almost in tears. After sound thrashing of cocaine aristocracy, Pat retreats. Throws down telecaster. Bass flung after it. Feedback. Mr Cavanagh, if it is he, carefully places guitar in flight case and walks. And it's over. The smoke starts, the lights go down, the club begins. Pat. We love you. At the very least, we love your music. The new album is the best thing you've ever done. No question. You deserve more than this. Jim Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 20:51:35 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: (forwarded mesg) Greetings from Hobart, Tasmania. I first found out about JBC when a friend from Canada sent me a tape that had Water, Big Bad Thing, Party Time, Peter Lorre and Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present on it. Scraping and scrounging in record shops have netted me copies of "Bath Of Bacon", "Distressed Gentlefolk", "Cult Of The Basement" and "Fishcotheque". Scrounging is continuing. The only JBC song that I have ever heard on radio here in Tassie was "She's On Drugs". My personal favourite song is "Nothing Special", something to do with long hours spent on trains going through country Victoria several years ago. No idea about the Australian release of "Shirley Maclaine", I'm afraid I haven't seen or heard the new album. There is one record shop in Hobart where you can get "non-US-influenced-mainstream" records; they had a section marked Jazz Butcher which only contained one second-hand copy of "Distressed Gentlefolk". The hunt continues shortly in Melbourne and Auckland... George Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:56:38 GMT From: Subject: Picky little bit of irrelevant Pete Crouch Trivia. Oh! Before I forget! ----- PETE CROUCH has disappeared and, to everybody's surprise, bitterly from the group. .... Watch for Pete on short haul European Blue Aeroplane flights. Like he says, that Richard Branson's a wanker anyway. What's wrong with you that you have to drink like that? ----- Correction Alert! Pete Crouch is a steward of short haul *British Airways* flights! Yer genuine "Trolley Dolly" as they are known in the flight biz. Despite doing my best to fly all over europe, there's still no sign of him. Nothing else of interest to report. Things are slow, aren't they? Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:01:51 -0500 From: (Tim Connors) Subject: Waiting for "Waiting" in the US... Does anyone have any notion whether and when we will see _Waiting for the Love Bus_ stateside? I have seen it as an import for US$22, but I'm not prepared to pay the exhorbitant prices taken for granted in the UK (or has that changed?) I can't count the number of times I've been burned buying a pricey import CD only to have the same thing released here a few weeks later... There were rumors on this list a while back that the new CD would be distributed by a major label. Is this true? Could this be the reason for the delay? Any news on plans for a US tour? I hope he gets the CD out first. Thanks for any news on this... -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 09:26:16 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: What Is the Newest Release? Hi there JBC-fans - What is the newest album by the Jazz Butcher? I have Condition Blue, from a couple years ago. But I don't see anything else released here in the States. Has something been released in Britain? Travis Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 10:42:05 -0800 (PST) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: CD Dreams? Things are a little slow lately, so I'll jump in with a request. I have been searching the music stores that I have phone #'s for in Canada and the US for a CD copy of The Gift of Music (I think it was released in 1986 on CD, according to a JB discography I got somewhere). Can someone tell me, am I wasteing my time? I know its now longer in print in the US but does anyone know where I might find a copy? Or how about the Bloody Nonsense collection; was it ever released on CD (I think its still availabe on tape). Why, you ask, am I so fixed on getting these two? Because I'd like to get JB vs PM and Partytime on CD. Can someone suggest the best alternative to getting them both on the same CD (i.e. which compilation still in print is the best)? Thanks Glen Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 11:33:57 -0800 (PST) From: Stewart Evans <> Subject: CD Dreams? ->From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> ->I have been searching the music stores that I have phone #'s for in Canada and ->the US for a CD copy of The Gift of Music (I think it was released in 1986 ->on CD, according to a JB discography I got somewhere). Can someone tell ->me, am I wasteing my time? I know its now longer in print in the US but ->does anyone know where I might find a copy? Or how about the Bloody ->Nonsense collection; was it ever released on CD (I think its still ->availabe on tape). I have Gift of Music on a Glass CD, but rumor has it that Glass went belly-up a few years ago, and the total absence of their product from record stores would seem to confirm that. I've never seen it as a domestic US release. Bloody Nonsense has suffered the same fate -- it was released by Big Time, who have definitely gone under. I've never seen it on CD, to the best of my knowledge it was never released in that format. I guess your best bet is haunting used CD stores for The Gift of Music... good luck! -- Stewart "All the wrong notes are right." -- Charles Ives, to his music copyist /* is Stewart Evans in Santa Cruz, CA */ Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 15:53:35 GMT From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: La Mer I have just been on a well earned holiday for 6 weeks, so this is why these responses are a bit late.... Thanks for the translation of ``La Mer'' for the non Francophones (French speakers). Seeing as you managed to translate all of the song, I was suprised that you stumbled on the first line:
> La mer viens ? ? (can anyone tell me the end of this line?)
Viens -> comes (verb venir, irregular of course) Having moved back to England, I got a subscription to the excellent ``Les Inrockuptilbles'' from which I have already sent a few postings. When you subscribed, you get one of their current special compilation CD's. The thing which swayed me into subscribing was the fact that the JBC features on the CD with ``Rosemary Davis world of sound''. Other bands featured include: American Music Club, BMX Bandits, Boo Radleys, Divine Comedy, Red House Painters, Teenage Fan Club plus a collection of French artists (Jean-Louis Murat, Silvian Vanot, etc.). I haven't had a good hard listen to it but it sounds pretty good. I seem to recall from postings a few months ago that people didn't like Rosemary Davis. Having bought Waiting for the Love Bus, I think it is one of my favorite tracks on it - the sort of track you end up humming in the bath. I actually bought WFTLB in Australia (HMV). In my many hours spent loitering in record shops, most had some JBC material. I even saw a copy of Fishcoteque in a Virgin store. Unfortunately, I didn't buy it as I had already placed an order at another record shop who assurred me that it was in stock at their distributors and I could get it in a week. After two weeks it hadn't turn up, I didn't have time to go back to Virgin and I had to fly out. Next time I will just buy it, even if I end up buying two copies! A plus Joe Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1993 15:27:23 EST From: David Cake <> Subject: Re: JBC in Australia
> No idea about the Australian release of "Shirley Maclaine", I'm afraid I
> haven't seen or heard the new album. There is one record shop in Hobart where
> you can get "non-US-influenced-mainstream" records; they had a section marked
> Jazz Butcher which only contained one second-hand copy of "Distressed
> Gentlefolk". The hunt continues shortly in Melbourne and Auckland...
Hmm. I have seen most JBC stuff in shops here in small town Perth (the most isolated city in the world). Including Condition Blue, recent singles, and the Australian release of Shirley Maclaine (on a nifty little EP with Shes on Drugs and a few others). Older stuff, however, is very hard to find. If you are having trouble, talk directly to the distributors, Shock!, who are in Melbourne. I'm sure they will at least be happy to tell you of a record shop that wil order from them. Cheers Dave Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 16:37:37 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: catching up i thought it was curious that i hadnt heard the familiar mail "beep" for a couple days. that *other* blue window on my screen had its machine go down and i didnt notice. so...
>> Watch for Pete on short haul European Blue Aeroplane flights
> short haul *British Airways* flights!
tell me you wouldnt have made the same typo, ed? it was in CAPS and everything, so my brain froze up.
> Whoa. He's back. Pat on stage. With Dave Cavanagh, someone says? Not
> the journalist from Select? Not the 17th guitarist in the Blue Aeroplanes?
nope. twas richard formby.
> After sound thrashing of cocaine aristocracy, Pat retreats. Throws down
> telecaster. Bass flung after it. Feedback. Mr Cavanagh, if it is he,
> carefully places guitar in flight case and walks.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | this should have been your clue. as pat put it "richard has more respect for his instrument than us NON musicians". btw, jim, pat says your review was spot-on, although he wished our dear readers to know that more of the few hundreds in attendance than you suggested enjoyed the show too.
> bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
> There were rumors on this list a while back that the new CD
> would be distributed by a major label.
damn. no idea. i keep forgetting to ask. it does seem like its about time for it to happen since the thing has been out for months now..
> What is the newest album by the Jazz Butcher?
1993 CD CREATION CRECD156 Waiting For The Love Bus Rosemary Davis World Of Sound, Bakersfield, Kids In The Mall/Kaliningrad, Whaddya?, SweetWater, Ghosts, Baltic, Killed Out, Ben, Penguins, President Chang, Angel Station, Rosemary Davis World Of Sound (Reprise) as noted, the bigger black version does not have the final track as the CD does.
> Has something been released in Britain?
see above. i hear that there is a german single release of the tune "sweetwater". alex? check if this has any extra tracks and then send us all copies.
> Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU>
> Because I'd like to get JB vs PM and Partytime on CD. Can someone suggest
> the best alternative to getting them both on the same CD
a CD burner? may be a bit expensive, though. actually, the original Partytime comes on the (ever-so-hard-to-get) Bath Of Bacon CD and the (even-more-rare-than-that-SPEX#6-flexi) Unconditional CD promo.
> which compilation still in print is the best
Bloody Nonsense -v- The Gift of Music -v- The Gift of Music II. Bloody Nonsense and The Gift of Music II are *similar*, but Gift II contains some less hard tunes like Olaf Palme, Vienna Song, City Of Night, etc. Bloody Nonsense is more straight forward for us attention-lacking 'merkans. if you ever see the vinyl of Gift II - CHECK INSIDE. thats the only place you are likely to find the freebie 7" which contains May I, Over You, Speedy Gonzalez and Knocking On Heavens Door. The Gift of Music - the first one, is a different animal. i find this disc to be rawer, and the David J influence is in full-effect. would there be any interest for making available a compilation of these old "strange" tunes? there are probably 20 or so tunes which only appeared on b-sides.
> Stewart Evans <stewarte@sco.COM>
> but rumor has it that Glass went belly-up a few years ago
fact. same with BigTime. this man has had little luck with labels. or promotion. creation seems solid at least. sort-of news: o apparently touring is done with until early february. there is one planned christmastime gig in northampton. o their (latest, ex) drummer nick burson is blissfully married in the arctic canaidjun tundra (well, toronto), and it sounds like he is happiest there. (i wonder if richard found it insulting to have to play along with a drummachine at the last gig?) -david Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 19:08:23 -0500 From: "Chris Camfield ("Galadan")" <> Subject: Re: La Mer Joe Nicholson wrote:
> I have just been on a well earned holiday for 6 weeks, so this is why
> these responses are a bit late....
> Thanks for the translation of ``La Mer'' for the non Francophones
> (French speakers). Seeing as you managed to translate all of the song,
> I was suprised that you stumbled on the first line:
> > La mer viens ? ? (can anyone tell me the end of this line?)
> Viens -> comes (verb venir, irregular of course)
Hey! The question marks indicate words that I can't make out. That's why I asked "can anyone tell me the end of this line?". I *do* know what viens means. :) Thanks anyhow. Waiting till January for WFTLB and hopefully a concert sometime in Waterloo... -- Christopher Camfield ( "Sticks and stones may break my bones But they will never hurt me" (Split Enz, "Mind over Matter") PS Many :)'s for the humour-impaired. Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:25:02 GMT From: (Jim Davies) Subject: alive and well and living in england btw, jim, pat says your review was spot-on, although he wished our dear readers to know that more of the few hundreds in attendance than you suggested enjoyed the show too. Yup. Sorry about that. It *should* go without saying. We were all caught up in that South London state of mind. When we got outside, there was a cabbie kicking and punching his car. It's a nice place to visit. > Has something been released in Britain? Spent last week in and out of record stores. Saw four copies of the Love Bus, two of Condition Bleu, two of Western Family, one of the Basement, and a secondhand copy of Girl-go. That's it for the Thames Valley. Someone call the tourist board. Jim Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:26:57 GMT From: (Jim Davies) Subject: *I bought Western Family* Recorded by David. Kicker conspiracy from the JBC. Cut out and keep photos to help you recognise those onstage. Buy this album and avoid those embarrassing memory lapses. Amaze your friends with your new-found powers of concentration. Great album. Pity about the sound. All the music is there, but the feeling doesn't come. Unless you're drinking tequila and cooking mexican food. With the CD on a blaster. On the kitchen table. Try it. It would sound okay *if*. If you'd never seen the JBC in action. If you'd never frugged yourself stupid to she's on drugs or caroline wheeler. If you'd never felt your heart stop during angels. If you didn't know what sounds this band can make. Still and all, the man is spot on. It's a souvenir. It's not a t-shirt from Disneyland. It's not a plastic beaker from the civil war museum at Gettysburg. It's a postcard that you never sent, stuffed in the pocket of your suitcase coming back from Portugal. It's a memory of a night out in Gothenburg, in the rain. Buy it. Jim Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:32:06 GMT From: (Jim Davies) Subject: *I bought Western Family* Recorded by David. Kicker conspiracy from the JBC. Cut out and keep photos to help you recognise those onstage. Buy this album and avoid those embarrassing memory lapses. Amaze your friends with your new-found powers of concentration. Great album. Pity about the sound. All the music is there, but the feeling doesn't come. Unless you're drinking tequila and cooking mexican food. With the CD on a blaster. On the kitchen table. Try it. Without the tequila, it will still sound okay. If you've never seen the JBC in action. If you've never frugged yourself stupid to she's on drugs or caroline wheeler. If you've never felt your heart stop during angels. If you don't know what sounds this band can make. Still and all, the man is spot on. It's a souvenir. It's not a t-shirt from Disneyland. It's not a plastic beaker from the civil war museum at Gettysburg. It's a postcard that you never sent, stuffed in the pocket of your suitcase coming back from Portugal. It's a memory of a night out in Gothenburg, in the rain. Buy it. Jim Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:45:25 GMT From: (Jim Davies) Subject: accidental email Ah. I just sent the last message twice. Sorry about that. The wonders of accidental e-mail. But I wanted to say that *if* the Love Bus takes too long to arrive in the States, we can buy up all the copies in the Thames valley and send them across. It could do wonders for Creation's marketing strategy. "Hmm. Hand me that chart, Evans. I hear the new JBC is doing well in Berkshire. Get me Home Counties operations on the line, and let's see if we can't push into Surrey before nightfall." I'm lost in Windsor Davies' world of sound. Jim Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1993 11:26:34 -0800 (PST) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: jbc As I mentioned earlier, I've been trying to track down JBC CDs (beside the more readily available ones). Called one store and he said he had an import called, "Conspiracy in America and Canada". It was released in 1993. I've heard nothing about this, can someone fill me in on what this CD is? BTW, he said it has 14 tracks on it. Thanks. Glen Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 15:30:02 GMT From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Western Family..... etc.
> Great album. Pity about the sound. All the music is there, but the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is it? Aside from the well-worn problems with the sound, is it a fair reflection of the JBC live experience on the road 1992/3? Like, how do the Western Family tracklist and yer actual live-experience setlist compare? I ask curiously, from a "didn't get to see JBC for AGES and am beginning to feel a little left out in a sort of 'Early 1990s: the wilderness years' kind of way" standpoint.
> feeling doesn't come. Unless you're drinking tequila and cooking mexican
> food. With the CD on a blaster. On the kitchen table.
OK. I tried gin, tortilla chips and my flatmates extra-big stereo but it still sounded like they were singing into tin cans connected to v e r y l o n g pieces of string with a dusty old reel-to-reel recording it all at the other end. Kinda stunted my appreciation. ----
> > short haul *British Airways* flights!
> tell me you wouldnt have made the same typo, ed?
oh indeedy! it's only through massive indirection that I found this one out. Wouldn't be too surprised to discover him doing Blue Aeroplanes flights as well, though. ----
> would there be any interest for making available a compilation of these
> old "strange" tunes? there are probably 20 or so tunes which only
> appeared on b-sides.
In my humble opinion, this is probably the best idea that anyone has had about anything in quite a long while. How much does it cost to master a CD? :*) ----
> But I wanted to say that *if* the Love Bus takes too long to arrive in the
> States, we can buy up all the copies in the Thames valley and send them
> across.
Hey! Up here, there are THREE copies in central Edinburgh alone. And someone has just bought the last remaining copy of Western Family from HMV. If you drain central/southern England dry of Butch-product, there's a mini-glut of the stuff up here.
> I'm lost in Windsor Davies' world of sound.
*giggle*. ed Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1993 23:35:30 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Western Family..... etc.
> "Conspiracy in America and Canada". It was released in
> 1993. I've heard nothing about this, can someone fill me in on what this
> CD is?
Western Family - live disc of the 92Northamericantour. see below.. other people said of WF/92
>> Great album. Pity about the sound. All the music is there, but the
> Aside from the well-worn problems with the sound, is it a fair
> reflection of the JBC live experience on the road 1992/3?
well, you dont really get a sense of the drinking, the scenery, the drinking, the miles, the drinking, or the drinking, but yes - obviously the tunes on the CD *had* to have come from the 92tour. oh. erm.. beside the order of the CD tracks being different from a typical show, i think it is fairly accurate. fyi - Still And All almost always started the show, and the covers (or the odd old tune) would come at the ends. Shirley always preceeded Racheland which ended in a big big howling mess before the covers started. i said
>> would there be any interest for making available a compilation of these
>> old "strange" tunes? there are probably 20 or so tunes which only
>> appeared on b-sides.
ed said
> In my humble opinion, this is probably the best idea that anyone has
> had about anything in quite a long while. How much does it cost to
> master a CD? :*)
you mean after legal suits and stuff? ok - heres the deal. i will be spending some time with my turntable this weekend, and i plan to dump all my LPs and singles to DAT. when i get back(*), we can discuss taping-fests for people who need copies. just to be ethical though, i will only dub the older singles. go and buy the newer albums yerself! domestic Waiting For The Love Bus: it still is planned to be released on TriStar in the US. tentative germany tour: Feb 1 - H'Burg 2 - Berlin 3-5 - other places 6 - Frankfurt there will be yet-another creation compilation containing a JBC track after the new year. UK gig: Dec 22 - at the Belgium in Northampton (*) the old musico's birthday party. -david (*) i will be in the UK 14-24 of this month, and would like to go drinking as often as possible. matt? ed? Jim? joe? christmastime dubs of extra-rare stuff dance in my head. Date: Tue, 7 Dec 93 01:11:18 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Singles David A Whittemore wrote:
> (wrote:)
(David wrote:)
> >> would there be any interest for making available a compilation of these
> >> old "strange" tunes? there are probably 20 or so tunes which only
> >> appeared on b-sides.
> ed said
> > In my humble opinion, this is probably the best idea that anyone has
> > had about anything in quite a long while. How much does it cost to
> > master a CD? :*)
> you mean after legal suits and stuff?
> ok - heres the deal. i will be spending some time with
> my turntable this weekend, and i plan to dump all my LPs
> and singles to DAT. when i get back(*), we can discuss taping-fests
> for people who need copies. just to be ethical though, i will only
> dub the older singles. go and buy the newer albums yerself!
If we're still talking about B-sides of singles, then is this really fair. To my knowledge I have seen a grand total of *1* Jazz Butcher single ever... I think it's a vinyl version of Girl Go. Were there singles for Condition Blue? I wasn't aware of any of them. :( Let's face it, in the past (and hopefully this will change), availability of JB albums and singles really stinks. And I've read that supposedly Canada is better than the States, in this respect? I mean - I seriously doubt I will ever be able to obtain ANY Jazz Butcher singles at this rate. And for some people in cultural wasteland (you pick your choice of wasteland - I'm not trying to single out anyplace :) the chances are even slimmer. I've never seen a JB video, for that matter! (Yes, I haunt used record stores, and that's why I *do* have most of the albums. Are we all supposed to have so much money that we can import-order everything we don't have? :) What about the possibility of an official release of a B-sides compilation? Or would there not be enough market? *sigh* Well, just my $0.03 Canadian. :) -- Christopher Camfield ( "Sticks and stones may break my bones But they will never hurt me" (Split Enz, "Mind over Matter") Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1993 00:54:54 -0700 (MST) From: Robert Kirkpatrick <RJK@NAUVAX.UCC.NAU.EDU> Subject: greetings Hello, all... Just thought I'd write a quick note to introduce myself, since I just joined the list... I've been a fan of the jbc for a few years now, and I tried to join the list last year, but I was never able to get added, any rate, I'm here now, so all's well. I don't have a real extensive collection, unfortunately, although I did recently come across the 12" of Human Jungle. I've been looking for the reissues of all their earlier stuff (Gift of Music pt 2, etc) for about a year, but still haven't found a whole lot. I did pick up Waiting for the Love Bus when it came out, and I like it, although I like the earlier stuff a bit more. I am now done rambling. Robert Date: Tue, 7 Dec 93 18:17:45 GMT From: Subject: B-sides / Videos
> David A Whittemore wrote:
> would there be any interest for making available a compilation of these
> old "strange" tunes? there are probably 20 or so tunes which only
> appeared on b-sides.
Well, yes. I'm not interested in the common or garden JBproduct. I want the bizarre, the unrepeatable, the downright peculiar! The stuff that put the eccentric in "Eccentric English Pop". The stuff that would never see the light of day again. Hell, I'll buy the man some beer if he thinks he's missing out on royalties but, like the man (Christopher) said:
> Let's face it, in
> the past (and hopefully this will change), availability of JB albums and
> singles really stinks.
You can still find old butch product lying about in the UK if you're lucky, but it's fading fast. "Hamburg" is still being distributed, I think... or it was last January... which is a year ago, I spose. ---
> I've never seen a JB video, for that matter!
I have. Nerr. Actually, what is the grand total of video-butch? I've got a video for Spooky on a Creation compilation and I've seen a creaky old video for Jazz Butcher Meets Count Dracula which was in the unlikely middle of the "Blood on the cats" compilation, nestling amoungst West Midlands Rockabilly and old Birthday Party covers by bands you've never heard of. I know there's also a video for Girl Go on *another* creation video compilation but I've never seen it and it's long gone from the shops by now. So I ask: do we have a `videography'? Both Spooky and JBmCD were astoundingly fun, being Butch and band running about and having a laff as far as I can tell. Very cheap, too. "Cosy Doctors In your House" ed. Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 14:49:45 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: RE: Buying up copies...
> But I wanted to say that *if* the Love Bus takes too long to arrive in the
> States, we can buy up all the copies in the Thames valley and send them
> across.
> It could do wonders for Creation's marketing strategy.
Anyone know how much it would set me back to do this? I'll end up spending $20+ here if I buy it import... anychance anyone wants to mail me one and tell the postmaster it's a pair of socks or something so they don't tax it? -Arik Date: Tue, 7 Dec 93 17:52:13 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: RE: Buying up copies...
> anychance anyone wants to mail me one and tell
alternatively, i could carry some back - postage would at least be a little less. still, the overall savings would be under $5 i would guess. worth it? -david Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 15:14:06 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: Re: Buying up copies...
> > anychance anyone wants to mail me one and tell
> alternatively, i could carry some back - postage
> would at least be a little less. still, the overall
> savings would be under $5 i would guess.
> worth it?
Hmmm. depends on the us release date. I'm dying to hear it. when would you be able to bring said cd's back to the states? Interested -arik Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 20:25:37 -0500 From: "Chris Camfield ("Galadan")" <> Subject: JB and drinking Just out of curiousity, is it a heresy for a JB fan (me) to... not drink at all? I can certainly laugh at Soul Happy Hour, buwith regards to the drinking being a major aspect of a JB tour, I guess I miss the point... *dons asbestos suit and gets behind cover* -- Christopher Camfield ( "Sticks and stones may break my bones But they will never hurt me" (Split Enz, "Mind over Matter") Date: Tue, 7 Dec 93 20:31:24 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Re: JB and drinking lets take a vote... does chris get to stay? -david Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 14:24:49 GMT From: Subject: Re: JB and drinking David asks:
> lets take a vote...
> does chris get to stay?
hell, it's nearly Xmas... Because Christopher confessed:
> Just out of curiousity, is it a heresy for a JB fan (me) to... not drink at
> all? I can certainly laugh at Soul Happy Hour, buwith regards to the
> drinking being a major aspect of a JB tour, I guess I miss the point...
Well, here's an interesting one. Does not drinking mean that you listen along to SoulHappyHour in a state of slight puzzlement in the same way that (perhaps) others listen to the intense, introspective, emotional trawls (or at least the explicitly autobiographical tunes) without much of a clue? By extension, if you don't come from Northampton is your enjoyment of jbc-product terminally stunted? What about if you're not called Pat Fish? Goodness, perhaps we should all give up now and go home. Or change our names. later, Pat. Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 10:13:45 -0500 From: (Tim Connors) Subject: Re: Western Family..... etc. Wow, sign me up for one of those b-sides tapes! I'd be more than willing to pay, trade, tape, or send blank tapes in exchange... Also I can go from DAT to cassette so if I can be of any assistance in executing a tape tree let me know. Would it be possible to post a proposed track list for comment/ modification etc. before the actual taping? Also, I have all the old LPs on vinyl through _DG'folk_. If there are CDs of these older things, how about including any bonus tracks, since the CDs are now virtually impossible to find? (I know the CD of Gift1 has extras, for example.... Those of us with less access than you to old Butchiana will be eternally grateful, Dave! -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1993 11:56:18 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Western Family..... etc. bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) saith:
> Would it be possible to post a proposed track list for comment/
> modification etc. before the actual taping?
better yet - if someone has tunes they feel MUST be on it let me know, ok? and soon. this will happen frantically this weekend. goody! another DAT. sure, you could make all the dubs you want, tim. anything to speed up my sloth-like turn-around on making cassettes for people. huge public apology: SORRY NANCY, really. i figure i owe you about 10 boxes of tapes in late fines by now. so then.. -david Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 09:46:15 -0800 (PST) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: JBC tape Count me in. This sounds like a great idea. Just to be sure here, someone is talking about making those old fashioned cassette versions and not just DAT available, right? As much as I'd like to, I'm a very long way off from being able to afford a DAT machine. Hell, I'm a long way off from ever getting a tape deck worth more than 100 bucks! As for drinking and JBC, I say cheers to both. Glen Davis Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 18:40:10 EST From: Subject: tapes n drinkin well id just like to make a public plea that is, request for any rare tapes made this month in london by mr whittemore. while i am at it i would like to reissue my request for Vergiftung recordings (and dont complain about tape quality just do it). i now have witnesses for these requests. incidentally if mr pat fish has an address on this list i hope you eventually received and liked my photos of the 92tour. oh yeah...drinking... my vote it is not required but strongly encouraged. chin chin suzanne. Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 11:59:49 GMT From: Subject: I keep trying with far too little oil dated: Wed, 08 Dec 1993 11:56:18 EST that subject line just appeared! I haven't got a clue where from. Very spooky. ---
> better yet - if someone has tunes they feel MUST be on it
> let me know, ok? and soon. this will happen frantically
> this weekend.
That mysterious Christmas flexi-single: "Christmas with the Pygmies" (? I've lost my discography) is a must. If you get a chance to do track listing labels for the cassettes, make sure you call the tape "Sinful Beat". --- Which reminds me. I was listening to the Von D&auml;mmerung brothers last night and curious about the samples. I know they got some from Pat but there's this one sample, obviously from an ansaphone, that goes: "...and I've phoned up several times in the past, but I've been so thrown by the sound of your voice... that I've had to put the phone straight down." Does Pat have.... (gasp) a STALKER????? --- ed Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1993 15:15:00 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: I keep
> Does Pat have.... (gasp) a STALKER?????
yeah. and they know where he lives. -david Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 00:32:47 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: Two things 1) I wonder if there is any way I could encourage the jbc to schedule a date in Santa Cruz when they get around to a us tour... the place that bands have been playing here is not any smaller than most places they usually play, like Slim's (SF) or the Roxy (LA). Ideas? 2) Since people have been talking about the availability of jbc stuff around the world, and people are obviously lacking older stuff, I got an idea: If you folks want to check out the local record/cd/tape stores and let me know what kind of supply we have going, and post a summary. Then, people could email whoever it was that located the disks they want and arrange for them to pick one up and mail it to them. So whaddyall think? -Arik Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 09:05:33 -0800 From: Naggi Asmar <> Subject: rarities Let's not forget "The biggest Loudest Heaviest Group of all", the "Hard" EP and the "Spooky" EP live tracks. This may get out of hand quickly. As far as drinking and the JBC, I would say that it's definitely not required, but of course highly recommended. cheers, naggi Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 12:57:03 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: rarities bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
> 1990 LP 12" CREATION CRE083T We Love You
yeeaahhhhhh... this could be a monster, couldnt it?
> Let's not forget "The biggest Loudest Heaviest Group of all"
as far as i know, this is only available on that 1989 chicago show tape, right? (alright, also from a 92radio session). lovely cover tune - from a show that was just one of *those* nights. there could probably be half-a tape just of covers from live shows, as they have 3 or 4 new ones each tour. king of joy, skinheads, over the rainbow, tugboat captain, everybodys talkin, stephanie says, chinese envoy... for now, though, i am just going to dump the vinyl to DAT and sort out the rarities from the frequently-heard-on-casey-casem tunes later. -david we ride the soul train, just like the brothers - momus Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 09:35:59 -0800 (PST) From: uswnvg! (Robert Frangooles) Subject: Introducing Hello, my name is Bob and I am a new member of the JBC. I recently found out about the list after sending a note to a member of another mailing list (Tim Connors) who a JB quote in his .sig. He was kind enough to inform me of this list. I've been listening to the Butcher since the mid 80's. I was first introduced to him via a tape of the 'Sex and Travel' ep (I believe that was the title, I never got the actual pressing -IDIOT-). It had Big Saturday on it if I remember. The first time I saw the JB was in Manchester in 1985, they opened for an american band that was part of a sixties revival movement (I don't quite recall the name, It might have had rain in the name). They did an encore together though once again my memory fails me. I have since seen him an the various incarnations every time they have played Seaatle plus a couple of trips up to Vancouver, BC. There hasn't been a visit here in over a year and a half, and I am starting to get alittle itchy. Perhaps I haven't been looking hard enopugh but the latest release I have is 'Western Family', I have't seen the new studio release, so perhaps someone would be kind enough to fill in some details for me. I think that as time goes by I find myself listening to 'Fishcoteque' and Condition Blue' the most often in their entireties. Though their are many individual songs that rank as favorites. These would include 'Rain' - ''Big Saturday' - 'Buffalo Shame' - 'PartyTime' - 'Sex and Travel' - the list goes on... I am getting a bit lengthy I see, so I will say seeya for now, and I am looking forward to hearing from other Butcher listeners (I don't know too many out here that's for sure). -- _______________________________________________________________________ Robert Frangooles, Bellevue Washington -------All opinions expressed are my own, not my employers------------- Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 14:51:34 -0600 From: "Clint D. Hartman" <> Subject: CD Europe Last night I ordered the "Black Eg", the Butch in disguise, by modem from CD Europe. I don't have any experience with CD Europe, and was wondering if anyone on the list does? They list all the JBC stuff from Fishcotheque on. Unfortunately they charge your credit card immediately upon placing an order and they do not appear to maintain an inventory. Hmmm, I hope it they can find it... Also, is there any new material on the SHIRLEY MACLAINE -5 TR.- 5" SINGLE? I lost the latest discography and the one at <> is old. Could someone please e-mail it to me? Thanks ============================================================================ <************cut**************> CD Europe PO Box 8561 Deerfield Beach, FL 33443 (305) 481-8984 -- orders, 7 days, 9am-11pm Eastern (305) 481-8817 -- FAX, 24hrs, 7 days (305) 481-1724 -- order status, misc. inquiries; weekdays, 9am-5pm Eastern Dialup access (any speed up to 9600 baud, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop) at the following numbers: Sunnyvale (408) 733-0801 Boston (617) 639-0238 Chicago (312) 477-3518 New York City (212) 532-4045 <************cut**************> 347076 JAZZ BUTCHER BIG PLANET SCAREY PLANET $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 1465482 JAZZ BUTCHER BIG PLANET SCARY PLANET $21.95 CREAI 12/92 347193 JAZZ BUTCHER CONDITION BLUE $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 318996 JAZZ BUTCHER CONSPIRACY IN USA&CND '92 $24.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 347097 JAZZ BUTCHER CULT OF THE BASEMENT $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 347106 JAZZ BUTCHER EDWARD'S CLOSET $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 347061 JAZZ BUTCHER FISHCOTHEQUE $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND => Enter a CD selector, a Q, or a ? for help: (more) 158559 JAZZ BUTCHER GIRL GO $12.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND 5" SINGLE 263255 JAZZ BUTCHER SHIRLEY MACLAINE -5 TR.- $12.95 SHOCK 12/92 HOLLAND 5" SINGLE 276792 JAZZ BUTCHER WAITING FOR THE LOVE BUS $24.95 SONY 12/92 HOLLAND 361327 JAZZ BUTCHER CONSPIRACY WAITING FOR THE LOVE BUS $24.95 CREAT 11/93 HOLLAND => End of list. 11 item(s) listed. => Enter a CD selector, a Q, or a ? for help: q ** CDE Search by Artist ** Enter the first few letters of the artist/composer's name (last name first), or enter =STRING to search all positions in the artist name for STRING, or press ENTER to repeat the previous search: JAZZ BUTCHER or enter a Q to quit: black eg 347175 BLACK EG BLACK EG $13.95 CREAT 12/92 HOLLAND <************cut**************> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 9:55:41 MET From: Alexander Vrchoticky <> Subject: searching for mr. right, erm, david whittemore ... (sorry for the early-eighties flashback in the subject line, also sorry: no jbc content.) anyway, the gist <hehe> is: if anyone reading this uk-side has a means to get in touch with david (who is currently somewhere in the uk), tell him to either o pick me up from heathrow tonight, arriving 20:15 flight no OS 459 (that's austrian airlines, flight 459), or o meet me at the jbc discs (cd) at the virgin megastore at noon tomorrow (hey, it's early and i can't think of a better meeting point right now). thanks, -alex -- Alexander Vrchoticky TU Vienna, CS/Real-Time Systems +43/1/58801-8173 Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 09:40:45 GMT From: Subject: try looking in the noddymix
> anyway, the gist <hehe> is: if anyone reading this uk-side has a means
> to get in touch with david (who is currently somewhere in the uk), tell
> him to either
no, I don't. sorry. just thought I'd send a reply to get your hopes up. If he rings I'll tell him, but the chances are slim. very slim, actually: he doesn't have my phone number. actually, I was going to ask something: I take it, alex, that you'll be in Northampton on the 22nd, as will david and myself but.... who else? is there anybody else who'll be there? will there be enough people to hold the first great jbc-list convention? how will we know who you all are?
> o meet me at the jbc discs (cd) at the virgin megastore at noon
> tomorrow (hey, it's early and i can't think of a better meeting
> point right now).
best make sure virgin HAS a jbc section... ed Date: Sun, 26 Dec 93 05:45:15 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: happy x-day and all that howdy. the drinking is over, the festivities are done and i am back from my vacation to fish town. it was great to finally meet a few of the jbc-list people and to see pat in his home environment. northampton (probably) is an industrial city of a couple hundred thousand and its anyone's guess as to why he prefers it there.. for those curious, pat is doing well during this down-time between tours. he is content with his girl, his cat, and the incestious clan of musicians who live in the area. pat's house is a smallish two story filled with pascal legras paintings. the guest room is also the archive room. i experienced sensory overload to say the least! there are stacks and stacks of magazines, articles and pictures from the last decade. there are also hundreds of cassettes littering the room - live gigs, ancient demo tapes, home tapes, rough mixes, and other really embarrassing stuff. unfortunately, he knows what damaging effects the distribution of any of this material would have on his career.. sorry guys, but i did try. one afternoon i stepped outside just in time to see a teenager in an ugly purple windbreaker bend down to pick up a cigarette butt from the street. pat, not having witnessed this, then stepped outside. he said to me `mark that person, mark that person well - for that is the BICYCLE KID'. made perfect sense. while i was there, i attended two gigs - the one on the 23rd at the belgium (as i later learned is the code-name for `slurp's wino bar'), and a very interesting x-mas gig on the 24th at the racehorse. the belgium gig was just dooj, pat amd colin the drum machine. there were no new tunes, and the only available recording device was a jam box. it is pretty unlistenable. richard formby was supposed to be there too, but he had other plans. sonic boom, and our own matt cockerill were there. sonic looks frighteningly like a tall paul weller circa 85, except his hair is equal-length on both sides of his head. was *supposed* to be there, but i didnt see him. since i had told everyone here that the gig was at the "belgium", i had a really horrible feeling that he had hopped on a plane, grabbed a taxi and told the driver to take him to the (non-existent) "belgium". ed? is this what happened? god i hope not.. the next night at the racehorse was a goody. alan moore, pat, and david j plus several other locals were up on stage. pat and david j opened with a few duets - `moscow drug club', `everybody's talkin', 'hoagy charmichael never went to new orleans', `little red corvette' (yup, the prince tune), and a teenage fan club song. the last two tunes were at david j's insistance, and pat had been practicing all day along with what he had taped down the telephone line when david called him the night before. pat did some fairly convincing eider twiddling on `hoagy charmichael', btw. the show tape is nice, and is placed up for grabs. note: alan moore should stick to his comic art - he cannot sing. ben, the son of david j's girlfriend, asked for the jbc-list address, so we may be seeing him here soon. earlier this year i mentioned that there was supposed to be a creation release of a "covers record". thumbing through pat's cache of test pressings, i saw the unreleased article. unreleased, presumably, because of the version of `over the rainbow' that i heard from it. hehehe. apparently, creation didnt find the humor in a super-lush completely insincere `rainbow'. jeez. what else? lots of late night drinking and talks, but then pat likes to drink and talk. oh yeah. the US release is a go for february. because of this, and partly because it wouldnt have been economically feasible, i didnt pick up any extra copies of the new album. i did find a "white label" copy of the `edward's "cupboard"' compilation album. seems some entrepreneurial radio DJ needed some change. the tracks are the same as the CD, though. as promised, i copied some of the harder-to-find vinyl from my collection, and the following are available to those who want them... from 1986 LP 12" GLASS GLAP104 (comes as free EP with GLALP020) Peter Lorre, Big Old Wind, Conspiracy (You'll Be All Right), Rebecca Wants Her Bike Back, Vienna Song, Grooving In The Bus Lane (Original), It Has To Be You, Thing 1987 LP 7" GLASS HMMM002 Speedy Gonzalez, Knocking On Heavens Door, May I, Over You from 1987 LP GLASS GLALP023 Big Questions - The Gift Of Music Volume 2 Olaf Palme, City Of Night, The Hairbrush And The Tank, Mersey from 1990 LP 12" CREATION CRE083T We Love You We Love You (554 Mix) from 1990 LP 12" CREATION New Invention Almost Brooklyn 1985 LP REBEL/GLASS SPV081443 Hamburg all of it bye -david Date: Thu, 30 Dec 93 12:06:58 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: kids in the hall yes. really. not in the mall. has anyone else seen the kids in the hall skit where dave sings the tune `terriers'? it goes something like this: Terriers are my favourite breed Cute and cuddly, easy dogs to feed they will bring you up whenever you are down Terriers average twenty pounds When I walk around this terrier town One thing that gets me down is when people put Bandanas on their dogs Terriers are my favourite breed Cute and cuddly,easy dogs to feed Terriers were there in the 11th century Napoleon had one to prevent misery Terriers are good for the aged, Studies show that they prolong old people's lives, And no one want to die, like this guy died Die, Die, Die, Die Die Die Die Die Worms eating - your eyes (bass solo, women in bikinis) Terriers sont mes types favouris Jolies, charmant pas probleme a maintenir (something in French) quand es tu blue (sic) (something) vingt livres Give terriers a chanc Do the terrier dance (okay let's not) But if you want your love to grow If you want your love to show (oops, switch grow and show) Then go terry, go terry, go terry, go terry ERRRRRR does this sound more than a litle like love kittens? oh yeah. the love bus exists, and it is blue. -david Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 12:24:12 -0800 (PST) From: Leah Nagely <> Subject: Northwest Findings For anyone in the rainy PNW let me tell you where I found The Luv Bus (and quite soon after the UK release): The Ozone in PDX. There was only one copy when I bought it and I'm sorry to say it wasn't there over the holidays. If you're dying for it, call the Ozone (or better yet drop by - it's just across the street from Powell's the megalopolis bookstore). As I recall it was $19. Also, if you're planning to travel through the cascade mountain range you might want to stay at the Big Foot Motel on Hwy 26 near Sandy, OR. It's the place where Big Foot reached for his credit card. Last time The Butcher was in Portland he played Big Foot Motel and was well received. "You can check in but you don't check out" -leah Date: Tue, 4 Jan 94 15:35:04 GMT From: Subject: Waiting for the Bus There's no Love in Lovebus. there's also nothing about the JBC in this posting so if you're busy I would recommend not reading this. Still with me? Regular readers of this column may recall the last JBC event I was scheduled to appear at was a close call because someone had the audacity to throw themselves in front of a picadilly line train, thus very nearly preventing me from arriving at Angel Station in time. Well... as the giant would say... it is happening again. Night before gig: my word, am I drinking a lot. (Yes) Still, it's worth it because there's not long to go before Xmas and I'm leaving the drizzle of Edinburgh and My Destiny behind for the sunshine of the East Midlands. Morning of gig: feel *terrible*. Can I get up? Let's try.... whooops. I pack a few items and depart. Stop for pint of beer at the airport whilst waiting for the plane. Mistake. But I'm OK. Hold back from the Gin and Tonic inflight. Arrive in London, train from airport unhindered by dead bodies. Arrive at coach station: 5:30 bus gets me into Northampton Central District at about 7:30. Loadsa time to find wherever it's on exactly ("The Belgium"?) Bus is late. Bus is then very late. Bus is then *extremely* late. Why? Dead bodies on the motorway. Seems all major roads from London to Eastern England are closed due to a *huge* pileup and massive motorway death. Bus now scheduled to depart at about 8:00, arriving 10:00. Can I wait? Yes I bloody well can. Might well miss the damn thing but I've got a bus ticket now so I might as well try. Think I'll just ring the venue to check. At this point, Directory Enquiries have no clue as to the location of The Belgium (which, in retrospect, doesn't surprise me) so I perform a current situation evaluation exercise: For Going: I want to go. I said I'd go. Against Going: I won't get there in time. I don't know where it is. I feel terrible. I don't want to spend the night sleeping at Northampton Bus Station. So I cut my losses, spend the money I had earmarked for beer on a clutch of CDs (including the disappointing Friendloverplane 2) in "Cheapo Cheapo Records" and then spend the money I had earmarked for beer *again* but on beer in some dingy pub on Brewer Street. Oatmeal Stout and Lagavulin chasers. Make my way disconsolately back to the ancestral home and collapse. Sorry. ed. Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 15:07:18 GMT From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Buffalo Shame The subject really says it all, actually. What or who really IS buffalo shame? They/he/she/it did the cover for Sex and Travel and then got a song on Distressed Gentlefolk a few years later.... so what came first? and who are they? puzzled ed Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 10:34:22 -0800 (PST) From: <> Subject: Hi There!!! Found out through, Some dude gave me the info...Also through the List of Lists. Iv'e seen the Butcher...SF in 1992, He just had his wisdom teeth out, but it was still an excellent show. As for his best piece of work I would have to say that it's a tossup between Fishcotech and Condition Blue...No take that Back it would have to be Bloody Nonsense. Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 21:00:44 +0500 (EST) From: David Beus <> Subject: re-releases Hi, my name's David and I just joined the list. Happy to be here. I guess this is not a support group per se, but I'll say this anyway, since I'm sure you can all understand. I made the mistake of loaning my "Bloody Nonsense" tape to a friend recently and he trashed it. I may never get to hear "Southern Mark Smith" again. Having said that, has anyone heard of any plans to release older JBC stuff? Or has any recently been released? The record shops around here (Chapel Hill, NC) are useless. Thanks. David Beus Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 21:28:28 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: re-releases
> Having said that, has anyone heard of any plans
> to release older JBC stuff?
i really should update the archives, huh? its been busy here. this is the official word on the pre-creation catalogue. fire records owns it. i do not know the business reasons, but they somehow acquired it after glass and then bigtime went under. pat really has very little say on whether it is gets re-released, and he does.
> The record shops around here (Chapel Hill, NC) are useless.
well, february ?th is the US release date for the new record, aptly titled `waiting for the love bus'. its good - it even gets light airplay in this podunk town (w lafayette, in - purdue U). a reminder for those near germany (ha! all 2 of you), the JBC roll into the fatherland the 5th of february for a week-long tour. -david Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 09:55:42 +0100 (MET) From: Sebastian Hagedorn <> Subject: Re: re-releases David A Whittemore writes:
> a reminder for those near germany (ha! all 2 of you),
> the JBC roll into the fatherland the 5th of february for
> a week-long tour.
I guess that's me :) Thanks for the info. Do you know any details? I haven't seen any ads yet... Greetings, Sebastian -- Sebastian Hagedorn "Keep passing the open windows!" Linguistic Data Processing, System Administrator Cologne University, Germany E-Mail: Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 15:05:10 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: re-releases
> Thanks for the info. Do you know any details?
tentative germany tour: Feb 1 - H'Burg 2 - Berlin 3-5 - other places 6 - Frankfurt this was true as of the end of december, and unless they've killed another geetarist, (hell, even then) it should be close. i guess it is known that bootlegging is not frowned upon.. -david Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 11:53:55 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: JB songs referring to previous songs Are there any songs other than She's On Drugs that contain little snippets referring to earlier songs? In She's On Drugs: We're all living in a world of poultry -- The Best Way Eating polyester -- Grey Flannelette(sp)? and committing adultery -- Get it Wrong Actually... EATING polyester????????? Are there more in the song that I'm missing? -- Christopher Camfield ( "God and the devil reward surrender/With no desire we're all in rags and chains" "Only your soothing caress can stop me/Making the same mistakes again and again" (Tim Finn, "Crescendo") Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 22:53:03 EST From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM> Subject: The Gift of Music cd for sale Two JBC fans have recently moved in together and find themselves in possession of an extra copy of "The Gift of Music", and we thought we'd offer it here before trying to sell it locally. We'd like to get $10 including first class postage to mail it to the buyer (unless you're outside the US, then we'll try to work something out). We also have vinyl copies of "Bloody Nonsense" and "Distressed Gentlefolk", but are planning to sell those locally because adding postage would make them less desirable. If someone really wants those, let me know as soon as possible, and we'll pull them out of our "for sale" bin. -nancy Date: Tue, 01 Feb 1994 19:58:31 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: JB songs referring to previous songs
> Are there any songs other than She's On Drugs that contain
> little snippets referring to earlier songs?
but you could recognize those ludicrous shoes - out of touch the fact that you are married only carries things to ludicrous extremes - get it wrong (which is also a take on a velvets lyric) minor, i know. but a journalist once noted that "fishcotheque is probably the only pop album with `ludicrous' in two consecutive tunes" i find it interesting that condition blue makes tiny references to `birds' in only the first and last songs on the album. i asked pat if it was a conscious thing and he just smirked. he probably has sung about all forms of transportation, though. except maybe ox cart. -david Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 13:17:26 EST From: George Heard <> Subject: JB songs referring... G'day guys, Well, since everybody seems to love "Bloody Nonsense" I suppose this one from "Drink" is obvious... My oh my, We can't complain If it weren't for heavy drinking We'd never play "Sweet Jane" Pity my copy of "Bloody Nonsense" is a rotten previously-unloved 2nd hander with big scratches all over "Death Dentist". George Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 10:39:51 EST From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM> Subject: Gift of Music CD is gone Someone has claimed the Gift of Music CD. I'm sorry we didn't have a dozen of them to sell! thanks, nancy Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 12:14:53 GMT From: Subject: Re: JB songs referring to previous songs
> Are there any songs other than She's On Drugs that contain
> little snippets referring to earlier songs?
Well, there's "She's a Yo-yo" which has a line something like `she was on drugs now she's on the blink' (my memory is playing tricks with me at the moment so I can't swear to that one). Don't know if just referring to a previous song counts. If it does then "Excellent!" must surely take the prize for referring to about half of Cult of the Basement somewhere in the lyrics. Well, that's an exaggeration but it is sorta self-referential. It's not a butch song but you've probably heard it anyway so I suppose it's worth mentioning and that's "Angel" by our buddy Sonic Boom which contains the `what could I do but care' line from Susie but repeats it EVEN MORE OFTEN. That's all the news from Scotland. ed Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 11:19:02 GMT From: Subject: Buying Things The more I post to this group, the less I seem to say about the Jazz Butcher. Still, here we go again... I got a note from Mick Bund (ex Felt) in the post today and he says that his band, Mexico 70, are releasing their second single ("Wonderful Lie") and first album in the USA during February, followed by a small tour in June (to coincide with the World Cup). I just thought I'd mention it because they're great and I think you'd like them. But here's a Butch-question: I was ironing my treasured Jazz Butcher T-shirt the other day when I noticed that, heavens!, there's a hole in it.... and worse: the design is fading. My life is consequently without meaning - void and empty. Does Butch have any merchandise available that I can buy to replace this garment? I've only ever seen T-shirts on sale at one gig (Borderline, London) and that was a couple of years back. Butch notwithstanding, it was a cool T-shirt (the New Invention trumpet). ed. Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 07:51:41 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: What happened to... The idea that some folks were talking about, which arranged the creation of a compilation of either live stuff or rare tracks, I forget which? Did anything come of it? I must say I'd like to know if there's an address for JBC merchandise also. I've various times considered scanning in the cover to BPSP or CotB and having that put on a shirt... oh well. Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "God and the devil reward surrender/With no desire we're all in rags and chains" "Only your soothing caress can stop me/Making the same mistakes again and again" (Tim Finn, "Crescendo") Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 11:59:30 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: What happened to...
> The idea that some folks were talking about, which arranged the creation of
> a compilation of either live stuff or rare tracks, I forget which? Did
> anything come of it?
actually, i have copied all of my vinyl b-sides and other uncommon releases onto DAT, and i have made a couple of the dozen or so copies that people have expressed interest in. Philip: if you would like to help dub, i can send you a DAT..? so, yes. its still happening, just at a snails pace. i know who asked for copies, and will get back to y'all as more copies get made.
> I've various times considered scanning in the cover to BPSP
> or CotB and having that put on a shirt...
this looks like your only option - i think that the shirts they have made for each of the last tours are all they make. once sold, thats it. however... i bet some people here would interested in picking up bootlegged shirts if someone were of a mind to make em. -david Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 21:07:35 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Sinful Beat compilation tape order form time to get off my ass. this is the official order form for the `Sinful Beat' JBC comp tape which i put together over x-mas from some older vinyl singles and stuff. <pre> +------------------------- Sinful Beat Tape ----------------------------+ | from 1986 LP 12" GLASS GLAP104 (comes as free EP with GLALP020) | | Peter Lorre, Big Old Wind, Conspiracy (You'll Be All Right), | | Rebecca Wants Her Bike Back, Vienna Song, | | Grooving In The Bus Lane (Original), It Has To Be You, Thing | | 1987 LP 7" GLASS HMMM002 | | Speedy Gonzalez, Knocking On Heavens Door, May I, Over You | | from 1987 LP GLASS GLALP023 Big Questions/The Gift Of Music Volume 2 | | Olaf Palme, City Of Night, The Hairbrush And The Tank, Mersey | | from 1990 LP 12" CREATION CRE083T We Love You | | We Love You (554 Mix) | | from 1990 LP 12" CREATION New Invention | | Almost Brooklyn | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ </pre> i have also added a bootleg listing at the end for those who want specific recordings. limit yerselves, as it will take awhile to get everything finished. DAT-capable people feel free to help me out with the "common" requests. we can work out the division of labor. costs - not too greedy $5 per 90min dandy quality tape which includes postage. people i owe know who they are and excess proceeds go towards the HelpRepairPatsWaterHeaterAndBuyRedBands fund. -david <dd><a href="@GIGS/bootlegs.html">Jazz Butcher Bootleg Listing</a> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 17:12:06 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Sci-fi references in the Jazz Butcher's songs Hi all! I was reading and came across the list of Science Fiction References in Music. There's no entry for the Jazz Butcher! Can anyone think of songs other than Southern Mark Smith (Would Bigfoot Motel count?) and Harlan that refer to fantasy or science fiction? -- Christopher Camfield ( "God and the devil reward surrender/With no desire we're all in rags and chains" "Only your soothing caress can stop me/Making the same mistakes again and again" (Tim Finn, "Crescendo") Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 13:47:02 GMT From: Subject: Re: Sci-fi references in the Jazz Butcher's songs
> Can anyone
> think of songs other than Southern Mark Smith
> and Harlan that refer to fantasy or science fiction?
Entering train-spotting mood again: There's more than one reference in butch-toons to my favourite prehistoric-yet-somehow-also-modern-day do-gooder, Godzilla. Panic in Room 109 springs to mind, but there's more than just that one I know. Just can't think of them at the moment sitting here and nursing a hangover.
> HTML text for the Jazz Butcher
Isn't Pat's WWW home page the coolest thing? Have the boffins at NCSA been notified? I think it should find its way onto the "What's New on the WWW" page. asprin ed. Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 15:51:51 +0100 (MET) From: Sebastian Hagedorn <> Subject: WWW Hi! That home page is really great! Usually I keep a low profile on this list, because I don't have much to say Butch-wise. I have to admit that I didn't even go to a show when he played here a few weeks ago :-( The next venue would've been 60 km (35 miles) away, and I've been quite busy recently. However, I was so thrilled by that Mosaic thing that I felt compelled to express my appreciation ;-) Greetings, Sebastian -- Sebastian Hagedorn "Keep passing the open windows!" Linguistic Data Processing, System Administrator Cologne University, Germany E-Mail: Date: Wed, 23 Feb 94 23:13:17 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: stuff and stuff howdy from indiana where they tease you with spring. dont trust it. i made quite a few cassettes this weekend for those who requested them. details upon request - addresses still needed from some. in-progress: an update to the WWW JBC pages. the update will include some more scans, the entire archives, and maybe even some audio snippets once i am happy with the gawdawful quality of this workstation's sampling. pat just got back from the european tour, and generally he was pretty pleased with their performance. they passed through germany, france, switzerland, and holland, played to 100-ish crowds, and made enough to get home in the wheezing love bus. next gig in london will be the 10th of march at the Garage in london. through europe the line-up was: pat, dooj, nick on drums, and curtis as emergency geetarist. micheal from spittle rattle was along as well. curtis and michael were self-contained opening acts, and sometimes pat would do his solo bit. the diversity of the acts has pat thinking hard about exactly what the US tour should be.. solo? rock out? eg? right now he doesnt know. when? tentatively late may (yeah, right). he wants to be in the states for the World Cup, and is looking for some dinking participating country so that he can write their theme music. he is taking the concept of "the difficult 10th album" very seriously. with his decade's worth of euro-tour experience, pat is thinking of writing a tour book for bands. included would be things like how to ask for a ham and cheese sandwich without the ham in any country, to tell the soundman to fuck off politely, maps, places to drink, etc. waiting still.. US release: 8 March. honest! also, very soon will be a creation compilation which includes a track from the non-released covers album. `everybodys talking' will be the tune on it. -david Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 20:51:56 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: call for scanning assistance! hello. i have been adding quite a bit to it locally (but i havent yet updated the official WWW home page). things i have added are a bunch of photos from tours, and album cover scans. still-to-come are audio samples. which brings me to why i am posting.. can anyone help me make the album scans more complete? thus far, i have scanned: The Gift Of Music Vol 1 Distressed Gentlefolk Spooky Fishcotheque Big Planet Scarey Planet Girl Go Cult Of The Basement Edwards Closet Shirley Maclaine Condition Blue Black Eg Western Family Waiting For The Love Bus the rest of my collection is vinyl and inaccessible for scanning right now. so, if you have a color scanner (preferably), and anything not listed above (even your own live photos, or magazine scans), please contact me for size, format specs, etc. thanks! -david Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 15:24:35 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: talk of references A while back youall were talking of butcher references to other songs... in Girls Say Yes: "It was Almost Brooklyn, it was almost impossible..." and more lifting from the Velvet Underground: from SweetWater: "There are problems in this world, I know, but right now none of them are mine" Also: "Hoagy Carmichael never came here, Dave" referring to David J. song on Urban Urbane _Hoagy Carmichael never came to New Orleans_ or something like that. Or how 'bout this: "Sharin' a room with tough Dave's replacement, looking all the time for a bank" from Hairbrush and the tank, which is the same song ( with different lyrics) as Vandal and the Saint by David J. Anyone know which came first? Oh, I thought of one more: "I never dreamed she'd turn up in her own song" & "You wrote a song about going to sea" from Girl Go, from which the music is shared with Perfect Disaster, from their song "All the Stars", which is about going to sea and wanting to jump in. Again, anyone know which came first? Then, on the topic of sci-fi references: Does Twin Peaks count? If so, then count "Honey" from CB. I can't think of any others right now. And finally, no more waiting for waiting for the love bus. I found it in the used section of a small local record store, 8.98, import copy. Joy. I like it okay, but some of the songs get a little repetitive... and there's still not as much lilt in the lyrics, except for sweetwater and penguins, and I guess maybe Ben. I like the feel of Rosemary... but not the repetitious listing of sound effect titles. Ghosts is cool and mello and kind of new wave... reminds me of a flock of seagulls. Angel Station grows on you. It seems that ever since Angels, Butch has been attempting to end his albums with a really killer mellow song, but I don't think he has written one as good as angels ( i guess that goes without saying ). Angels (DG) Keeping the Curtains Closed (FT) (okay maybe not this one) The Good Ones (BPSP) Sister Death (CotB) (I never cared for this one much) Racheland (CB) ++good Angel Station (WftLB) like I said, this one grows on you. Anyway, one last comment and I'm outta here... How come no one ever talks about "Nothing Special"? I think that is one of his best songs, and it goes hand in hand with Angels... I hardly ever listen to the two of them separately. I've never heard it in concert, though. Does Pat have an aversion to this song? I wonder why they faded out the ending. You can still here the end, but it just sort of disappears. I've tried manually adjusting the volume here to hear what it would have sounded like if they didn't fade it out, and I think I liked it better. Oh ah. -Arik Date: Sat, 05 Mar 1994 23:17:38 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: talk of references Arik writes:
> "Sharin' a room with tough Dave's replacement
> from Hairbrush and the tank, which is the same song
> as Vandal and the Saint by David J.
> Anyone know which came first?
david j's tune came first, and the line "sharing a room with the butcher" made the re-write neccessary.
> which the music is shared with Perfect Disaster,
> from their song "All the Stars"
> Again, anyone know which came first?
i think you can see the trend by now.. All The Stars came first. i think that the line from Sweetwater may be one of pat's first pre-emptive strikes. it probably wont ruffle david j, though. -david Date: Sun, 6 Mar 1994 11:17:09 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: talk of references There's another JB-inside reference in She's On Drugs that didn't get mentioned earlier. I'm not sure what the complete quote is, but the French being spoken at the beginning of the song includes the phrase "poisson rouge" - goldfish! (Girls Who Keep Goldfish) Impatiently waiting for the Love Bus... Chris -- Chris Camfield ( "Change is like the nursery, it's the place where everything grows And time moves like a river, we kiss the bank and on we go All falling apart, you hold the key to unlock my secret heart" (Tim Finn) Date: Sun, 6 Mar 94 11:18:45 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: Re: talk of references
> includes the phrase "poisson rouge" - goldfish!
yes. but can you name the movie? :-) -david Date: Sun, 6 Mar 94 12:29:51 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: sheesh
> > includes the phrase "poisson rouge" - goldfish!
> yes. but can you name the movie? :-)
Betty Blue, which is entitled "F 451" originally, i think. its a french thing, and worth seeing despite the distraction of when you recognize the lifted bits. -david Date: Sun, 6 Mar 94 15:24:02 EST From: Nancy Everson <everson@BBN.COM> Subject: a different sort of reference I saw a reference to the Jazz Butcher in a Belly interview in the latest issue of The Big Takeover (#34). Jack Rabid was interviewing Tanya, and he was telling her how nice Belly is to the bands they play with, <a href="/press/94takeover.html">and Tanya says</a> I know it's not much, but I always love seeing any sort of mention of the band in print! I'll second the recommendation on "Betty Blue". I really like it a lot, though I don't watch it more than once ever other year or so. -nancy Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 09:47:23 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: nitpicking The original title of Betty Blue (i.e the one it was marketed with in France) was "37.2 Le Matin". (celsius implicit, given that it's French) "Fahrenheit 451" is science fiction by Ray Bradbury. Said temperature is the flash point of paper. Matt ================================================ Matt Cockerill <> Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Cell Cycle Group) Clare Hall South Mimms Potters Bar Tel: 071 269 3876 Herts. EN6 3LD Fax: 071 269 3801 ================================================ Date: Mon, 7 Mar 94 10:56:31 GMT From: Subject: Re: talk of references
> "I never dreamed she'd turn up in her own song" & "You wrote a song about going
> to sea" from Girl Go, from which the music is shared with Perfect Disaster,
golll! I'd always assumed that it was about Shumista Brahm (sp?) who wrote "Lost at Sea" but obviously not.... justr shows that I should get out more.
> Does Twin Peaks count? If so, then count "Honey" from CB. I can't think of
> any others right now.
Well, no. But there's a bit of a lynchy thing going on isn't there? Samples from "Blue Velvet" ('He is a sick and dangerous man' is that Burglar of Love?) and so on. Now you've got WFTLB, I'd be interested to hear what you / others think about President Chang. I've said it before (but that never stops me) but I thought it was a pretty droopy limp song on the album, but live it *rocked*. I think it's great now. Do other people like it or am I alone in my Road-to-Damascus-type conversion re:president chang?
> How come no one ever talks about "Nothing Special"?
because it's perfect, there's nothing else to say about it. No, really, it is. but that bit about neighbours jumping from a thirteenth storey window puzzles me. I'm *sure* that's a reference to something else but I'm damned if I can remember what it was. Any ideas, anyone? Oh... which reminds me of the _most obvious_ reference of all: Lot 49. --
> yes. but can you name the movie? :-)
16:29 to 17:42... you didn't give us much time to send our entries in, didya? Never seen Betty Blue but everyone tells me I should... now you're all doing it to. Is there no rest until I see it? Why am I always doing something else when it's on at the cinema? Is this conspiracy? more to follow. ed Date: 7 Mar 1994 11:52:46 GMT From: (Kurt Allen Revis) Subject: Re: talk of references (Pynchon) writes:
>Oh... which reminds me of the _most obvious_ reference of all: Lot 49.
Ah! Is it really that obvious? I had actually heard "Looking for Lot 49" long before running across Pynchon's _The Crying of Lot 49_. My friend, who had read the book, must have thought I was crazy when I recited the lyrics and asked "Does that have anything to do with the book?" (As with most of the JBC's references, this one is pretty tangential.) Still, I have to give the Butcher credit for introducing me to Pynchon. Even more tangential Pynchon references might (or might not) be "She's A Yo-Yo" and "Racheland". In _V_, the activity of yo-yo-ing (riding back and forth on subways all day) and a character Rachel are mentioned. The problem with this is that the actual songs seem to have nothing to do with what's in the book, so it just might be a huge coincidence. Or conspiracy... Anyone else know of any literary references that I've completely missed? -Kurt "We could be ghosts and dance on pianos" Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 22:42:04 -0800 (PST) From: Subject: Re: sheesh
> > yes. but can you name the movie? :-)
> Betty Blue, which is entitled "F 451" originally, i think.
> its a french thing, and worth seeing despite the distraction
> of when you recognize the lifted bits.
I'll say. I flew out of my seat to the rewind button when I heard it (yes, that's right, no remote control...) I think I watched it about three times, ran in and but on the cd, THEN finished the movie. -Arik Date: Tue, 8 Mar 94 19:46:47 -0500 From: (de l`abattoir) Subject: you can only blame yourselves... it seems that no one took the threat seriously when pat said:
> Somebody said something about a second Black Eg album.
> If you send enough money NOW I may still be in a position to do
> something about preventing this AWFUL THING from happening.
got some news this afternoon.. there WILL be another Black Eg release through creation. martin is being sent an advance copy since his wife's voice is the very first thing heard on the record. the north american tour begins tentatively "the end of may", and martin stebbing will once again be doing sound. all Sinful Beat and other strange jazz butcher tapes requested have been made and sent (whew!) -david Date: Wed, 9 Mar 94 9:06:48 GMT From: Joe Nicholson <> Subject: JBC on the road A little observation which amused be for a few seconds driving home last night.... I saw a Range Rover (big 4x4 for our american readers) with the personalised number plate: JBC IN Has Pat had a sudden windfall? Joe Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 06:37:54 -0600 (CST) From: GOOSENMK@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Subject: HELLO Just thought I'd introduce myself to other list members. My name is Miles Goosens, and I've been a fan of the Butcher since 1986, when I picked up _Bloody Nonsense_ after a review in OPTION magazine called the Butcher "a present-day Ray Davies"--as a major Kinks fan, that made him irresistable. Anyway, _Bloody Nonsense_, with its stellar selection of tracks from early JBC albums, won me over quickly and I've been following the JBC ever since. I've never been able to find the albums BEFORE _Bloody Nonsense_, but I have bought all his U.S. releases since. Having been swept off my feet by the wittiness of the Jazz Butcher, the more morose, serious sound of _Cult of the Basement_ and _Condition Blue_ took some getting used to--not that those albums aren't witty, just that it's usually very black humor indeed-- but now I love them both. BTW, is anyone else impressed by how LOUD _Condition Blue_ is? Deceptively loud...I'll put it on in the car at what I consider normal volume, and by the time "Shirley MacLaine" is finished, my ears are beginning to ring... If any list members can help me track down CDs of the early JB stuff (_A Bath in Bacon_, _Sex and Travel_, _A Scandal in Bohemia_) or of Max Eider's solo album, I'd be very grateful. I'm also up for trading live tapes; though I have none of the JBC to swap, I do have a nice collection of R.E.M., Prince, Springsteen, Clash, and _Mountain Stage_ (a U.S. public radio live performance show) to deal from, if anyone's interested. I found this list in _The Internet Directory_ by Eric Braun, and I was delighted to discover that this list exists and that there are other Jazz Butcher fans out there (I've never met another, personally). Looking forward to hearing from you all. Later, Miles Goosens Date: Wed, 16 Mar 94 12:08:37 GMT From: Subject: Tapes Silence equals too much work. Hey! I got these butchbootlegs in the post the other day and they are FAB! No other word. There's not a lot to say about them to people who don't have them but I think I will anyway. Anybody else had any reaction? Anyone heard this Forum thing where he's supporting John Cale? Is this man nervous or what? My heart goes out to the poor man. Not a bad performance, either. Still, he is so obviously scared silly - even before he says "I'm scared silly" which was a DEAD GIVEAWAY in my opinion. What else? Still working through the Mean Fiddler acoustic set. Not bad. The concert I got from way back (1990? Haven't got the box here) is quite good. Loads of fun tunes. Brings back memories of, ermm, going to see the man Fish, I suppose. Big surprise: The Third Black Eg album is excellent! I really genuinely enjoy it. I mean, we don't expect this to be anything other than an extended joke on the part of Butch and - to a certain extent - the released album was just about that. But the third one.... wow! I listen to it through choice. Especially "I will Survive" and the amusing Gene Pitney bits and the obscure bit that sounds like a eurythmics (as in the method, not the group) trainer and... oh I could go on. What a total revelation. I can hardly wait for their next official release. "I mek heem squeel like a peeg." ed. Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 07:24:52 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: new Jazz Butcher WWW Home. the Jazz Butcher WWW Home Page has come to roost on my machine. seems this server business isnt as tough as i had expected. so... since anyone saw them last, the pages have increased in size by something like 10x - i have added a buttload of pictures, some audio, the entire up-to-date archives of the jbc-list, and a little something for Vergiftung. the archives, especially, have hundreds of URLs pointing all over the place. hypertext name-dropping galore. what? you didnt know who Jedrech Dmokowski is? just click! enjoy, and let me know if there are problems, or suggestions. ("yeah, dave, you went over the top") -david Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 20:04:30 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: domestic release of Waiting For The Love Bus Has anyone seen it yet? Sounds like the March 8th date is wrong. I'm of two minds about this. One is that this really sucks. The other is that perhaps the record company in charge of distribution (Who is it? There was a change, wasn't there? Sony?) is actually doing something *smart*. Given the length of time since WftLB was released in the U.K. (and I presume Europe), it would actually make sense to wait until not too long before the JBC cross the pond and tour, or the album may just go *fizzle* *pop* and disappear. It would be nice to see the JBC get some much deserved recognition... "Won't you look at that girl go..." Chris -- Chris Camfield ( "This is our life, and our time, and nothing, is ever going to break us, now we're on our own... this is our place, in our lives, and no one can ever change this moment, or pull this mountain to the ground." (Runrig) Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:31:06 -0500 From: (Tim Connors) Subject: JBC Available in US In response to Chris Camfield's query re US availability of Love Bus: The wait is over. I picked it up Tuesday Mar 22d which I believe is the first day it was available in the US. If, as is likely, your store hasn't got it, have them special order it. As you probably know, the full title is "Waiting for the Love Bus" and the artist is The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy, rather than just the Jazz Butcher. That may be important if you ask a clerk to look it up on their computer and they're too stupid to look down at the next item on the screen. (This nearly happened to me: "nope, no such album under The Jazz Butcher... oh, waitaminit, here it is under The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy...") It's on Creation/Tri-Star Music. It's manufactured by Sony and distributed by Relativity Entertainment Distribution. I'll post some opinion after I've had more time to digest it. Oh yes, the number is WK57563, if that helps anyone oreder it. Good luck! -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 14:01:09 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: WWW going public hello everyone. now that the WWW home page has been up for a few days without serious kinks (and over 100 visitors), i am going to announce it to the world. quite a few of you have contributed to the contents (archives), so we should have a collective brainstorm about how the official "What's New in WWW" blurbs reads. roughly: 3 sentences or so, no graphics (sigh), grab people's attention, etc. i hope this would introduce many butcher virgins to the JBC our little home here. maybe the blurb should include (shudder) comparisons to other groups? also.. if you have a WWW Home Page (ed, how's the server going?) send me the URL and we can have a "meet the geeks" section or something. -david (who now speaks HTML, sortof) Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 15:01:09 -0500 From: (Groper) Subject: A sandal in Bohemia... My copy of A scandal in bohemia/sex and travel has a big old sratch in it...anyone know wehre I might be able to aquire a new(er) copy of this awsome disc :) If U don't yet have waiting for the love bus...GET IT. - --'--,--,--.,-'--,---.---'--(@ You only have one life to live so I say... Live in the moment throughout your lifetime. or take a look around, the world is a beautiful place or act childlike, but not as a child. Sean Wilson Date: Thu, 31 Mar 1994 11:21:40 -0800 (PST) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: Re: jbc cds Good luck finding this one Sean. I've never even met anyone that was able to get it. Here's an idea I've been thinking about. Since there are probably dozens of us that would love to find a copy of Bloody Nonsense, Gift of Music, Scandal In Bohemia/Sex And Travel, etc. on CD (i.e. the really hard to find ones); could the good folks on this jbc list keep an eye out for any of them in used cd stores, and if you spot one of them and you already own a copy, post a message saying you could get it and the cost. So what's in it for you? Well I don't really know, just that special altruistic feeling I guess. What d'ya think? Cheers, Glen Davis (whose looked his whole life for Bloody Nonsense on cd but has never found it) On Wed, 30 Mar 1994, David A Whittemore wrote:
> From: (Groper)
> Subject: A sandal in Bohemia...
> My copy of A scandal in bohemia/sex and travel has a big old sratch in
> it...anyone know wehre I might be able to aquire a new(er) copy of this
> awsome disc :)
> Sean Wilson
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 14:56:21 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Re: talk of references i noticed another JBC lyric self-quote: Sweetwater (WFTLB) - "Oh sweet water sometimes it feels like ancient rome" brings to mind: New Invention (BPSP) - "Ancient Rome in your very own home" both tunes are roughly about TheCaliforniaExperience. still i wonder, is there a real place that sells "ancient rome" in CA, or was pat just short on images for sweetwater? i asked him about that song, specifically how the intro is out of place, and how the last verse seems forced. intro - that 8-bar was cut-n-pasted from another tune that never made it. last verse - "yeah, so i ran out of ideas". or something like that. i think sweetwater is a good tune that could have been a great tune if only the final verse continued with the effortlessness of the first few. -------------------- the local (hip, well they tell us so) radio station continues to play stuff off of condition blue a few times a week - without my prodding. this is a good sign for them possibly sponsoring a JBC gig in this town. 94 dream bill: The JBC opening for Luna. 94 nightmare bill: Vergiftung opening for the JBC. wha? dont ask. -------------------- the JBC WWW stuff chugs happily away at free cycles on my machine, but it still needs a clever introduction for the world.. people who can access the WWW home page may want to give me some feedback on its organization... a couple hundred sites have already checked it out, and typical access pattern goes much like this: 1) see home page. 2) flee, or possibly: see "audio" and click on it 3) listen to "The Biggest Loudest Hairiest Group of All" 4) flee, or foolishly: listen to excerpts from the Eg interview 5) *then* flee fair i guess, but maybe an advertising major among us could give me some pointers to making someone go: "Yeah! give me more!" do it for the butcher -david Date: Mon, 04 Apr 94 17:07:07 EDT From: Subject: Re: talk of references Does post-modern self-reference count? Viz. "Other fish to fry" Next Move Sideways, Fishcotheque? Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 18:15:22 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: newspaper preview: Flagpole Magazine, Athens, GA April 22, 1992 <a href="/press/92flagpole.html">newspaper preview: Flagpole Magazine, Athens, GA April 22, 1992</a> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 18:16:49 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: newspaper preview: The Province Vancouver, BC, Wednesday, May 27, 1992 <a href="/press/92province.html">newspaper preview: The Province Vancouver, BC, Wednesday, May 27, 1992</a> Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 04:45:56 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: new stuff to WWW pages. i just typed in about 2 dozen interviews, reviews, etc, (ouch! i hate that damned SHIFT key) which can be found through the WWW page: i also removed those ".mil site" URLs that UK types were having trouble accessing - i have copied that data to my machine, so you should notice a speed-up as well, since it makes the downloads smaller. i am sure that guy from Estonia will appreciate it. if there is any interest, i can post a few here, but i wanted to check so i dont clog up mailboxes... the latest issue of Creem has a comment about that rumored "Creation compilation", which they claim is also available domestically (US). this album will have an as-yet-unreleased track `Everybody's talkin', so it may be worthwhile. any comments on the new one from those who may have picked it up state-side? does anyone have lyrics sitting around that they have transcribed? no? how about putting yourself through the awful torture of listening to something, and jotting down the lyrics... the earlier the album, the better. thanks. -david Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 08:48:28 -0400 From: (Tim Connors) Subject: Pat on Robyn Regarding the Jazz Butcher's views on Robyn Hitchcock: I don't suppose I need to point the lyrical salute in "the Hairbrush & the Tank": "She said she likes the Soft Boys Best..." (this is made to sound like a favorable comment in the context of the song.) Also, on the Cult of the Basement Tour, I spoke briefly to Pat while his chums the Aeroplanes were getting ready to play. I was wearing a Tshirt with one of those Robyn Hitchcock ibis logoes. He said, "Hey, nice T-shirt." I should add that this mild-mannered greeting stands in stark contrast to more surly comments I got at a Condition Blue era show, during which I was _not_ wearing the Robyn tee. Of course, I probably deserved what I got for being a fanboy doofus... Anyway, I don't want to start a let's criticize/defend Pat Fish thread. I just wanted to point out that I thought he was a Hitchcock fan. In fact, I was kind of surprised at the affectionately? disparaging comments on RH posted earlier. -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 14:16:05 BST From: (Jim Davies) Subject: Re: Pat on Robyn If you read the sleevenotes to the Spooky CD, you'll see Pat being defensive of Robyn. He clearly _is_ a Hitchcock fan. You need to take those comments in the sense in which they were (probably) intended; I don't see them as disparaging myself, but... Jim Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 13:24:00 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Creation/TriStar comp: Patron Saints Of Teenage i knew there was a reason to take a lunch break today. the local record store had a promo copy of the new US release: The Patron Saints Of Teenage, which contains tracks by various Creation artists - Weather Prophets, Biff Bang Pow!, Jasmine Minks, Jazz Butcher, The Loft, Slaughter Joe, Momus, Telescopes, Felt, Pastels, Bodines, X-men, Revolving Paint Dream, Nikki Sudden, and Meat Whiplash. for those who had to wait for the domestic Love Bus release, the last two sentences of this from the liner notes should cheer you up: "Led by the charming Pat Fish (aka Jazz Butcher), this band have been a staple on the indie/college circuit of both the US and Europe for quite some time now. Members have included David J of Bauhaus/Love And Rockets fame and the legendary Max Eider. The first half of their career was spent on the now defunct Glass Records. The Jazz Butcher came to the attention of US indie fans with the release of Bloody Nonsense, an early "Best Of" collection. This was followed by Distressed Gentlefolk and they have since continued to attract fans on both sides of the Atlantic. In 1988 they moved over to Creation, and released Fishcotheque, with Pat Fish brininging a new group of musicians on board. Since then, the Butcher have released six albums including Big Planet, Scarey Planet, Cult Of The Basement and Condition Blue - all college radio favourites. Their studio versions of `Do You want to Dance?' and that old Fred Neil hit, `Everybody's Talking', will be found on their latest release, Waiting For The Love Bus. Pay attention! These tracks are not available on the import version of the album!" damn. ok. some of you have the Bus already... is this last bit true? calling Tim Connors... paging Tim Connors... -david Date: Fri, 08 Apr 1994 00:44:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Pat & Robyn I was actually fortunate enough to see Pat and Robyn do a show together a few years back. It was one of those unannounced industry only things at the Whiskey in Hollywood (complete with guest appearances by members of REM). Hitchcock played with the Egyptians and Pat played solo on acoustic guitar. Buslane and Rain and many other favorites. Quite a night. Pat seemed genuinely honored to have the opportunity to play the gig. Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 09:34:10 -0400 From: (Tim Connors) Subject: Bonus songs Shoot, there goes my pager... If I had any idea that our better-late-than-never version of _Love Bus_ was in some way superior to the UK version, I'd have wasted no time taunting you poor bastards who had the (inferior) UK version six months ago. Just kidding, of course, but you have to admit he owed us for making us wait so long. Yes, the US version of _WftLB_ contains studio covers of Fred Neil's "Everybody's Talkin'" and Bobby Freeman's "Do You Wanna Dance." They both have certain characteristics that one associates with bonus songs: They appear after the closing "Rosemary Davis (Reprise)" frame. The arrangement of the great Fred Neil song is slow and echo-drenched. It's not all that different from Billy Bragg's arrangement of another very similar Fred Neil song, "Dolphins" on the last Billy Bragg album. It's a short 2.36. "Do You Wanna Dance" is by contrast quite long at 6.19. The vocal is arranged slow dance style, closer to the (gulp) Bette Midler version than any other version I know of. The instruments are a combination of drum machine, effects- soaked guitars, and synths. It has some of that xylophone/ marimba work I associate with early Jazz Butcher songs, but just a dollop, not too much. For the youngsters out there, this song was a hit for Bobby Freeman in '58, Del Shannon in '64, and the Beach Boys in '65. It has also been recorded by the Mamas & the Papas in '68, Bette Midler in '73, and of course by the Ramones in '78. I understand that it was also a hit for Cliff Richard in '62. (Trans-Atlantic note: In the UK Cliff Richard is known as that hugely popular and famous singer who has been on the charts consistently from 1958 to 1994, scoring over a hundred hit singles. In the US, he is known as that guy who sang that obnoxious song "Devil Woman" in 1976. In fact, he is probably best known in the United States as the guitarist in the Rolling Stones, but our minds are all addled by MTV and Big Macs. Anyway, I get the sense we're not missing a whole lot by not having heard those other 99 or so Cliff Richard songs... Next week on TransAtlantic notes: Billy Fury, Adam Faith, Geno Washington and the Jam.) Hmm, sorry for the digression. I wonder whether the Canadian version of the new album has these songs too... I saw theposting re Pat in Canada. Does this mean he'll be in the States soon? -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 16:28:17 +0100 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: JBC gig tonight at the Mean Fiddler Acoustic Room, London Probably a bit late for most of you guys, but Pat is returning to his fave London venue tonight, billed as "The Jazz Butcher Acoustic Conspiracy". Hope to be there. News as it happens. Matt Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 10:38:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: WFTLB Hi all, Granted my mind is quite feeble these days; but I can't remember what the general consensus is about the new one, WFTLB. I've only heard Kids in the Hall (or something like that, that's the name of a pretty funny Canadian comedy show also). Surprisingly I heard it on the radio! And we're not talking some alternative college station either. Anyway, I wasn't blown away by it and if I want to get the cd I have to special order it and its gonna cost about $18. What do others think of it? (BTW, the alternative to me getting WFTLB is me trying to track down a copy of Edward's Closet from mail order stores in Canada). Cheers, Glen Davis Date: Sat, 9 Apr 1994 17:05:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: possible reissues I was browsing through a recent issue of CREEM magazine (the one with the Kate Bush interview --the only reason I bought it), and saw a blurb on Creation Records. It was basically just an announcement about some compilation cd that's coming out on a big american label containing different Creation bands; among them, the JBC. I think David mentioned something about this cd recently. Anyway... the important news was that I guess some american label is buying and reissuing much of the Creation catalog from those that have been long out of print. No mention of the JBC in the reissue area, but with luck the JB may once again be available on cd to those of us who missed the first go-around! Cheers, Glen Davis Date: Sat, 9 Apr 1994 20:56:28 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Pat's background Just out of curiousity, where is Pat from? I feel rather clueless here. And where does he live these days? Not Northhampton I'd guess. *grin* -- Chris Camfield ( "Live the day when the flame is strong, live the day when the flame is strong Come the day when love is gone, take it over, take it over" (Runrig, "The Greatest Flame") Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 02:29:47 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Toronto Performer, (Canada) May, 1992 <a href="/press/92toronto.html">Toronto Performer, (Canada) May, 1992</a> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 02:31:23 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: The Ottawa Citizen, (Canada) Thursday, May 7, 1992 <a href="/press/92ottawa.html">The Ottawa Citizen, (Canada) Thursday, May 7, 1992</a> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 02:32:33 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Pat's background
> Just out of curiousity, where is Pat from?
dunno, really. mars?
> And where does he live these days? Not Northhampton I'd guess.
yes to that one. -david Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 16:19:39 +0100 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: Mean Fiddler: one to watch The Jazz Butcher Acoustic Conspiracy was: Pat Fish - guitar and vocals Dave Henderson - guitar Dooj - bass and "vocals" Gabriel Turner (age 20) - drums ("we don't allow him many yet" - Pat Fish) In Pat's words, they had been together theoretically for a week, but in practice, since lunchtime. They played: Rosemary Davis Man with the head of an ass (or whatever that's called) Angels Monkeyface (?) Sweetwater Mr Odd Sister Death ("bring a packed lunch") Partytime She's on Drugs Ghosts Purple Rain (fragment) Soul Happy Hour Take the Skinheads Bowling Road Runner or something like that... Incidental question: has the Jazz Butcher ever played a set which did not include Mr Odd? So anyway, it was good. I love the venue, and Pat seemed to be really comfortable there too. As usual, paying customers numbered about three. Pat brought a fairly hefty entourage down from Northampton, and the support acts had plenty of friends along for moral support too. The new look conspiracy was in experimental mode, and was less frenetic than the band I saw at The Powerhaus, which is probably no bad thing. But no, I didn't have a recorder on me. :-( Matt Date: Tue, 12 Apr 94 09:34:12 BST From: Subject: London gig... etc. Argh. I hate that. I was in London on Friday and I missed this bastard Mean Fiddler gig. Totally sick about it, can you believe that? ???? Would like to have seen Pat play something more restful, I always seem to catch him rockin' out... Still, no doubt if I had tried to get there, then some horrible public transport accident would have conspired to prevent me (see previous two attempts to see him play). I'm curious about this Creation Compilation. It was offered (well, same name - different product) as a cut down eight or ten track sampler through some dodgy token collecting scheme in a music paper here in the UK (can't remember which one). UK version certainly didn't include JBC, Felt, Momus, Nikki Sudden or even - surprisingly - Biff Bang Pow!. Re: "Extra Tracks" on WFTLB... doesn't sound too much like anyone's missing anything. Unlike "Fertiliser" on CotB, of course, which I have still NEVER HEARD due to my oldy-worldy preference for vinyl. Not that you can buy the last three JBC albums on vinyl, of course... grumble. Speaking of vinyl. I spent the time I should have been planning how to get to the Mean Fiddler scouting round some of the more obscure record shops that I know in London in a sort of JBC availablility survey type thing. CDs of CotB onwards are easy to find. Fishcotheque, BPSP and CotB are all &#163;2.50 on vinyl in Cheapo Cheapo Records and, where previously I would wander into Vinyl Experience and lovingly gaze upon the Scandal in Bohemia CD, that's now been sold. That was the last pre-creation JBC product on sale that I knew of. Looks like people wanting to update their scratchy old discs are out of luck... ed "Christmas time, mistletoe and wine" Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 00:11:33 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Select (UK), December 1991, by: David Cavanagh <a href="/press/91select.html">Select (UK), December 1991, by: David Cavanagh</a> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 00:12:26 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Spiral Scratch (UK), October 1989, by: Dominic Mohan <a href="/press/89spiral.html">Spiral Scratch (UK), October 1989, by: Dominic Mohan</a> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 00:13:32 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: The Newsletter Vol 1, #7 (Milwaukee, WI) July 16, 1988 by: Eric Beaumont <a href="/press/88newsletter.html">The Newsletter Vol 1, #7 (Milwaukee, WI) July 16, 1988 by: Eric Beaumont</a> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 00:14:42 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Far Out And Fishy (UK) #4, 1990 by: Chris Fish <a href="/press/90fishy.html">Far Out And Fishy (UK) #4, 1990 by: Chris Fish</a> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 13:45:13 BST From: (Steve Meats LDC 2392) Subject: Introdution / "Belgium" / JBC Net Alert It's probably time I introduced myself. I've been loitering in the background, but haven't posted anything yet. I am Stephen Meats (a.k.a. Syd Meats) : singer/ songwriter/ acoustic performer and pretend electronics engineer. I first met Pat Fish in about 1989/ 1990ish when we both gave live performances on the same radio show. "Boothby Graffoe Live" used to go out from BBC Radio Lincolnshire on Friday nights a few years back. The presenter Boothby Graffoe ( real name James Rogers ) is a stand up comedian. His show was a mixture of topical comedy sketches, phone calls and music. My contribution to the show was a live song every week. "Graffoe" used to play quite a bit of Jazz Butcher stuff on the show and Pat came to the studio a couple of times ( although he only actually performed once). Sleeve-notes fans will find that James Rogers is creditted with backing vocals on Condition Blue ( he is responsible for some of the "Russian" singing ). Since the days of the Boothby Graffoe shows I've see the JBC perform a quite a few times, but often in more unconventional settings for gigs. I don't know if "Belgium" has been mentioned here before, but I'll mention it anyway. There's a bar on Bridge Street in Northampton called Slurps, where the JBC give the occasional Wednesday night performance. Pat calls it Belgium on account of its similarity to a Belgian-type drinking establishment. The JBC did a "Belgium" on Wednesday 13th April. The line-up was the same as for the Mean Fidler (see Matt Cockerill's posting) but with a drum machine in place of Gabriel Turner. ( No he hasn't been sacked ! It's only a small venue, and it's a long way for him to come up from Bristol .) The band had a read of Matt's Mean Fidler review and laughed at Dooj's "vocals" being put in quotes. Dooj took exception to this, so the band put Matt Cockerill in quotes and laughed at him. The JBC played for about 90minutes. The set was similar to the Mean Fidler, but with Betty Page in there somewhere and finishing with Goodnight Irene. It was a nice cosy intimate gig. Pat's mother had come down from Cumbria to terrorise Northampton with bread rolls and Mr Safeway's Vodka. JBC NET ALERT : Dooj has access to a Mac, although it's not networked. The band were toying with the idea of passing Mac disks to me for input to the list. Pat has put something in the post to Dave ( a few days ago I think ) so there should be some on-line-Fish soon. ACOUSTIC GIG ALERT : Pat Fish and Dave Henderson are coming to Lincoln ( the place where this post is coming from ) to do an acoustic gig on Sat 21st May. It will be at the Albion Suite of the Barbican Hotel. The billing for the gig is JBC + Syd Meats ( Me ! ) + Carl Doris. It is a part of a series of "Live and Unplugged" gigs that I'm involved with. BELGIUM ALERT : The JBC play Belgium for real next week. They'll be down in the deep south of Belgium, right near the Luxembourg border. Bye for now, Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK "Evolution's getting on my nerves" - The Jazz Butcher Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 10:09:54 BST From: Subject: Conspiracy Does anybody know the recipe for the egg potato phenomenon? ed Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 08:01:29 EDT From: Subject: Re: Conspiracy edwardc writes:
>Does anybody know the recipe for the egg potato phenomenon?
You wouldn't be talking about the ratio potato to egg, would you, by any chance? john Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 11:38:52 -0400 From: (Nora Holden) Subject: Hello... Hi, I've just joined the Jazz Butcher mailing list, and I've been ordered to introduce myself to the rest of the list... :) I really like the Jazz Butcher, but don't have a whole lot of the albums due to the fact that many of them seem to be hard to find, at least around here. I've got...umm..._Fishcotheque_, _Big Planet Scarey Planet_, and _Cult Of The Basement_. I also have some stuff from the other albums from tapes people have sent me. Errr...I'm 18, live in Cleveland, Ohio; other bands I like include the Young Fresh Fellows, Fastbacks, Big Star, the Kinks, the Posies, Camper Van Beethoven, American Music Club, Pink Floyd, Robyn Hitchcock... If anyone has info on mail ordering JB records I don't have, please let me know...thanks! So just how many people are on this list, anyway? Curious... N. K. Holden ( 1352 Kenilworth Ave. Apt. 305, Lakewood, OH 44107 USA (216)221-2436 Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 23:23:37 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Letter From Pat: 13Apr94 <a href="/letters/94Apr13/letter.html">Letter From Pat: 13Apr94</a> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 13:38:27 BST From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: I don't know Ed Carter, honest. Hi, I understand that you run a JBC information centre. Excellent! Count me in. My e-mail address (if it doesn't appear at the top of this note) is; Ed has asked me to deny all knowledge of his existence. Consider it done. By the way Condition Blue is a quite awful album, Fishcoteque is tops. See Ya, Cliff Lovelock Dept Geology & Geophysics, University of Edinburgh. Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 10:55:33 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Why is the JBC obscure? This is something that I haven't heard discussed much on the list. Is the music media to blame? Is it simply the music? I think something David posted recently referred to Pat preferring small venues. Is he happy with his level of success? All I know is that I hate having to hunt so much for releases. _Waiting for the love bus_ has made NO sign of existing in Canada. This strikes me as somewhat stupid.... I thought that there was a good deal of support for the JB in Canada. I don't suppose anyone has the lyrics for "Excellent", do they? Great silly song... I love the Star Trek quote at the beginning (it's from "Menagerie", as I recall). -- Chris Camfield ( "There's silence and there's blindness in a raging world, But the healer in your heart is only a moment away." (Runrig, "Healer In Your Heart") Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 16:24:45 BST From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure? Well, his relative obscurity in the UK was explained by something that I was reading in the archives somewhere. ermm...... <curses speed of transatlantic www links>.... <a href="/press/90fishy.html"> here:</a>
> The media in this country are probably the chief culprits. There's no way that
> a seven-year-old act like the JBC is suddenly going to attract the attention
> of a press establishment which is falling over itself to find the Next Big
> Thing before a competitor does. Our time for being `discovered' was probably
> around 1984 but that was the time we'd just discovered Europe. We had so much
> fun there that we stayed out of the country until we were considered `old
> news'. Besides, this country is crazed for mediocricy.
I take NO responsibility for the rest of the article.
> I don't suppose anyone has the lyrics for "Excellent", do they?
"mumble mumble something mumble Brian Wilson, "Vegetables"!" is all I know. I think this one might take a bit of work. Mind you, the prize for completely incoherent lyric must go to "Blame".... anyone got any clue? Something about Channel Four. ed "Cliff"? That's an apt name for a Geologist. Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 12:03:43 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure?
> I don't suppose anyone has the lyrics for "Excellent", do they?
i have an alt mix of this which is easier to make out. there is complimentary stuff about dennis hopper and other sunday school topics abound. give me a couple days, though... ed, you may have to cover your eyes.
> "Cliff"? That's an apt name for a Geologist.
its better than "Schist" -david Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 14:22:17 -0700 From: (Marshall Gooch) Subject: New JBC Newbie Hiya folks. Marsh Gooch from Seattle, WA. I'm new to the list and thought I'd introduce myself. Hi. I've been into the JBC since I first got hold of Scandal In Bohemia when I was in college radio in the early '80s. I've dug them/him ever since. I'm a writer for a local music mag, The Rocket, and have reviewed most of the JBC releases. If I'm not mistaken, the latest release is Waiting For The Love Bus, right? Or am I sadly behind the times? Anyhow, I'm a music programmer by day and a budding graphic designer by night. Plus I love baseball, writing, and am into the following bands (and many more): The Damned, Elvis C., Robyn Hitchcock, XTC, Squeeze, Juliana Hatfield, Belly, Liz Phair, Goober & The Peas, etc. etc. Looking forward to walking and talking and thinking and looking and acting like a true JBC fan... Marsh Gooch ( Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 17:07:29 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: New JBC Newbie
> (Marshall Gooch)
> I'm a writer for a local music mag, The Rocket,
> and have reviewed most of the JBC releases.
it would be nice if you could post a few of those here, marsh. the collection of reviews and interviews on-line is about 20 now - and disk space is free.
> If I'm not mistaken, the latest release is Waiting For
> The Love Bus, right? Or am I sadly behind the times?
lovebus is the latest - 1993 on Creation, 1994 on Sony/TriStar. there is also a 1994 sony compilation of creation artists called "patron saints of teenage" which includes `everybodys talkin', which is not available on the lovebus inport (creation version).
> Looking forward to walking and talking and thinking and looking
> and acting like a true JBC fan...
have you been drinking? the rest of us, except chris, have. -david Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 10:09:44 BST From: Subject: We Love You
> have you been drinking?
> the rest of us, except chris, have.
Chris *still* not drinking? Jeez.
> Speaking of obscure JBC stuff, I saw a 12" back in 1991 called "We Love You".
> I've never seen or heard about it since. Info, details?
Well, I'm sure others will fill you in on the details but I think I like "We Love You". (Didn't this appear on the sinful beat tape?) It's the sort of dancey remix rolling stones oblig cover that they did. It appeared on the Creation Dance compilation ("Keeping the Faith"), but whether they made it for that or it just so happened that the dance compilation came out soon afterwards gawd alone knows. My (then) flatmate was kept awake to all hours because the intro to the "One for the band" mix was just *too* good. Anyway, I knew about it only through chance and the curious fact that it made it up to *No.3* in the/a dance chart in the UK. I had to hunt round most of the records shops in the West Midlands to find it and even then it was under the counter in plain brown wrapping. Good dancesque music *and* by the JBC. Truly a great awakening. ed. (enjoying *emphasising* things today) Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 06:47:59 -0500 (CDT) From: GOOSENMK@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Subject: JBC reissues! Was anyone as excited as me after Pat's recent missive at the prospect of the pre-_Bloody Nonsense_ albums once again seeing the light of day. _Bloody Nonsense_ was my first JB album, so I never really had the chance to check out the full albums from which _Bloody Nonsense_ was culled, so I'll be checking that JB section of the record stores' racks regularly in the upcoming months.... Hurrah! Sex and Travel at last! Later, Miles Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 02:23:25 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: JBC gig list - help! hello everyone. i am experimenting to a (WWW searchable) database of Jazz Butcher gigs, and i am asking for assistance. i have exhausted my obvious sources, and have come up with 188 JBC "events" - 160 of those being regular live shows, and those are listed below. what i need is any additions or corrections to what i have here. i am pretty sure that some of the dates for the west coast gigs are wrong.. although only live shows are listed below, i am trying to gather anything not published - interviews, articles, videos, etc. i have been adding anything known about an "event" - the soundman, players, tunes, encores, interviewer, radio station, etc. for those of you who have been browsing the JBC Home Page, this will be incorporated soon through a forms input. you will be able to view specific info (such as "interviews"), and search for text (when have they played in Austria?, whats the last Max gig?). i may convert the archives to searchable data as well. ObNewNews - none. -david ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18Dec82 Northampton, UK Black Lion 25Jun83 Oxford, UK Merton College 21Aug83 Northampton, UK Derngate Centre 7Dec84 Amsterdam, Holland Melkweg 8Dec84 H'Burg, Germany Onkel Po 30Dec84 London, UK I.C.A. 22Mar85 Orbro, Sweden Rockmagasinet 24Mar85 Stockholm, Sweden Kolingsborg 17Apr85 H'Burg, Germany Markthalle 23Apr85 H'Burg, Germany Onkel Po 25Apr85 Amsterdam, Holland Melkweg 3May85 Stafford, UK Stafford College ?Jul85 London, UK Claredon 5Sep85 Kent, UK Staple (party) Oct85 London, UK Electric Ballroom 9Nov85 H'Burg, Germany Onkel Po 20Nov85 Munich, Germany Manege 7Mar86 London, UK Goldsmith's College 27Feb86 Nates, France Salon 13Mar86 London, UK The Cricketer's 3May86 London, UK Rock Garden 16Jul86 Hoboken, New Jersey, USA Maxwell's 26Jul86 Cambridge, MA, USA Jonathan Swift's 24Jul86 Toronto, Canada RPM 25Jul86 Guelph, Ontario, Canada The Loft 31Jul86 Chicago, Illinois, USA Cabaret Metro 14Nov86 H'Burg, Germany Markthalle 2Dec86 Vienna, Austria Szene Wien 5Dec86 Cesena, Italy Vidia 26Jan87 H'Burg, Germany Logo 3Feb87 Nancay, France Careau Des Dominicains 7Feb87 Poitiers, France Confort Moderne 20Mar87 London, UK Pop Bar 18Sep87 Sheffield, UK The Groovy Fishtank 10Mar88 Rennes, France Salle Ubu 14Mar88 Berlin, Germany Loft 17Mar88 H'Burg, Germany Markthalle 18Mar88 Burgerpark, Germany Braunschweig 6Apr89 Paris, France Le Troupeau 6Jul89 Berlin, Germany Loft 7Jul89 H'Burg, Germany Grosse Freiheit 36 10Jul89 Frankfurt, Germany Cookie's 1Sep89 London, UK Powerhaus Sep89 Leeds, UK Duchess Of York Nov89 Edmonton, Alberts, Canada Dinwoodie Lounge 9Nov89 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA JC Dobbs 17Nov89 Chicago, Illinois, USA Lounge Ax 18Nov89 Madison, Wisconsin, USA Rathskeller 9Dec89 Los Angeles, California, USA Roxy 10Dec89 San Juan Capistrano, California The Coach House 18Dec89 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Tippetina's 19Dec89 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Cotton Club 19Dec89 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Cotton Club Sep90 Tonara, Sardinia Rockarea Festival 5Nov90 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 1st Avenue 6Nov90 Chicago, Illinois, USA Cabaret Metro 7Nov90 Cleveland, Ohio, USA Peabody's 8Nov90 Toronto, Canada The Diamond 9Nov90 Guelph, Ontario, Canada Peter Clark Hall 10Nov90 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Club Soda 11Nov90 Boston, MA, USA Paradise 12Nov90 Hoboken, New Jersey, USA Maxwell's 13Nov90 New York, New York, USA Marquis 14Nov90 Washington DC, USA 930 Club 15Nov90 Chapel Hill, North Carolina Cat's Cradle 16Nov90 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Masquerade 17Nov90 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Jimmy's 19Nov90 Austin, Texas, USA Liberty Lunch 20Nov90 Dallas, Texas, USA Trees 23Nov90 Hollywood, California, USA Roxy 25Nov90 San Franscisco, California, USA Slim's 18Jun91 London, UK Mean Fiddler Dec91 Stuttgart, Germany Maxim Gorki 24Apr92 Athens, Georgia, USA Georgia Theatre 25Apr92 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Turtle's Records 26Apr92 Chapel Hill, North Carolina Cat's Cradle 28Apr92 Baltimore, Maryland, USA Max's 29Apr92 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA JC Dobbs 1May92 Washington DC, USA 930 Club 2May92 New York, New York, USA Tramp's 3May92 Providence, Rhode Island, USA Club Babyhead 5May92 Cambridge, MA, USA Night Stage 6May92 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Club Soda 7May92 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Zaphod 8May92 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Bomb Shelter 9May92 Toronto, Canada El Macambo 10May92 Guelph, Ontario, Canada Trashateria 13May92 Cleveland, Ohio, USA Peabody's 15May92 Chicago, Illinois, USA Lounge Ax 16May92 Chicago, Illinois, USA Tower Records 16May92 Chicago, Illinois, USA Lounge Ax 2Jun92 San Francisco, California, USA Slim's 3Jun92 Los Osos, California, USA Sweet water Saloon 6Jun92 Hollywood, California, USA Roxy 7Jun92 San Jose, California, USA F/X 12Jun92 Dallas, Texas, USA Club Clearview 13Jun92 Austin, Texas, USA Liberty Lunch 14Jun92 Houston, Texas, USA Fitzgeralds 15Jul92 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Tippetina's 17Jun92 Birmingham, Alabama, USA Nick's 16Feb93 Paris, France Theatre L'European 17Feb93 Bordeaux, France Le Jimmy 18Feb93 Nates, France Floride 19Feb93 Rennes, France Ubu 20Feb93 Lorient, France Le Manege Enchante 21Feb93 Morlaix, France Le Coatelan 24Feb93 Breda, Holland Zanetti 25Feb93 Amsterdam, Holland Kremlin 26Feb93 Breda, Holland Para 26Feb93 Breda, Holland Zanetti 27Feb93 H'Burg, Germany Logo 28Feb93 Berlin, Germany Loft 1Mar93 Munich, Germany Charterhalle 2Mar93 Cologne, Germany Luxor 4Mar93 Valenza Po, Italy Circolo Palomar 5Mar93 Florence, Italy Auditorium Flog 6Mar93 Forli, Italy Ex Macchina 7Mar93 Salzburg, Austria Nonntal 9Mar93 Lienz, Austria Glocklturm 10Mar93 Innsbruck, Austria Utopia 11Mar93 Vienna, Austria Szene Wien 12Mar93 Ebensee, Austria Kino 13Mar93 Dornbirn, Austria Spielboden 15May93 London, UK Mean Fiddler 28Oct93 London, UK Forum 23Dec93 Northampton, UK The Racehorse 15Aug93 Northampton, UK Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar) 27Aug93 Santa Monica, California, USA Congo Square 29Aug93 La Jolla, California, USA Discafe 3Sep93 London, UK Mean Fiddler 9Sep93 London, UK Powerhaus 15Sep93 Northampton, UK Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar) 20Oct93 Northampton, UK Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar) 22Oct93 Northampton, UK The Rocking Horse 30Oct93 St. Quentin, France Festivale De Devenir 12Nov93 Breda, Holland Zinetti 13Nov93 Colmar, France Maison De La Jeunesse 15Nov93 Besancon, France Tao's Blue 17Nov93 Strasbourg, France La Salamandre 19Nov93 Paris, France Passage Du Nord-Ouest 27Nov93 London, UK The Venue 22Dec93 Northampton, UK Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar) 1Feb94 H'Burg, Germany Logo 2Feb94 Berlin, Germany Loft 3Feb94 Bremen, Germany Roemer 4Feb94 Dortmund, Germany Livestation 5Feb94 Bielefeld, Germany Kamp 6Feb94 Frankfurt, Germany Nahtleben 8Feb94 Geneva, Switzerland L'Usine 9Feb94 Fribourg, Switzerland Cafe Des Grandes Places 10Feb94 Zurich, Switzerland Palais Xtra 11Feb94 Bern, France I.S.C. 12Feb94 Moudon, France Anciennes Prisons 15Feb94 Toulouse, France Le Bikini 16Feb94 Clermont-Ferrand, France Club 3000 17Feb94 Paris, France Arapaho 18Feb94 Dorrecht, Holland Odd Balls 19Feb94 Breda, Holland Zinetti 10Mar94 London, UK Upstairs At The Garage 8Apr94 London, UK Mean Fiddler Date: Tue, 3 May 94 14:58:36 BST From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure?
> This is something that I haven't heard discussed much on the list. Is
> the music media to blame? Is it simply the music?
well, it struck me the other day... OK, OK, it struck me about a minute ago... that I don't know the answer to this. Bear with me, though. It's puzzling, particularly when his old backing band (The Woodentops) can release a couple of albums, be known by about a zillion people across the globe and even - heaven forbid - get both `proper' studio albums in yer actual UK album chart. Maybe... gulp... The JBC is not all that good? Well, you have to wonder if he's an unnoticed rough diamond in a pile of loam or whether it's just your abherrant nature that makes you like him. (paste my aesthetics 101 coursenotes here) (paste extended diatribe on the fickle nature of the entertainment industry as well if you have one). New topic for discussion: "The Jazz Butcher: Crap or What?" ed (trying to write a paper and finding it very hard, hence informationless posting.) Date: Tue, 3 May 1994 17:30:31 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure?
> New topic for discussion: "The Jazz Butcher: Crap or What?"
I think the answer to that is: What? As in - definitely not Crap. :) I just (finally!) picked up Waiting For The Love Bus (it was a US import, so I don't think it's a domestic release in Canada still). Great album! I particularly like the album versions of Sweetwater, Ghosts, and Penguins. (I'm comparing S and G with the versions from the Mean Fiddler gig a year ago.) Other things to consider about JB lack of popularity (depressing subject, I know) - rather off-the-wall humour that may not appeal to everyone, intelligent lyrics which do not cater to the lowest common denominator. What do you think? -- Chris Camfield ( "There's silence and there's blindness in a raging world, But the healer in your heart is only a moment away." (Runrig, "Healer In Your Heart") Date: Thu, 5 May 94 10:07:31 BST From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure?
> > New topic for discussion: "The Jazz Butcher: Crap or What?"
> I think the answer to that is: What? As in - definitely not
> Crap. :)
Well, you would say that. I think we need to co-opt some brain dead Rush fan or something onto this group to inject a note of dissent.
> Other things to consider about JB lack of popularity (depressing
> subject, I know) - rather off-the-wall humour that may not appeal
> to everyone,
Well, you may be right.... I guess a cursory listen to the earlier stuff might give the impression that The Jazz Butcher (crazy name, crazy guy!) is some kind of a novelty band. But we know better, huh? Evidence: I know when I first heard Butch (a phrase that reminds me of Swaggart saying "When I met Jesus I was a SINNER") I was young, impressionable and *amused* by it. "Funneeee songs!". I was kind of into novelty at the time so I stuck it out. Perhaps there's such a thing as being too clever within the popular medium...? ed Date: Fri May 6 18:07:00 1994 From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure? No, I'm not on the CRAP side at all... he's giving himself the freedom to experiment "artistically" if you will, and artists "fail" now and again. I see the merits of most everything he does (except "Love Kittens" and "Bigfoot Motel" and "Death Dentist" stuff, which is, frankly, crap as only "juvenalia" can be...) but I'm not sure if he should be doing art in the middle of his otherwise accessible albums. "Shirley Maclaine" should have been the biggest hit since "Hey Jude" but nobody heard it! Is JBC as obscure in Europe? I'd guess not, but from the recent tour diary, it is apparent that they're not playing the festival circuit over there, either. Have we determined if Pat WANTS to be obscure? Kurt Cobain would have traded places in a minute from the sound of things. Sounds like the JBC has a blast wherever they go, and it's still something of an adventure, so maybe it's for the best. Wouldn't you rather play a cozy, no-pressure set where you could be spontaneous and wild, then party with the crowd afterward? Or would you rather be rehearsed to death, choreographed, synchronized, and afraid your fans are going to tear you apart if you show your face after the show? So, it's NOT crap... it's artistic freedom and possibly deliberate obscurity. (And lousy record label handling.) Aloha, Date: Sat, 7 May 1994 20:45:52 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: a couple of ramblings A few days ago someone (sorry, I have lost the original message) made a point about the early JB being sort of novelty-ish and that perhaps it's possible to be too clever for one's own good. I think that's probably true; how many bands of that sort do really really well? Another thing - on the copy of the Mean Fiddler gig tape, Pat sings a song called Waiting for the Love Bus, which isn't on the album. (At least, not my copy!) Why didn't it make it? Anyone know if it is going to be a b-side or something? And are there any other tracks with the same names as albums but which aren't part of the album? -- Chris Camfield ( "There's silence and there's blindness in a raging world, But the healer in your heart is only a moment away." (Runrig, "Healer In Your Heart") Date: Sun, 08 May 94 00:39:27 EDT From: Subject: Titles Well, this doesn't quite fit, but the phrase "Sex and Travel" was in the song "The Human Jungle," which wasn't on the Sex and Travel album. As I said, not exactly what the question was asking for, but it's getting late and that's the best I could do. ----------------------------- -jef ( "Think of the elephant and give him drink"--JBC, Water Date: Mon, 9 May 94 10:10:09 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (The Suburbs of your Mind) Subject: Black Egg Live Debut / Lincoln Gig Pat is currently doing some frantic programming for the live premier of the Black Egg. This will take place in London on June 1st. I've forgotten the name of the venue, but it's near to Heaven ( Charring Cross ). Londoners will have to look out for it in listings. The "unplugged" gig here in Lincoln with Pat Fish and Dave Henderson is now less than 2 weeks away ( Sat 21st May ). Admission is 3 quid on the door, 2.50 in advance. Anyone within striking distance of the East Midlands, please E-Mail me if you want more details. Unfortunately I can't offer any crashing space as I'm already expecting have a house-full of bodies that night. Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK ( but the Net Police think I'm in San Francisco ! ) Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 02:24:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: JBC gig list - help!
> 23Nov90 Hollywood, California, USA Roxy
I believe in here should be a show at the Coach House, in San Juan Capistrano, CA, US. I believe this because I was there, and I was on the guest list, thanks to Lawrence O'Keefe and the LA Lakers.
> 25Nov90 San Franscisco, California, USA Slim's
Arik Date: Mon, 9 May 94 10:53:55 BST From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure? The JBC is obscure simply due to bad record company handling and poor management... 99 stores out of 100 don't stock a single JBC title, all his early work was on tough to find imports, all the Big Time stuff had a fighting chance until the guy went south with the money, screwing several fine acts... since, all these other labels have cautiously picked him up on the promise of a cult following, but they don't put any promotion behind him, so only the cult buys the records. I'd say he has a fighting chance again with TriStar, but only if they do something for him, like release a single, get him on a movie soundtrack, or better yet a good tour support spot (why are the Crash Test Dummies opening for the Costello tour? Or Sheryl Crow for Crowded House? Why not the JBC? Poor management!) JBC should offer to play the second stage at Lollapalooza for FREE! Something to get this fine performer in front of the public. The fact that the records are usually remarkably uneven doesn't help. "Condition Blue" is about the only one where all the songs are "accessible" to the general listener. The new one is accessible, but not nearly as rockers on it either, and that "President Chang" song pisses me off no end... No, the Butcher seems to be following all the instructions in the book "How to become a cult band." And I think he knows it. BTW, any word out there on a new Max Eider album? "Best Kisser" is as good as almost any JBC release... Mojo Date: Mon, 9 May 94 11:21:06 BST From: Subject: Last bit. Tidying up a ton of mail from a busy weekend and sending most of it to the jbc-list by the looks of things:
> Pat is currently doing some frantic programming for the live premier of the
> Black Egg.
Better get my CS canisters refilled.
> And are there any other tracks with the same names as albums
> but which aren't part of the album?
Aside from "Bath of Bacon", how many albums have songs with the same title, appearing on the album or not? I count none. ("Love Bus" once upon a time, allegedly.) Honestly, that's all I'm going to send for a while. ed. Date: Mon, 9 May 94 11:18:15 BST From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure? Update... I stirred a bit by suggesting something along the lines that saying:
> The fact that the records are usually remarkably uneven doesn't help.
is a crafty way of siding with the "Crap" side of "Crap or what?" As a nerdy record release note, it's worth pointing out to those who don't know that "Shirley Maclaine" never got a UK (Europe?) single release. "Girl Go" was the last single, wasn't it? But ain't there a good point here? I can't imagine Pat filling or really truly deep down wanting to fill Wembley Stadium with 35,000 adoring fans and sell T-Shirts at $40 a piece. Even if he were, in some parallel universe, amazingly popular. There aren't many songs that would sit comfortably with a Pink Floydy son et lumiere of lasers and pyrotechnics. I can barely comprehend the possibility of a giant inflatable love kitten floating over Battersea Power Station.... It's maybe that the music and the teeny fan base seem so suited to each other that I can't help but think relative obscurity is what he wants anyway. Else maybe he'd write a stadium rocker like what James did. It can't be *that* difficult. (No doubt he'll read that and get annoyed.) Time to start a "keep the jbc obscure" campaign. ed Date: Mon, 09 May 1994 15:38:54 BST From: Matt <> Subject: WFTLB the song As I remember, from the stuff on the net and from asking Pat himself, he "donated" the song going under the name of "Waiting for the Lovebus" to the Blue Aeroplanes, who were recording something that week. So who knows, maybe it will appear in some other guise. Matt Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 18:15:04 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Comments on WFTLB Well, I don't have the album with me and I haven't had the chance to listen to it for a couple of days, but someone thought that there weren't any real "rockers" on the album. I would have thought that Bakersfield would qualify, though perhaps it isn't hard enough on the album? It could definitely rock live, I think. Incidentally, what is the significance of Bakersfield? The phrase "Bakersfield massacre" springs to mind but I honestly can't remember anything concrete. I suppose it's a funny category, but I think that Sweetwater has to qualify as the most "up" song I've heard from the Butcher. I think I'll go have another listen tonight and get back to this. "We are penguins, only penguins....." :) -- Chris Camfield ( "There's silence and there's blindness in a raging world, But the healer in your heart is only a moment away." (Runrig, "Healer In Your Heart") Date: Thu, 12 May 94 13:34:40 EST From: George Heard <> Subject: The Love Bus is nearly here... G'day guys, The new catalogues arrived yesterday - Waiting for the Love Bus can be ordered in Tasmania! Whee! This information made me feel less bad about coming home from work early with a stomach virus (ugh, winter). So while I'm here, a few random thoughts... Robyn Hitchcock: Never heard of until yesterday I found a second-hand copy of "Queen Elvis". Nice album - I really liked about three tracks on it. I can see why Jazz Butcher fans would like it. Cult Of The Basement: Is there an album anywhere that grows on you more than this one? Being a self-confessed "Early JBC Fan", and basically driving my flatmates nuts by endless playing of songs like "Peter Lorre", "Elephant", "The Devil is my Friend" and "Jazz Butcher v Prime Minister", the first time I listened to CoTB I only liked "Panic In Room 109" and "My Zeppelin". Now I just can't stop humming "The Onion Field" and "Pineapple Tuesday" all the time. Does Pat ever play "The Onion Field" in a set? Western Family: OK, I remember the list dumped all over it one time, but it has never been spotted in an Australian catalogue, and I nearly whooped when I found a second-hand copy in Melbourne at Easter. I still like it (worth it for the slower versions of "Sister Death" and "Still And All") - but does anoyne know what possessed Pat to slow down "Southern Mark Smith" and take out the line "Thousands of people are queuing in the rain to meet the Pope" (well the whole verse)? Oh well, the wait is almost over. Sorry about the long rant, have fun guys! The Jazz Butcher's biggest Tasmanian fan George P.S. Am I ever going to get to see the band down here? Not bloody likely, I guess. Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 00:34:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: Comments on WFTLB
> Well, I don't have the album with me and I haven't had the chance to
> listen to it for a couple of days, but someone thought that there
> weren't any real "rockers" on the album. I would have thought
> that Bakersfield would qualify, though perhaps it isn't hard enough
> on the album? It could definitely rock live, I think. Incidentally,
> what is the significance of Bakersfield? The phrase "Bakersfield
> massacre" springs to mind but I honestly can't remember anything
> concrete.
That's funny, just the other day I was joking to someone that I was convinced (I use that word gratuitously) that the song was all about the movie Running Man. (The Butcher of Bakersfield was what they called him). That and the line 'I wanna be your top eliminator'. But frankly, I really haven't listened to the song that closely (it doesn't really do anything for me) and I don't really know the movie all that well either. Oh ah.
> I suppose it's a funny category, but I think that Sweetwater has to
> qualify as the most "up" song I've heard from the Butcher.
I take it this song is about the joint in Los Osos? Someone earlier mentioned that they thought the third verse was forced. I re-listened and I'd sort of agree, although I'm not really sure what it means, and it seems like more of a break than a verse cos it's only two lines, and I can forgive a break lyric that I don't understand (see Nothing Special & neighbors) Let's see, Sweetwater about a place in Los Osos. Bakersfield. Pineapple tuesday about driving in LA (Venice, if that's the same Beethoven street I know). Any more songs that mention places in California? Oh yeah, Hysteria--San Francisco. -Arik Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 01:01:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: a couple of ramblings
> Another thing - on the copy of the Mean Fiddler gig tape, Pat sings a song
> called Waiting for the Love Bus, which isn't on the album. (At least, not
> my copy!) Why didn't it make it? Anyone know if it is going to be a b-side
> or something? And are there any other tracks with the same names as albums
> but which aren't part of the album?
Mmmm, on that tape, did he say it was an old song by the apartments? Perhaps he didn't feel like naming the album after a cover that was on the album, but didn't mind naming after the song, and the revered vehicle. ? -Arik Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 01:10:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: Why is the JBC obscure?
> The fact that the records are usually remarkably uneven doesn't help.
> "Condition Blue" is about the only one where all the songs are "accessible"
> to the general listener. The new one is accessible, but not nearly as
> rockers on it either, and that "President Chang" song pisses me off
> no end...
Was the person who commented thusly about president chang privy to pat's explanation of the song title's origin? Curious. -Arik Date: Thu, 12 May 94 11:49:22 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Lame Bananas for Geese) Subject: Those Bakersfield / Sweet Water explanations in full ................ Here are Pat's explanations of Bakersfield and Sweet Water as compiled by a certain David Whittemore : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bakersfield Bakersfield is a place a couple of hours north of Los Angeles where seekers after Purity Of Tone stand in the desert and watch drag racing before cruising the bars of this fine and patriotic borough, and maybe stopping by at one of its lifestyle motel complexes. This particular tune was inspired by a conversation in Boardner's Bar, Hollywood, with Iain O'Higgins and Col Coonce of the Braindead Sound Machine, whose subsequent attempts to lend decency to the whole concept are never going to wash with this writer. Sweet Water Inspired by and dedicated - in part - to the Sweetwater Springs Saloon in Los Osos, California, a splendid rockin' redneck shed, which we heartily recommend to all pompous English whiteboy groups trying to "crack the market Stateside". If you're going to play Nice Cave, sooner or later you're going to hurt yourself; far better to stand in a giant refrigerator with six bottles of Jaegermeister and your crew. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK ( ) Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 16:56:33 -0400 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: Bakersfield Chris Camfield asked about the significance of Bakersfield, and Pat's discussion seemed to presume a certain familiarity with the place as well. Here's a quickie background note: Bakersfield is indeed a town in California, some distance North of LA. Bakersfield is the home to some big oil fields (I think the oil rig scenes in _Five Easy Pieces_ are supposed to be there. After the war a lot of Texans and other Southerners came to Bakersfield to work in these oil fields. Because of this migration, Bakersfield developed a country music scene with lots of honky tonks and country bars like Pat described, and later with a fair number of recording studios and record labels. During the late '50s and early '60s, as the sound coming out of Nashville became glossier and poppier, Bakersfield became the locus of a back-to-basics movement in country music. The leading proponent of the "Bakersfield Sound" was Buck Owens, who is probably best remembered by most in the States as one of the hosts of "Hee Haw," but who released lots of great country records in the '50s and '60s. In the '70s, LA became the center of the early country rock scene, due to the Byrds and Buffalo Springfield. Various Byrd spinoffs like Dillard & Clark and the Flying Burrito Bros. mixed some of the California bluegrass and country session guys into their records. These great early experiments were later watered down into the lame country rock of the '70s, like the Eagles and Poco. In the early '80s some of the "cowpunk" bands and fellow travelers like Dwight Yoakam spent lots of time in Bakersfield as well. To this day the place has a rep for rootsy country music, as opposed to the countrypolitan sounds that generally hold sway in Nashville. Sorry for any glaring errors or omissions, this is off the top of my head. Hope it's of some interest. -- TJC "Surprisingly tasty..." The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister") Internet: Date: Sat, 14 May 1994 11:29:15 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Upcoming JBC/EG shows pat feels that "this is the week in which we finally deliver. after 10 years, this is the week, and i don't think they will want it." to wit.. 1 June - London, Sound Shaft the BLACK EG LIVE DEBUT the buzz about this show occurring caused (ex bassist) laurence o'keefe to call pat for the first time in months. the artist pascal legras is flying in from Paris for it. the von d&auml;mmerung's cousin curtis will be a fourth member, and he will be in a wheelchair. eggs will be worn on heads, and pat said that karel wanted to hire a row of angry old women whose only purpose would be to hold placards of Lenin while standing stone-faced at the back of the stage. czech flags were reluctantly ruled out. apparently much use will be made of the 4-track, czech samples throughout (for that authenticity factor), and there will be little effort to leave the techno-club audience "wanting more". the guy who invited/challenged the Black Eg to perform asked "how are the brothers usually paid?" to which karel responded "in diesel". 4 June - Royal Albert Hall - JBC, Creation 10th anniv show "unplugged" lots of Creation acts are playing, and pat feels this will be an angry show. he was considering how the brothers von d&auml;mmerung would perform "unplugged" had they been asked...(after all, they are on Creation): "like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Dooj - sitting in rocking chairs, wearing overalls, and each holding a jam box, fingers lifted from pause buttons at appropriate moments. total cost of performance: &#163;5 - for batteries." see you at the shows, i hope. anyone know where the Sound Shaft is? other stuff.. for the first time since being on Creation, the JBC have pulled into profit. pat is working once again with sonic boom (ex-spacemen). Love&Rockets are in the states working on a new album. still no real news on a US tour - the album is not yet out in Canada. -david Date: Sun, 15 May 1994 13:18:51 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: More rumblings "Hello poppets..." (what's a poppet, anyhow? :) I've just been introduced by a friend to the world of WWW, and of course I started with the JB pages. Kudos to David for very fine work! I was flattered by the appearance of my transcription of La Mer, and delighted to find typed-up lyrics to so many of the songs from WftLB. I like to know all the words, myself... BTW David I think it's "Alsation barking" in Rosemary DaviS... or however one spells that breed of dog... The first time I listened to Whaddya, I thought it was a pretty song, thought I had it worked out, and then got to the ending! Wow! Talk about a change, I think my blood ran a little cooler. Flipped the whole song around. Very good song IMO. Waiting for the Love Bus to visit my town for a concert... :) Chris -- Chris Camfield ( "Staring at the cats behind the ironwork and looking for a dime There are problems in this world I know But right now none of them are mine..." ("Sweetwater") Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 08:41:03 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Bakersfield lyrics Help me out on this one folks, I've almost got it all... Bakersfield ----------- Two beautiful tons of Detroit steel I wanna take you to Bakersfield ? challenged American chrome Spread all across the lawn of our motel home I wanna take you to Bakersfield (x4) Oh let me take you there, I've got a pass for the track Smell the nitro honey, feel the sun on your back C'mon c'mon red-headed sinner put your foot to the floor And I'll show you what Jesus gave you ST? for I wanna take you to Bakersfield (x4) Yeah yeah yeah! In a fat back lounge at the end of the day We'd be soaking all the dust off the ? Clyde's in the bathroom with Tiny the gator Yeah I wanna be your top eliminator Oh yes I do I wanna take you to Bakersfield (x8?) I'll shamelessly admit that I hope we can add this to the WWW page, and I'll happily type up the other songs from WftLB that don't have lyrics on the page right now. Unless someone else has done them? -- Chris Camfield ( "Staring at the cats behind the ironwork and looking for a dime There are problems in this world I know But right now none of them are mine..." ("Sweetwater", The JBC) Date: Wed, 18 May 1994 00:47:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Bakersfield Lyrics Having spent way too much time in Bakersfield (and even some there with the legendary O'Higgins who was allegedly present when Mr. Fish came by the inspiration to write this fine song), I can confidently add exactly one letter to the previous posting. "I'll show you what Jesus gave you STP for" STP being a high performance engine lubricant of some sort. hope this helps. Date: Wed, 18 May 1994 19:39:18 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Bakersfield lyrics
> Clyde's in the bathroom with Tiny the gator
> Yeah I wanna be your top eliminator
Tiny and Clyde. there is a story here... there is a wonderful little book about STRANGE things to see when cruising the states entitled Roadside America. (2nd edition, Paragon Press) the book is broken up into catagories like "large concrete animals", "real live freak shows", "obscure churchs", etc. pat came into possession of one of these books at the end of the tour, and by the time i thumbed through it, pat had obviously been smitten with the story about the guy (tiny) who would stage a show where you could watch him wrestle to near-death with his alligator (clyde) for anyone who wanted to drop by and watch. i say obvious, because starting with the cover of the book, and apprearing every 5 pages or so would be things that pat had penned in like: "Also starring Tiny & Clyde!" "Tiny & Clyde, 50 miles", "next exit, Tiny & Clyde", "Dont miss Tiny & Clyde!". until, finally on the page AFTER the story, it says "Whooaa! you missed Tiny & Clyde". great, great book. non-obvious %70 truth: the rachel of `Racheland' is the rachel from slowdive. they played chicago last night, and my guitar player, brady, is still twitching. -david Date: Thu, 19 May 94 13:40:55 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Radio One to broadcast "unplugged" at Albert Hall A reliable source in the pub told me last night that the Creation 10th anniversary "unplugged" show at the Albert Hall is to be broadcast by Radio One. I think this will be a live broadcast, but I doubt if it will cover the whole thing. Don't be surprised if radio listeners join the show just AFTER the JBC set ! At any rate, with all that broadcast equipment there you can bet anything you like that a quality live recording will end up somewhere ( even if it doesn't get officially released ). Waiting for some well-informed smart-arse to fill in the details .......... Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK Date: Fri, 20 May 94 12:51:14 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Re: Meet The Vicar ~ ~> Sound Shaft. It's near Charing Cross, close to Heaven ~> ( if that's any help ). ~ ~well it almost is. i figure i can find it knowing that ~tube stop - i have about 8 hours to kill as i get in around noon. ~ ~looking forward to meeting you. ~ ~-david ~ I can now confirm that I'll be at the Black Eg debut. Not sure about the Albert Hall thing though. Tomorrow is the "Unplugged" Jazz Butcher gig which I'm putting on in Lincoln, and performing at. As you can imagine, I'm dead nervous about the whole thing. I think the worst thing that can happen is too many people turning up ( it's only a small room ). There have been quite a few phone calls asking where the venue is, but no-one is flying in from abroad as far as I know ( Pascal Legras has some floorboards to varnish ). Syd Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 08:39:19 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: history *demands* from Black Eg CD liner notes: "The brothers Von D&auml;mmerung are only too proud to retail the story of how, at their first and only public appearance, at a bar in Vienna, the proceedings closed in utter confusion after members of the public, objecting to The Black Eg's relentlessly tedious version of Morricone's theme to `The Good, The Bad & The Ugly' caused a near riot when they attacked the band with C.S. gas." never mind that "Vienna" bit; it is "London" misspelt. -david Date: Mon, 23 May 94 09:49:36 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: That part of the sentence that does the verb Lincoln gig went very well. I'll maybe fill in the details at some later date for avid set list collectors. No bootleg was done ( to my knowledge at any rate ). My hangover has just about gone now. There is a "Belgium" this Wednesday (25th May) at Slurps in Northampton. As I'm driving from Southampton to Lincoln that day, I may drop in on it at some stage. Pat tells me that the JBC set from the Albert Hall will be broadcast by Radio One. Gotta go now. Syd Date: Mon, 23 May 94 14:24:12 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Fischoteque After rumours about the demise of Fischoteque (the chip shop on the album cover of said album) which were spread around (mainly by myself), I am glad to report that it has not closed down and I say happy punters sitting in it last week. It did appear to close down for a while and due to all the development going on at Waterloo Station for the Jubliee Line (this is complete gibberish for overseas listeners) I feared it might have closed it's doors for good. ``Rumours of my death are largely exaggerated'' Joe Date: Tue, 31 May 94 14:47:42 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Re: Where is the Black Eg gig??? ~Where in London is the Sound Shaft, anybody??? ~ ~It's not listed as a venue in any of the listings mags I've looked at, ~nor is it in the directory. ~ ~Getting a little worried whether I'll ever get to see this gig... ~(Looks like "Belgium" all over again). ~ ~Hope someone can help, ~ ~Matt ~ I'm told it's near to Heaven (Charing Cross). Something lurking in the back of my mind tells me it ought to be under some arches. Perhaps it's next to all those people in cardboard boxes ( known to John Major as "eyesores" ). Heaven should be in the listings somewhere. No doubt asking people where Heaven is should provoke a few interesting responses. Syd Date: Tue, 31 May 94 22:46:56 BST From: Subject: Re: Where is the Black Eg gig???
> Where in London is the Sound Shaft, anybody???
Let me demystify you on this one. (Ed finally proving to be of some use.) The Sound Shaft is on Hungerford Lane, off Craven Street. For those who lack an A-Z, you'll find this down the side of Charing Cross station. I *think* Craven Street comes out next to Boots, but I could be wrong. It's on that side of the station anyway and before you get to Northumberland Avenue. Plans are rather dependent upon the way that overnight travel affects my brain, but I *think* David and I and assorted unwitting volunteers who don't know THE TRUTH might be drinking a couple of pints in the Duke of Wellington / Wellington Tavern / "that pub credited on the sleeve of Fishcotheque" up to about 8ish. That pub's to be found on Waterloo Road, almost exactly opposite the appropriate exit from the main Waterloo station. Hell, you know that anyway. It's only a shortish walk over Hungerford Bridge to the venue from there. I mention the pub because it might be easier to spot everyone outside the venue rather than inside... that said - the music the club plays is ambiguously described as "techno funk", whatever that is, so I guess the JBC fans should be quite easy to spot in amongst the melee. Two hours until my train leaves... this had better be worth it. ed Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 13:07:46 EDT From: (Vanessa Wilburn) Subject: How about the U.S.? I caught JBC back a year or so ago and was wondering when they would return to the states? Vanessa (new to the list, not new to the JBC) Date: Sun, 5 Jun 94 17:21:44 BST From: Subject: Black Eg Hey... either my mailbox got filled up and I missed out or there has been a suspicious lack of 'analysis' of the Black Eg concert. Does anyone have any opinions or are we keeping quiet for a reason? ...and "Undrugged", since I *DIDN'T GO*. dammit. ed Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 11:34:19 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Re: Black Eg According to Ed : ~Hey... ~ ~either my mailbox got filled up and I missed out or there has been ~a suspicious lack of 'analysis' of the Black Eg concert. ~ ~Does anyone have any opinions or are we keeping quiet for a reason? ~ ~...and "Undrugged", since I *DIDN'T GO*. dammit. ~ ~ed ~ Here's my analysis of the Black Eg concert. Don't drink too much Grolsch. It makes yer head hurt. I hadn't heard the Black Eg album, but hadn't really heard good reports of it. I found the live show very impressive, if perhaps a little samey after a while. I was also getting very drunk, having already spent some time outside the Sherlock Holmes with the Von D&auml;mmerung brothers while they were spraying their eggs. It is quite possible the performance was given under the influence of spray-paint, but this probably helped. In any event, I left before the end, nothing to do with the performance but because the friends I was staying with in London were leaving and I was probably too out of it to find my own way back. It was interesting to see some faces to a few of the names on this list. It's a pity my meeting with you was little more than a brief handshake, but there you are. Thanks for the tape, Dave. I was amused to hear myself described as "sick diseased and bitter" on the WRAS interview. I apologise to those of you I led to believe that Radio One was to broadcast the Albert Hall thing. Apparently this was the original plan, but they broadcast live from Donnington instead. The show was recorded, but I don't yet know when it's going out. Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK (for now, at any rate) Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 20:16:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Re: President Chang
> Arik--
> Not privy to the live explanation of the "President Chang" song title, but it
> would take a hell of a lot of explaining to make me like that particular song
> in the least...
> Still, I'm interested... please give me the gist of it, ok?
Ok I found the original description, as well as pat's defense of the song. <a href="/letters/93Oct19/chang.html"> I thought it was worth reposting...</a> There y'all go... Arik Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 17:59:16 BST From: Subject: Re: Black Eg re the black eg. I suppose I'd better chip in with my tuppence-worth since I asked in the first place. I reckoned it was OK in a way: Good bits: Emil in his wheelchair. (Was it Emil?) Say it. Emil is no pig. Those egg heads. The Czechoslovakian thumbs-up. The fact that the audience appeared to like it. " " " " " " " " " swallow it whole. The barman was quite amusing. Bad bits: Repetitious Not much bass or tune to recognise except for that "Filth" bit (I'm told) The Night Bus back Actually, the biggest disappointment was that they actually tried to make it kinda dancy and they didn't try and repeat the Black Eg album tracks. I would have gladly paid twice as much to see the genuine, original Eg material rather than what turned out to be a mediocre techno attempt by people wearing silly egg hats. Particularly in that club, to that audience. I guess that's sort of implied by the lists above. I suppose it's astonishing that it happened at all and for that we should be grateful. Glad I went to see it... honestly.
> It was interesting to see some faces to a few of the names on this
> list.
Yeah... would have been even better if I could have heard a word anyone said to me all evening.
> The show was recorded
so what's the betting the bottom few acts on the bill will never see the light of day? eh? ed Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 17:13:31 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: The emperor penguins.... head South catching up..
> was wondering when they would return to the states?
there may be bad news here. i asked pat about this and he mentioned that if distribution in north america doesnt speed up, they may sit this tour out. more should be known in a month or so (i *know* that is what is always said..)
> a suspicious lack of 'analysis' of the Black Eg concert.
> Does anyone have any opinions or are we keeping quiet for a reason?
yeah, well it took me several hours to plow through my mail, and i got back from chicago this morning. thats my excuse.
> smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM
> Here's my analysis of the Black Eg concert.
> Don't drink too much Grolsch. It makes yer head hurt.
syd was nearly completely out of it. at least i didnt see him with his eyes closed like SOME people.
> I found the live show very impressive,
> if perhaps a little samey after a while.
thats a good description. the gig was hidden in arches between buildings, and was actually in the club Heaven. once a week a room there turns into a disco with DJs - one of whom is named "horton jupiter" - he put the show on. the room itself was small - about 50ft square, but it had stairs up to another room which opened so you could see the dance floor. it was on this upper level that the Black Eg set up and played. those on the dance floor never really saw the band - if they looked up through the fog, they may have seen some pointy black heads or thumbs. the show was sandwiched between sets of DJs spinning and was three tunes, each 15 minutes long with little feed-backy bits in between. depending what you were expecting, this was either boring, or interesting. the beats were just slightly less white-boy than from, say, the JBC tune "Line Of Death", but it was the right tempo to dance to. the best part was what was done over the top of the beats. kurt played guitar through delays mostly and he provided dreamy feedback and pseudo heavy metal solos on occasion. emil is still pig and he manned (egged?) the 4-track which had the samples and drones and other backwards guitar parts. otto played with a cheesy synth with which he would do LFO sweeps and plinky sounds. karel was in a wheelchair and did nothing but circle the room, bumping into people. the interplay between the synth and the guitar was good. even though the dancers would have moved to nearly anything. horton at the end could be heard "singing" the stars and stripes forever with the slogan of the night "Yhet Abrdige!" (well, thats phonetically about right - it means "fuck off" in czech. horton (the club owner) would love to put out a re-mixed single of eg material, but emil is hesitant to do so. his accent was difficult, but i think he was telling me that the eg do not want to play indiscrimiately, which, i guess is why they chose to play the sound shaft - it was "right" for them. i personally think he is afraid to become popular.
> Thanks for the tape, Dave. I was amused to hear myself described as "sick
> diseased and bitter" on the WRAS interview.
this from the man who writes tunes like "you're so indifferent (you think this song might be about you)" and "the involuntary bowel movement of love". dont even try to convince me otherwise, syd.
> Actually, the biggest disappointment was that they actually tried to
> make it kinda dancy and they didn't try and repeat the Black Eg album
> tracks.
ed, i dont think that had they attempted an album re-creation it would have gone over too well. it was a dance club, what they were doing was already on the edge of acceptability for that type of crowd. the recording i made is decent. the (what i call interesting) parts are very clear, while the boom boom boom is less so, which is fine. -david Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 11:26:10 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: e.g. black undrugged Re: Black Eg and Undrugged.... Black Eg: Sound Shaft (mezanine of Heaven, under Charing Cross arches), 1st June I met up with David, Ed and his mate in the Duke of Wellington resolute that I would not go to the Black Eg gig, just have a drink and then hop on the train at Waterloo. Unfortunately, one thing led to another and I was persuaded to come along. I had already paid good money to buy the Black Eg album, listened to it, thought it was utter crap and fortunately for humanitarian reasons it was stolen from my car (there is a probably a deranged French thief wandering the streets of Toulon shouting ``Emil is no pig''). I wasn't too happy spending good money after bad, but for only &#163;3 a throw, who can grumble. Going to Heaven was definitely an uplifting experience - seeing at first hand want these `young' people get up to these days. Apart from the interminal wait, the show was far better than I expected, although techno funk isn't really my scene. The guitar feedback certainly made it sound like `real' music. Through exhaustion and the prospect of a 10 mile cycle ride home, I left about 1.30AM. Apparently the gig finished shortly after I left. The gig was probably worth the money but probably not worth the endless wait for the ``the first and only debut of the brothers and their cousin Kurt''. Undrugged: Albert Hall, 4th June Mike Kelly and myself arrived about 7.30PM, just in time to see the end of Peter Astor. In the very under populated Albert Hall, who should be sitting in the row behind us but David! ``In all the bars, in all the towns, etc., etc.''. It's a small world really. All of the early bands played only one song (Peter Astor, BMX Bandits, etc.). The Jazz Butcher came on and there were shouts of ``Emil is not pig'' from around us - we were apparently implanted in the hot bed of JBC supporters. They played one song - She's on Drugs, probably the best song of the show (biased as I am) although you couldn't hear the saxophone. David is the man to give you the full line up... Highlights: Oasis and one of the Reids from Jesus and Mary Chain saying f**k a lot Lowlights: The Creations (over the hill hippies), Ride (under the hill hippies) Mega-lowlights: Ride and The Creations playing together! There was this perfect synergy - take two bad bands, let them play together and they are worse than the sum of their wholes! All in all not a bad evening - shame the JBC only played one song and Oasis are probably worthing checking out. Later Your London Corresponent Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 11:53:35 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Black Eg Press Release The flyer from the Black Eg gig. Sorry for any unintentional typos, but most of the text is in really bad English anyway! A press release received from those slavic sensations THE BLACK EG, POSTFACH 109, A-1020 WIEN, OSTERRICH -------------------------------------------------- cs;kvd/ovd/evd - bldg;Cs/Au 79** FRIEND! MUSIC LOVER! PEOPLE OF THE NEW FUTURE! WE ARE coming first time to England and here for you some informations. WE ARE the BLACK EG. WE ARE victims of an abusive plot by member Jazz Butcher and Creation Records to releasing only demo tapes as an album of the BLACK EG. WE ARE reject this impostor action. WE ARE ready now to show the peoples of the world/europe to TRUE FACE OF BOHEMIAN TECHNO WE ARE to ask you/your publishing to tell the MUSIC LOVERS of London/The World about the beautiful new music of the BLACK EG. KAREL VON D&Auml;MMERUNG Leader, dancer, host! OTTO VON D&Auml;MMERUNG Synthesisers and drones! EMIL VON D&Auml;MMERUNG Drum programmes, sampling and drones! and our cousin KURT VON D&Auml;MMERUNG The wild guitar sound of Bohemian Techno! KAREL VON D&Auml;MMERUNG is the father of BOHEMIAN TECHNO FACTION in Praha 1980. He escape to Wien after difficulties with the current oppression regime and find new freedom for his music. OTTO and EMIL VON D&Auml;MMERUNG are coming to Wien in 1990. ITALIA 90 for footballing joy and then the brothers are spending three years travelling the world: Africa, France, California, Vietnam, Kallingrad and now again in Wien. NOW THAT THE MUSIC IS READY THE BLACK EG IS COMING TO PERFORM IN UNITED BRITAIN 1994! The concert in the SOUNDSHAFT, HUNGERFORD LANE, WEST END, LONDON, ENGLAND on 1st June 1994 is the first concert of the BLACK EG in UK. It is also first concert of the BLACK EG since terrible violence at their concert in Wien in 1991. Then it was an attack of CS GAS from member of the public behind the times and aggressive. Then came shameful pretend-record on so-called "creation" records. Things of the life were depressing for the brothers to see their work and their good name disgrace in this manner. TODAY they will start to tell THE TRUE STORY OF THE BLACK EG. Please come and see the concert of the BLACK EG at the SOUNDSHAFT in LONDON on June 1st. You will be among many friends and music lovers and there will be beautifull BOHEMIAN TECHNO MUSIC for dancing and dreaming. Not to miss this one, the first and only debut of the brothers and their cousin Kurt. say it emil is no more pig emil is my brother i am sorry for what i said on the radio in ameriks emil is no pig <IMG SRC=""> Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 02:23:18 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: addendum to the BLACK EG FLYER there were other copies of the flyer for the black eg gig which had this cryptic writing near the top: cs;kvd/ovd/evd - bldg;Cs/Au 79** hmmm. it appears the brothers may have some really strange computer hook-up, judging by the "79**" bit. that, or they are just so-called pretend-cyber.. -david Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 03:02:22 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: In the springtime... the female penguins return to the starving males. this letter is a more a report of my week than anything else. there are a couple of facts you may find of interest.. tues 31mar - drive to chicago, leave the car at martin's, fly, smoke, drink, record the nice British Airlines relaxation tape, see the nice documentary on emperor penguins (they ... head South) wed 1jun - land, meet ed & his doting parents, unsuccessful attempt to locate CS gas canisters at local kiddie party supply store. find joe at the wellington, walk walk eat bad pizza, walk walk attempting to find the sound shaft, meet a stumbling syd, re-meet matt, make my presence known to the astonished <iMG SRC=""> von d&auml;mmerungs, dance, sweat, drink, high scores at pinball, accompay ed with my home on my back, walk at 4am past menacing cats to the couch i will sleep on for the next 3 nights. thu 2jun - sleep, eat, drink, sleep fri 3jun - beautiful day! traverse london many times depositing Vergiftung cassettes at unsuspecting record labels. FINALLY find the Malt&Hops (not on pentonville road) and play pinball with ed. no high scores. sat 4jun - rain, wait outside the albert hall forever with others for creation to deliver the magic undrugged envelopes. the royal albert hall is BIG. the royal albert hall is boomy. the royal albert hall is unsuited to bands playing acoustic guitars. it is suited to bands with orchestras (as the boo radleys had). improbably, joe and mr kelly have tickets located very near to me. joe gets scolded by the red coats for using a flash. joe puts his camera away but later braves a cigarette. there are 14 or 18 bands, the JBC are about 6th. as they come on, shouts of "YHET ABRIDGE" accosted them from around the auditorium. alex green is not heard due to the over-burdened soundmen. they play "She's On Drugs" then the next dozen groups hurry on and off. good performaces by oasis, boo radleys and aurthur lee. ride are awful. talk with alex green some then climb into one of 4 busses which shuttle us to the after-gig party at the Forum. marvel at the idiot on the unicycle and the DJs. dance, see paul mulreany in the crowd, get brushed off by laurence "if you're not female don't bother talking to me" o'keefe. escort horton jupiter (the guy who sponsored the black eg show) home along with 8 others he picked up for a party at his home. paid a stranger in big car to deliver us at his door, since taxis refuse more than 4. 2 of the strangers are st. etienne, and i relish the opportunity to tell them my displeasure with anything past their first album. 2 more of the strangers are japanese girls, one in a white bunny suit. they proceed to do horton's dishes: "we like it be, how you say, tidy?" no sleep until weellll past dawn. sun 5jun - awaken in quickly approaching smelly rumpled clothes, peruse and sample some of horton's marvellous record collection and his plastic piano before leaving late in the day for northampton. ride the hour to the city of fish where pat is thoughtfully at the station to pick me up on a borrowed mountain bike. we walk to Belgium have some Budvar, then to the home he shares with little jake and kathie. lots of talk under the influence of alcohol, but i vaguely remember stuff about computers and music. zzz. mon 6jun - a sunday-like day without much walking! re-met crazy bob, and dave ilmore (of indy racing-car fame) both of whom stopped by for recreational conversation. took some gratuitous pictures of pat and kathie in front of the LuvBus. pat was called upstairs by the telephone - 5 minutes later he calls me up and tells me that "dev from Musician Magazine would like to talk to you" "me?" dev was doing an article on bands and the internet and he somehow got wind of the jbc-list. look for it at a stand near you soon. then out to an overhot pub with spittle rattle and shrike folk and Death Cigarettes (really, thats their name). sleeplessly dubbed some tapes until the taxi came to take me away. tue 7jun - played the dupe in the "spot the tourist" game as i allowed the euston tube escalator to attack my ankles. at heathrow, gawked at the concorde and climbed on board the lowly 747. the passenger next to me was czech. i threw what little czech i knew at him. i started safe. "yees, kazak koureni means `no smoking'", he says, smiling. when asked what "Yhet abridge" means, he quietly tells me to enjoy my meal and ignores me the rest of the flight. i needed the sleep anyway. -david Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 13:16:42 BST From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Undrugged I don't have the paper with me, but there was a review of "Undrugged" in this current NME which I was flicking through whilst loitering in John Menzies the other day. Generally, they hated it. The Jazz Butcher got a special mention as being (I quote) "risible" and as being a long time no-hoper. How seriously do we take this? Not at all. ed Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:28:11 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: The Black Eg Home Page i was requested at gunpoint to set-up a WWW Home Page for the feral brothers von dammerung. included are the discography, pictures, bootlegs and other VeryImportant bandwidth fillers. <a href="">The Black Eg Home Page</a> czech it out. -david Date: Tue, 14 Jun 94 10:06:48 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Actual NME Quote
> Generally, they hated it. The Jazz Butcher got a special mention as
> being (I quote) "risible" and as being a long time no-hoper.
The actual quote, spotted by Mike Kelly was: <i> `... Past nonentities such as The Times, Pete Astor and the risible Jazz Butcher are as bad as they ever were...' </i> and Americans wonder why the JBC isn't all that popular over here! Joe Date: Sat, 18 Jun 1994 16:11:00 BST From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: So what were the elephants doing there, apart from sinking? Can anyone tell me why I have just bought a scratchy second hand copy of Bath of Bacon when it's seemingly about to be re-released on CD? Staying on that theme, Ed seems to think that this re-release (of the Glass material) will be selective, i.e. only "good" albums will be chosen (Good job "Condition Snooze" wasn't released on Glass or we'd never hear of it again - which might not be such a bad thing). Does anyone have any information on this? Cheers, Cliff. Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 12:03:19 BST From: smeats@lincoln.gpsemi.COM (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Re: So what were the elephants doing there, apart from sinking? According to Cliff Lovelock <> : ~Staying on that theme, Ed seems to think that this ~re-release (of the Glass material) will be selective, i.e. ~only "good" albums will be chosen (Good job "Condition ~Snooze" wasn't released on Glass or we'd never hear of it ~again - which might not be such a bad thing). I must disagree most strongly with your views on Condition Blue. It happens to be my favourite Jazz Butcher album, and I am not alone in this. Come 'ere and say that ! Syd Meats, Lincoln Me : "Let's face it, Belize ain't Stoke." Pat Fish "I know exactly what you mean." Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 12:16:44 EDT From: Subject: Yeah, what he said! I've got to agree with Syd...Condition Blue's an awfully good record, and maybe his most consistent for years as well. A little different, to be sure, fewer songs about animals and drinking (maybe), but one I wouldn't want to be without. A departure, to be sure, but a necessary one. Perhaps it's because, for a variety of reasons, "Racheland" in particular really hits home, but the emotion in the songs I believe surpasses anything else in the catalogue. John --------------------------------------------------------- But I didn't think of that when I saw you It doesn't mean I'd die for you Big Saturday --------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 16:15:26 BST From: Edward Carter <> Subject: they were on holiday, like everyone else.
> Staying on that theme, Ed seems to think that this
> re-release (of the Glass material) will be selective
well, actually, I stumbled back from the pub to find Cliff brandishing his "new" copy of Bath of Bacon and it crossed my mind that, whilst it has the odd gem, it is more of a curio than a million seller and if I were boss of Butch rereleasing then I'd think twice about it, particularly as Scandal/Sex and Gift of Music 1&2 would both make wonderful double bills and distressed g/folk seems to have a following for itself, for better or for worse. very long sentence. sorry. But I said it under the influence so take it with as much salt as you can fit into a pinch. I have no idea what might happen, now, do I? ed Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 14:51:26 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: who is re-releasing the JBC stuff? So who is re-releasing the JBC Glass material? I know that Taang! is re-releasing all of the Spacemen 3 stuff - with bonus tracks! All of the LP's, all of the singles, and a cd of rarities. I really hope that someone does something similar with the JBC stuff on Glass. A collection of unreleased stuff would be really great. Even a few extra tracks on the old lp's would be nice. Its not exactly unprescendedted either - look at what Rykodisk did with the Softboys stuff. -joe Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 11:08:16 BST From: Subject: Yeah, what he said!
> I've got to agree with Syd...Condition Blue's an awfully good record
Heaven forfend that I should chip in to any "Condition Blue: crap or what?" debate. However, I feel somehow obliged to. Apologies to people who were here first, second and probably third time round. This is the last, I hope. The problem that I have with this album is that it is just SO self indulgent. For whatever reason, probably to fit the 10,000 guitarists on, the tunes are sometimes rather reluctant to end... clipping a couple of minutes off most tracks (see esp. "harlan") might help. Basically: nice songs, but boring. Whether we should criticise the self indulgent *content* is a little more open to debate. While I appreciate its status as a therapy record, there's a little devil inside me which says "Why is he releasing this? What's it all about? Why should I care? Why should I have to listen to it?" Oh yeah, there are good bits as well. Racheland is a rare treat, that's beyond question (I hope).
> fewer songs about animals and drinking (maybe),
...and I'm not too sure I miss them that much. ed Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 16:45:07 EDT From: Subject: Condition Blue = Masterwork Gang, no two ways, Condition Blue is the best LP Pat's done and may ever do (if Love Bus is any indication). So much stuff on other discs is borderline "novelty" music, Condition Blue stands tall from start to finish. I really value the other stuff, but Condition Blue demands to be taken seriously. (I'm only sorry that Pat had to go through hell to inspire it.) Good news on the reissue of Glass material...any word on Big Time stuff? Could kill for CD of Bloody Nonsense and Distressed Gentlefolk. Really! I missed the boat on this whole Black Eg think... sounds like some thing the Residents would pull. Anyone care to EM the Cliffs Notes version of it? Mucho appreciados.... Vaya Con Dios, Mojo Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 18:50:49 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: Condition Blue = Masterwork Do people on the list generally feel that Waiting For The Love Bus is a *letdown* after Condition Blue? In my opinion, Pat hasn't had an uneven album since Big Planet Scarey Planet, which got overproduced by whoever it was (I tried to access the WWW page - is it down?). I'm really beginning to hate the "novelty music" label that gets pasted on Pat's humorous songs. I *would* label most of what he wrote before Fishcoteque as novelty music, but is all music that is humorous automatically (borderline) novelty music? Isn't Burglar of Love a cool song? How about She's On Drugs? Besides whether a song has good music and good lyrics, what does it matter if a song makes you laugh or smile? Sheesh. Most pop music is unending drivel about love, in 1001 different variations. I'd rather have humour than yet another bad love song, how about you? But I'm sure mainstream pop stations would choose another bad love song over a genuinely funny JB song. *smirk* It's interesting (to me) that two points of contention about Condition Blue are paralleled in discussions on other mailing lists I read. I won't go into a huge amount of detail, but both Condition Blue and Sting's The Soul Cages were inspired by pain and were self-therapy (and the fans on the mailing list who consider it his best solo work are in the majority), and Crowded House's Together Alone also has long instrumental endings to songs which in its case were put there purposefully, as part of an effort to give the album more of the live energy of the band. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 18:42:50 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: stuff & WWW update
> Christopher Camfield (
> Pat hasn't had an uneven album since Big Planet Scarey Planet,
> which got overproduced by
john a rivers - mr "distressed gentlefolk" but remember, pat also took credit for the problems with that album: <i> This was a real "band" album by a touring unit which had become really quite ferocious. In choosing to work with John A. Rivers again we felt that we were sufficiently noisy and fierce to cope with any over- tidy production strokes he might pull. "Clean *that* up, then, ya bastard" was out declared policy in the group. Of course, we under-rated him. I probably did too much pre-production on my (new) 4-track at home, and the whole thing sounds a bit stillborn. </i> i thought it a little strange that pat didnt see the irony that the song `The Word I Was Looking For' probably contained more words than any other. and i *still* dont know just what that word is. says prez of the Coalition Of Condition Blue Bashers:
> (on Condition Blue )
> The problem that I have with this album is that it is just SO self indulgent.
> the tunes are sometimes rather reluctant to end.
> Racheland is a rare treat, that's beyond question (I hope)
hmmm. racheland is one of the longest. and guitar-infested. and lyrically self-absorbed. all those things you hate, ed. what salvages it for you? visions of poison dwarves? :-) ok. i admit it. 1/2 the time i skip the long fade-outs too, because i am familiar with them and they no longer hold the surprises i may find in re-listening to the rest of the tune.
> Perhaps it's because, for a variety of reasons, "Racheland" in particular
> really hits home, but the emotion in the songs I believe surpasses anything
> else in the catalogue.
does that fact that several of us continue to see worth in the music mean are we all becoming boring old farts? `racheland' hits near my heart too, as much as `real men' did when i was much younger. i can see why his audience may be dwindling. those fans of 86 are growing up and losing contact with current JBC releases. the consumers of "indie" music in general have less and less in common with a maturing artist and what he has to say. since pat never made the move to a location where he would necessarily have a larger audience (llyod cole & NYC), it is probably lucky that he has been able to continue on as long as he has. so.. is it stupidity or integrity that he has stayed where he is and not compromised? (naw, thats not a loaded question!)
> So who is re-releasing the JBC Glass material?
Letter: 13Apr94: <i> It now looks more likely than ever that Scandal and Sex, at least, will appear this year, most probably on FIRE RECORDS (21a Maury Road, London N16 7BP) in the U.K. and RESTLESS RECORDS (1616 Vista Del Mar Ave, Hollywood CA) in the States. We are almost at an agreement, I think. More news as it comes up. </i>
> Gang, no two ways, Condition Blue is the best LP Pat's done and may ever do
> (if Love Bus is any indication)
Waiting For The Love Bus .. not much has been said on it. i wonder why that is. things i consider really STRONG points. the back-to-back-to-back-to-back of: kids in the mall/whaddya?/sweetwater/ghosts - very nice. the fade of angel station -> rosemary davis' world of sound (reprise) since this is a "quiet" record, you can hear all the little variations in what the drummer is doing; you can hear him miss occasionally. the small warbles in vocal pitch in rosemary davis'. it comes across as a very honest record, without pretense.
> I missed the boat on this whole Black Eg think... sounds like some thing the
> Residents would pull.
it *could* have been the residents for all we know. what would you like to know? if you have mosaic access, the whole story is in the Black Eg home page. i need to get that slide of pat and kathie kissing in front of the love bus printed so i can scan it. too nauseatingly cute. -david Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 22:17:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Not Amused <> Subject: Age and Irony Fearless leader writes:
> does that fact that several of us continue to see worth in the music
> mean are we all becoming boring old farts? `racheland' hits near my heart
> too, as much as `real men' did when i was much younger.
> i can see why his audience may be dwindling. those fans of 86 are
> growing up and losing contact with current JBC releases. the consumers
> of "indie" music in general have less and less in common with a maturing
> artist and what he has to say.
Most common quote in response to my dropping mention of Pat into conversation with 24-to-30-year-olds: "I used to love him. Them. Whatever. You mean he's still around? Or they?" Argument in favor of some more aggressive mktg, methinks. -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 22:20:32 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: test/Girl Go single The local used record store has the Girl Go single, on both vinyl and CD. I have *a* copy of the song Excellent (on the "Sinful Beat Collection tape") - is it taken from the CD single? The GG CD also has, if I recall correctly, live renditions of Girl Go and Burglar Of Love. Can anyone with the CD tell me how good these versions are (and how different are they from the studio ones)? I've been toying with giving the single a home in my collection. Thanks for any info... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 09:25:01 BST From: (Sad Git on the Internet) Subject: Those Later Albums Syd speaks in defence of those later albums : OK, I've already mentioned Condition Blue, so what about Love Bus ? When I first heard WFTLB I was disappointed with it, but it has grown on me considerably with repeated listenings. Yes there ARE some cracking good songs, and Pat's lyricism shines through as well as ever : "I would let the handrail go if I thought anything would break my fall" ( Whadaya ). The other night I bumped into an ex-girlfriend of mine and you could have knocked me down with a Black Eg discography. I know exactly what Pat means. WFTLB IS a good album in its own right. O.K., it doesn't sound like the OLD Pat Fish stuff, but don't let that prejudice you. Give it a few more listens before the next verbal demolition session. I have recently introduced a couple of friends to some JBC albums, and when I go round their house they always seem to be playing the Jazz Butcher. You may be surprised to learn that they rate Love Bus quite highly. They're not old farts either ( well, they're both under 30 anyway ). I too have heard comments along the lines of "The Jazz Butcher, are they still going ?" The irony is that the fans of `86 have grown up and might appreciate the later stuff more than some of the new fans if only they had access to it. Syd Meats, Lincoln, UK Sad Git on the Internet Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 13:17:33 BST From: Subject: Re: stuff mentions:
> john a rivers - mr "distressed gentlefolk"
This is funny, actually, since I have a few albums produced by this bloke and for the most part they're alright and not this sort of shiny, forgettable pop nonsense that he seems to turn JBC material into. See, for instance, his work with the Brilliant Corners (? not so sure about this now I come to think of it). wonders:
> live renditions of Girl Go and Burglar Of Love.
"burglar of... walrus of love..." Not different enough, really. I may have listened with my cloth ears on, but the Girl Go live was really rather like listening to the studio version amplified through a tea tray and without such a good intro. Oh but the single's worth it for "Excellent!". All of this is IMHO. other miscellany: I just thought I'd chip in the most common response whenever I start burbling about JBC or wear my T-Shirt in public, which is: "The Jazz Butcher...? Does he play Jazz?" It's getting beyond a joke. and I have been rumbled:
> hmmm. racheland is one of the longest. and guitar-infested.
> and lyrically self-absorbed. all those things you hate, ed.
> what salvages it for you? visions of poison dwarves? :-)
Those *were* the hardest times. Anyway it looks like I'm the only true CB basher at the moment since a certain geologist (how apt!) admitted the other day that he can't even remember what most of Condition Blue sounds like. Ha! His prejudice won't keep him warm tonight. ed Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 14:17:01 BST From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: (no subject) The reason that I barely remeber how Condition Blue goes, Ed, is because it always seems to lose my attention somewhere in the middle of the first song. Anyway, to be totally fair, I played it again last night. I still think it's a weak album, for much the same reasons as Ed, but I guess if you wanted to tape it, fade out every song after about three minutes, leave off "Still and all", replace "Monkeyface" with "The Basement" and leave "Racheland" as is (I was surprised to find that this was as good as everyone has said it was) - it could be a better album. Not great, just better. Now I guess I'd better go and buy some asbestos trousers. See ya kids. Cliff. Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 19:21:54 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: We seem to be back up - some news hello all. after 3 weeks of software updates, lightning strikes and general chaos, it looks like the is back up. to get things rolling... i received a letter from pat which contained some info on upcoming gigs, and a list of EVERY JBC show ever. i wont send that 700-liner to the list - it can be found on the WWW server this gig list has been added to the existing searchable database. interesting things from it: first gig: 12Jun1982, The Black Lion, Northampton, UK max's last stand: 27Nov1986, Club 33, Zurich, Switzerland year with most shows: 1985 (111) here is some current (2 weeks old) information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have passed the time since [4Jun94] ruthlessly instilling an iron discipline within the ranks, and things are starting to happen. Like - would you believe? - a live version of "Our Friends The Filth"! I have seen Levitation with their new American singer (whom they all appear to hate) - very powerful and strong, but rather pointless, in a very "modern" ways and Strangelove - quite splendid! Have succeeded in booking Strangelove for the second annual "It's Got To Be Belgium" festival here - at a price of... NOTHING! Ha!Ha!Ha! It will be their first gig after the l.p. comes out. I love doing this - it annoys the local promoters SO much! The guy came last year when we put on Peter Astor and he just stood in the corner asking "How?" Excellent! Also lined up for the fest are Curt's mob, "Stranger Tractors", Spittle Rattle, Transambient Communications and, coup of coups!, a band from Vienna called The Black Eg. This is all across 8th-10th August in the garden at Belgium. The Eg are also playing a rave in London on 22nd July at The Fortress, King's Cross, and they have been invited to Ibiza too! Vibornye! On Friday night Dave and I will be doing an acoustic show in Rugby. The next proper JBC show is at La Maison Du Peuple (!) in Clermont-Ferrand, France, on 7th July. We have achieved a Canadian release (Sony), and so renewed energy has been given to the North American campaign. We're aiming for September, so that we can relieve all the students of the dough their loving parents have just given them at the start of the semester. (See? I can speak American.) I've begun a little writing; favourite lines at this early stage rhyme "civ ilised way" with "drivel I say"... hmmmm... Here is the price of free Publicity - a list of every JBC date that I can recall. I think I missed one in June 1985 at a teacher-training college in London, the night before we flew to Rome for the Foro Tevere. Also I've neglected to put in all the in-store type things and the legendary Clare's Party, Hammersmith in the fall of 1985. Apart from these errors, which I spotted too late for the list, I think you'll find that you have The Definitive Word on JBC live action since the year zero. God - what it is to have a head full of trivial cak, hey? Hope that all is groovy out west and that you are having as much fun with the World Cup as I currently am. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- trivial cak? *he's* the one who typed out 12 pages worth of gigs! i just scanned them in :-) -david Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 12:29:20 BST From: Subject: no news
plus ca change (or whatever). alternatively It's back. It's back on And put the soul in your rock'n'roll.
> coup of coups!, a band from Vienna called The Black Eg.
> This is all across 8th-10th August in the garden at Belgium.
> The Eg are also playing a rave in London on 22nd July at The Fortress,
> King's Cross, and they have been invited to Ibiza too! Vibornye!
What do people think about this? Well, other than disappointment that some people [ie me] travelled substantial distances [but not as far as some] to see them play the first time only to discover that it's becoming a habit. Deport the Black Eg! Keep Britain Pure for guitar pop eccentrics! Since I'm attending some idiot's wedding as some kind of official on the 23rd in London, should I spend the night before at The Fortress? No. (Although I could have a drink at the Malt and Hops beforehand.) Might be worth making a trip to Belgium in early August, though. ed [this was a bit of a test to see if the jbc-list still gets bounced, so apologies for lack of content] Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 14:27:27 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Belgium Confused of London writes ... del> Have succeeded in booking Strangelove for the second annual del> "It's Got To Be Belgium" festival here - at a price of... NOTHING! del> Ha!Ha!Ha! It will be their first gig after the l.p. comes out. del> I love doing this - it annoys the local promoters SO much! The guy came del> last year when we put on Peter Astor and he just stood in the corner del> asking "How?" Excellent! ed> Might be worth making a trip to Belgium in early August, though. Is the Belgium implied in the two posting, the country or the bar? Isn't ``The Belgium'' one of Pat's haunts in Northampton (aka Sloppy Joe's ??). Or is it the country just north of France? del> This is all across 8th-10th August in the garden at Belgium. If this is country, people may have trouble finding it, as I know of at least two different gardens in Belgium. Later Joe Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 15:17:37 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Belgium
> 8th-10th August in the garden at Belgium
8th-10th August in the garden at [it's got to be] Belgium - aka Slurp's Wino Bar, Northampton. i think it is safe to assume that mention of Belgium here places it firmly inside Northampton city limits. -david Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 18:00:35 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: SHIRTS! Hello everyone! I am seriously thinking about having a shirt made based upon the B&W promotional shot of the band from Paris that was in the May 20th promotional release, which is up on the WWW page/site. <dd><a href=""><img src=""></a> For those of you who haven't seen it but can access WWW, check it out! For those of you who can't access WWW, maybe I can send it to you. It shows Pat and co crowded together wearing some weird shirts that I think they must have decorated themselves, since they all look to be the same material but with different (and many!) designs. Funny, silly, and great IMO! I'm planning on cutting off the right quarter of the picture (approximately) so that Pat's head is near the top centre. I've called a couple of places, and one seemed pretty good since they work with CorelDraw, and so I can bring in the pic on disk without having to print it on paper, and then add lettering. I was thinking of maybe having two lines of text, one being "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy" (what else) at the top, and then at the bottom either "Waiting For The Love Bus" or (my first thought) "EXCELLENT!" Consider it my critical response. :) I don't know what font or text size to use yet. Suggestions about what text to use, font, and text size would of course be welcome! Why am I posting this? Well, it would seem that I'm not going to be able to make just one shirt, and I thought maybe some other people on the list would be interested too. Another band's mailing list I am on has come up with a semi-official shirt for the mailing list, but I don't know if we care about that. Ideally at least ten or eleven people will be interested in this, since the minimum order is 12. The shirts are going to be pretty cheap - about $7 Canadian all told, and the shirts themselves would be good cotton Fruit Of The Loom brand. [NB I imagine that sweatshirts might be available too, at greater cost.] I don't know what colours the shirts are available in yet either, I imagine lots, though I was thinking about going with "classic" white since the design would be black (though I guess it could be all red, or green, or whatever, but I think black would probably look best). I imagine a mixed order of shirt colours is possible. I guess I should point out that the shirts will cost about $7 Canadian PLUS packaging and postage, which I hope won't be too much. At the current exchange rates, I'd guess that's about $5 U.S. or 4 pounds UK plus p & p. I have enough money that I could make the order before getting everyone's money, but if I got stuck with 6 shirts because people changed their minds then I wouldn't be happy. If you are interested, or might be interested if you could see what the design looks like when it's all together, or might be interested if I had details about shirt colours or anything else, please let me know! -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 20:54:59 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Upcoming gigs 15July - Powerhaus, London - Pat/Alex Green opening for the Blue Aeroplanes 26July - Fleece Firkins - Bristol 17Aug - Borderline, London 10Aug - The Black Eg in the garden at slurp's wino bar (Northampton) -david Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 16:41:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Stewart Evans <> Subject: Black Eg CD for sale I have a copy of the CD by a band completely unrelated to the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy, namely the Black Eg. Since it cost outrageous import price, I'm asking $12 postpaid. First crack at it to whoever's email reaches me first. -- Stewart "All the wrong notes are right." -- Charles Ives, to his music copyist /* is Stewart Evans in Santa Cruz, CA */ Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 23:18:05 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Harlan I just wanted to mention that I recently started reading Harlan Ellison's stories, and got a complete blast (and a bit of a chill) when I recognized what the lines in the song about Jeffy are about ("Jeffy is 5... the same as he was in 1959..." I think it goes) - one of Harlan's stories is called Jeffy, and it's a classic. Quite spooky. The other thing that flipped in my mind was what "We're not alone" meant. I figured, before reading any of the stories, that it meant there were aliens out there or something. But Ellison writes his stories to disturb, and to let the reader know that other people feel the same way about X, like being mad that someone died, for example. Cool song! -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 22:23:56 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: shirt design Well, I just letterbombed David with a preliminary design for the shirt. (I think a 900k uuencoded file counts as a letterbomb. I wonder if he got it all.) Hopefully he will be able to put it up on the WWW page. Please note, anyone who sees it, that the graphic is a bit munged by going in and out of CorelDraw 3.0 and I will be snipping out the lettering and using a better quality copy of the picture. Best to look at the original picture (also on the WWW page) if you want to see it in detail. Of course, I'm not sure exactly how it will turn out on the shirt. And the costs keep going down and down and down... there are now well over 26 orders, so we qualify for a cheaper printing cost, and because there are lots of orders, the cost/shirt for the design fee is less, and the impact of sending 3 shirts to the JBC is also lessened. Right now we are looking at $8.35 for one-sided, or $9.93 for two-sided. Since the difference is small, I think it might be a good idea to put "Excellent!" on the back and just have the band name and picture on the front. So, when you are looking at the design, draw an imaginary line below the picture to separate the top from the bottom. If I get disagreement about this, I'll rethink it, but so far the reaction to keeping the design from being too "busy" has been small but relatively positive. I'll be finding out about postal rates real soon now, and after that I'll start asking for money. People with no access to the Web who want to see the design: if you can handle getting a 900k uuencoded file in the mail, ask for it. If not, suggest an ftp site where I can put it and I will try my best. I figure anyone who came across the picture and wanted to use it would probably be a diehard JBC fan anyways. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 23:49:06 -0400 From: (Matthew Lewis Condon) Subject: Re: Shirts Well, I haven't seen the file yet, since I don't have access to WWW from this machine (though I will be sure to check it out later), but here are some suggestions... Is it really going to cost any less to put "Excellent" on the back than it would to put some sort of picture (yes, I know the reference, but something about the word "excellent has made me shudder ever since Bill & Ted)? Personally, I would rather have a picture if it's about the same... Perhaps we could even get Pat to make up something special for it, since he's now involved and he seems to like to do sketches (what do you think, David?). The would really make the shirts cool, having some sort of exclusive design. Also, I think putting the lettering from Waiting for the Love Bus on it would be OK, and would probably look better than just some randomly chosen lettering. And after all, since the endeavour seems to have the JBC's blessing, why not make it look official? Just my input, since no one else seems to be saying much of anything... Matt ********************** "'T'ain't no sin, * Matt Condon * to take off your skin, * * and dance around in your bones!" ********************** -- Tom Waits, "The Black Rider" Date: Thu, 21 Jul 94 10:56:16 BST From: Subject: Re: Shirts
> Personally, I would rather have
> a picture if it's about the same...
seems reasonable. If we're being picky, I'd also like to say that the font for "Excellent" is a bit crappy. and to be nipple-piercingly pedantic: Anyone noticed how the font (Timpani Heay Italic) in Corel isn't quite the same as the LoveBus font? Anyone got access to some proper font libraries? It's just that I really quite like the 'j' on the cover with the overlapping descender. oh god oh god I can't believe I spent two hours last night when I should have been preparing for this most horrible of deadlines converting Corel fonts to curves and jiggling them about. oh god oh god I can't believe I really care about the descender on the j. oh god oh god oh god ed Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 09:24:55 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: shirts - attitude change Hi folks, I don't want this shirt project to last too long or I may peter out. SO... the shirts are going to be a black design, the front will be "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy" plus photo, and the back will be "Excellent!". [Unless, and only unless, David thinks it's worth trying to call Pat and Pat agrees to do a doodle.] If you don't want a shirt that says that, don't get a shirt! :) I'm still open to suggestions on a better font for "Excellent!". Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." (Crowded House) Date: Sun, 24 Jul 94 11:37:37 BST From: Subject: Re: Shirts Ed, I understand completely. It's a weird thing, typography, but once you've seen how it really is, there's nothgin you can do but speak up. Jim uh-huh, and here's my last message to the list, which seems to have bounced... It's about shirts. (that's just the name of the shop. sir) CONVERGENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shirts: your mother is right. I wish that I had parents whose advice upon matters of taste was anything other than something to avoid... but hey, that's my problem... :*) Text: how about `The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy' on the front (not too large, not too offensive, same font as the album cover, possibly `J.B.C.' instead if you like) ??? and on the back... `Waiting for the Love Bus', arranged appropriately (same font as album, again... if you go for anything psychedelic then it could look stupid or brilliant, difficult to say) whoever made the point about `Excellent!' was quite right... I hadn't thought of that.... nice one... etc. let's not and say we did. Picture: front only, as suggested. love Jim Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 19:06:03 BST From: Subject: JBC LoveBus Font For those that are interested, my latest (but still far from perfect) attempt to emulate the LoveBus coverfont by endlessly fiddling with curves in Corel is available from my WWW server. Either fetch: or go through my brand new, under development, heavy-on-the-semiotics homepage: and click on the very bottom left of the JBC logo there. Rather worryingly, I've reached the limit of my artistic abilities re:typography, but it may just be that Corel is a crap program. Can anyone do any better? Does anyone want to? Is there anybody there? The tar file contains the .GIF and the .CDR (v3) for those with Corel Draw. I should put the penguin back, I think. ed Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 20:04:33 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: comment on WfltB Has anyone thought about how Waiting For The Love Bus contains almost NO sampled sounds, and does this mark a change? Positive or negative? -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Lucius Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 21:05:17 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: Re: comment on WfltB sez jbc-shirt-list coup leader Chris Camfield:
> Has anyone thought about how Waiting For The Love Bus contains almost NO
> sampled sounds, and does this mark a change? Positive or negative?
well, the samples on LoveBus (racecars, passing 'planes, etc) are in the same spirit of how samples have always been used, i think. the JBC use samples very much like how they use lyrics, as a piece of the narrative. since a sample always(?) deal somewhat with the topic/story at hand, it is just another way of saying: "see, this is what it was like". pat once said that the reason he used samples (during the Big Planet era) is that he can tell people: "see this is *exactly* what it was like, i dont have to describe it for you". so is it a change? it isnt as if they were a pop group that suddenly discovered samplers and indiscriminately started dropping funny sounds into a song simply because it was hip that year. it seems to me that in the context of LoveBus (laid-back, mostly) it fits. Big Planet had more, but then, Big Planet was released in a more obnoxious time. can anyone tell me why all the and accounts are bouncing all their email? does anyone have a CD player handy? how about transcribing some lyrics? done so far: filth, penguins, ghosts, president chang, angel station, girls say yes, racheland, angels, hysteria, rosemary davis, bad dream lover, kids in the mall, shirley, bakersfield, la mer, soul happy hour, ben, line of death, sweet water, bicycle kid, the good ones, domestic animal, new invention, whaddya, excellent, partytime, who loves you now that leaves about 150 to go.. chris - keep up the good work with the shirts. -david Date: Fri, 29 Jul 94 16:18:46 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: the new Alternative Press Theres a full page spread about Undrugged in the new Alternative Press. The subheadline is "British label sobers up and celebrates its tenth anniversary. Jon Wiederhorn waits for the love bus". It goes on to say... Jazz Butcher eccentric Pat Fish had a different view [than Bob Mould who said 'now all I have to do is play Carnegie Hall and then I can quit']. 'Albert Hall means to me a load of rich English students raising Union Jacks to the sounds of Helga. It means Cliff Richard and Eric Clapton. We phoned up Creation to see if we could play, and they said yeah, but we had a press release ready that stated how we weren't going to play anywhere that Eric Clapton had played if they said there was no space for us'. Hey David, how was Bob Mould? Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 19:01:52 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: back desing Just some more brain-teasers for back design suggestions... I need response! Preferably lots of POSITIVE response to one suggestion, so that this can be >decided<! *grin* How about... "Waiting For The Love Bus" [I don't suppose anyone has a picture of the bus, do they? That'd be cool!] [This has been suggested by others. If we only had a pic of the bus, I think this would take first place for my choice, especially if we can get the shirts out before the JBC tour. Then we will be waiting for them, like the shirt says. :)] "You can't say the tower of time is all that remains" and/or "Nobody's safe from the rose when it rains" Spooky lines, those. "Sometimes it feels like ancient Rome" I suppose we could always put a picture of a penguin on the back and a quote from "Penguins"!! If no one comments on these, I'm just going to use whichever one I want, which will probably be "Sometimes it feels like ancient Rome", partly because of my interest in classics, and the rest just 'cause. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 19:09:53 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Peter Lorre question I was typing up the lyrics for Peter Lorre earlier and a question floated into my mind - Is the song supposed to be serious or sarcastic? I've only seen Peter Lorre in _Casablanca_, _The Maltese Falcon_, and _All through the night_. In _Falcon_ and _All through..._ he is rather NOT like he's described in the song - he's NOT the guy you'd want to trust, like the song says, and in _Falcon_ he is scared of Sydney Greenstreet's character. Is anyone on the list a b&w film buff, who can say a bit more about Peter Lorre? I presume the song was written because he died not long before? I don't know. Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 18:11:27 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <> Subject: The Bus How about...
> "Waiting For The Love Bus" [I don't suppose anyone has a picture of the
> bus, do they? That'd be cool!] [This has been suggested by others. If
> we only had a pic of the bus, I think this would take first place for
> my choice, especially if we can get the shirts out before the JBC tour.
> Then we will be waiting for them, like the shirt says. :)]
yes, i have a (slide) picture of the love bus, but not a print to scan. 2 versions: Emil with Eg-head giving thumbs-up as the brothers do, and (the appropriate one) Pat And Kathie standing, leaning towards each other and kissing. aww. shucks, its cute. but the pix are 4-color, which would mean yet another cycle of cost estimation/inflation for the final product. *i* wouldnt bother, and would just put some text on the back. the text?
> "You can't say the tower of time is all that remains" and/or
> "Nobody's safe from the rose when it rains" Spooky lines, those.
> "Sometimes it feels like ancient Rome"
i dont like these. dont know why (too wordy?) ed carter seems to have the LoveBus font figured out. i would put that on the back, and the picture alone on the front, or maybe with a simple phrase. ("where's that damned bus" - just joking) -david Waiting For The T-Shirt Date: Sat, 30 Jul 94 15:17:26 EST From: George Heard <> Subject: Look out - Western Family again G'day guys, "Waiting For The Love Bus" finally arrived in Tasmania last week! (yay Neil from Rare Groove) Anyway, a drive across the island listening to "Waiting For The Love Bus" involved listening to the other side of the cassette as well, which was "Western Family". The version of "Angels" off this CD has a reference I haven't picked up on before until just now. In the middle of the song, Pat sings "In heaven, everything is fine In heaven, everything is fine..." EXACTLY the same as in "Eraserhead". Yay! Now I have a link between the JBC and David Lynch as well as a link between the JBC and Laurie Anderson Perhaps in penance, I should do the lyrics from "Bloody Nonsense" George (now seeking a link between Laurie Anderson and David Lynch) Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 10:31:53 +0100 (MET DST) From: (Alexander Vrchoticky) Subject: Re: Look out - Western Family again George Heard wrote:
> [...] The version of "Angels" off this CD has a reference I haven't
> picked up on before until just now. In the middle of the song, Pat sings
> "In heaven, everything is fine
> In heaven, everything is fine..."
> EXACTLY the same as in "Eraserhead".
Now *this* is scary ... Listening through a couple of old tapes late yesterday evening, I found a taped radio broadcast containing a review of `Eraserhead' (which I, shame on me, haven't yet seen). They were playing that snippet as a backdrop. `Startled' doesn't do my reaction justice. Two people finding the connection from different sides, on opposite corners of the globe, at the same time. Add the drought over Europe, and wonder: what's next? Locusts? Repent, I say, repent: the end is nigh. Alex Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 12:40:23 BST From: Subject: The T Shirt (again...) include a picture of the One True Lovebus? no way.
>> <phrases>
> i dont like these.
damn right.
> ed carter
I seem to have picked up a surname from somewhere. euch.
> seems to have the LoveBus font figured out.
version 2(b) in the works, to be released shortly. In time for Tshirts anyway. 'j' much improved, 'z's scalable, 't' consistent etc etc etc If you want to be contemporary re t-shirt words then there's not a lot you can quote from WftLB is there? erm... "Let the handrail go!" "Why vote for the lesser evil?" "I've got an eggy-weg head" (I like that one, kinda appropriate) erm... ah.... ummmm.... "Dawn in a suburban garden" "Gas escaping" etc etc etc it's no good. They're all crap. curious factoid: this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe contains a show called "Waiting for the Ugly Bus". Think I might climb on board. ed
> the end is nigh.
not before time. Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 22:52:24 BST From: Subject: Re: The T Shirt (again...) actually, I quite like `why vote for the lesser evil?' but you are right, of course... Jim Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 19:20:58 EDT From: Subject: Shirt slogan I'd STRONGLY like to voice an opinion AGAINST anything political on the shirt. Some reasons: 1) if everyone on the list doesn't share EXACTLY the same beliefs (and show me a diverse group that does), then you'll be asking people to buy something they don't necessarily see eye to eye on the meaning of; and 2) regardless of my own personal politics, which are, in fact, personal, I must admit that even in my collegiate wild-eyed radical [sic} stage, I'd always found Pat's occasional political pronouncement a little on the sophomoric side. Still rankles a bit, honestly, that a man with such a keen and heartfelt perception of issues that we might call PERSONAL politics seems rather hamstrung when it comes to political statements of a broader nature. Again, it's not the side he picks that I choose to argue with--there are always arguments for and against both, and I'm prepared to agree to disagree with anyone with a well-thought out point of view--but the less-than-open-minded way he has on occasion expressed those opinions --EVEN IN JEST--that would make me less likely to wear a t-shirt with such a saying printed on it. Indeed, in over ten years of listening to and loving his music, this is the only truly major complaint I've ever had about him. Anyway, I've spouted off without presenting a solution, and in closing, I've got to say I'm getting more and more fond of "Sometimes it feels like ancient Rome". Cos it does. Thank you for your time. We now return to our regularly scheduled debate on extenders and serifs. John ------------------------ "A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is "merely relative", is asking you not to believe him. So don't." ---Roger Scruton ------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 20:46:57 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: shirt design and other stuff Ok, it looks like we're down to "Waiting for the love bus". Nice and safe, that. *grumble* *grin* I mean the regular shirts will probably have that. As a last suggestion for improoooovement, how about a list of all the albums with their years, instead? Suitable for us JBC list members, who are pretty hard-core fans, neh? Colour me confused, but the WWW site lists 9 albums, ending with WftLB. But for some reason I remember reading WftLB being referred to as Pat's 10th album. Does Western Family count? Or Hamburg? I'd almost consider Spooky as another choice for "10th album", even though, as Pat says in the liner, it isn't. "We'll be spending the money on weapons and drugs." Hehehe. I bought myself the Girl-Go CD single today (I think it was hiding last time I looked, and not bought by someone else!). I have to say that I felt the rumours of horrid sound quality (of the live tracks) that I read here are unfounded! I've heard *FAR* worse. I was rather blown away by the live version of Burglar of Love. Pity I won't get to see a rocking JBC now... That's about all for now! Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 00:41:53 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Fishian Politics concerning "why vote for the lesser evil" on the t-shirt
> I'd STRONGLY like to voice an opinion AGAINST anything political on the shirt.
> in over ten years of listening to and loving his
> music, this is the only truly major complaint I've ever had about him.
John, i understand your concerns - i wouldn't want anything stupid or personally offensive to end up on my sleeve, either. could you help by giving some citations? i will start by clarifying some things as i understand them.. off the top of my head, these tunes may be interpretted as being political: Jazz Butcher -v- Prime Minister it is taking a piss. implies that criminals could run the government. same era as Death Dentist and other sing-along tunes. Next Move Sideways he is bewildered with the changes due to governmental policies occuring around him and he is powerless to change them. no recommendation as to retribution, just observation. Hysteria he has a distaste for aspects of life on the West Coast. i interviwed pat in 1989, and remember confronting him with the visciousness of this song. he argued that, yes, there are bad things there, so he will tell them (book burnings, etc), but he also tells the good ("what for did we come here? i guess we came here to learn"). although Hysteria may be a place, it may also be his reaction: admittedly hysterical. New Invention thatcherite politics as a "bad cover version" of reganite politics. why import Axl Rose? Line Of Death this song came out BEFORE the gulf war, though just by months. Filth same vein. it is obvious there is loathing for the military. let's make generalizations about the dupe in the submarine. Kids In The Mall well, it reads line newspaper reports of changes to capitalism in the old red state. is it a good thing? perhaps you can count Bubonic Plague and Daycare Nation as being somewhat political, as they fall into the standard JBC "report aspects of what we see". he's a vegetarian, and it slips out in tunes, too. i would fault the guy if he were to write obvious statements (vote Demo/Commie!). but it appears to me that he is just "reporting" (filtered, sure) life around him. "why vote for the lesser evil" (and "no more years") are actually taken from a joke/radical Californian political party flyer from the previous US election. i was led to believe that it was not his own view, and he wondered how these people would react when they found their beloved slogan had been lifted. i think it would be good to hear pat's defense of these charges, as others here have had issue with ambiguous lyrics (Re: President Chang). -david "you're only as good as your last god damned mistake" - bark psychosis Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 09:42:10 EDT From: Subject: Politics, toilet training, etc.. Less-than-random musings:
>...while we're on the subject of dodgy political stances....
>> ---Roger Scruton
>say no more.
See what I mean about diversity? :))) David, I was in particular thinking of an interview I read in the mid-eighties --a long time ago, to be sure--in which he referred rather even-handedly to the U.S. as 'the most evil regime the world has ever created' (close to his exact words, though not quite....and I must say that takes a lot of pressure off Pol Pot), while extolling the virtues of the Soviet system (presumably under Gorbachev, where, to be sure, lots of exciting things were happening, but so was some business as usual). I may still have that interview somewhere (talk about anally retentive); if I do, I'd be happy to post the whole thing. That's what I meant by sophomoric.....the sort of thing that, coming from a fellow as intelligent and perceptive as Pat obviously is, would make one rather stick with the penguins (which, in its own way, could be taken as an extremely astute INTERPERSONAL political statement, and one which I find deeply moving). To be sure, in his songs, the SATIRIC aspect of his views is much more clear (and show me a government that COULDN'T have holes poked in it), but if that slogan comes from where I think it might--and please tell me where--it could be even WORSE, rather than better. Rant rave blither blah blah blah. Ultimately, I guess my point is that as much as I love the guy's work, I'd hate to end up as a walking advertisement for the one side I'm less proud of. Peace, love, and simple chord progressions, John Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 10:55:19 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: Fishian Politics Wasn't "Line of Death" about Libya? Khaddaffi made a "line of death" promise some miles out into the Mediterranean Ocean - "cross this line and you die!" Only I think it was a bluff. I forget. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT) From: uswnvg! (Robert Frangooles) Subject: Something Completely Different Well, not really, actually it's about the same damn thing...Shirts. Originally I had no problem with Excellent! (I still like it actually), but seeing as there is an uproar for something as topical as possible I will toss my chapeau into the muddied waters and cast a strong vote for 'cos we're penguins, it's what we do' Beyond that, I thhink we should trust Chris to use his best judgeement and get on with it. That way we will a shirt before Christmas. Whomever had the idea regarding the rest of us subsidizing a shirt for Chris...I vote yea. -- ----i-like-music-fish-soccer-dogs-maps-cats-books-snow-and-anne--- Robert Frangooles, Bellevue Washington ----MY opinions, so leave my kind and gentle employer alone------ Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 13:54:10 EDT From: Subject: Lines in the sand, um, water...
>Wasn't "Line of Death" about Libya? Khaddaffi made a "line of death"
>promise some miles out into the Mediterranean Ocean - "cross this line and
>you die!" Only I think it was a bluff. I forget.
Well, you weren't supposed to KNOW it was a bluff.......but it's pretty damn hard to draw a straight line in the ocean, so maybe the line moved. ------------------------- "La beauté sera CONVULSIF ou ne sera point." ---André Breton ------------------------- Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 22:42:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: testing 1,2,3 check, check This is mainly a test to see if my jbc mail will stop bouncing; but also, on the shirt idea, my vote goes for simple: a white shirt with black printing... the aforementioned picture that Chris has with "Jazz Butcher Conspiracy" on the front and "Waiting for the Love Bus" below or on the back. If we want additional working I'd say keep it short; so far I like the Penguins quote proposed by Robert. Glen Davis Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 10:59:49 BST From: (Joe Nicholson) Subject: Penguins Sorry if it puts the cat amongst the pidgeons, but my vote goes for the penguins. ``Excellent!'' never really grabbed me and WftLB is a bit predictable. 'cos we're penguins, it's what we do' Short, obscure, pithy and definitely apolitical (unless you are a penguin). Joe Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 15:18:27 BST From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: And now expect something sarcastic from Ed. Yes, I too think that the Penguins slogan is the best to put on the back side, sorry I mean the rear, of the shirt. Everything else gets 'nil points' (but I would have worn the shirt anyway, whatever it said). Regards, Cliff. Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 09:30:08 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Gig Report from Matt Cockerill Not sure if it was announced on the list, but Pat and friends played in Northampton again on Wednesday night, inaugurating the series of gigs to be known as "Fridge 2" (Black Eg and various others upcoming). The gig was outdoors, in what you might call the beergarden, though it's more like a bit of derelict ground they happenm to have access to. The band played under a big tarpaulin, and surrounded by drapes (possibly done by Pascal Legras) on which were projected all kind of groovy swirly patterns - it was really quite cool, rather like an early Pink Floyd concert. Playing were Pat and Dooj, of course, and Gabriel on drums, and a guitarist and saxophonist who I apologize for not knowing the names of. Whoever was lamenting that they would never see a really rocking JBC lineup is in for a nice surprise. This was lively stuff, and it went down really well with cognoscenti and newbies alike. Set list included: We're going to have a really good time together (VU cover) Mr Odd (Funny, that...) She's On Drugs Our Friends The Filth Skinheads Rosemary Davis Ghosts Soul Happy Hour and Sister Death (once again described as the "packed lunch" version) It's just to be hoped that the threatened 20000 fine on Slurps for noise pollution never materialises, and that the weather and the scaffolding hold for the rest of August. (An adjoining building was demolished recently, taking some rather important structural parts of Slurps with it, hence the scaffolding). Next London gig confirmed to be at the Borderline on Wednesday 17th. Also discussed with Pat the existence of a group in America called, if I remember correctly "Mothers against Jaegermeister", and the ongoing life hassles of David J and Love and Rockets. He was mentioning something about the real hi tech methods that went into the recording of Bela Lugosi's dead, with David J crouching on the floor recording the sound of water Matt P.S. did anybody get my message (it seemed to bounce around a lot) saying that you can read stuff and get pictures from one of Pat's favourite books (Roadside America, with Tiny the Gator etc) online, from ( Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 16:16:28 BST From: Subject: Politics I guess it's too late to make a final vote for a T-Shirt slogan. I'm going to miss all that. Needless to say, I've just thought of a brilliant one.
> while extolling the virtues of the Soviet system
well I don't know how serious he was about this. "Red Pets", "Moscow Drug Club" and so on all seem to imply that he thinks that it's none too great in the USSR, albeit in the standard lighthearted novelty song format. IMHO he does have an astute summation of the UK political scene... :: Conservative Party = Evil Book-burning Lunatics Arding and Hobbs really could do better. ed Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 18:10:55 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: T-shirts! Get yer t-shirts heeeeeere Hey all, Well, there's still no final quote for the back, but I hope to have made a final decision by the end of next week at the latest. (I'd hoped for this week, but the mailing list I think went down!?? Anyhow, I haven't been getting any responses lately.) So, I think it is time that I asked for money from people! I am freezing the costs at the 40-shirt rate, which makes the price, conveniently, $10.50 Canadian per shirt, plus postage. The postage is going to be higher, because as I suspected might be the case, each shirt weighs over 250g so everything got shifted over a price category (for postage). When I have received enough cheques (even if they haven't cleared) I will make the order. Once your cheque has cleared (and if the shirts are done) I'll send you your shirts. Anyhow, here are the costs in Canadian funds: US ground US air UK air 1 shirt 14.20 15.53 18.30 2 shirts 27.00 29.30 36.65 And in your local currency: US ground US air UK air 1 10.25 11.21 8.58 2 19.48 21.14 17.17 You can either send me a postal money order or international bank cheque in Canadian funds, or a cheque in your own currency. Or cash, but there are no guarantees that your money will arrive safely. Please address your cheques to Christopher Camfield at: 21 Roslin Ave. S Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 2G6 Don't forget to put enough stamps on your envelope! People in the US, I believe it isn't quite as expensive as overseas. If you want to wait until a final back is decided, that's okay. List of the orders follows. If you want to change your order, do it **NOW**. Canada: ------- 2 L, M white (both) United States: -------------- 1 XL white 2 XL, XXL white (both) 1 XL white 1 XXL white 1 2 XL drew@npg-sd.ScrippsRanchCA.NCR.COM 2 XL, XXL white (both) 1 ? natural 2 XL, L white (both) 1 2 XL white (both) 2 XL white (both) 1 1 XL ash 1 XL white 2 XL ash, jade 2 XL white (both) 2 XL white, ash 1 L white 2 L white (?) (both) 1 XL white Elsewhere: ---------- 1 XL white 1 XXL natural 1 XXL white 1 XL white 1 The JBC 3 XL white (all) Grand total 41 Colour shirts: each shirt that you are ordering that is any colour other than white, please add an additional 0.75 Canadian (0.50 US, 35p UK) cost. Also (oops!) EVERYONE please add another 0.50 Canadian (0.35 US, 25p UK) for each shirt for envelopes. Finally, anyone who wants to make a voluntary contribution on the order of maybe a dollar or two or a pound with your order, I'd be happy to receive it for the time I've spent organizing all this. :) -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 17:49:30 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: REMINDER: upcoming gigs 17Aug - Borderline, London 10Aug - The Black Eg in the garden at slurp's wino bar (Northampton) martin stebbing sidebar: martin, the gentleman (ha!) who recorded the Cult Of The Basement just finished recording a new single for Primal Scream, which also involved funk grand-dad George Clinton. Last year, you would have found his name on the back of The Fresh Prince's single for Boom! Boom! Shake The Room. he does get around. -david Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 11:52:04 -0400 (EDT) From: (Mitchell R Dickerman) Subject: Strangelove, The Black Watch A couple of non-JB notes, but clearly related: In the 'thank you's on The Black Watch's latest, _Amphetamines_, they thank Butchie. Anyone know the connection? Did they open for him on his last trip to the West Coast, where they're from? Oh, and the album is excellent, strongly recommended. I'm surprised there hasn't been more talk about Strangelove. After leaving the Blue Aeroplanes (whose new album, _Life Model_, is good but misses his touch), Alex Lee formed Strangelove. The lead singer's vocals remind me of that common goth sound, i.e. the Damned, Lowlife, The Cult, etc. But with Alex's guitar behind him, the album is KILLER. It rocks much harder than the typical goth sound, and his lyrics aren't quite the usual gloom-and-doom. I haven't seen ANYTHING from these guys here in Boston, so when I went to England, I managed to pick up: _Love Hysteria_ CDEP, 4 tracks, 1992. _Time For The Rest Of Your Life_, CDEP, 3 tracks, 1994. _Time For The Rest Of Your Life_, CD, 13 tracks, 1994. I was lucky in that the full album JUST came out while I was over there. So does anyone else have comments on this stuff? Know about any US tour dates for Strangelove or the Blue Aeroplanes? Mitch Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 15:51:08 -0500 From: Subject: JBC query This might be a FAQ (I'm new here), but does anyone think the song "Sister Death" is a reference to the character Death from Gaiman's Sandman? Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 17:10:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: JBC query (fwd) Very interesting someone asked this today (see below). Sister Death is one of my favorite JBC songs and I was thinking about its inspiration just yesterday. I picked up a copy of Anne Rice's, 'Interview with the Vampire', this week-end and was surprised to see that the 'main' vampire, Lestat, refers to a young vampire girl in the book as (among other names), you guessed it, Sister Death. Furthermore, this young girl is usually held in the arms of the protagonist whenever they walk around town and she rarely talks when she's around Lestat (whom she hates). This reminded me of "hold you in my arms" and "there's no need to talk anymore" from the song. Finally, the line "come Sister Death, get me out of here" is also familiar from the book as the protagonist also dislikes Lestat and wants to get away from him but fears he can't leave him. But the young vampiress tries to assure him that with her help, they can leave together. What do other's think, am I crazy or what! As to Gaiman's Death, I don't know anything about it. Glen Davis
This might be a FAQ (I'm new here), but does anyone think the song "Sister Death" is a reference to the character Death from Gaiman's Sandman? Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 14:13:01 -0500 From: Subject: Anne Rice/"Sister Death" Glen makes a good argument for Sister Death being inspired by Anne Rice. I confess it has been a few years since I read "Interview With a Vampire". My case for Sister Death deriving from the Sandman comic is somewhat circumstantial. First, Death is Dream's sister, ergo Sister Death. Second, Death's role in Gaiman's cosmology is to escort dying souls to their post-corporeal destinations--thus accounting for the line "Sister Death get me out of here"--However, I'm inclined to agree with Glen D. Of course, it's possible that the J. Butcher was inspired by his own muse, Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice or any combination of the three. On a different topic, anybody know where I can get Distressed Gentlefolk on CD? Robert Still Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 16:17:00 EDT From: "Camfield,Chris" <> Subject: Looking For Lot 49 I just wanted to mention, on the subject of Lot 49... I actually read the book earlier this summer, because of the song. (I thought "what the hey, why not" when it was on the recommended reading shelf at my local library.) As far as I can remember, the only bit of the song that refers to the book is the bit about the man on the corner... I think that it goes something like: There's a man on the corner with egg in his hair (Something) and I don't like his stare But he's only a postman so what do I care The book deals for the most part with some weird 19th-century postal company and secrets concerning it... so the postman is the only tie-in. If I was to do a book review, I would definitely use the word "strange" a lot. It's a weird book. Chris Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 17:21:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Not Amused <> Subject: RE: Looking For Lot 49 Never, ever make even the slightest comment that could be construed as derogatory pertaining to Mr. Pynchon. After all, he may well be lurking among us. . . . Seriously: _Gravity's_Rainbow_ is the man's masterpiece. _Vineland_ is probably his most accessable. Some think he's the US's greatest 20th-Century literary figure. Others don't. -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 00:17:37 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: album release dates Does anyone have any release dates for the albums that are earlier than these? Bath of Bacon 83 Scandal in Bohemia 84 Sex and Travel 85 Distressed Gentlefolk 86 Fishcoteque 87 BPSP 89 Cult of the Basement 90 Condition Blue 92 Waiting for the Love Bus 93 NB the WWW server lists Fishcoteque as released in 1988. However, my copy clearly states 1987. Perhaps it was released in Canada (and the UK?) before the US? -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 09:28:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: when oh when Has anybody heard anything new about the re-releases of the Creation JBC works in the US? I thought by now at least one or two would be showing up at favorite cd stores, but I haven't seen hide nor hair. Anybody else found in re-issues on cd? Glen Davis Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 13:19:51 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Those DAMNED Canucks not chris... but those of the northern persuasion those who cause things like THIS to be true:
> (Joe Beaulieu)
> Just spoke with Pat.
> He's not coming over here in September due to some trouble with
> the Canadians. Says he's ready to go off and record another
> album right now since he has already toured Europe twice off
> of Love Bus.
> There is no new Black Eg release.
> Fire is the label that is supposed to re-release the Glass stuff.
damn, damn, damn and damn.
> Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU>
> Anybody found re-issues on cd?
nope. -david Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 14:28:00 EDT From: "Camfield,Chris" <> Subject: shirts & stuff I went to the shirt company today; nothing yet, apparently because of a delay in getting the shirts, as there is apparently a shortage of white L shirts every year. Anyhow, anyone who has asked for a change in shirt colour will hopefully have gotten it, but if it doesn't work out, hopefully white will be okay. :) Final, final, FINAL word on shirt backs: After more hemming and hawing recently, the shirt back is going to be "Electrical sounds". I should have a copy of the artwork on Friday, hopefully. Then the shirts should be ready Monday or Tuesday, and I will get them out to those people whose cheques I have received next week. Everyone else will get theirs sent off in the second week of September. I watched an old b&w comedy called "Beat the devil" last night, with good ol' Bogart and a rather aged-looking Peter Lorre. Besides good old Peter, whose character was as undependable as ever, there was also a character who fit the English-speaking gentleman of "Holiday" very well - I thought of the song as I was watching the film. I recommend "Beat the devil", if you can find it. Chris Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 13:13:38 -0500 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: New member-me!! Hello everyone of the JBC list! I recently joined the list, after Dave sent me a nice e-mail when he saw a post I had sent to concerning older Jazz Butcher recordings. Nice to see a group devoted to JBC. I first "discovered" JBC when I lived in Atlanta 1987-1990. WRAS Album 88 (Georgia State University's radio station) played several of their tracks. The first to catch my attention was Nightmare Being from Big Planet Scarey Planet. I instantly knew I had found a band that spoke to me. That was the first CD of their's that I bought, and have bought every one I could find since then. Also got lucky and found a copy of Fishcotheque in a used record store here in Rochester, MN. Had a chance to see the Butcher about two years ago up in Minneapolis during the Condition Blue tour. He played a great song list, but the sound quality that night was horrible!!! The crowd became very restless and thinned out about an hour into the show. Too bad. I would love to see them again. I will be moving to Chicago next spring, so hopefully my chances will improve. Any information about a US tour? Anytime soon? How about a new release? I finally found a copy of Waiting for the Love Bus (when I was in Chicago two months ago, imagine that!) and can't wait for the next album by JBC. Dave Zembower Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 15:11:28 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: New member-me!! Welcome to the list! On the subject of Nightmare Being - am I missing something from this song? It doesn't really do a lot for me. Funny song to be playing on the radio, IMHO. Now, Bubonic Plague, that's another story! :) Just a thing wandering around... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 17:03:48 -0800 From: Subject: The Fan World Greetings Butcher people, I found this address under alt. music alternative and have recently been sent the generic info mailing. It sounds like a cool group. I would very much like to join. My first taste of the Butcher was about four years ago from a college roomate who subsequently got me hooked. This in turn got me onto the David J. solo stuff and Max Eider as well. I have as of yet been able only to find one Max Eider album entitled "The best kisser in the world" on Big Time (I think) records released in the U.S. Are there any more? I have recently moved out to Oregon and have yet to find anyone who has even heard of The Butcher or any related type things. This isolation is killing me. Luckily, said roomate is sending me something titled "Jazz Butcher versus Max Eider". Can't wait to get it. I like ..Love Bus.. allot especially the line about Hoagy Charmichael and Dave. Getting sick of typing, Adios from treeland, Brad Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 19:19:33 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: The Fan World
> I have as of yet been able only to find one Max Eider
> album entitled "The best kisser in the world" on Big
> Time (I think) records released in the U.S. Are there any more?
best kisser is max's only album, although you already are aware that he hangs out with david j these days. i had the pleasure just before x-mas of witnessing pat mimicing the eider bits from hoagy charmichael when they played a duo set in northampton (pat's hometown). he almost pulled it off (david ducks..)
> I have recently moved out to Oregon and have yet to find
> anyone who has even heard of The Butcher or any related type things.
the JBC have a decent following in the mighty northwest, and they always play portland, seattle, and vancouver. you are not alone, as they say.
> "Jazz Butcher versus Max Eider".
thats a fun one - it has peter lorre and the conspiracy anthem. for those of you who have joined in the last week... there is a t-shirt being made - contact - soon! also, here is the "latest" from fish:
> (Joe Beaulieu)
> Just spoke with Pat.
> He's not coming over here in September due to some trouble with
> the Canadians. Says he's ready to go off and record another
> album right now since he has already toured Europe twice off
> of Love Bus.
> There is no new Black Eg release.
> Fire is the label that is supposed to re-release the Glass stuff.
so, it sounds as if the "difficult 10th" album is underway. lord only knows what it will be. i would love to see him confuse the press with a full-length techno album - but only if he ditches that yamaha drum machine. -david Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 21:33:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Glen Davis <davisg@BCC.ORST.EDU> Subject: Re: The Fan World Sorry about the general posting of this; but people might be interested. Hi there fellow Oregonians and JBC fans. You are not alone and the JBC does have a following and even gets airplay in Oregon. There are 2 people on this list just up the road from you at OSU. In Eugene, 91.9 KVRM plays JBC at least once a week. I've recently heard "Kids in the Mall", "The Devil is My Friend", "Ghosts" and I think "Bakersfield" on that rather good station. Sundays from 3-5 pm, a guy named Ken Fusion works and will always play JBC if asked to. You're not isolated just get used to it. Glen Davis On Wed, 24 Aug 1994 wrote:
> I have recently moved out to Oregon and have yet to find
> anyone who has even heard of The Butcher or any related type things. This
> isolation is killing me. Luckily, said roomate is sending me something
> titled "Jazz Butcher versus Max Eider". Can't wait to get it. I like
> ..Love Bus.. allot especially the line about Hoagy Charmichael and Dave.
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 11:37:37 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: new interview on the WWW server i just transcribed a 500-line interview from a June 1994, New Jersey free paper. its pretty good, but mostly covers band history, and pat's feelings on stuff in hindsight. its a good introduction to show to friends. since it is rather lengthy, email me and i will send you a copy, or point your browser of choice <a href="/press/94splatter.html">here</a> -david Date: Fri, 2 Sep 94 10:49:20 BST From: Subject: One-man orchestra i was listening to my dave kusworth lp last night and there's one song on it "the last drop of wine" which has The Jazz Butcher playing the flute. Not brilliantly, but well enough. He pops up on sax as well a bit later. Crap album otherwise. Anyway: the question is: Is there no end to this man's talents? Does he play flute on any of his own material? What other bizarre instruments (well, bizarre as in not guitar, bass, drum) does he play? In tone deaf awe of renaissance man butcher. ed And while we're on the subject (which we're not), the latest Times album which is being played to death by me at the moment has a song written & sung by butch-cohort mulreany. some have said that paul mulreany is a bit of a dark horse with oodles of talent but no ambition to realise it. well, on the basis of this song I'd have to disagree. but that's only IMHO, obviously. Worth mentioning as the first instance I have seen of a Mulreany song being recorded&released. Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 17:38:33 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: One-man orchestra
> "the last drop of wine" which has The Jazz Butcher playing
> the flute.
my copy of this dave kusworth album "all the heartbreak stories" is on CD, but i wonder why? it is obviously mastered from LP - scratches and all. 1991, creation CDECD108. i really try to like kusworth, but his single-subject moaning is difficult to take in larger-than-small doses.
> What other bizarre instruments does he [pat] play?
xylophone (lots), rubber killer whales (domestic animal). he does ok with impromptu keyboard performance, too.
> some have said that paul mulreany is a bit of a dark horse
> with oodles of talent but no ambition to realise it.
i have always liked paul's voice and he is so rock-steady that you would swear its a drum machine. i have been unable to determine his age, however. it seems he has been playing around for over a decade, but he always appears to be about 23. a big thanks to chris for handling this shirt biz. i sent pat a package this afternoon with the latest uppity jbc-list talk since june. hopefully he will send some more "clarifications". WWW summary, six months: 1651 different sites have accessed my machine. 2429 visits to the JBC home page. 1050 songs listened to. visits from czechoslovakia : 2 -david Date: Fri, 2 Sep 1994 22:30:40 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: One-man orchestra Speaking of songs listened to - I got someone from Sweden to take a listen to them, while we were talking on a "talksite"... besides the fact that he thought everything sounded like country (??) the selection of songs puzzled me. We need more! *grin* Unfortunately I'm not in a position to sample anything. Is anyone on the list? I think Next Move Sideways would be a good one to have, as well as something from _Waiting_... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Sat, 3 Sep 1994 15:51:38 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: The good and the bad/ugly <a href="/press/94cash.html">the lazy but moderate review first</a> <dd>analysis: sounds like the reviewer switched the US/UK situations. <p> <a href="/press/94ie.html">the obnoxiously negative review next</a> <dd>analysis: ShortAttentionSpan syndrome. he belabors his only point. he probably missed the irony of his "death in the family" remark (Ben). *16th* release? "Baltic": the best track? Vergiftung are embarrassed to have been mentioned in this rag last year. -david Date: Sat, 3 Sep 1994 16:52:36 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Pat the one-man orchestra Just on that note, to add one more instrument, Bath Of Bacon credits Pat with guitar, bass, drums, flute, xylophone, and (the one instrument not mentioned) organ. Having read that new article on the WWW server recently (I really enjoyed it), I would guess that the back blurb on Bath Of Bacon is REALLY tongue in cheek, neh? Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 94 12:02:44 BST From: Subject: Re: The good and the bad/ugly
> spacey compositions has about the same effect as a warm glass of milk
> or a death in the family. Baltic, the one track capable of
the simile police speak up: warm glass of milk *or* a death in the family? what does this imply about it? i struggle to reconcile them and fail. missed irony notwithstanding.
> by: Adam St. James
this name is familiar..... is there any reason why it should be? oh, and is there a spare t-shirt we can send him?
> rubber killer whales (domestic animal)
does this mean it's *not* a duck on "Mind Like a Playgroup"??? I feel cheated! Robbed! My illusions shattered! ed, low on meaningful content again (sorry) Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 13:32:35 -0500 From: "David E. Zembower" <> Subject: "Living in a Village" lyrics: Help! I have been trying to determine the complete lyrics to Living in a Village, my favorite JBC song (from Fishcotheque), and have figured out most of them. The WWW site was empty (!) for this song, so I hope to fill it! :) Any help with unknown or incorrect sections will be appreciated. Dave Whittemore, please feel free to enter this into the WWW site when all the lyrics are complete. My apologies to the Butcher for any glaring mistakes in this attempt! Living in a Village Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Date: Tue, 06 Sep 94 18:34:06 EDT From: Subject: Re: The good and the bad/ugly Ed writes:
>warm glass of milk *or* a death in the family? what does this
>imply about it? i struggle to reconcile them and fail. missed irony
Well, obviously <choking back sob> nobody close to you has ever drowned in warm milk. Yours in mourning (actually it's late afternoon), John _______________ "Peter Lorre isn't really dead" _______________ Date: Wed, 07 Sep 1994 19:38:46 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Lyrics
> Thanks for typing that up, David!
well, wait and you will receive (speaking of... has anyone received their t-shirts yet?) - this week, i transcribed the following: all the rest of Fishcotheque all of Cult (including the lyrics to Fertiliser, what? you didnt know it had lyrics?) goldfish, zombie love, southern mark smith, real men and marnie 56 are completed so far... i thought i was joking a few months ago when i said that there were 150 to go. this man has quite a list under his belt! especially lacking at this point are lyrics off of the 4 early albums and condition blue.. anyone want to force yourself to listen to a old tune? -david Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 09:02:26 -0700 (PDT) From: uswnvg! (Robert Frangooles) Subject: Shirt on my back Got the shirt in the mail yesterday. Quite nice. I can now proudly wear it knowing that I am part of small weird group of people who like to listen to another small weird group of people. The quality of the photo is good, and the print is 'excellent' (my girlfriend likes hers, which is a feat in of itself, you can feel high and mighty about that Chris). I hate proclaiming my ignorance, and hope posing this question does not disqualify me from further participation in this list, but could someone please explain the origins of 'electricial sounds'. -- Robert Frangooles => Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 12:40:50 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: Shirt on my back Glad to get a vote of confidence, Rob! Hopefully everyone else in the first mailing batch will have their shirts soon too. I felt a bit disappointed that the print didn't come out BETTER, but I'm a reasonably happy perfectionist. "Departure preparations Sea wash at stern Engines running at 18 knots Door opens and slams Monsters roaring Electrical sounds <<==== Radio static..." (Rosemary Davis World of Sound) If you haven't got _Waiting_, well, *I*'ll forgive you, but you should really get a copy! Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Thu, 8 Sep 94 19:16:26 BST From: Joe Nicholson <joen@sco.COM> Subject: Re: Electrical Sound
> I hate proclaiming my ignorance, and hope posing this question does not
> disqualify me from further participation in this list, but could someone
> please explain the origins of 'electricial sounds'.
If David doesn't get there first... Rosemary Davis' World of Sound is apparently a record from the BBC sound department, which contains different sounds, i.e., electrical sound. The lyrics are simply Pat reading out the titles of the tracks! Even so, it is one of my favorite songs from the album. Joe Date: Sun, 11 Sep 1994 23:30:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Sony Music I picked up a promo copy of _Waiting For The Love Bus_, and see that it's been licensed to Sony Music. Is this a one shot deal, or will future albums also be distributed by Sony? ___________________________________________________________________________ Paul Rafanello Post-Classical Music List w/ "Help" in subject ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 06:58:25 -0400 (EDT) From: PATERSD <> Subject: Uncovering The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy Greetings All! I was asked to introduce myself. (STANDS) "My name is David Paterson and I am a JBCoholic!" <G> Actually I am a researcher in the Toxicology Dept. at Parke-Davis in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I accidently discovered the JBC one day when a friend made a compilation tape of various alternative "stuff". We often trade such tapes to discover new bands. This is much cheaper than just buying everything you can get your hands on and it lets you sort of preview music to hear what you like. Anyway there was a little song on the tape by The Jazz Butcher and I rushed out to the local record store and they said, "The Jazz section is over there!" "No not the Jazz section! The Jazz Butcher!!!!" "Huhh!!!!!!!" So I drove a little farther to the "alternative" music store and lo and behold there was Cult of the Basement! Anyhow my quest has been long and tedious but at last I have found this list! I was asking for a JBC Discography on and was referred here by David Whittemore. "Thanks David!" (SLAPS DAVID ON THE BACK) So far I have on cd "Cult of the Basement", "Waiting for the Love Bus", "Condition Blue", and "Western Family". On vinyl I have "Bloody Nonsense". What else is still in print? I was told that several of JBC's earlier albums will soon be reprinted, but I heard it was to be the earlier Glass recordings and that Pat was not going to receive any royalties for this. Fire records was to be the label. Is this true? Well I'm glad to be here! Perhaps now I will have some help in tracking down more JBC music! David Paterson Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 13:28:39 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: howdy just thought i would say a belated "hello" to all the recent subscribers. it took 5 years, but last week our collective mass passed 100. at the growth rate of this year alone, it shouldnt take more than a year for our 2nd hundred. if only we had some engaging new topic. the WWW server continues to do its biz. this weekend, i enabled searching on the "press clippings" section - now everything except pat's letters can be searched en mass. it is slow, but thorough. i am curious how many of you have/can access the WWW server? have you gone there to find answers to questions you would have otherwise asked here? reply to me directly unless others would benefit. if anyone has newspaper reviews or the like sitting around and wouldnt mind typing, there is a home for it.. thanks all ObJBC: a friend of mine heard her first JBC (lovebus) and all she had to say was "it is overprocessed". these young-uns, i swear.. -david Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 15:55:13 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: songwriter output, albums, and the JBC A long subject line, I know. But some thoughts have been running through my head lately regarding this. We probably all know that the media (and us, in discussion) have referred to the unreliable quality of the Pat's albums. (I guess that the usual opinion is Fishcoteque-BPSP-Cult-Condition-Waiting as good-bad-good-bad-good. Or is it?) It strikes me that compared with a lot of people his age (well, I suppose it varies), Pat writes an awful lot of songs. To compare with arch-nemesis Sting *grin* (joking) who I don't think is much older, Sting has put out 4 albums since 1985 and Pat has written put out 6, I think. Plus every couple of albums, there seems to be a compilation released. Now, my question is, does anyone think Pat might do better to release albums less frequently, so as to put an overall higher quality of songs on each album? (Or is the average song quality just fine? :) It seems to me that other musicians might consign more songs to the B-side category and release fewer albums. Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if the compilations got a lot of press, but they don't. It's a bit unfair that the media doesn't or can't take into account the fact that Pat writes so many songs. :) Chris PS what is this "Vodka girls" (1994) referred to on the WWW page? A song released for some magazine? (I forget the reference, though I was just looking at it...) -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 15:13:48 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: songwriter output, albums, and the JBC
> what is this "Vodka girls" (1994) referred to on the WWW page?
that is off of a French magazine comp (Abus Dangereux), and was spotted by Mr Sydney Meats when he was on the list.
> Sting has put out 4 albums since 1985 and Pat has written put out 6
mind you, Sting is up there with REM in the popularity department; he has fans willing to wait a generation between releases. it is also a *necessity* that he do so - musn't annoy our fan base with "trivial cak" - an album must live up to the legacy.
> anyone think Pat might do better to release albums less frequently
"market analysis! get the boys right on it! what? we don't have an (market) analysis department? fuck it, i'll just make my music instead." (mostly) unhindered by pop-star baggage, i doubt that he *cares* much about that aspect of it.
> Pat writes an awful lot of songs.
`D' is an infinitely interesting chord. mildly related.. last week, Stereolab played chicago. since martin stebbing and `Lab main man tim gane go way back, i was fortunate enough to hang out. i was wearing my nice new JBC t-shirt, which tim was obviously uncomfortable with. when i asked him about it, he admitted to really not liking the JBC. i let it pass. *then* they played... one song has an andlessly repeating organ line directly from southern mark smith. hehehe. -david Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 16:33:11 -0500 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: Re: songwriter output, albums, and the JBC In message <> Chris Camfield writes:
> We probably all know that the media (and us, in discussion) have referred
> to the unreliable quality of the Pat's albums. (I guess that the usual
> opinion is Fishcoteque-BPSP-Cult-Condition-Waiting as good-bad-good-bad-good.
> Or is it?)
Is it? Geez, this opinion is almost completely contrary to mine! I feel that Fishcotheque and Big Planet Scarey Planet are *excellent* albums, Cult of the Basement and Condition Blue are good albums, and I'm not too impressed with Waiting for the Love Bus (sorry, Dave, but "overprocessed" is an apt description, IMHO!). Just goes to show, we are all different, even though we share a passion for a particular coffee (oops, I mean song writer). BTW, I recently received tapes of Pat's earlier albums (thanks Eric Larson, if you are still out there!!), and I feel that Pat has certainly evolved since his earlier ventures. If I had purchased Bath of Bacon or Bloody Nonsense before I had ever heard any of his other albums, I probably would have passed on said other albums. However, I really enjoyed Distressed Gentlefolk...similar in tone to Fishcotheque, which is my favorite album of the JBC. Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 17:51:50 -0400 From: (Eric Vandercar) Subject: songwriter output, albums, and the JBC Chris asks -} Now, my question is, does anyone think Pat might do better to release albums -} less frequently, so as to put an overall higher quality of songs on each album? -} (Or is the average song quality just fine? :) It seems to me that other -} musicians might consign more songs to the B-side category and release fewer -} albums. Many artists like to just concentrate on having fun, maybe just fling it all out there and see what sticks (so 2 speak), at least until they receive a certain level of notoriety/acceptance. Personally I'm all for being given the opportunity to hear "everything" and then I can always decide what I do and don't want to listen to. Besides, if he cut back on releases, we would be on here complaining about too little material, no? :) fish *is* biodegradeable, eric ----------------------------------------------- "I may not be right, but I've never been wrong, Seldom turns out the way it does in the song." ////////////////// (RHunter) ----------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 18:20:52 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: songwriter output, albums, and the JBC Let me revise what I said about differences in album quality - I myself think that Fish and BPSP are great albums[1]. BPSP *does* I think have an overproduction problem, and in fact just off the top of my head, I think that this is more of a problem with the angry songs of BPSP than it is with the more laid back WftlB. That's my reason for assuming that BPSP might be considered not as good. (I think in Pat's comments about the albums, he says something about it not being one he reaches for.) Chris [1]: I think all of Pat's stuff is great, including the early stuff because (to quote Alexei Sayle) "I like a laugh!" What I put on the stereo to listen to is another question. For me, Condition Blue is probably the one that gets the least playing time, actually... -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 94 16:52:51 EDT From: Subject: Re: songwriter output, albums... Oh well, in the name of don't-just-sit-there-SAY-something, here goes..... The question of quantity VERSUS quality is an interesting one, but subjective. Suppose Pat only put out half as many albums as he actually has. What if he has a different idea about what the best songs are? Hate to mention this, and I'm tossing this out as a generality, and NOT in Pat's case, cos I don't have a clue, but an artist isn't always the best judge of his own material. I'd like to cast a vote in favor of Condition Blue in the debate, also. Different, to be sure, and admittedly not every song works perfectly (though I can't think of an album where every song does). If one does that, though, the whole good-bad-good-bad-good etc rhythm gets screwed up royally, though I should admit here that I've never cared for Distressed Gentlefolk, which might (or might not) redress the balance, but I'm beginning to get confused and maybe I should just lie down for a while. A bientot, John ________________ "And if you count me, Count me Out." ---Arthur Lee _________________ Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 14:56:26 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: news a gentleman on the other end of the phone passed on the following info: o no US/Canadia tour in 94, due to Sony-CA hassles o the next/last album as the JBC is to be put onto tape next month, released in january. title unclear at this moment, ("Cort eating sheep", maybe), as pat is still finding the "mood". song titles at this point: "Old Snakey" - about a guy in an insane asylum who keeps an old egyptian statuette which causes 4000 year-old people to come and beat him up. "Fight For A Normal Life" "When Eno Sings" - in the James sing-along stadium-rock vein. "Nico In The Bar" working lyric ideas: "life's too short, but so are you" o "last album": the JBC moniker has been a "millstone around my neck for at least the last 3 years". "we want to pull out all the stops, moreso than on Cult". o the secret weapon for this album will be one David J manning the knobs during the mix - it is only natural, and pat figures it will be worth a few sales on that fact alone. o his passport expires tomorrow, he was sealing it up in the re-application envelope when i called. he was lamenting having to say good-bye to the DDR visas, and the general fact that his passport had been through it ALL. o good news on future tours... "big bazzer", the guy who did the Blue Aeroplane's sound during the 90 US tour is starting up his own tour-running thing, and the JBC are on board. also under baz's wing are The Cramps. o i had to re-assure him that Chris Camfield was NOT making massive quantities of money off of the t-shirt thing. o news to make edwardc happy: the Black Eg have "fucked off", and it is rumored that an outfit called the White Eggs have begun a retaliation campaign. the fortress rave-gig did not happen, as the soundpeople had no way to plug the Eg in. the Black Eg left, disgusted, and declared England full of pigs. o sales in Japan are "rising, son" o on Haiti - "they check in, but they don't check out - you would think at least someone in the White House would have heard that by now!" gigs upcoming: 12Oct94 - Its Got To Be Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar), Northampton 21Dec94 - Its Got To Be Belgium (Slurp's Wino Bar), Northampton AND - waiting in the post when i got to work: another 10-pager to be typed-up and passed onto the jbc-list. includes gig reviews, details on the above, and some more "talk-back" to previous jbc-list posts. these should start going out this evening and be available on the WWW server thereafter. whew! -david Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:15:18 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Intro <a href="/letters/94Sep13/intro.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Intro</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:15:56 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Gigs <a href="/letters/94Sep13/gigs.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Gigs</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:16:30 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, David Lynch <a href="/letters/94Sep13/lynch.html">Letter: 13Sep94, David Lynch</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:17:01 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Harlan <a href="/letters/94Sep13/harlan.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Harlan</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:17:30 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Peter Lorre <a href="/letters/94Sep13/lorre.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Peter Lorre</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:18:11 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Politics <a href="/letters/94Sep13/politics.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Politics</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:18:52 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Sister Death <a href="/letters/94Sep13/sis.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Sister Death</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:19:24 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Odd N Ends <a href="/letters/94Sep13/misc.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Odd N Ends</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:19:51 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, News <a href="/letters/94Sep13/news.html">Letter: 13Sep94, News</a> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 22:35:11 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Letter: 13Sep94, Re-Issues <a href="/letters/94Sep13/albums.html">Letter: 13Sep94, Re-Issues</a> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 08:39:44 -0500 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: Re: Letter: 13Sep94, David Lynch In message <> de l`abattoir writes:
> JBC Central, 13 Sept. 1994
> The "Heaven" bit on Angels is, of course, a total steal from Eraserhead. It
> was Dooj's idea, and it fitted perfectly with the mood of the time. There it
> is.
> See also the Twin Peaks reference in Honey on Condition Mogadon. By
> the way, George, David Lynch and Laurie Anderson use the same
Following this JBC/David Lynch thread, I was wondering about a sample I can hear in Burglar of Love on Big Planet Scarey Planet. Several times in the song, you can hear a man saying "He's a very sick and dangerous man". This sounds to me exactly like Kyle MacLaughlin in Blue Velvet, in the scene where he is telling Laura Durn's dad (the cop) about Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper). Am I correct, or only hallucinating? Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 17:08:21 BST From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Re: news
> o news to make edwardc happy: the Black Eg have "fucked off",
> and it is rumored that an outfit called the White Eggs have
> begun a retaliation campaign. the fortress rave-gig did not
> happen, as the soundpeople had no way to plug the Eg in.
> the Black Eg left, disgusted, and declared England full of pigs
Contrary to this statement, I am not at all happy that the Black Eg have fucked off. I *enjoyed* their third album, I *liked* the first and I *listened to* the second. They were OK live as well, 'cepting the fact that they didn't play The Good The Bad and The Ugly (but even then I wasn't the one sitting in the bar beforehand devising maniacal retributions if they didn't play that one). And that photo of them en performance makes a smashing background on an Xterm. Suddenly feeling unjustly judged, I'm off to sit through "Peter Murphy" just to prove the point. ed Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 13:26:11 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: a new conversation topic! Actually I suspect this is a really BAD one but it's funny. :) If the next album is going to be the last released under the JBC name, what will Pat call his band after that? We could come up with ideas and yak about this forever! My vote for world's worst possible choice for a band name would be: Pat Fish and the Fish Heads (or just Fish Heads) *grin* particularly horrible if you think of the Barnes & Barnes song Fish Heads. Thank goodness fish is biodegradable... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 14:10:01 -0400 (EDT) From: (Mitchell R Dickerman) Subject: Black Eg
> Contrary to this statement, I am not at all happy that the Black Eg
> have fucked off. I *enjoyed* their third album, I *liked* the first
> and I *listened to* the second. They were OK live as well, 'cepting
Um, I'm confused. I have the first Black Eg album (the one with "Mmm, good cheesecake." sampled liberally), but I was unaware of any more. Is this part of the running gag, or were there really a couple more albums? Mitch Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 13:30:14 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Reeee:
> "Dave Zembower" <>
> I was wondering about a sample I can hear
> in Burglar of Love on Big Planet Scarey Planet.
> Several times in the song, you can hear a man saying
> "He's a very sick and dangerous man". This sounds to me
> exactly like Kyle MacLaughlin in Blue Velvet
yup, thats the one. but it *isnt* ronald reagan under The Best Way, it is some californian ad guy. Black Eg...
> Edward Carter <>
> They were OK live as well, 'cepting the fact that they
> didn't play The Good The Bad and The Ugly (but even
> then I wasn't the one sitting in the bar beforehand
> devising maniacal retributions if they didn't play that one)
implying that someone actually was? me? i was busy getting high scores on pinball, syd was drunk in the corner, joe was worrying about his bike outside being sodomized, and matt was... do you mean matt?
> And that photo of them en
> performance makes a smashing background on an Xterm.
yeah. i really like that photo. it is the only picture in the whole damned roll that even bothered to register on film, and it is *perfect* i half-jokingly suggested to pat that a CDROM of "JBC info" would make a cool release. for maybe 100 of us.
> Chris Camfield <>
> Pat Fish and the Fish Heads
> We could come up with ideas and yak about this forever!
couldnt we just let it die a Happy Death? i have been thinking, though, about the day if/when we become just another beatles type mailing list. it just wont be the same.. -david Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 09:09:32 EDT From: Subject: Re: Leter: 13Sep94, Politics
>Making Ronald MacDonald looking like Geoffrey Dahlmer (in fact, >now I
come to mention it, they do have a couple of points in >common, don't they?). Aside from both being carnivores, you mean? Or was it the red wig or the shoes? Also, David, please pass on thanks to Pat for a well thought-out response to an issue I hoped wouldn't be too emotional (and which I'd hoped I hadn't helped to MAKE too emotional). I hadn't really thought about the interviewer bias issue, either, and a mid-sized mea culpa for that; in my own profession, I get interviewed from time to time myself (ahem), and I understand only too well the fact that the biases on the part of the person asking the questions can often come out in print appearing more important than the answers, and indeed that answers can be, um, "improved" to fit those preconceptions. I more than most should know that, given certain unsavory experiences with eejit journalists. NB: It's even more unpleasant to be misquoted when one has people (and lots of em) to answer to. A bientot, y'all. John Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 14:40:25 BST From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Re: a new conversation topic!
> If the next album is going to be the last released under the JBC name,
> what will Pat call his band after that? We could come up with ideas
> and yak about this forever!
The Jaeger Meisters? ed, bastard hangover right between the eyes Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 14:40:08 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: The Jazz Butcher v The JBC If the next album is going to be the last released under the JBC name, what will Pat call his band after that? We could come up with ideas and yak about this forever! Wait a minute. If you think about it, "Waiting for the Love Bus" was the FIRST album released under the name "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy". The first mention of the JBC that I can remember was during the Big Planet Scarey Planet tour. So I don't see any real significance in this being the "last" release under the JBC name. Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 19:04:34 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: The Jazz Butcher v The JBC Joe said: That I said (I think)
> If the next album is going to be the last released under the JBC name,
> what will Pat call his band after that? We could come up with ideas
> and yak about this forever!
> Wait a minute. If you think about it, "Waiting for the Love Bus" was the
> FIRST album released under the name "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy".
> The first mention of the JBC that I can remember was during the Big
> Planet Scarey Planet tour.
> So I don't see any real significance in this being the "last" release under
> the JBC name.
Uh uh. Distressed Gentlefolk, at very least, was released under the monicker of "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy". Possibly some of the earlier albums too, but I don't have my vinyls with me. I think we should interpret the next album as being the last released under the JBC name as the last album to be released under the name "the JBC" or "The JB". Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 09:31:27 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: anyone have a UK copy of CB for sale? I am getting tired of having to program my CD player to play Condition Blue in the right order (from Girls to Racheland), esp since with my player, I can't just punch "tracks 5 6 7..." but have to use forward/backward buttons to select each track. Does anyone have a copy of the UK version of the album that they would part with? Would anyone in the UK be willing to find me a used copy? (How much are used CDs in the UK? The regular prices are pretty horrendous...) Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 09:38:20 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: Re: The Jazz Butcher v The JBC Chris sez: Uh uh. Distressed Gentlefolk, at very least, was released under the monicker of "The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy". Yeah, he's right about this, but none of the earlier stuff was recorded as the JBC. I think we should interpret the next album as being the last released under the JBC name as the last album to be released under the name "the JBC" or "The JB". I really doubt that Pat is going to stop recording as the Jazz Butcher. I mean, even though Pat does not have a marketing department, I am sure that he realizes that when you spend ten years releasing albums and touring and building up a (for lack of a better term) 'cult' following, you do not abandon name recognition. Its what catches people's eye in the record store and in the concert listings. I dunno - what do you all think? Might it have something to do with being tired of being in a band with other people and wanting to go back to being more autonomous? Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 09:47:04 -0500 (CDT) From: GOOSENMK@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Subject: Kenneth, What's the Condition?
> I am getting tired of having to program my CD player to play Condition Blue in
> the right order (from Girls to Racheland), esp since with my player, I can't
> just punch "tracks 5 6 7..." but have to use forward/backward buttons to
> select each track.
Just out of curiosity, what is the "right" order? And and why is the US version "wrong"? This is a story I haven't heard... Later, Miles --------------- "Oregon is bad Stop it if you can" --John Linnell, "Oregon" --------------- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 17:14:52 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: Kenneth, What's the Condition? Miles, I only read this on the list recently. The "real" version of the album has as I understand it: girls say yes ... monkeyface she's a yoyo ... racheland i.e. Sky switched the sides of the album for some strange screwy reason. I do like the album better when you play it in the right order. Sky must have forgotten that sometimes the order of songs matters, just as the order of the notes make up a tune. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:06:29 -0400 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: Name abandonment Regardless of the merits or demerits of abandoning a name, it seems pretty clear to me that he's talking about the name Jazz Butcher in all its permutations, not just "Jazz Butcher Conspiracy." His post said the name has become a millstone around his neck. It wouldn't make sense for him to say that with respect to "JBC" but not intend to include "JB" in his pessimistic diagnosis. Other bands that have done similar things... Game Theory, boiled down to one guy in the end, became "The Loud Family." I believe he lost a lot of listeners, though a long time lag may also have contributed. Bob Mould became Sugar and added lots of listeners. Big Audio Dynamite became Big Audio Dynamite II and increased their US airplay. And of course, everyone who goes solo does this, in a manner of speaking. He doesn't have much to lose, really, and lots to gain, though I will miss the name too. -- TJC Ceci n'est pas une sig.file. Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 19:35:46 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: today Well, hardly much of a subject, but anyhow, just a personal JBC note: Today I was manning the display for the Science Fiction Club at "Clubs Days" in the Campus Centre of UW. Since I had manned it the two previous days and been a bit bored by the music, I brought in Waiting For The Love Bus and had it played once while I was manning the booth. According to the Turnkey, it was pretty well received, which can only mean that people actually liked it enough to be bothered to go up to the desk to ask what was being played. And Sony doesn't think it can make money on the album in Canada. Hmph. -- Christopher Camfield ( "Wherever we set foot, we tread upon some bit of history" (Cicero) "Oh Sweetwater, sometimes it feels like ancient Rome..." (The JBC) "Here's looking at you, kid." (Rick Blaine in Casablanca) Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 13:54:05 BST From: Subject: Shirt News La petite chemise de butch est arrive! T-shirt arrived this morning (along with the 'phone bill) and I am happy to receive it (not the phone bill) and it looks dead cool in eco-friendly unbleached cotton ("a sort of beige"! pah!) and the back slogan is, after all that, neat. A proud addition to my diminutive wardrobe. Public list-wide broadcast of thanks to Chris is due. Thanks. ed Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 01:23:12 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: long songs i was just giving my copy of that canadian compilation Unconditional a listen (thanks chris! any chance you can get more of those - it really is an excellect compilation) aside from finally being able to hear some old tunes again (all my vinyl is in storage), i was amazed how long The Human Jungle is - 7:20. i know a couple of songs on Condition Blue or maybe Big Planet may approach that length, but i always remembered Human Jungle as being the typical pop-single lengthed ditty. nope. i anticipate quite a bit of warm-fuzzy posting when the re-issues of the Glass records finally comes about. Southern Mark Smith, despite being over 10 years old really stands out respectably - it is quite a bit "nicer" than the raucous live versions i am have become used to. the newly-reformatted lyric information on the WWW server show that Southern Mark Smith appears on more releases than any other JBC tune - 7 times: A Scandal In Bohemia, Southern Mark Smith single, Real Men single, The Gift Of Music, Bloody Nonsense, Unconditional, and Western Family a note to new subscribers: contact me if you missed the posting of the latest letter from pat. biding my time on purgatory until the next tour... -david Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 20:51:00 EDT From: "Gary Hunter" <> Subject: An introduction, of sorts... (...and what better a way to make an introducton than using Davids' questions! Hence, it's better to be lazy) David sez:
>curious... how did you find out about us?
I looked in a FAQ listing all the available music group mail-listings that are circulating the planet as I type.
>see any good shows?
No, unfortunately I have yet to see the Jazz Butcher live.
> like any records in particular?
Yes! Bloody Nonsense and Distressed Gentlefolk are my favorites. Actually, I've been searching for several releases on CD but have been successful in finding only Distressed Gentlefolk. I'm still searching though...
> what you think of the new one?
I've read reviews on the latest J.B. Conspiracy material but have not heard what it's like myself.
> please introduce yourself to the rest of the list!
Right! Toast and Gare (ie. Gary Hunter): nth year university, studying Biology (note: n= or >6); surviving almost entirely on government loans and therefore living a relatively peaceful existance (though only for the short-term); enjoys many types of music/food/drink and tries to be merry even when faced with an uncertain future job market and an oppressive tax structure. Zero else, Toast and Gare ps. Fish is Biodegradable. Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:28:16 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: WWW home page! Just to the curious - I have finally got myself my own WWW home page. So if you'd like to see what I look like at least (not too much there yet) you can check out You will note the shameless and blatant plug of the JBC list's WWW server. :) To the new guy who hasn't heard anything after Distressed Gentlefolk: you are missing out on a huge amount of Jazz Butcher music. It's like comparing 2 dimensions with 3! Get to your local record store and order something newer! Even if they don't have anything in stock, Condition Blue and Waiting For The Love Bus should be available... -- Christopher J. Camfield ( "The committee may question whether a powerful intelligence body whichholds unproven and speculative information... should continue." D O U B T O V E R C J C F U T U R E Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 13:39:19 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Spooky I was just listening to _Spooky_, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows the full contents of the Brave New World show that tracks 5-9 were recorded for? Were there other tracks, or interview material? Even if someone (David?) just knows the date of the broadcast (recorded June 5 1988, according to the sleeve), that would be helpful, because maybe I could get something out of the CBC, I don't know. Was _Spooky_ released all over? US? UK? Just curious... -- Christopher J. Camfield ( "The committee may question whether a powerful intelligence body whichholds unproven and speculative information... should continue." D O U B T O V E R C J C F U T U R E Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 11:18:55 BST From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Re: Spooky
> Was _Spooky_ released all over? US? UK? Just curious...
No. At least, not in the UK. I was told "Canadian Only Compilation". Had I ever realised it was more than an Edward's Closet I might have bothered importing a copy. On a related topic, what was the release/distribution of "Bloody Nonsense"? I thought it was US-only but appeared in a number of record stores near me at the time, although never once did I actually get around to buying it. ed (In a way, you could say that my experience is quite limited.) Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 23:07:27 BST From: Subject: Re: Spooky Chris wrote:
> > > Was _Spooky_ released all over? US? UK? Just curious...
> >
> > No. At least, not in the UK.
> Definitely not! I guess you know that now, from the WWW page?
Oh yikes. OK, OK. I'm a stupid twat. Actually, Spooky *was* released in the UK. However, it was only available in the vinyl (12") form and not on CD anywhere. If you went into Virgin Megastore, Oxford Street and ordered it they claimed it was an ablum and charged you fifteen quid for it and then never delivered anyway. I got the vinyl version. So I was talking out of my ass. ed Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 19:40:15 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: oh dear (shirts) Did anyone receive a L natural shirt that they didn't order, and then NOT complain to me about it? I have a problem between what I have left on paper, and what I actually have. Methinks someone may be disappointed and/or a new order will have to be placed. For those of you who are new to the list and don't know, after much discussion on the list about designs etc I had some Jazz Butcher shirts made up, and almost everyone who ordered a shirt now has theirs. (Some people took longer to send their cheques than others.) I have a few unclaimed shirts - a couple of XL whites for sure - and if you are interested in some other size or colour I can take your name and preference and maybe when a dozen shirts are wanted, I'll do another run. (Or sooner if I can't resolve the problem above.) ANYONE WHO WANTS TO ORDER MORE SHIRTS (there, that should have gotten the attention of people who dozed off after "For those of you who are new...") let me know that you're interested. For anyone who cares, there is a lot more info on the shirts available by WWW now - you can either go to the list's WWW page, go to the shirts page, and then click on my name, or go directly to Chris -- Christopher J. Camfield, "Remember kiddies, although Superman can fly, YOU can't... not unless you drink an awful lot of Tia Maria!" --Alexei Sayle Date: Sun, 23 Oct 1994 10:03:07 -0400 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Jazz Butcher spotting! Well, not for real, but on a disk. In a local record store there is a CD single by The Field Trip called "Hit The Streets". The front says "Featuring The Jazz Butcher!" Anyhow, from what I could tell looking through the centre of the disk to the back of the liner, Pat plays sax and brass (!) on that one. Chris PS I'm only 95% sure of the band and song names, because I didn't have pen and paper on me at the time. -- Christopher J. Camfield, "Remember kiddies, although Superman can fly, YOU can't... not unless you drink an awful lot of Tia Maria!" --Alexei Sayle Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 23:59:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Arik Kissinger Florimonte <> Subject: Whoops this got bounced... On Sun, 23 Oct 1994, Glen Davis wrote:
> I saw a cd in the used section yesterday called "David J on Glass". Its
> a collection of singles he did for Glass records. It has the Jazz
> Butcher on 2 songs (one of them he sings lead vocals). I don't have any
> idea what David J sounds like (no, I don't have any Bauhaus or Love and
> Rockets). So the question is, this cd is on Glass so I'll probably never
> see it again, is it worth picking up?
> Thanks,
I like it pretty well, and I'd say it's definitely worth it if only to hear Butch sing on The Party's Over. And as far as David J's stuff goes, this is some of the best. Incidentally, Ship of Fools features the same line-up that recorded S&T and Scandal in Bohemia, although it has David J singing and Butch on bells. Anyway I'd say go for it. Arik Date: Sat, 5 Nov 1994 10:31:16 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: videos Does anyone know what videos were made for Jazz Butcher songs? Apparently there was one for Spooky... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "All I needed was a friend, to make me stop and think again The call to arms is loud and clear, tally-ho, your health my dear..." (Split Enz, "My Mistake") Date: Sat, 05 Nov 1994 11:53:04 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: videos
> Does anyone know what videos were made for Jazz Butcher songs?
> Apparently there was one for Spooky...
true. i have the video for Spooky on a Creation video comp. (1990, The Creation Records Compilation, VVD703). basically, laurence, kizzy, pat, paul, and alex green playing/dancing around in a smokey area. longtime jbc-list subscriber nancy everson once sent me a copy of the Angels video which she recorded off of a music channel. by mitch jenkins (the longtime JBC photographer), b&w 16mm - unfortunately it has little to do with the song, or even the MOOD of the song. shots of the guys playing pool in a large empty auditorium, running at 2x speed in a public parking garage, etc. Girl-Go made the MTV 120 minutes rotation when it came out. this one featured CLOUDS, mostly. shots of the guys rolling around on the bed in pat's guest bedroom where the walls are covered in JBC posters, flyers and what-not. heads shots of pat with obvious lip-schtick singing. it ends with clouds rolling above them in a long shot of them walking along the horizon. pat had mentioned one other - real low budget. maybe caroline wheeler or count dracula, i don't remember. and there *might* have been one for Pineapple Tuesday, had my footage and camera not been stolen in NYC in 1990... sigh. -david Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 11:15:36 GMT From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Re: videos
> i have the video for Spooky on a Creation video comp.
Including subliminal message along the lines of "Cozy Doctors in your house" or something. Although "not a lot happens" on this video, I think it's quite neat.
> pat had mentioned one other - real low budget.
> maybe caroline wheeler or count dracula, i don't remember.
It's for Count Dracula. You can see it on the "Blood On The Cats" compilation, ninety minutes of psychobilly and other disturbing material with JBmCD plonked in the middle. I don't have it but I know a man who does and it's actually quite boring: four people crammed into a small space and looking into the camera. But woah! are they young... ed, still wondering what "I'm going to blow my face up" could possibly mean. Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 15:52:07 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: 15 Nov 94 - Greenpeace Benefit at the Roadmender's, Northampton
> From: (Matt Cockerill)
***David, can you forward this to the list, thanks, Matt***** Yes, it's come and gone. I made it along though, and was rewarded with the opportunity to hear Mr Odd, Sister Death, President Chang, She's a Yo-yo, She's on Drugs, Our Friends the Filth, and Bakersfield. i.e. the same old set list they've been playing for 18 months. Chiefly notable thing about this particular performance was Dooj dressed up in a very convincing "Grim Reaper" outfit, with scythe, cape and silly makeup. Something to do with the Mexican Day of the Dead, apparently. My brother Sam and I accosted Pat and co. afterwards, and asked why they never play "Chickentown" in Northampton. Pat seemed to think it was a good idea. Very doubtful wheter anyone in Northampton would twig what he was singing about. Gabriel admirably said he had been in favour of not playing Mr Odd this time out, but he had been over-ruled by Pat. That makes it about 9 gigs I've been to, and they've played Mr Odd at every one. (And Sister Death too, come to think of it, but that's fair enough) News on the recording front is good. David J is said to be hard at work mixing the 17 tracks Pat and the gang laid down over the last few weeks. Pat says it's very upbeat. Plenty of songs in the Pineapple Tuesday/Penguins mode. Other thing Pat mentioned was that he has managed to visit the WWW site, and was very disappointed not to be able to find the sample of the audience at Creation's Albert Hall gig shouting "Fuck Off" in Czech. The rest of the benefit was pretty interesting: a college band with a would-be John Lydon lead singer trying desperately to impress the record industry types who may or may not have been there, and a punk-noise band (not unlike Rollins Band, I suspect) who were excellently loud and mindless. Pat sensibly declined the offer to headline after these guys, but had a great time beforehand playing over their fuck loud P.A. . Makes a change from Slurps, at least. President Chang became a theatrical noise experience not a million miles from Sonic Youth (almost). Matt Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 17:29:31 EST From: "Gary Hunter" <> Subject: Has anyone bought these lately...? Has anyone bought any of the following CDs recently. I mean VERY recently. I've been told that they either will or have been deleted: A Scandal in Bohemia / Sex and Travel The Gift of Music - Part 1 The Gift of Music - Part 2 (all on Glass Records) Thanx, Toast and Gare Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 17:45:22 EST From: "Gary Hunter" <> Subject: Re: Has anyone bought these lately...? Chris sez:
>Hell, Gary, if you have seen any of these for sale, for heavens sake BUY THEM!
>Particularly Scandal/Sex & Travel.
>We are talking about VERY VERY rare here!! Possible Fire rereleases
>sometime but...
Then Eric sez:
>I've been looking for A Scandal in Bohemia, either on LP or CD, for about
>4 years now. I've yet to see it. My local Virgin Megastore lists a CD
>of A Scandal in Bohemia as having been released at one time (this shocked
>me), but it must be out of print.
>I've got G of M 1&2 on vynil, but have never seen them on CD.
>This is embarrassing, but what's Sex and Travel? What's on it?
Plus, John (who had trouble posting) sez:
>As far as I know, these records have never been available in the United States
>(and while a few were undoubtably imported, I've never seen them in the import
>bins). Until this message, I wasn't aware they were still available anywhere.
>If anyone knows how I might get them (or perhaps has a current address for
>Glass Records), please drop me a line! I prefer CDs, but will also buy vinyl
>and tapes.
Hmm, yes they seem quite rare. I asked about those CDs 'cause I've only managed to buy Distressed Gentlefolk on CD, which is looking more and more valuable as time goes by! (it's an original Glass Records import). Chris sez there maybe some re-releases on the way, BONUS!!!. And Eric is embarrassed. Don't worry, just get your FAQs straight. Finally John, your posting trouble _may_ be due to sending to the the wrong address. Don't forget, it's . :) Plus I'll go home and get you the address I have (it might not be current though). But didn't Glass Records go bankrupt? I'm not sure if they even exist anymore. Zero else, Toast and Gare Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 20:11:08 -0500 From: ei667@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Nora Holden) Subject: Re: Has anyone bought these lately...?
> Chris sez:
>>Hell, Gary, if you have seen any of these for sale, for heavens sake BUY THEM!
>>Particularly Scandal/Sex & Travel.
>>We are talking about VERY VERY rare here!! Possible Fire rereleases
>>sometime but...
> Then Eric sez:
>>I've been looking for A Scandal in Bohemia, either on LP or CD, for about
>>4 years now. I've yet to see it.
>>As far as I know, these records have never been available in the United States
>>(and while a few were undoubtably imported, I've never seen them in the import
>>bins). Until this message, I wasn't aware they were still available anywhere.
> Hmm, yes they seem quite rare. I asked about those CDs 'cause I've only
>managed to buy Distressed Gentlefolk on CD, which is looking more and more
>valuable as time goes by! (it's an original Glass Records import).
Hmmmm...I got my CD of Scandal/Sex about four months ago on a trip to a *wonderful* record store in Ottawa, Ontario. I sure wish I could remember the name of that place, but that's a bit beside the point...anyway, that's the only time I've ever, ever seen it. The address given on the back is: Glass Records Ltd. Linburn House 342 Kilburn High Road London NW6 Nora K. -- "do you really want someone else to decide?/do you want someone else to run your life?/everyone gets put in places they don't know what to do/what happens is up to you, so you must be the one to choose." --Fastbacks, "Last Night I Had A Dream That I Could Fly" Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 19:47:19 -0600 From: Subject: a new one Tried to send this earlier, but forgot the "pasture" . . . Glad to be here . . . found the address in the Ultimate Music listing (whatever it's called) on the WWW (very attractive home page too!). I'm partial to "A Scandal in Bohemia" and "Condition Blue," if I had to declare; have seen the Conspiracy twice at First Avenue here in Minneapolis, once in like 1986 (just before "Distressed Gentlefolk" came out, I think . . . got to chat with Mr Fish afterward, what a personable fellow) and once just a couple years ago, when "Condition Blue" was pretty new. *That was the darkest, saddest, most potent concert I've ever seen . . . nearly all bitter, slow, distorted tunes . . . opened with (if I remember correctly) "Racheland;" the crowd was rather unresponsive until the band kicked into one of the "She's . . ." songs, both of which had been in heavy rotation on our slim-pickins alternative radio station. The audience moshed and flailed and all, and after the wild applause Pat fairly sneered, "So, the kiddies wanna rock, huh? Well, bite on *this, kiddies!" and played "Sister Death." Ahahahaha. Other than that . . . I suppose you all here have been through the matter of the early Jazz Butcher albums' unavailability on cd . . . my co-worker at th'record store has the Glass "Scandal/Sex&Travel" cd, but that's actually the only copy I've ever seen. Someone here must know the latest, and will perhaps bear with me if this is heavily-trodden ground. Thank you. So others are curious about the old records. I bought the "G of M" cd some six years ago in Mpls; the lps were available up until about then, and show up in the used bins every so often nowadays. I think I've got all the lps: "Bath of Bacon," "A Scandal in Bohemia," "Sex and Travel" (six song ep), "The Gift of Music," (only vol 1 though), "Live in Hamburg" . . . that may be all. Plus a few assorted 12"ers. What I really want is the 7" that came with "Big Questions (The Gift of Music vol 2)." With the exquisite parodic thrust against Mr. David J (he does that a lot, doesn't he?), "The Hairbrush and the Tank." She said she liked The Soft Boys best . . . Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 17:25:41 -0600 From: Subject: slow memory No, wait, they started the show with "Still and All." I knew it couldn't be something so cheerful as "Racheland." I think Glass did go under. What a magnificent label. I remember being seventeen and buying "50,000 Glass Fans Can't Be Wrong" (on clear vinyl, no less!), then writing them a letter begging to be some sort of American correspondent. Butcher, Eider, Sudden, Kusworth, Spacemen 3, Mayo Thompson, Pastels, David J, Outskirts . . . and a band I've never heard from again, Peter Sellers and the Hollywood Party. A supergroup one-off? A joke? A damn fine song, in any case. "Chaotic Shampoo and Strange Rock 'n' Roll" or something along those lines. amy Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 11:20:43 -0500 From: Subject: Scandal on LP Well, Scandal In Bohemia was defintely imported here on LP...I bought one shortly after it came out, although I had to go to Burlington, Vermont to get it. Never saw another, either. John Date: Wed, 23 Nov 1994 18:58:12 -0500 From: Subject: Heart of Glass Could it be that Glass only pressed ONE copy of each release? Seems like nobody even has the same stuff and a lot of "I bought the only one I ever saw" kind of stuff! How does Pat feel about all this? Is he just as glad the old stuff is unavailable, or is he frustrated by all this. (If you really want to set him off, mention "Big Time Records" and stand back!) Welcome Nora! Aloha from Racheland, Gary M Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 16:06:53 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Western Family pre-master DAT hello everybody. i have just discovered a DAT which appears to be a pre-fucked-up working copy of the 1992 live CD, Western Family. this tape contains all the songs (plus another) which eventually ended up on the live release, but BEFORE they were butchered. also, the songs are in a different order, and some of the intros and outros are intact. here is the listing: girl-go she's on drugs she's a yo-yo pineapple tuesday angels racheland tugboat captain sister death over the rainbow still & all everybody's talkin southern mark smith beautiful snow white hair falling in love (not on the CD) shirley maclaine is there any interest in dubs? -david http://${del_root} (now if only my original tapes would come back from the grave..) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 10:47:16 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: covers Has anyone got a comprehensive list of songs that Pat has covered regularly or has covered ever, live or on recordings? I know of: The Biggest Loudest Hairest Group Of All (?) Tugboat Captain (?) Sweet Jane (?) Which I think he's played several times at least. May I (?) Over You (?) Speedy Gonzales (?) Knocking On Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan) We Love You (The Rolling Stones) Moscow Drug Club (?) King Of Joy (Bill Drummond) Part Time Punks (Dan Tracy) Waiting For The Love Bus (The Blue Aeroplanes) December Boy (?) Take The Skinheads Bowling (?) -- Christopher Camfield ( "Standing fast as bold as brass Holding on until the last Call the tune and play it all day long..." ("Bold as Brass", Split Enz) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 18:37:03 +0100 (MET) From: (Alexander Vrchoticky) Subject: Re: covers Coupla completions and one addition off the top (or is that tip?) of my pointy head:
> Sweet Jane (?) Velvet Underground

> May I (?) Kevin Ayers
> Speedy Gonzales Jonathan Richman
> December Boy (?)
That wouldn't be `September Gurls', the Big Star song, would it?
> Take The Skinheads Bowling Camper van Beethoven
Also: Chinese Envoy John Cale And, of course, Big Star's entire `Sister Lovers' album, cunningly retitled `Condition Blue'. Alex -- Alexander Vrchoticky Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 16:38:04 GMT From: joen@sco.COM Subject: Re: covers Take The Skinheads Bowling (?) => Morrissey (spelling?) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 14:30:18 -0500 (EST) From: Slang King <> Subject: Re: covers Alexander Vrchoticky writes:
> And, of course, Big Star's entire `Sister Lovers' album, cunningly
> retitled `Condition Blue'.
Okay, I'm not sure I get this one. Comparing Pat's weakest, IMO, to Chilton's strongest doesn't quite catch. _CB_ lacks the sonic diversity of _SL_. I'd say that if any of PF's work is _SL_-influenced, it's _Cult_. Thoughts? -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 Onward, Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 13:35:36 -0600 (CST) From: GOOSENMK@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Subject: Re: covers
> Take The Skinheads Bowling (?) => Morrissey (spelling?)
Eh? While you spelled Morrissey right, the song in question was done by Camper Van Bethoven on _Telephone Free Landslide Victory_. Later, Miles Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 21:15:47 +0100 (MET) From: (Alexander Vrchoticky) Subject: Re: covers [Dave, hope you don't mind that I use your inquiry as a shelf on which to place a correction] In private mail, Dave Tilley wrote:
> Can you tell me where Chinese Envoy and Speedy Gonzales appears?
I've got `Chinese Envoy' on a tape from David Whittemore, which states `KCRW Santa Monica (1988?)'. Speedy Gonzales I can't find, which makes me wonder whether maybe I only *dreamt* that he covered it. Del, what's the, if you excuse, beef? Also, let me retract the attribution for `Speedy Gonzales' -- my brain was misfiring. *Roadrunner* is, of course, the tune written by Mr. Richman, and covered by Pat on (amongst possibly other places) the `Hamburg' live album. Digging through the tapes revealed a couple of more tunes:
>From the DavidJ - Pat Fish show in Northampton, December 1993:
Little Red Corvette (yes, the Prince tune) Hoagy Carmichael (doesn't quite count, it's a David J tune) You're my Shining Star (Teenage Fanclub)
>From the Tower Recors Chicago, 5/16/92 tape:
After Hours (Again, Velvet Underground) Hoping that my brain has snapped out of neutral, Alex Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 16:06:02 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: Re: covers [Dave, hope you don't mind that I use your inquiry as a shelf on which to place a correction] In private mail, Dave Tilley wrote:
> Can you tell me where Chinese Envoy and Speedy Gonzales appears?
Speedy Gonzales I can't find, which makes me wonder whether maybe I only *dreamt* that he covered it. Del, what's the, if you excuse, beef? It's on the 7" single that came with Gift of Music II Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 17:18:06 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Re: covers "i slept through the 80's" says:
> Take The Skinheads Bowling (?) => Morrissey (spelling?)
whooo! that's funny. poor arnold look-alike, looking for a fight says:
> And, of course, Big Star's entire `Sister Lovers' album, cunningly
> retitled `Condition Blue'.
alex... behave. you had your chance on this topic LAST year.
> Speedy Gonzales I can't find, which makes
> me wonder whether maybe I only *dreamt* that he covered it. Del, what's
> the, if you excuse, beef?
lessee... yes, here it is - Speedy Gonzalez was released on a 7"er along with Knocking On Heaven's Door, May I, and Over You. the last 2 acoustic, the first 2 live to cassette. too-tall in Chicago says:
> Comparing Pat's weakest, IMO, to
> Chilton's strongest doesn't quite catch. _CB_ lacks the sonic
> diversity of _SL_.
i dont hear the similarities. Big Star's 3rd is drunken, depressive, yet hopeful. Jazz Butcher's 8th is drunken, depressive, yet under the impression that a pop chrous is necessary.
> I'd say that if any of PF's work is _SL_-influenced,
> it's _Cult_. Thoughts?
what? because they both contain feedback? here is what i scrounged up for LivePatStuff: Affection (Jonathan Richman) After Hours (Velvet Underground) Beautiful Snow-White Hair (Spacemen 3) Biggest Loudest Heaviest Group Of All (John Cale) Chinese Envoy (John Cale) Everybody's Talkin' (Fred Neil) Heartache Following Me Hoagy Carmichael (David J) King Of Joy (Bill Drummond) Knocking On Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan) Leaving It Up To You (John Cale) Little Red Corvette (Prince) May I (Kevin Ayers) Mersey (David Surkamp) Moscow Drug Club Over You (Lou Reed) Part Time Punks Roadrunner (Jonathan Richman) September Gurls (Big Star) Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Arlen/Harburg) Speedy Gonzalez (Kaye/Hill/Lee) Spooky (Shapiro) Stephanie Says (Velvet Underground) Sweet Jane (Velvet Underground) Take The Skinheads Bowling (Camper Van Beethoven) The Hairbrush And The Tank (David J) The Party's Over (David J) Tugboat Captain (Galaxie 500) We Love You (Rolling Stones) You're my Shining Star (Teenage Fanclub) -david Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 17:30:18 -0500 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: Re: covers In message <> Chris Camfield writes:
> Has anyone got a comprehensive list of songs that Pat has covered
> regularly or has covered ever, live or on recordings? I know of:
Yours is a relatively extensive list, especially when combined with the additions of the other list members. However, unless I am blind as the proverbial bat, the most recent cover I have heard from Pat was missed. On the latest Love Bus, Pat covers "Do You Wanna Dance?". I don't know who did the original, but I remember the Ramones also did a cover of this back in the 70's. I tend to prefer the Ramones' version over Pat's, as Pat sort of sucked the life out of that song, much like the proverbial bat would (no intended reference to "Interview with the Vampire", the neo-gothic American rage that passes for literature and fine-filmmaking). Sorry, Pat, but that song should have been left alone. Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 01:59:01 +0100 (MET) From: (Alexander Vrchoticky) Subject: Re: covers
> Okay, I'm not sure I get this one.
I was being facetious. I *knew* I shouldn't have been ...
> Comparing Pat's weakest, IMO, to
> Chilton's strongest doesn't quite catch.
Let's not open *that* can of worms again. Condition-Blue-sucks-no-it's- great-no-it-sucks-donkey-shlongs-through-crazy-straws discussions have been quite heated on this list, and the different viewpoints seem to be pretty irreconcilable. Continuing this discussion promises to be about as fruitful as, well, discussing whether Sister Lovers is Chilton's strongest or not. Consider my off-hand remark as an acknowledgment that both albums have both devout followers and outspoken critics, combine this with the fact that they're both down-on-the-floor-but-not-quite-out albums, and you'll do alright.
> I'd say that if any of PF's work is _SL_-influenced, it's _Cult_. Thoughts?
I'd have to lie if I was to claim that I've listened to `Cult' lately, `lately' in this case being the last two years. So, no thoughts on that subject. Alex Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 12:56:31 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: covers (Chinese Envoy) We do all realise that Chinese Envoy is by John Cale? I have different versions on "Fragments of a Rainy Season" and "Music for a new Society" Matt Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 13:01:28 -0500 (EST) From: Slang King <> Subject: Re: covers I guess we're all in Re: cover-y right now, heh, heh. . . . Agent Provocateur David W. says:
> > I'd say that if any of PF's work is _SL_-influenced,
> > it's _Cult_. Thoughts?
> what? because they both contain feedback?
No. Because they were both produced (or co-produced) by individuals who then or at other times have used religious titles: The Rev. Fleming and the Rev. James Luther Dickinson. I've always wanted to hear Pat sing "Oh, Dana" actually. Finally: What about the fragment of the Roy Orbison tune that serves as the intro to "Angels" so often? Onward. -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 20:19:18 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: Re: covers Does anyone else recall Pat doing a version of Stand By Me sometime back in 1987? Shortly after Max resigned to contend for the Austrian furniture hurling championship and Pat and Alex Green were doing a two person thing around Europe? Does Pat remember, come to that? Furthermore, for cover-version completists, does anyone know of covers of JBC songs by other bands? A french band called something or another bunnies did a version of La Mer (very drole) but that's all I know of. Michael W., Oxford. Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 17:56:10 -0800 From: (John Ford) Subject: Re: covers Part Time Punks, credited somewhere in the preceding melange of posts to a Dan Tracy, was in fact written by Dan TrEacy, who recorded it in 1978 as the first single by his ultra-wonderful band, Television Personalities (well, he did a single before that, but the band was called Teen 78 or something). If you don't know them, may I recommend the albums "And Don't the Kids Just Love It," "They Could Have Been Bigger Than The Beatles," or "Privilege." At the time they recorded Part Time Punks, the TVPs also included Ed Ball, who would later be responsible for the equally wonderful band The Times. We now return you to your regularly scheduled debate as to whether Condition Blue's crap or gold--no surprise, by the way, is it, that CB's the album which generates the most intensely PERSONAL feelings? (By the way, it's a GEM. So there.) Etc, John Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 16:09:05 AST From: "this mortal coil" <> Subject: Help-find album Wow! Am I ever glad I found this mailing list! I first heard Jazz Butcher back in the mid to late 80's. I bought one of their tapes and LOVED it! Well, as fate would have it, that tape was lost years ago and I never got around to getting it and now I have forgotten the name of it and the name of most of the songs on it. Anyway, I want to get it again before I start getting the rest. I got the impression that it was a compilation album. Some of the songs were Big Saturday?, Real Men?, So and so's Birthday present(it was a womans name, contained lines about a fish and an elevator?), a song about the devil- Devil is my Friend? etc. I really want this record again! Any help mas to what it is called and if it is avaliable would be great. It would have come out 1988 or earlier. Thanks alot, Glenn Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 20:14:39 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: odd songs going through your head? I was just wondering, does anyone find themselves humming Jazz Butcher songs that at first (or second or third) listens don't seem the absolute greatest songs? I find myself humming Susie and Big Old Wind an awful lot. Vienna Song gets my vote for best obscure JB song. "A shot of penicillin and a gun", indeed. Actually, I like it because it alludes to so much, and I can imagine the singer slouched in a seedy bar in Vienna getting drunk... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "Standing fast as bold as brass Holding on until the last Call the tune and play it all day long..." ("Bold as Brass", Split Enz) Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 09:13:06 -0500 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: Re: odd songs going through your head? Chris Camfield writes:
> I was just wondering, does anyone find themselves humming Jazz Butcher
> songs that at first (or second or third) listens don't seem the absolute
> greatest songs? I find myself humming Susie and Big Old Wind an awful
> lot.
Yes, it seems that lately Southern Mark Smith keeps rolling through my head, even though I was not that enchanted with the song when I first heard it. I'm still not too keen on it, but it does have a catchy tune. One song I do hum (and sing) a lot is Partytime, which I was enchanted with the first time I heard it. Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Here comes President Chang He never smokes but he sure inhales.....................The Jazz Butcher Date: 6 Dec 1994 11:04:11 -0500 From: "Dave Tilley" <> Subject: Southern Mark Smith Ok, Dave Zembower just wrote: |> Yes, it seems that lately Southern Mark Smith keeps rolling through my |> head... Southern Mark Smith is indeed one of my JBC favorites (either version!)... But I have *never* been able to extract from anyone, be they English, or English Majors, exactly what *is* a Southern Mark Smith? Surely someone in the online JBC brain-trust can help! thanks, -dave ============================================================================ Dave Tilley | Internet: SAS Institute Inc. | AppleLink: SAS.DAVE "Go to an extreme, then retreat to a more useful position" --Brian Eno Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 17:24:14 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: Mark E Smith
>Southern Mark Smith is indeed one of my JBC favorites (either version!)...
>But I have *never* been able to extract from anyone, be they English, or
>English Majors, exactly what *is* a Southern Mark Smith?
>Surely someone in the online JBC brain-trust can help!
Mark E. Smith is the off-centre genius behind The Fall. He comes from Manchester, which counts as The North. Pat comes from Northampton, which, frankly, is The Midlands, not The South. But anyway, I believe that's the origin. There are all kinds of JBC/The Fall links of varying degrees of convincingness. Both can produce seriously wonderful lyrics on a good day. For example You are stuck like a pig On a castle lawn Who says, "Look at what's happened to my leg." "Past Gone Mad", The Fall (from the LP "Infotainment Scam") Matt Matthew Cockerill <> Tel: 071 269 3877 Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Cell Cycle Group) Fax: 071 269 3801 Date: Tue, 6 Dec 94 15:23:56 GMT From: Edward Carter <> Subject: Re: odd songs going through your head?
> > I find myself humming Susie and Big Old Wind an awful
> > lot.
when appropriate, yes. since edinburgh from september to june is Gale City then Big Old Wind tends to get quite a look in. I spend much of my life trying to get some work done with these voices in my head putting me off. El Butch is among them. It's Chickentown this week. That said, and on a bit of a tangent, I've been listening to Max's solo effort this morning and I found myself pondering the title: "The Best Kisser in The World". Is he? Who is he referring to? Is this the "knowing pop irony" we hear so much about? ed Date: Tue, 06 Dec 1994 13:18:10 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: odd songs going through your head? ed said:
> I've been listening to Max's
> solo effort this morning and I found myself pondering the title: "The
> Best Kisser in The World". Is he? Who is he referring to? Is this the
> "knowing pop irony" we hear so much about?
a related ancient jbc-list post clarifies:
> Sonia Bario
> 13 Feb 91
> I got a letter from David J over the summer announcing his tour,
> so I went to Toronto, Boston and NYC to see him. After the Toronto
> show I went back to say hi and was introduced to Max and Owen.
> Being the curious thing I am, when introduced to Max I said,
> "wait" and leaned over for a kiss. I recieved stares
> of disbelief from David then explained, "well, I had to find out."
> But Owen immediately asked, "well, is he?" and I blushed and
> settled in for a beer.
it is a shame she doesn't actually SAY.. -david Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 11:01:51 -0800 (PST) From: (Robert Frangooles) Subject: Mark E Smith
> Mark E. Smith is the off-centre genius behind The Fall.
> He comes from Manchester, which counts as The North.
> Pat comes from Northampton, which, frankly, is The Midlands, not The South.
At one of the JBC gigs I attended, someone asked Pat if Southern Mark Smith was indeed the a reference to the Mark of the Fall. He denied it, and I believe stated it was just a name he chose to represent a stereotypical southern gentleman. -- Robert Frangooles => (work) => (home) U S West NewVector Group, Inc. => my opinions, not U S West's Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 18:57:50 GMT From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: Thing ...but it don't run no FBI That song, which I can't remeber the title of, always goes through my head, along with many other songs off Big Questions (like Conspiracy, Peter Lorre, Olaf Palme, Big Old Wind) I flicked through the latest correspondence in a hurry so I don't know if anyone mentioned-in connection with Max- that there is a band called The Best Kissers in The World who released a fine EP on Sub Pop a few years ago and an album, which I haven't heard, more recently. Does anyone know if there is any connection (I doubt it) between Max and this band? Love, Cliff. "Take off that jump suit, you look like Grace Slick." Camper Van Beethoven P.S. Are the lyrics for Down The Drain anywhere as I have an itching to find out where it is he wishes he'd born in the line before "I wish I'd been a tiger even more" Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 20:02:54 -0800 From: (Stephen Larsen) Subject: Southern Mark E. Smith I don't believe when Fishy says that "Southern Mark Smith" isn't a reference to Mark E. Smith. It's his first single. At the time he was probably just getting serious about trying to devote his life to his music. The song is about people finding out what's important to them in life, like the Pope. Mark E. Smith is a very serious (pretentious?) musician who has clearly found out what makes his heart sing. Fish is a very lighthearted musician who has found out what makes his heart sing. Smith is (or was, until the "Manchester" thing) very strongly associated with Northern music. So Fish wants to be a Southern, lighthearted version of Mark Smith. The line on the _Scandal_ version of "Southern Mark Smith," "hey, don't you know they only make pop records out of plastic" tells listeners to not take pop music too seriously, as Mark E. Smith, or at least his serious fans, do. Fish also sings about coming out to clubs, being trendy ("put on your best friend's anorak), and checking out the music. He is suggesting that listeners make the music scene a part of their life, as Smith has done in a rather serious way, and Fish has done in a much more lighthearted way. Sorry, I have no life, and thus spend too much time thinking about pop songs. Hopefully I'd fall into the Southern school and not the Northern school. Hmm, I think I'll have another of those . . . -- Keeping the INS at bay, | Eric L. | "Nothing ever burns down by itself." | Date: Tue, 06 Dec 1994 23:12:16 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: Southern Mark E. Smith
> (Stephen Larsen
> I don't believe when Fishy says that "Southern Mark Smith" isn't a
> reference to Mark E. Smith. It's his first single.
on the WWW server see <a href="${jbc_letters}/93Oct19/fall.html">the following document</a> where pat talked about this: We put out the single Southern Mark Smith in the autumn of 1983. The Fall's C.R.E.E.P., with Pat, Trip Dispenser on the b-side, came out about the same time. Therefore, I feel that it must have been recorded some time BEFORE the Fall could have heard our single. Our bassist at the time (and on the single) was none other than Rolo (woodentops) McGinty. Accordingly, the combination of the Fall title and Smith's strangled cries of "McGinty!" on the record did make for rather spooky listening, but I believe it's just a co-incidence. A little later we received a letter from The Fall, from which we gathered that they dug our record, and later we did quite a few dates supporting them. if pat told someone that he was *not* refering to Mr Fall, he was probably not being truthful. -david Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 23:22:38 -0500 From: "David E. Zembower" <> Subject: The JBC and Videodrome This is probably re-hashed news to most of you who have been around this list for a while, but since I just joined recently, I thought I'd throw out my latest JBC discovery. While listening closely to Cult of the Basement this evening, I finally paid attention to the sample at the beginning of The Basement, that funky little Mediterranean instrumental that appetizes the ears for the fine musical feast that follows. The sample goes: What satellite is it coming from? Snooker, I think. Country of origin? That struck a chord with my failing memory. I rushed to my little video library, sifted through the dusty stacks and pulled out Videodrome, that early 80's David Cronenberg film starring James Woods and good ol' Blondie. Yes, yes, I had it pinned, it was from the early scene where James Woods' character was asking his video pirate friend about the origin of his pirate Videodrome tapes! Like I said, you all probably have known this since Cult was released. However, nothing like the feeling of conquest on a Tuesday evening! Leads me to wonder how many film dialogues have been dubbed in JBC songs. I know on Big Planet Scarey Planet, in Burglar of Love, that Kyle MacLaughlin is dubbed saying "He is a very sick and dangerous man" from the film Blue Velvet. There are also some very humorous samples in Do the Bubonic Plague which I do not recognize. (He passed out? My God!!) Anyone know where these are from? And, even more importantly, what is the business with Way Best Chicken? Is this some inside Brit joke? :) ********************************************************************** Dave Zembower Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Here comes President Chang He never smokes but he sure inhales..................The Jazz Butcher ********************************************************************** Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 11:13:44 -0500 (EST) From: Slang King <> Subject: Re: Mark E. Smith As the list's resident Fall-head, I have to reply. Stephen Larsen writes:
> Mark E. Smith is a very serious (pretentious?)
> musician who has clearly found out what makes his heart sing. Fish is a
> very lighthearted musician who has found out what makes his heart sing.
Erm, I think you've completely misread the Fall. Few bands are as funny, few singers as bitingly funny as Smith. The difference between Pat and Mark's humor is the difference between, say, the Marx Brothers and Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove: One is more obviously humorous, more directly lighthearted. The other is much darker, much more bitter, but every bit as funny. And absolutely intended to be so.
> Smith is (or was, until the "Manchester" thing) very strongly associated
> with Northern music. So Fish wants to be a Southern, lighthearted
> version of Mark Smith. The line on the _Scandal_ version of "Southern
> Mark Smith," "hey, don't you know they only make pop records out of
> plastic" tells listeners to not take pop music too seriously, as Mark E.
> Smith, or at least his serious fans, do.
I'd argue Pat is making light of the very _notion_ of a Southern Mark Smith being possible. Being Mancunian is so completely part of what Smith is. . . . -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 Date: Wed, 07 Dec 1994 12:42:43 -0600 (CST) From: GOOSENMK@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Subject: Southern Mark Smith DAVE TILLEY sez:
> Southern Mark Smith is indeed one of my JBC favorites (either version!)...
> But I have *never* been able to extract from anyone, be they English, or
> English Majors, exactly what *is* a Southern Mark Smith?
> Surely someone in the online JBC brain-trust can help!
I've often wondered if it's a reference to Mark E. Smith of the Fall, who is after all from the Midlands. But that's only a guess... Later, Miles Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 10:49:18 -0800 (PST) From: (Robert Frangooles) Subject: Re: Southern Mark E. Smith
> if pat told someone that he was *not* refering to Mr Fall,
> he was probably not being truthful.
> -david
Pat lied to us?....I am crushed...Anyone want to buy a bunch of crummy records by this lousy stinking liar calling himself "The Jazz Butcher" (and what kind of name is that anyway?). -- Robert Frangooles => (work) => (home) U S West NewVector Group, Inc. => my opinions, not U S West's Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 15:14:21 -0500 (EST) From: Slang King <> Subject: Re: Mark E. Smith Fearless Leader says he, too, thinks Pat was being disingenuous when he denied "SMS" is about the Fall. I agree, as I had very much the same conversation with Pat about two years ago. However, there's one thing that seems mista'en in the WWW excerpt David cites: Accordingly, the combination of the Fall title and Smith's strangled cries of "McGinty!" on the record did make for rather spooky listening, but I believe it's just a co-incidence. Actually, Smith's rant isn't all that strangled: McGinty thought he could fool the fall with his imitation speeds But he could not know the psychic nose. . . . Damn. Should've asked Brixie Smith about that when she was last in Chi. Last word: Anyone who hasn't should check out Fall's _458489 A-Sides_, an ace retrospective that's just been reissued. Delightfully warped pop. -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1(312)263-4530 Fax: +1(312)263-0213 --LAA12028.786816951/ Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 17:25:27 +0000 (GMT) From: Subject: JBC superhighway infiltraton Golly. Oi`m just a country lad, me, so you`ll excuse me if my communication suffers from chronic future-shock mind-fuck scenario... "Oh no, not C.F.S.M.F.S.," I hear you squawk, "Not that old sucker." Hello, Turner here, tuning in and freaking out (not to mention passing out... the facilities for...erm...maintaining the students at this here seat of learning are to be recommended) on the orgy of facts, figures and fun that is ButcherFunk International. And, frankly, I`m impressed (not to say a little bewildered at the sheer volume of shit contained herein). I guess that, seeing as I`m here now, I ought to contribute some information which may be deemed as of some interest, but I hear (through slightly more conventional means of communication... the British Royal Mail is a wonderful thing) that Fishy himself has already been in telecommunicational enlightenment mode and, being the technological ingenue that I am, I cannot find said missive myself, so you`ll have to forgive me if I repeat (or wildly contradict) shit contributed by the big B. I s`pose I`d also better think of something to say (heck, I just wanted to dial up, I didn`t realise you actually had to have things to say)... Also (in strictly Teutonic terms)... It seems to have filtered through that we`ve now finished recording the new waxing... I have a cassette of it in my pocket right at this moment... and, to tell the honest, I (at least) think it`s a damned fine record (I`m allowed to say shit like that... I`m just the drummer and, as such, am permitted neither pride nor modesty nor blame for the sonic dribblings of the, uh, artistic members of the band). Whilst sat at the desk, quietly muttering to himself in the `eccentric` manner of all producers, David J. was heard to mutter the epithet `definitive`, and I for one would like to think that he wasn`t entirely talking drug-addled hyperbole. It does a rather fine job of encapsulating most of the spectrum of Butcher recordings (i.e. bits of it are almost as miserable as Condition Blue, and other bits are, in all candour, stupid). McGee is letting us have a single (a rarity in this country, I believe "Girl Go" was the last), and the current concensus seems to have a song called Sixteen Years" marked out as prime contender (broadly, I have to say that I agree... it pulss off a trick essential in a good pop single, namely that it sounds at it`s very best on one`s first listening). I think Pat might favour "Cute Submarines" as the choice, but it bothers me that, although it`s certainly one of the stronger tracks we`ve recorded, it`s precisely the kind of thing that has us branded "risible" in some (unenlightened) corners. Still, he`s the Butcher. Whatev.... We`re still looking for a title for the album (all suggestions gratefully ridiculed)... pace-setters from the brainstorming session include "The Bad Neighbourhood", "Church of Snakes", "Your Kids Are All Evil", "Punk Punk Punk Punk Punk" and, considering that this is the Butcher`s (difficult) tenth album, "One More Than Beethoven". Oh and Pat likes "Progressive". Me? I want to call the record "Doojophilia", but I think I`m gonna be overruled on the grounds that it`s a fucking dumb idea. Dooj has played a blinder on this outing, burbling away like a trooper. DOOJ IS COOL, as the studio catchphrase had it. And so say all of us. This slogan should be added to his biog. Do it now, you know it makes sense. Um... I think that`s about as much recording gossip as I can be doing with (largely on the grounds that, in the face of the magnificent and replete Butch-fest that I find myself presently linked to, I can`t believe that anybody finds us THAT interesting). Previous communiques seem to indicate that you are after a bit of other information, which reads as follows: GABRIEL ALEXANDER (Yowsa, not another one) TURNER (The Bishop): Drumming, singing, smoking, drinking. The only regular patron of the Love Bus under thirty (like by ten years, as it goes). Joined J.B.C. through pure serendipity in spring 1994 (The story briefly: Gabriel is JBC fan. Gabriel goes to see JBC perform in London - New Cross Venue, November 27th 1993. Gabriel notices that JBC are drumless (I`m disappointed that there is no mention of COLIN - JBC drum machine, spritual mentor and, unlike the rest of the band, also in The Black Eg - in your list of conspirators). Gabriel remembers that he can play drums. Gabriel makes mental note to speak to Butcher post gig. Butcher plays gig. Butcher breaks guitar. Gabriel decides this not right time to speak to Butcher. Gabriel goes home and writes Butcher letter. Butcher calls Gabriel. "Fancy playing drums for us," asks Butcher. "Yowsa," replies Gabriel. And the rest is disturbingly extensively documented elsewhere in technoland). Turner keywords: Jagermeister, Maxwin, Yokel. I had more to dribble, but I`m being forcibly ejected... Speak to you soon, invisible pals o` mine... Snuggles, The Bishop. Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 21:29:07 GMT From: Keith Jones <> Subject: JBC New JBC lp duly completed in secure Northampton location.1994 live line-up stumbled through a series of tunes and such under Butcher's direction, aided and abetted by a number of the usual suspects; Alex Lee on guitar, Alex Green on saxes, that sort of thing.Max Read was engineer for the session, and he also contributed a lot of the backing vocals.He is a good looking chap, non-smoker, very able and agreable.Judge Curtis was on hand to play the Hungarian Stock Whip. "Where did you get that?" "I got it from Jane." "Jane who?" "Jane the Pain, who do you think?" A chap from Stranger Tractors called Bolly played dijeridoo on one number. Writer currently unable to establish JBC motives behind this. Musical Dave, of Northampton combo Ubu Swirl (Do they know that the JBC call them "Hobo Swill"?), contributed a spiffy guitar,and there were further vocal contributions by friends and family.The WOLFS, I am assured, are not a sample. The Butcher mixed one or two of the shorter tracks, but the vast majority of the mixing was handled - in his own inimitable style - by producer DAVID J. David gave the impression that he was having a whale of a time. The JBC themselves are agreed that "Man 0f The Match" on this record has to be Dooj.Apart from dismissing his bass parts in about 36 minutes, he also contributed guitar and some astonishing backing singing....and he plays the SYNTHESISER!Moves instituted by the drummer to entitle the album "DOOJ IS COOL" were, however, swiftly and brutally suppressed by the ruling junta.The title remains a mystery. Songs (and stuff) on the record are as follows, though no definitive order has yet been established.(The Butcher won't let any of the band have a cassette copy.) A GREAT VISITATION OF ELEPHANTS WHEN ENO SINGS THE UGLIEST SONG IN THE WORLD SCARLETT BEETLE GEORGE COPS AND HOSPITALS TRUCK OF FEAR BLUES FOR DEAN READ WAITING FOR SUMO OLD SNAKEY LAND LULU'S NIGHTMARE CUTE SUBMARINES SURF GEAR IN IDAHO 16 YEARS TRUE STORIES There are supposed to be a couple of out-takes floating around too. The idea is that Creation in London will be issuing a single of "16 Years" in January 1995, and then releasing the LP in February, after which the JBC will be gratefully dusting off their passports and going back to Full Employment within the EU and beyond. Northampton-area residents may be entranced to know about the JBC CHRISTMAS IN THE FRIDGE event which will be taking place on Weds. 21st December in a LARGE TENT in back of Slurps Bar. Bridge Street, Northampton. The 5-piece JBC will appear (it is not known whether Dooj or his grisly substitute will be on bass), supported by D.J.s and Judge Curtis' excellent Stranger Tractors.- That's your lot from the Sports Desk. Now where did I leave that beaker? Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 03:15:02 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: JBC (pat post?) after THIS past through the list yesterday:
> Keith Jones <>
> New JBC lp duly completed in secure Northampton location. 1994
> live line-up stumbled through a series of tunes and such under
> Butcher's direction, aided and abetted by a number of the usual
> suspects; Alex Lee on guitar, Alex Green on saxes, that sort of
> thing.Max Read was engineer for the session, and he also
> contributed a lot of the backing vocals.He is a good looking
> chap, non-smoker, very able and agreable.Judge Curtis was on hand
> to play the Hungarian Stock Whip.
i think i have reason to accost pat by phone.. even though that post was from "Keith Jones", such a person is not even on the mailing list. my guess is that pat finally managed his way around a non-typewriting keyboard. should we all feel humble or scared to death is my question. i think that it is hilarious that Gabriel beat him to the honor of being "First Cyber Conspirator" by about 6 hours.
> There are supposed to be a couple of out-takes floating around
> too. The idea is that Creation in London will be issuing a
> single of "16 Years" in January 1995, and then releasing the LP
> in February, after which the JBC will be gratefully dusting off
> their passports and going back to Full Employment within the EU
> and beyond.
> (The Butcher won't let any of the band have a cassette copy.)
this sounds good. the part about the single, i mean. "Full Employment"? since when were the brothers employed? and from Gabriel via his friend (M "not Mitch" Jenkins):
> It seems to have filtered through that we`ve now finished
> recording the new waxing... I have a cassette of it in my pocket
> right at this moment...
better not let pat know - course, I won't tell him if you send a copy :-) Gabriel, could you keep us up-to-date on gig dates and stuff? thanks.. -david Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 09:35:41 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: Just to remind everyone about the Blue Aeroplanes gig I saw advertised this week that The Blue Aeroplanes are playing a couple of gigs at the mean fiddler in London, and on Friday 16th, they have listed "Special guest compere: Pat Fish" So wander along, fishophiles. Talking of which, I drove past Fishcoteque (just across Waterloo Bridge) the other day for the first time. Somehow seemed strabnge that it still exists, (or even that it exists at all. Matt Date: Fri, 09 Dec 1994 06:56:48 -0400 (EDT) From: PATERSD <> Subject: Re: JBC (pat post?) WOW!!!!!! This is outstanding!!! A new JBC album for the New Year! Will the album be released under the name of JBC? There was some talk awhile ago here that Pat wanted to change the band's name. I hope not! It would be strange goin' to the record store and asking "Hey you got that new Jazz Butcher album... you know the one by the band called 'The Undulating Snakes of Funk'?" It would be too weird 'eh? Hope the album makes it across the big puddle at the same time. David Paterson Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 13:36:09 -0600 (CST) From: James Kosmicki <> Subject: name for "new waxing" Please, by all means use _One More Than Beethoven_. That title would encapsulate everything that I love about JBC. Plus, it would catch people's eyes and get them to look twice, a plus in today's crowded record store. Date: Fri, 09 Dec 94 15:01:35 PDT From: Subject: One More Than Beethoven James Kosmicki wrote:
> Please, by all means use _One More Than Beethoven_. That title would
> encapsulate everything that I love about JBC. Plus, it would catch
> people's eyes and get them to look twice, a plus in today's crowded
> record store.
I second this excellent suggestion! ----- John Cooper - - Seattle, Washington, USA Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 21:20:20 -0500 From: ei667@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Nora Holden) Subject: Re: One More Than Beethoven
>> Please, by all means use _One More Than Beethoven_. That title would
>> encapsulate everything that I love about JBC. Plus, it would catch
>> people's eyes and get them to look twice, a plus in today's crowded
>> record store.
>I second this excellent suggestion!
And I third it! :) Nora K. -- "And if I was on my knees you'd have a good view of my skull, and I happen to know you're carrying a chisel." -- Robyn Hitchcock Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 12:23:08 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: Re: One More Than Beethoven Sorry to be the voice of grouchy English dissent but isn't "One More than Beethoven" a little too much of a coterie allusion, quite apart from sounding like "Roll over Beethoven"? I quite fancy "Bedazzled", which apparently was the working title for "Waiting for the Love Bus", but "Doojophilia" sounded even better - I mean, imagine the marketting = You Loved Screamadelica, now, Bigger and Better from Creation Records, Doojophilia. Or maybe not. Best wishes, Mike. Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 15:40:54 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: JBC (pat post?) WAS NOT FROM PAT I am sorry to have misled anyone, but the post from Keith Jones <> was not Pat. Although all of the information is accurate, at this time, it is a mystery who is posing as "Keith Jones". "Keith Jones" is what the Spanish-speaking fan base of the JBC believe Pat's real name to be. He told me that in early years, someone during tour must have (jokingly) told a reporter in Spain that the singer's name is Keith Jones, and the media continue to use that pseudo-fact. Whoever submitted that message knows this - in addition to their ability to quote in-studio conversations. Pat is on the case. JBC-v-Internet: While the band were in the studio, they had the opportunity to look at the WWW pages. Pat seems to have a keen interest on being able to communicate more directly with y'all, so do not be surprised if he eventually shows up here. I predict ImmanentDeathOfTheJBC-List. About the new album: Out in February. Still no title. (Gabriel - could you scan your cover art for us?) Unless the world recognizes this one as something special, come this time next year, the party will truly be over. (at least under the name Jazz Butcher). Some Tunes: The Ugliest Song In The World this is NOT about the Blue Aeroplanes. David J agreed with Pat that Dooj's vocals at the end sound "just like Max". Truck Of Fear wolf sounds are actually Pat and Dave howling (with the door open so that they can see the moon, much to the bewilderment of the Hell's Angels next door) True Stories not a cover Western Family master tape: Until I protested my case, he suggested that I pay him royalties for these dubs I am making! He is piiiig. -david http://${del_root} Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 18:07:33 -0800 From: (Stephen Larsen) Subject: End of the JBC? So, if this LP doesn't sell well, it may be the end of the JBC? Oh Fish, please, do what ever it takes. Get back together with Max. With David J. on board, you could make the *great* JBC album that never was. It's as if the Beatles broke up just before Sgt. Pepper's_. Sure, Rubber Soul and Revolver are great records. So are Imagine and Band on the Run. But there was a masterpiece JBC album that never got made. Before you throw it all away, do whatever it takes; make that masterpiece. Did you get that Jones? -- Keeping the INS at bay, | Eric L. | WHOOPS! What a Palaver! | Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 23:26:08 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: title under construction I kinda like "Your Kids Are All Evil." But perhaps "Frogressive" . . . "Frogress?" Too much like "Fishcotheque?" (it's called "Thing," by the way, Cliff . . . "I call that thing J. Edgar / But it don't run no FBI" -- but you probably know that by now) Waiting patiently, supporting from afar. Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 01:20:20 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: covers I'd like to see the JBC do "Outdoor Miner" . . . seems a natural, soundwise. I've only ever heard one cover of that sublime favorite, and it sucked a lot. It was by The Grays. Ack Pft. AND, I find myself singing "Our Friends the Filth" and "Shirley Maclaine," neither of which hit home immediately. and (argh), re: this mortal coil's request, all but one of the songs you listed ("Real Men") are on the collection _Bloody Nonsense_, on (r.i.p.) BigTime records. All but a different song you listed ("The Devil is My Friend") are on _A Scandal in Bohemia_, on (ditto) Glass Records. Or maybe they're all on the _Big Questions_ compilation, which did, I think, come out in '87. My dad likes to say that you haven't lived until you've heard "Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present." you know what happens if you leave a fish too long in an elevator? You don't? Well here's a clue: fish is biodegradable. (that means it rots!) Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 10:26:36 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: title under construction Amy wrote:
> and (argh), re: this mortal coil's request, all but one of the songs you
> listed ("Real Men") are on the collection _Bloody Nonsense_, on (r.i.p.)
> BigTime records. All but a different song you listed ("The Devil is My
> Friend") are on _A Scandal in Bohemia_, on (ditto) Glass Records. Or
> maybe they're all on the _Big Questions_ compilation, which did, I think,
> come out in '87.
NB there are two different versions of _Bloody Nonsense_, and one of them has Real Men. Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "When I walked down the strip arm-in-arm with you, I was terrified, As we walked down the strip arm-in-arm, temporarily..." (The Jazz Butcher, "Girls Say Yes") Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 11:33:48 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes I have some disagreements with what is on the WWW server for Girls Say Yes, so I just thought I'd see if people hear what I hear, or if I'm way out in left field... `Antiquated letting go can sense success I've seen the future and it's birldlike When girls say "yes".' I don't know about the beginning of the first line of this part, but what I hear is something ending in "consent is success". `Now my heart don't want to let you go And the whole empty room feels a mess You got to watch for the exit wounds When girls say "yes".' I hear "hole in the roof is a mess" Guess that's it... Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "When I walked down the strip arm-in-arm with you, I was terrified, As we walked down the strip arm-in-arm, temporarily..." (The Jazz Butcher, "Girls Say Yes") Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 14:17:32 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: Re: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes I guess I'd agree with Chris on those. Thought (at least at one time, don't remember) it was "birdlime," not "birdlike," but maybe I just read too much older English lit. This I did not know, about a biversional _Bloody Nonsense_. I NB. Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 10:20:43 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: Re: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes Amy hearing "birdlime" makes far more sense than what I'd always heard, which was "birdlight", but then my mum always said I had old dishcloths for ears. I will endeavour to listen correctly. re: Chris Camfield: it sounded like "hole in the roof" to me as well but I've not seen the web/ net thing yet (technological incompetence reigns) Michael Whitworth St. Anne's College, Oxford (they check in, but they don't check out) Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 14:33:37 +0000 From: Subject: Intro I am just introducing myself to the list which I came across after looking up Sonic Boom. I would like to tell everyone about the fate of the Jericho Tavern in Oxford where JB has played gigs. It is under threat from the brewery, who plan to turn it into a wine bar, as far as I can tell, which is a great pity. I have been having trouble sending mail to the list so if this is a repeat of some previous message, I apologize. Best wishes Sue. Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 18:59:55 -0800 (PST) From: Arik Kissinger Florimonte <> Subject: Re: name for "new waxing" On Fri, 9 Dec 1994, James Kosmicki wrote:
> Please, by all means use _One More Than Beethoven_. That title would
> encapsulate everything that I love about JBC. Plus, it would catch
> people's eyes and get them to look twice, a plus in today's crowded record
> store.
Personally, I kinda like 'All Your Kids Are Evil' . Just my $.02 US Arik Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:47:18 -0500 From: Subject: Re: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes
>"Antiquated, let it go: `consent is success'.
> I've seen the future and it's birdlime, When girls say 'yes'."
I think it's important to take the lyrics in context, and the first verse describes first meeting and things going well. (Doesn't birdlime also mean birdsh*t? Not very positive, especially in context.) Here's my reading on it... for what it's worth. She bends her head just right, so very gracefully, Everybody's watching her, everybody smiles, Those special lights shine hot on her bare shoulders, She never felt so happy in her life, Abdicating and letting go, consent is success, I've seen the future and it's birdlike, when girls say 'yes'. The word "success" almost sounds like exceess, and "birdlike" almost sounds like "bird-light" as in euphoria and abandon, consistent with the rest of the verse. Either way, I think "bird" should be taken in the context of Brit slang for young women, as well as taking wing and soaring to the great heights that lead to the inevitable plummet experienced in verses 2 and 3. Also note that at the beginning of verse 2, she's "stepping right off an airplane", no doubt beginning the descent. I knew that English degree would pay off someday. And yes, the hole in the roof IS a mess... and Condition Blue rules. And you kids thought I wasn't paying attention. Gary Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 18:25:35 -0800 (PST) From: Arik Kissinger Florimonte <> Subject: Re: title under construction On Sun, 11 Dec 1994, Amy E Gregoret wrote:
> AND, I find myself singing "Our Friends the Filth" and "Shirley
> Maclaine," neither of which hit home immediately.
On this topic, I must interject... I grab Condition Blue more than any other in the last year or so... I don't like all the songs (I usually skip Harlan & Honey) But Shirley MacClaine and Filth are definite classics. Really looking forward to another jbc release, Arik Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 12:05:45 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes Isn't this fun? I do agree that it's important to take the lyrics in context. The question is, does the first verse end with "She never felt so happy in her life" or not? I've been reading it as yes, it DOES end the first, and so the two lines that I hear "Antiquated..." are separate and a contrast from the first four. Depends on how you see the song; I see it as essentially describing the contrast between the happy and beautiful girl and the guy who is going to get his insides kicked out, >from the word go<, rather than having an ascent and descent. But I will have a listen to the song again with your interpretation in mind, Gary. Gary wrote: (I wrote: )
> >"Antiquated, let it go: `consent is success'.
> > I've seen the future and it's birdlime, When girls say 'yes'."
> I think it's important to take the lyrics in context, and the first verse
> describes first meeting and things going well. (Doesn't birdlime also mean
> birdsh*t? Not very positive, especially in context.) Here's my reading on
> it... for what it's worth.
Birdlime (from the online Webster here): a sticky substance usu. made from the bark of a holly (Ilex aquifolium) that is smeared on twigs to snare small birds Bird->woman or birdlime->prison? When I read the reference to rhyming slang in my OED about birdlime, I immediately clued into that because of other rhyming slang Pat has used, like Edgar Wallace=serious. Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "When I walked down the strip arm-in-arm with you, I was terrified, As we walked down the strip arm-in-arm, temporarily..." (The Jazz Butcher, "Girls Say Yes") Date: Wed, 14 Dec 94 09:18:28 PDT From: Subject: Re: title under construction Arik Kissinger Florimonte <> wrote:
> I grab Condition Blue more than any other in the last year or so... I don't
> like all the songs (I usually skip Harlan & Honey) But Shirley MacClaine and
> Filth are definite classics.
I'm particularly fond of "Harlan." When I was an overintelligent teenage nerd, Harlan Ellison's science-fiction stories were among the only ones I could find that were as passionate, as sensitive and as angry as I was...and I remember the first time I heard this song, and Pat singing "...A boy and his dog...Alone against tomorrow..." I got a chill as I realized he'd read the same stories I did, and was moved enough by them to write a song. ----- John Cooper - - Seattle, Washington, USA "All that Honey wants is just someone to watch Twin Peaks with..." _______________________________________________________________________________ Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 17:16:03 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: Re: covers Somewhat belatedly, for the comprehensive covers list: "Stereo Queen" by Pat's Austrian friend Wolfgang. Pat's been doing it in his solo gigs recently. Does anyone know whether Wolfgang has recorded this song, and where, and what his surname is? Is it purchaseable in the UK? Michael W. Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 17:12:07 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Wolfgang Stegg
> Somewhat belatedly, for the comprehensive covers list:
> "Stereo Queen" by Pat's Austrian friend Wolfgang. Pat's
> been doing it in his solo gigs recently. Does anyone know
> whether Wolfgang has recorded this song, and where, and what
> his surname is? Is it purchaseable in the UK?
Wolfgang Stegg (maybe spelt differently) indeed does have a recording out, and pat has a copy - whether or not Stereo Queen is on it, i cannot recall. nor do i remember the label, etc. there is a simple line drawing on the blue sleeve, though.. sounds like an pre/after show question for pat. what i do know is that the album is marvelously STRANGE. stuffed with simple acoustic tunes, recorded in a church for its natural reverb. has lots of bassoons and stuff. dreamy - and it is all just wolfgang. -david Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:12:08 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Re: lyric quibbles! Girls Say Yes I just did have a go and listen to Girls Say Yes, with Gary's interpretations of the lyrics in mind, and to my surprise found myself agreeing with him on just about all points! ("bends her head so very gracefully", "abdicating and letting go") Well, I'm not totally sure about birdlike, but it's very hard to tell there. Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "I could go back to Bregen's And Brandt would be waiting With a shot of penicillin and a gun..." ("Vienna Song", The Jazz Butcher) Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 22:44:36 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: Harlan Sr. Cooper said it well. I got into Harlan Ellison at around 13 . . . funny, dark, spooky, nuts, steadfast, a total crank. Imagination. I had the same experience listening to CB for the first time, wondering whether it was *that Harlan. I was pleased. And "Honey" was my first and perhaps still favorite on thattun. It just doesn't hang around my cerebrum like th' others. But the verse with Twin Peaks in it, it's just so thick with words ( . . . it'likeautomaticwriting Idon'tmeantobeimpertinent butshe'sgonnathinkwhatshe'sgonnathink). An excellent bile song. A lyrics question (I am still ruminating on the birdlime issue, trying to phrase my support of the word in context) raised by a pal this evening while "Distressed Gentlefolk" was on. What the HELL is the bit they repeat throughout "Big Bad Thing" at the breaks? Guess this must have been puzzling me since I was sixteen. Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 22:48:47 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: Wolfgang Stegg Is this the alleged "stray Stegg" ("Mr. Odd")? Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 11:04:57 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: stray steg(g) and other creatures On the subject of the stray steg / birdleg / from Winnipeg (excuse the spelling) I was under the impression that it was a stray Stegosaurus, I suppose as Mr Odd is a man out of his time, though the exploits of a stray Austrian musician might conceivably be comparable. Back on the subject of Girls Say Yes, Pete Crouch (one time schoolfriend in Henley on Thames) said that it was about "falling in love in Los Angeles and getting f***ed up by it". Perhaps his guitar playing is more eloquent than his plot summaries. Another person, like Gabriel, who joined the JBC by following them around for months on end. He used to be in a band round Henley and Reading called Peter's Walnut Whirls, round about 1986-88. They did covers of Dire Straits and early JBC - hence the guitar break on Girls Say Yes sounds like the beautiful lovechild of Max Eider and Mark Knopfler. All this pop trivia may be on the WWW but I've still not figured out how to Gopher. Seasonal Gratings to all, Michael. Date: Mon, 26 Dec 1994 04:55:09 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Answers to questions
> Amy E Gregoret <>
> Wed, 21 Dec 1994 22:44:36 -0600 (CST)
> What the HELL is the bit they
> repeat throughout "Big Bad Thing" at the breaks?
It is a fake accent applied to the phrase "What You Want?" ("Vhot You Vhant?") (I hardly ever listen to Gentlefolk, but am now, and Nothing Special is a really great tune!)
> Is this the alleged "stray Stegg" ("Mr. Odd")?
nope. As far as I know, Mr Fish only knows of Wolfgang Stegg since early in 1993 (when he opened for the JBC in Vienna) as Pat reported: 11.3 Vienna - Szene Wien 300 people (more?) Opening act is one "Jac", a lone 19 year old Austrian who is brilliant. JBC follow him on and open with Girls Say Yes, which Lix has just remembered a few minutes ago. It, and all that follows it, walks a charmed route through chaos, and by the end of the night I am fairly sure that this was the best JBC show ever. Many drunks, nightclubs. Kathie, Lix and I end up in the hotel manager's apartment. The phrase "Stray Stegg" dates from the Cult days - 1989
> Michael H Whitworth <>
> Thu, 22 Dec 1994 11:04:57 +0000 (GMT)
> I was under the impression that it was a stray Stegosaurus
true. During the 1989 US tour, the JBC were rather enamored with saurians - they had sheets and sheets of colorful dinosaur stickers from a Highlifes kids magazine which they left stuck to dressing room walls across the states. The animal of the tour was a foot-long green plastic stegosaurus, named Spinach. At the end of the 89 tour, I was bequeathed ownership, and he made a ferocious watch-thing for my apartment for the next year. I checked him back onto the JBC tour bus in 1990 and that was the last he was heard of. I hope he is doing well. The butcher-man recently finished his 37th year. Keep it going, old man.. This has been a very active year for the jbc-list!
>From then to now, the number of posts per year:
1989 - 22 1990 - 61 1991 - 78 1992 - 53 1993 - 119 1994 - 330 This probably says more about Internet accessibility than about the JBC fan-base, but still, it is encouraging. And, since the WWW server started up in March 1994, 4781 people have visited the JBC Web site. Who knows how many had heard of the group before? The fact that people occasionally search for things like "Charlie Parker" makes me smile, but still, it is encouraging. -david http://${del_root} Date: Tue, 27 Dec 94 10:22:36 PDT From: Subject: Re: Harlan The beauteous and deep Amy E Gregoret ( wrote:
> A lyrics question (I am still ruminating on the birdlime issue, trying to
> phrase my support of the word in context) raised by a pal this evening
> while "Distressed Gentlefolk" was on. What the HELL is the bit they
> repeat throughout "Big Bad Thing" at the breaks? Guess this must
> have been puzzling me since I was sixteen.
To me it sounds like "what you want?" in a threatening Hungarian accent: VOT YOU VANT? ...I want to get out of here...(questions and answers) ----- John Cooper - - Seattle, Washington, USA _______________________________________________________________________________ Date: Tue, 27 Dec 94 10:34:14 PDT From: Subject: Red Rockets Shot My Rocket Down Some months ago, a friend of mine who knows very little about the JBC made me a tape on which he included a track by "The Plymouth Fastbucks" [sic.] called... drum roll please..."Red Rockets Shot My Rocket Down." It's a different version than the track on "Bloody Nonsense" (where it's called, if memory serves, "President Reagan's Birthday Present"), but the singer is absolutely-without-a- doubt-from-the-first-two-syllables Pat Fish. Does anybody know anything about this version? I actually like it better than the one on "Bloody Nonsense." But why the silly band name? ----- John Dylan Cooper - - Seattle, Washington, USA Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 18:20:11 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Red Russians Well, Pr Reagan's BDay Present does appear on both _Sex and Travel_ and _Bloody Nonsense_... but I haven't listened at them enough to compare differences between them. I thought they were pretty similar myself. Chris Date: Fri, 30 Dec 1994 17:59:55 -0600 (CST) From: Amy E Gregoret <> Subject: Re: Harlan I appreciate the answers to my lingering puzzlements . . . har, beauteous and deep indeed ! . . you'd think that as an English major now heading in the direction of paleontology in gradschool I'd have given a little more consideration to THAT steg. Any particular address to which I should send my term-paper on ceratopsian dinosaurs? Nyuk-nyuk. Or was it a passing fad (as it's due to be with them Public pretty damn soon)? I'm sure I have another lyrics question, but I think I'll go 'n' WWW-- Happy Near Yew 1995, all. Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 22:02:32 GMT From: Subject: Happy New Year, Gone Fishing Sitting here freezing in Oxford with a few moments to kill, and what better way that with a brief report of joy. Fleur, Jacqui, Kate, Gareth, and myself were at the Mean Fiddler for the Blue Aeroplanes gigs, and here's what we saw. (Really belongs on an Aeroplanes list, but here anyway). *Friday*, though billed as bop-art tenth anniversary with Fish compere and archival blue video, wasn't like that at all. Mulreany and Allen provided a Rickenbacker and acoustic support, but the set failed to gel. The Bop-Art line-up was a different affair. Initially slow, as Steve Bush declaimed his pinkies to a cool reception (neither Fish nor Gerard, thought the audience) but then forty minutes of spin cycle endurance. Highlight for me the Bop Version of Bury Your Love Like Treasure, off a later album, natch. Then the set itself. Arg! Had to go frug to this, Wojtek demands that you move. Incredible mix of Beatsongs and Life Model. New one Detective Snog kissable, but where's Angelo? Is there something I don't know? Of course. But hey, you want to hear about *Saturday* and Pat. This was probably the best gig in the world, from where we were standing. Tim Keegan provided a short sweet set of three numbers, and won the hearts of all present. A keen JBC fanatic, he used to be in a band called Ringo, who did nowt, but with his good looks and his sharp lyrics, he *will* go far. Mulreany and Allen wheeled out the same set as last night, and again the only good bits were Rodney's `Fun' and their Beatles number, `Driving Me Mad'. But what do I know? It's a lot better than I could do. By the way, the girl behind me thought Mulreany was Paul Weller. Then oh my goodness! It's the Butcher. If only Dylan sightings were as rare and full of excitement. Three songs, all excellent, all well-received. The third was, I think, Cute Submarines. Radical. Too fucking short. More more more. Then the Blue Aeroplanes set. Even better than last night, although someone extracted my wallet from my front jeans pocket. Yeah, I felt it, but too late to figure out who in the crowd had taken it. If you want to know how good the gig was, just think: this didn't spoil my evening. Made a mental note to cancel the cards, and threw myself back into it all. If you've never seen the Blue Aeroplanes, do so now! Before anything happens to them. And then see them again. Afterwards. Claim you always loved them. That much will be true. Take it off and deny it. Daughter Movie, Yr Own World, Detective Song, Colour Me, I'm A Smart Drug, Broken and Mended, Ghost-Nets, Jacket Hangs, and Vade Mecum Gunslinger. The first night ended with fifteen people on stage. Most of them with guitars. All but one plugged in. The second night was a leetle more chaotic, with Gerard gunning the works. This time, two guitarists ended up unplugged, but the remainder, including Pat, of course, left us senseless. And in my case, broke. But it was worth it. Well worth it. Worth anything. Gig of the year, mate. -- P.S. if anyone wants a bop-art cd (I got five, sadly having missed the message from one correspondent, sorry again) then here's the fan club address: The Blue Aeroplanes Information Service PO Box 747 64-65 North Road Bristol BS6 5AQ The flyer also states that you can join the club for five quid, cheque payable to Blue Aeroplanes, and a passport-sized photograph (?). Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 22:46:24 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: Pat Fish and David J at Slurps (21st December 1994) A little delayed, this, what with the festive season and all, but maybe you want to hear anyway. Feeling close to ecstatic at the thought of being back in the town of parking tickets and wingless pigeons, I headed along to Slurp's wino bar, a small island of bohemianness and Jaegermeister in the morass of XR3is and shell-suits that is Northampton. Company was provided by my brother who is (un)fortunate enough to actually live there. Heart-warmingly, the moment we walked in through the door at 8.30pm, we got a cheery wave from Pat. Surely soon comes the day when Pat is pesonally acquainted with every single purchaser of his latest album... Anyway, it was good to see the man again, and I can break the news (which Jim Murray for some reason found unworthy of mention) that Pat is now the proud owner of a rather fetching goatee. The music? Well,we missed the openers by Curtis, cos we were in the bar asking Pat about the new album (has a good song about dolphins, 'pparently). Then the oddly familiar sound of David J's voice (to someone who has never listened to his solo stuff) summoned us into the music tent. (Slurps had extended its lebensraum into the frosty December night with a large semi-permanent marqueee, heated by what appeared to be a decommissioned military jet engine.) Anyway, David J's minimalist 2 guitars plus vocals set was short and sweet, finishing with a stomping version of "Run, run Rudolph!" (by Chuck Berry, of course). Then came the headliners, Dooj, Pat, Gabriel, and the two guys who I don't know their names. Somehow, whenever I see Dooj now, I'm put in mind of The Grim Reaper (see the report on the last Northampton gig), but anyway, reports that he had excelled himself on the new album were amply confirmed. Pat claimed defensively that the 3 or 4 songs they played from the new album, they had played together for the first time only the day before, but everything came together regardless. A particular stunner was a kindof inverted version of "Excellent", called something like "I hate!", which involves Dooj shouting an awful lot. Plenty of other great songs, oldies too, including Caroline Wheeler and Take the Skinhead's Bowling. But the most amazing thing about this gig, as opposed to all others? They didn't play Mr Odd (nor Sister Death, for that matter). Looks like the band is finally ready to move off in a whole new direction. A fine evening. Look out for the combined Lovebus/New Album North American tour coming your way soon. Matt Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 01:01:57 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: Lyrics Transcription Hi all! Thanks to Matt and Jim for reporting those gigs. I hope that you dutifully report only from the goodness of your hearts, and not for any malicious taunting factors... As most of you know, there is a companion World Wide Web site to this mailing list (http://${jbc_root}), which contains an embarrassingly large amount of JBC trivia. My endless tinkering with it's arrangement has finally gravitated towards a form I am happy with, and I need some help to fill information gaps that exist. Specifically... By my estimation, there are approximately 130 JBC-written songs that have been committed to plastic. A few of us have been working on transcribing lyrics, of which approximately half have been completed. Here are the remaining 70-or-so tunes that could use a critical listen: almost brooklyn, betty page, big bad thing, big old wind, bubonic plague, buffalo shame, burglar of love, caroline wheeler, chinatown, city of night, cowgirl fever, death dentist, devil is my friend, down the drain, drink, forever, gloop jiving, grooving in the bus lane, hairbrush and tank, hard, holiday, honey, i need meat, it has to be you, jb theme, jb v pm, lost in france, mind like a playgroup, monkeyface, my desert, nightmare being, olaf palme, poisoned by food, president reagan, rain, rebecca wants her bike back, red pets, sex engine, shes a yo yo, beautiful snow-white hair, south america, still and all, swingin pygmies, the new world, thing, vodka girls, walk with the devil, water, whats the matter boy, the word i was looking for Any takers? There are several family favorites in there.. (hell, if everyone pitched in, the list could be knocked off pretty quickly). -david "hello, how are you? it doesn't matter. 'coz i don't care how you really feel" - Vergiftung Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 9:30:30 EST From: John Pitre <> Subject: the devil is my friend greetings.... happy new year all. I am a 31 year old nuclear engineer, originally from the maritimes in canada (new brunswick specifically) but now living in urban exile in mississauga (a suburb of toronto). I collect early 80s music on cd, (most recent score is that pete shelleys homosapien is coming out on cd for the first time, but i digress) Ive been listening to the jbc for about 10 years now, but didnt become a big fan (outside of the song below) until cult of the basement, one of the most diversely focussed albums i have had the pleasure of listening to. i also think condition blue is a great album but im still warming up to the love bus... I used to play this all the time in the late great days when i had a radio show (chsr-97.9 stereo) and managed to glom a copy onto one of my archive tapes before i left..... Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 12:50:43 -0800 (PST) From: Dawn Higgins <> Subject: So this is how it works! Greetings to all from Seattle, WA! I'm pretty new to the list, and thought I'd start with a couple of questions for the crew. Having been searching out JBC compact discs since I first heard "Bloody Nonsense" in 1986 (with a fair amount of success), I wonder if anyone knows how I might find the 2 cd's that have eluded me thus far: The Gift of Music and Big Questions (The Gift of Music Volume 2) ?? Also, quite a while ago, I bought a 12" single by J.B.C. entitled "We Love You." Looks as though it's a Rolling Stones cover, but is this indeed the Butcher as I thought, and what's the story behind it? I'll defer my comments on favorites for another day. Thank you, drive through. -- Greg Date: Thu, 05 Jan 1995 14:35:59 PDT From: Subject: So this is how it works!
> Having been searching out JBC compact discs since I first heard "Bloody
> Nonsense" in 1986 (with a fair amount of success), I wonder if anyone
> knows how I might find the 2 cd's that have eluded me thus far:

> The Gift of Music and Big Questions (The Gift of Music Volume 2) ??

> -- Greg
As I mentioned a few days (or was it weeks?) ago, I'm also looking for those two. If anybody can help Greg and me, please mail both of us! Many thanks! ----- John Cooper - - Seattle, Washington, USA Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 21:15:26 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: set list As I recall from what people have been posting about concerts, the set list for the last little while (aside from the new songs!) does/did not include Sweetwater, Ghosts, or Whaddya. Does anyone know WHY? Chris -- Christopher Camfield ( "I'm afraid, sir, that you have a rather weak grasp of reality." "Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash, and I am delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!" (The Adventures of Baron Munchausen) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 16:39:00 EST From: "Camfield,Chris" <> Subject: Waiting for the Love Bus (the song) "Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice... At the Mean Fiddler gig (London, 93/05/15) Pat played a song called "Waiting for the Love Bus," which I was given to understand is a Blue Aeroplanes song. Are there any BA afficionados who can really confirm this? I have just noted that before Pat plays the song he says: (after saying about how nice the audience was being) "That may all change now. This is brand new, I wrote it during the week when I..." (I can't make out much after that) So, is "Waiting for the Love Bus" a song a B.A. song and Pat is lying (!!!!), or did he write it for the B.A. or give it to them? Chris (direct replies to please) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 15:00:00 EST From: "Camfield,Chris" <> Subject: "King of Joy" and other topics Hi, Pat covers this song, by Bill Drummond (according to his words). Can anyone fill me in on whether Mr. Drummond made music under his own name, or under a band's name, and in which case, what was the name of the band? (Or bandS?) Will I have to search used record stores in the vinyl albums section if I want to find anything by him? Was anything by him even released in North America? Thanks, Chris PS Where'd all the traffic go? CHALLENGE: explain what the meaing of ALL of the lyrics to "She's On Drugs" and their relevance in the song. Hey sha la la la... PPS Pat with a goatee? Ugh. Though I dare say Ms. McGinty has more say in the matter than us, so if SHE doesn't mind, why should we? :) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 17:58:40 GMT From: Cliff Lovelock <> Subject: NME 18/1/95 Dear All, Reading through the NME, a music paper that I still find myself compelled to buy, despite a rather dramatic drop in standards since Steve 'expletive, expletive, expletive' Sutherland took over editorship, I came across the following: 80 Reasons to forget the 80's. ...CREATION RECORDS SPOTS! GREASY fringes! Miserable ugly Glaswegians! Droning nonsense about Cindy sunflower girls in the sky! Invented shoegazing! And the Jazz Butcher! GUILTY! A bit harsh I think. Cheers, Cliff. Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 15:29:15 EST From: David A Whittemore <> Subject: Re: "King of Joy" and other topics "Camfield,Chris" <> sez:
> Pat covers this song, by Bill Drummond (according to his words).
> Can anyone fill me in on whether Mr. Drummond made music
> under his own name, or under a band's name, and in which case,
> what was the name of the band?
is this a trick question, chris? Mr Bill Drummond has a fine and long-ish history. You may know some of his more popular works under : the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (JAMMs), the Timelords, or, more recently, that wonderous mega-smash-em-up dance phenomenon - the KLF. however, just before the KLF concept was implemented, there was an album titled The Man (Creation) with Bill Drummond and a live band - it is on this recording that "King Of Joy" may be found.. 1988, 1989, perhaps. i have a US domestic - Restless Records, i think. an interesting bit about the single from that album. the b-side contained a 10-minute spoken-word RANT ("The Manager") about how exactly he would run the music industry, and then he laid out his plans for accomplishing it. very confidently prophetic, considering what happened to the KLF within a few years. he did break one of his "rules for musicians" under his new management - in which he proclaimed "NO RE-MIXES" - there are probably a dozen re-mixes of the KLF's 3 A.M. Eternal, no? yours in mixed-Case sincerity. -david Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 21:14:42 -0500 (EST) From: (Mitchell R Dickerman) Subject: Blue Aeroplanes _Rough Music_ Oh man oh man, I've just finished my second listen to the new one from the Blue Aeroplanes, _Rough Music_, and I think it's a masterpiece. Well, ok, it's no _Swagger_, but it's not supposed to be. It's got an edge to it, 'rough' if you will. There's not a weak track on it (the same can't be said for the previous _Life Model_, which had it's peaks and valleys), and I attribute this to two things: Alex Lee and Pat Fish. Alex has certainly become my favorite guitarist - this from someone who just doesn't HAVE favorite guitarists. I don't know if it's his style or his sound that attracts me so, but it's wonderful. All of Strangelove play on the penumltimate track "Secret Destination". Other fave tracks: "Scared" (great sound, fun lyrics), Rodney's two tracks, and "James". One of the new guys, Jon Wygens, has added alot to the band, too. I saw him when they played here in the fall, and he's a brilliant guitarist and he adds a new creative force to the songwriting (he's credited on 4 tracks). I'm sure this'll wind up in my top 4 of '95. There's just not much chance of more than three artists (Mark Burgess, Robyn Hitchcock or Butchie hisself) putting out something more amazing than this. GO BUY IT! And for God's sake, do not miss them live!!! Mitch Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 18:32:46 -0500 (EST) From: (Mitchell R Dickerman) Subject: New releases? So a while back we were informed about a forthcoming EP and album, to be released in Jan. and Feb., respectively. Any concrete info on them yet? Mitch Date: 23 Jan 1995 17:29:42 -0600 From: Steve Hill <> Subject: Greetings Hi everyone. I just joined the list, which I discovered by looking at a copy of the list of musical lists that I've had sitting around for months. Quick background, name's Steve, will call myself Shill cos that's my email name :), live near Chicago, job is in network communications (physical layer specialist, you might say). My first exposure to Pat Fish was back in 1987, I think, when I bought a cheap cut-out cassette of "Distressed Gentlefolk". Absolutely loved it, still one of my favorites. Fortunately I have it on CD now, as well as a great many others (something like 8 total, I think, perhaps I'll itemise a list later). Have some vinyl, not a lot. Was just listening to "Peter Lorre" the other night, as a matter of fact... I also have Max Eider's album "The Best Kisser in the World" which I (anecdote warning) found used on vinyl about 4 years ago. Didn't think it existed on compact disc. About a year later I went to a wedding reception. I went to talk to the DJ. I glanced at his very small box of CDs and - yes - the Max Eider CD was there. I asked him if he'd sell it to me for $5. He did. I was happy! (Anecdote ends.) Saw JB in Chicago at Lounge Ax on the "Big Planet" tour. Very fun show. It really struck me, though, how big Pat's head is... :) sorry if that's offensive to anyone, including Pat! Going to check out the www page now, looking forward to idle gossip. -shill -- [][] [][] Steve Hill [] [] [] Network Specialist Voice:708-925-6273 William Rainey Harper College Fax:708-925-6030 [] [] [] 1200 West Algonquin Road Page:708-962-0430 [][] [][] Palatine IL 60067-7398 Me? Not allowed? I'm allowed everywhere! Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 16:34:06 +0200 From: (SERI to Internet gateway) Subject: release date for "16 years" I am told by a very reliable source that the "16 years" ep will be released in the UK on 13th Feb. It allegedly has a lot of shouting on it. As for the album, that "should" be out in March. But then Condition Blue "should" have been out a lot earlier if some pillock hadn't put it on hold awaiting songwriting credits. Mijn hovercraft is vol palingen !! sm Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 12:02:06 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Standard Intro, and the new single Hi all, As this is my first post to the list, I thought I'd introduce myself. I must admit that I'm a fairly recent Jazz Butcher convert. A friend gave me a tape of "Cult of the Basement" for my 20th birthday (two years ago), and I was immediately hooked. Of course, I soon found that other recordings were either out of print or extremely hard to find. I'm currently working in a relatively mainstream record store, and was surprised to discover 5 copies of "Love Bus" back in November. I'm pretty impressed with the album as a whole-- I find it far more appealing than "Cult..." I think the cover of "Everybody's Talking" was a rather nice touch (I have the TriStar release). I pre-ordered the "I Hate You" CD single from EAR/Rational a few days ago. Has anybody heard an advance copy of it? -julian- "It sounds great when you're dead" -Robyn Hitchcock- Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 09:59:35 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: re: New Single
> I pre-ordered the "I Hate You" CD single from EAR/Rational a
>few days ago. Has anybody heard an advance copy of it?
No, but the band played it at the pre-Christmas gig in Northampton, and I was impressed. I don't think they had decided what would be the single at that stage though. The full gig report is at http://${jbc_gigs}/1994/Dec21.html [Aside to David: I like the HTMLification of the gig reports. Cool stuff. Maybe I'll try and be a bit more meticulous in my recording of set lists and band members in future] Matt ================================================ Matthew Cockerill <> Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Cell Cycle Group) Clare Hall South Mimms Potters Bar Tel: 071 269 3877 Herts. EN6 3LD Fax: 071 269 3801 ================================================ Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 19:09:47 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: OLD article transcription: Contrast, USA, Winter, 1986 hello all. a jbc-list person (thanks naggi) sent me an old magazine article which has been added to the WWW site. it had lots of photos too, especially of people i didn't have pix for: max, owen, and felix. this article can be found as: http://${jbc_press}/86contrast.html -david Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 23:51:43 -0500 From: (Brian Hendrich) Subject: New guy on the list Hey kids, What a surprise--I have only a few friends who share my strange affinity for the Jazz Butcher. I was in Seattle in the Summer of 1986, hating life because it rained all of July. Anyway, JBC was playing that summer, and that was the first I had heard of them. They were being hyped the only "alternative" radio station in town at the time, which was AM, at that. Wow, how alternative. Anyway, alas, I did not go to the show, and I have been kicking myself for it ever since. I picked up Fishcotheque a year or two later, and I was hooked after that. I saw them in San Diego in about 1989 or so, in this little club called The Casbah. It was smaller than they had expected, and before the show a friend asked the drummer at the time what he thought about it. He said they would just turn up the volume. And of course it was a mighty fine show. Come to think of it, I think it was in support of Cult of the Basement, or was it Big Planet, Scary Planet? I think the latter. The next time they were in my town, I lived in the Bay Area (SF). They played SanJose, and there were no more than 30 people in the club. They had played SF the night before, so presumably all of the fans went to that show. The opening band was some god-awful black-death thing, and Pat was mighty amused by the whole thing. As they came out, he announced,"Hi, we're The Velvet Underground, we'd like to thank The Mission for opening for us." He proceeded to make fun of the other band all night long, and towards the end he clued us in on what had irked him: "They called (someone, I forget her name), Queen of the Dark, the T-shirt girl! I mean, where have these infants been?!" It was a fantastic show, as the fans of The Mission left early and the rest of us were serious JBC fans. Everone was into it. Pat told us "you are small but perectly formed," and even treated us with an ad-libbed, solo rentition of Hungarian Love Song. He scoffed when someone requested Bicycle Kid: "You MUST be joking!" So that is the end of my JBC experience. No shows since then, I just assumed that they don't come through here. I picked up In Bath of Bacon, Sex and Travel, and A Scandal in Bohemia on two CDs. I have not picked up The Love Bus, only because I have not seen it here. There it is, my life with the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy. Hope you liked it. Now I must get outta the lab, if you know what I mean. Cheers, Brian Hendrich Department of Genetics Case Western Reserve University Tel: (216) 368-3518 Fax: (216) 368-3432 Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 07:42:29 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Re-issues? Any news about the re-issue of the older albums? I know Pat mentioned something about Fire records in his last letter.... I guess "Condition Blue" is getting harder to find as well. The only album my store can order reliably is "Love Bus." :( -julian- Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 13:07:50 -0500 From: bj835@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Tim Connors) Subject: Jazz Butcher song in the news Those of you in the US may have noticed a Jazz Butcher reference in the news. It seems the House of Representatives passed yesterday a bill granting to the President a line item veto. As an aside for non-USans, this will dramatically increase the power of the President by allowing him to veto portions of budget legislation rather than all or nothing, which is his choice under the current system. It's also unconstitutional, but that doesn't seem to matter. Anyway, President Reagan pushed for this power for all of his eight years, so as a tribute, the House passed the bill on Reagan's birthday, making the line item veto... yep, President Reagan's Birthday Present! (Happy Birthday dear Mr. President...) -- TJC Ceci n'est pas une sig.file. Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:18:14 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael H Whitworth <> Subject: shock of the jocks Radio One Play Jazz Butcher Record Shock: last night at approx. 19:36 local time, on Britain's "number one music station" (their phrase not mine) Steve Lamacq and Jo Wiley actually gave actual airtime to "Girl Go", and even if Lamacq did start speaking over those last few delicious seconds of it, and even if it was played in their "Could have been bigger than the Beatles" slot (which suggests that the JBC exist in the past tense), this has to be reckoned a big improvement on previous UK media neglect. Whatever next? Airtime for "16 years"? Nice remarks in the NME? Flying pigs? much love, Michael xxx Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:28:46 GMT From: joen@sco.COM Subject: Re: shock of the jocks
> Radio One Play Jazz Butcher Record Shock: last night at approx. 19:36
> local time, on Britain's "number one music station" (their phrase not
> mine) Steve Lamacq and Jo Wiley actually gave actual airtime to "Girl Go",
> and even if Lamacq did start speaking over those last few delicious
> seconds of it, and even if it was played in their "Could have been bigger
> than the Beatles" slot (which suggests that the JBC exist in the past
> tense), this has to be reckoned a big improvement on previous UK media
> neglect. Whatever next? Airtime for "16 years"? Nice remarks in the
> NME? Flying pigs?
I heard it and I was shocked. I think it is the first time I have heard the JBC on the radio in England! Steve Lamacq (is it really spelt like that!) mentioned that the JBC will be appearing on a soon to be released compilation from Creation. Can remember the name - I was in a state of shock :-) Later Joe Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 12:31:54 GMT From: Subject: Re: shock of the jocks Hello again. Re-establishing list contact after a short time spent working. Sorry for the lack'o'facts in the following comments. Brian writes:
> BTW, I will be moving to Edinburgh in June. Does anyone know if the JBC
> gets up there very often?
hahahahaha. But interestingly that makes three jbc-list members in Edinburgh, is there any greater concentration in any other city? (ermm except Oxford now that I think about it) Does Pat LISTEN to his public???? He now has an audience of THREE if he comes to Edinburgh. That's not including whoever keeps buying LoveBus from the record shops up here. Sorry - whinge whinge I go and then I remember that he couldn't even get over to the the US last year where there are probably >3 possible members of the audience in many more towns. General Radio One Play Jazz Butcher Shock response: shit. I missed it. Part of me says that it's now time to start listening to 1FM again since it's obviously going up in the world. The sober, rational part says "well, that's the single JBC incursion onto national radio we'll see in a long time, what's the point? I think I'll just play the records instead."
> Steve Lamacq
> Nice remarks in the NME?
correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the last ghost of a chance of JBC getting a nice word about them in the NME leave when Steve stoped writing for them? Related Broadcast Medium Query: "They work worldwide and they're on TV". Indeed they do and indeed they were. Weren't they on The Tube way back when? The current start of a "Best of the Tube" series on Ch4 has got me thinking: anyone have recollections or knwoledge about this? ed, hello again again Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 17:30:14 +0000 (GMT) From: Subject: The Bishop is back ****JBC ON NET****JBC ON NET****JBC ON NET****JBC ON NET**** To you, unseen aficionados of all things Butch, I send greetings, bleatings, chidings and tidings. Turner here (in case you hadn't guessed), with another technomissive from Mission Control. So, without further ado.... THE NEWS.... The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy's new long player has been titled, mastered, cut, approved, decorated, roached and smoked. After lengthy (like, stupidly lengthy) deliberations, the title finally settled upon is "Illuminate" (which is to be pronounced, in order of preference, i) as an adjective, like "illiterate", ii) as the Italian feminine plural of "Illuminati" or, iii) if you simply must, the obvious way)(see how useful advance information can be.. imagine how you will be able to laugh at your poorly-advised friends when they call the record Illumin8 like the bourgeois proles you most certainly aren't). The discussion was diverted from its original course with the arrival of Jean-Pierre Loonie's artwork, which features (as alluded to in "Cute Submarines") candles-a-gogo, and a religious lunatic from, we are assured, Idaho with rather less sartorial wherewithal than might be considered...erm... decent. It was this latter factor which swayed from our original "final" choice of "Beasts and Superbeasts" for, perhaps a little rarely for the JBC, taste had to prevail. The mastered version sounds markedly better than the original mix, a fact for which we are all grateful, and we now have some hopes for people actually liking this waxing (as Fishy said to me on the telephone only the other day, it's right up the Jazz Butcher fan's STUPID street). The final tracklisting (for the English CD) runs: A GREAT VISITATION OF ELEPHANTS SIXTEEN YEARS "Privatised businesses have shareholders who expect to make financial gain from their stake in essential public services infested with junior rat-management, and PEOPLE WONDER WHERE ALL THE FUCKING MONEY'S GONE." Whoever compared it to "Excellent" wasn't far from the mark, except it's markedly less polite. CUTE SUBMARINES "Here come the little girls with candles on their heads." A song about dolphins. LULU'S NIGHTMARE "Cigarettes, beer, ticket, money... what could possibly go wrong??" What indeed? BEETLE GEORGE TRUCK OF FEAR "We're headed for the rubber room upon the truck of fear." First recorded during the Lovebus sessions, this version TRUCKS. OLD SNAKEY "The unbelievable is always with us." A song about gods. BLUES FOR DEAD DEAN READ "Trinken wir alle zusammen, morgen morgen ist jedermann tot." The conclusion of the JBC series of "folk music from an imaginary country" (copyright C.V.Beethoven), a la Basement and Monkeyfaeces. Features Mister Alex Lee on God duty. WHEN ENO SINGS "Dome-heads everywhere can throw their hats into the air when Eno sings." Self-explanatory tribute song with more than a hint of Ghosts about it. WAITING FOR SUMO "Somebody better come see about Dooj." A song about a rotweiler. THE UGLIEST SONG IN THE WORLD "No thought, no system but, God! what a wealth of feeling." Vicious, vicious, vicious. If Gerard Langley was Mark E Smith, there would be bloodshed when this one gets out. SCARLETT "Look me in the eyes, and tell me no-one will remember your name." A bona fide gem. Kinda like the best bits of Girls Say Yes mixed with the best bits of Whaddya. I love this one. COPS AND HOSPITALS "We don't want to fight for a normal life... life's too short, and so are you." Working title: "The Big Dumb Manc Thing". Guitars, shouting... the usual shit. SURF GEAR IN IDAHO "We need a stong man's hand, we need a North/Quayle ticket." Token art misery number. Pat HATES it, no-one else does. LAND "At night, the only light comes from the stars." A song about dinosaurs. TRUE STORIES "...will have to do." Coda. All this will be released (in England) on March 20th. This will be preceded by the single (Sixteen Years) on March 6th. ENJOY. GIGS: 11th March Somewhere in Rugby, Warks. 23rd March The Borderline, London. (We're looking forward to this one, the last one there ROCKED.) 1st April Nene College, Northampton. April and May EUROPE. The gigs are coming in for what might well become quite an extensive tour. So far we have dates in France, Norway and Portugal. We'd better get a few more, or we'll have a bit of driving to do. Miscelaneous shit: Whoever said we don't ever play Ghosts anymore was fibbing, however Sweet Water does seem to have been dropped, and Whaddya never really made it in the first place. McGee assures us that Sixteen Years WILL get airplay. We can hope. We spent last weekend making a promo video for same. Much shouting. Much smoking. Unlikely to be broadcastable. Gigs you're missing info on: Bristol, Fleece, 26th July 1994 A completely futile but largely pleasant outing. I'm not sure anybody in the audience wasn't known to the band... including large Blue Aeroplanes and Strangelove delegations. The Aeroplanes contingent observed quietly, scratched their chins and pronounced the performance fairly distinguished. Strangelove reached a similar conclusion by way of the (altogether nobler) method of getting so slaughtered that they couldn't tell anyway. Perhaps the most notable moment of the evening was when the JBC, displaying a spontaneity and confidence rarely seen in these parts, decided that Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present would be a good choice of second encore... despite the fact that the drummer had never played it and the lead guitarist had never heard it. Triumphantly, no-one noticed. Set (from memory): Rosemary Davis World of Sound, Bakersfield, Mr Odd, She's On Drugs, Our Friends The Filth, Camper Van Monkeyface, Sister Death, She's a Yo-yo, Ghosts, Shirley Maclaine, President Chang......Partytime, Take the Skinheads Bowling.....Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present. Cambridge, Boatrace, Septemberish. The best this line up of the JBC has ever played in terms of precision, though not the best performance on account of how well ventilated the audience was. Nothing much else to report. Set: as Bristol, but no encores. London, Mean Fiddler, December 18th. Supporting the (woeful, do NOT believe your contributor) Blue Aeroplanes at their Tenth Anniversary/Christmas celebrations, a JBC contingent played three tunes; two new ones, and one by trusty sidekick Curtis Johnson. One number, Scarlett, featured Gabriel's debut as JBC lead guitarist. As with every Aeroplanes gig, a jolly good rider was had by all. Personnel: Pat and Gabriel Set: Thought for the Day, Scarlett, Cute Submarines. Northampton, Slurps, December 21st. Christmas. New tunes. Absurd polarities of cold (courtesy of the weather) and heat (courtesy of the industrial flamethrower hired in). Nearly no P.A. Yes, that's right, we had a scream. Set: A Great Visitation of Elephants, Sixteen Years, Our Friends the Filth, She's On Drugs, When Eno Sings, Waiting for Sumo, Ghosts, Cute Submarines, President Chang.....Take the Skinheads Bowling, Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present. ENOUGH ALREADY Before I go, I wanted to enquire as to the feasibility of a more extensive JBC survey being attached to the Web site (prompting for favourite songs, albums, gigs, light refreshments etc. etc... you know the score). If this is possible, then I would find that sort of worthless trivia fascinating, and I'm sure my comrades would as well. It's just a thought... if you like it, then we will conference about possible categories at some point in the future. Sorry this communique is so abbreviated in style... I had a lot to write, okay? And now my fingers hurt, so I'm going home. Snuggles, The Bishop. P.S. The correct spelling is: jdete pryc Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 10:38:54 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Re-issues Thought this letter from Gabriel might be of interest: Solomons is not to be trusted, so progress is slow and careful. Fortunately, we have discovered that, although Fire now own the first four albums in their entirety, and can do what they like with them, we have a way of stopping them in the fact that they might own the tunes, but we own the name The Jazz Butcher, and they can't use it unless we let them. Distribution deals are currently being negotiated... we hope to see the records out by the end of the year. Cheers, Gabriel Turner (drummer, Jazz Butcher Conspiracy) END OF FORWARDED MESSAGE -julian- Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 09:00:08 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: "I Hate You" Single Now that Gabriel has kindly given us the update on the new album, and single, I become more curious about the "I Hate You" single that I'm getting next week. The title track isn't included on the new album...I'm wondering if they had originally planned for this tune to be the album, or whether they simple re-named it? In other words, I have a feeling that I won't be getting a single with the above title on it. Any hints, Gabriel? :) -julian- Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 00:42:22 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: more shirts? Hi everyone -- I've gotten a few new queries about the JBC shirts in the past little while, and combined with other people and maybe a few new orders if this message tweaks anyone's interest, I think that might be enough to do another order of shirts. I figure what with a new tour HOPEFULLY this summer, in not too long no one will want this design of shirt any more. (Oops, did I just shoot the chances of getting new interest?) So maybe this and then close the books on the shirts for good. For anyone who has joined the list before the shirts, they were put together by myself with input from all and sundry, and have a picture of Pat and co from a year ago on the front, with "the jazz butcher conspiracy" on the front, and "electrical sounds" on the back, all in the same font as the band name from Waiting For the Love Bus. There's information on it at the WWW page, or you can contact me for more details. Since this time around we shouldn't I guess have to send Pat any shirts, but the order size will be smaller, I think the price would be about the same, which was around $10 Can plus shipping. If you want one of these shirts, another shirt, or maybe if a friend wants one, let me know. If I get a total interest of about a dozen shirts then this should be a go. Get this far? Good. Anyone want to speculate on what "The Word I Was Looking For" is/was? That is, what word? Maybe I'm obtuse not to have seen it before, and everyone else has, but my personal guess is "avalanche", since Pat shouts it out during the song on _BPSP_, and it would fit with theme of the song I think. (An avalanche of words!) Comments? Chris PS For anyone worried that I'm making money on this... I don't have a clue. My record-keeping from last time was poor, and I have long since resolved to buy Pat some beers if/when I get the chance, to make up for any money I might have made. The music's the thing... -- Christopher Camfield "If I was after the Ring, I could have it - NOW!... But I am the real Strider, fortunately... 1996 BMath CS/C&O I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and if by life or 1998 BA Classical Studies death I can save you, I will." (JRRT, _TFOTR_) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 09:10:35 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: "I Hate You" mystery.... This mystery is solved. There is no single by this title forthcoming; the dealer I pre-ordered from recently dropped it from his list, and replaced it with "Sixteen Years" (which of course isn't going to be released until March 6th). Too bad. I was enjoying the suspense for a while :) -julian- Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 18:28:51 +0000 From: (Matt Cockerill) Subject: Re: "I Hate You" mystery....
> This mystery is solved. There is no single by this title forthcoming;
>the dealer I pre-ordered from recently dropped it from his list, and
>replaced it with "Sixteen Years" (which of course isn't going to be released
>until March 6th).
>Too bad. I was enjoying the suspense for a while :)
I think you will find, when you get the single, that all that has changed is the title. The chorus to "16 years" goes, I suspect,"I hate you" (for reasons obvious to anyone living in Britain). But that is kindof a negative name for a single. M Matthew Cockerill <> Tel: 071 269 3877 Imperial Cancer Research Fund Fax: 071 269 3801 <> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 00:27:25 -0700 From: nerini@PrimeNet.Com (Will Nerini) Subject: Hello all. Well, here I am introducing myself to the group. I've been listening to JBC since about 1988. My favotire albums are probablt Bloody Nonsense, and Sex and Travel... I've only seen JB once. his only time though here in Phoenix, Arizona. I really hope to see him again, and am certainly willing to travel to do it. Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 19:46:45 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Hello! You know, I didn't think I'd actually find a JBC mailing list. Unfortunately, I must confess that I only have 2 JBC albums--Distressed Gentlefolk and Big Planet Scarey Planet. I like buying records, so finding JBC records is pretty tough (actually, finding anything of Pat's is tough around here!). I first found out about JBC when I was going to school in Providence, RI. I had become a severe Bauhaus fan (I still am, too), and I noticed on one of the sleeves to 1979-1983 that David J. had done an album with the Jazz Butcher (something I would love to find, by the way). Well, that very spring, who should come to town but Pat himself! He did a show over at Club Babyhead (this was in 1992--there's a picture of him from that show on the web somewhere), and I wandered over out of curiosity. I figured if David J. had worked with him, he must be good. And he is. It was a really nice, intimate show; I remember he was all flattered when some guy yelled out "We love you, Pat!". I liked his version of Camper Van Beethoven's Take The Skinheads Bowling. Well, that's all I have to say; feel free to send this along to Pat (I'd love it if you did!). --Tracy Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 18:49:55 +0001 (EST) From: MATTHEW M FOGEL <> Subject: Hello Hi everyone, I just thought I'd introduce myself to everyone. I was visiting my American Cousin Tom one day in '89 or '90, and he was listening to the most incredible band...The song was Cruising In The Buslane and all I could think to myself was "This is great!" Finally a band with intelligence, wit and musicianship...Well to make a long drawn out story short, I soon became a junkie...Distressed Gentlefolk, A Scandal in Bohemia (import on Glass Records), Fishcotheque, Big Planet Scarey Planet, Cult of The Basement, Condition Blue and most recently, Waiting For the Love Bus. I also have the North American version of Scandal in Bohemia...But I'm at a PC lab terminal at my school and the name eludes me. It's the one with Human Jungle and Southern Mark Smith and Partytime, I think...And I also have Big Questions come to think of it. Sheesh. I never thought about it before, but I have a lot of Mr. Fish's work. Well anyway, I saw Butch at the Hideaway in St. Catharines a couple of years ago and He really rocked. Just watching him up there, you can see that he really loves what he does. And that's me. That Which Is Matt P.S. Is The Butcher planning on touring again? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- : That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down : : He saw the shadow of an Average Man : : Attempting the exceptional, and ran." --W.H. Auden: : : : Matthew M.J. Fogel ( : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And you were the best girl that I ever knew...Oh Mersey, I'll just save my love for you." -- The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 10:09:50 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: new jbc info at web site I was looking at the web site last night, and I noticed that there is lots of information about the new album. I guess its title is "Illuminate". There is also a track listing. - joe Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 16:06:41 -0500 From: (Ann Lowe) Subject: Just introducing myself... Hi everyone! I'm so glad to find this list! I first became aware of the Jazz Butcher when I heard "Hungarian Love Song" on our local college radio station. It's difficult finding out anything about the group here in Atlanta, or else I'm running with the wrong crowd... Even the record store people look at me funny when I ask... And now! A much-welcomed overload of info! He's real! Not a figment of my sometimes overactive imagination! The albums I have are Distressed Gentlefolk, Fishcotheque, Cult of the Basement, Waiting For the Love Bus, and Condition Blue. I have gotten most of these by searching the cut-out bins. I was surprised (well, not really) to see quite a few albums listed on the Web Page that I didn't know about. Are different albums released in Europe and the US? Or is it just the names that are different? In other words, how many are there that I don't have and what are they? And where can I get them? Glad to meet ya'll, Ann Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 20:09:04 +0000 (GMT) From: Subject: brief bishop briefing Hello, I've just found myself with ten minutes' worth of net access, so I thought I'd tell you the latest. Firstly, the album release has been put back by one week to MARCH 27TH, due to the inevitable problems with Creation's art department getting our sleeve together when The Boo Radleys have also just given birth. Priorities, see? This doesn't mean that the Borderline gig, which was always intended as something of a showcase for Illuminate, has been moved, or anything- it just means that it won't be quite so much fun. The big news (so big that I almost feel I shouldn't tell you) is that the last of the great stop-outs has shown in interest in becoming re-acquainted with the fold. I speak, of course, of Maximillian Theodore Eider, who has been seen hanging around with a wry smile and an expensive guitar. I dunno what's going to come of it- there is certainly no question of him rejoining the band full-time, but it looks as though he might well have finally come around to the notion of the Jazz Butcher as a Conspiracy rather than a group (a concept which, for example, Lix and Dulbreany have never had trouble grasping). This is only gossip as yet (inner-circle gossip, but gossip nonetheless), and it's pointless speculating at any length, but we're pleased he is-to some degree or other- back. Right, time runs short ("Life's too short... and so are you."), so I must away. I spoke to Pat about the idea of a more extensive survey on the Web, and he approved. So much so that he has suggested a prospective title.... "What Do You Want, Scum?" Cheerio, Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 8:31:26 GMT From: joen@sco.COM Subject: Creation Home Page In flicking through my Grauniad, there was an advert for (the excellent) new single by the Boo Radleys and I noticed that Creation records are on the internet. For those of you with WWW access try: There is a mention of the JBC in the up coming singles section, so there may be something there soon. No mention in the up coming albums apart from `Girl Go' on the Creation `Slow' compilation album: Coming Down. Later Joe Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 07:45:42 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: A nice find.... Just for the hell of it, I called the local "indie" record shop to see if they had any of the older Jazz Butcher discs. I was very surprised to hear they had copies of "Cult of the Basement," "Big Planet Scary Planet," "Western Family," and (I believe) "Unconditional." I put "Cult.." on hold for myself. I've been waiting two years to replace my beat-up cassette question is whether "Big Planet..." and/or "Unconditional" is/are worth having? From what I saw on the web page, Pat seems to feel that the former is among his weaker albums, and I know the latter is just a compilation.... Any help would be appreciated. Also, if anyone is looking for any of the above discs (I believe they had a coupel of others, but in my excitement I forgot the titles), I'm certainly willing to pick them up. I just need to know by seven o'clock tonight (Mountain time zone).... thanx, julian Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 12:12:34 -0500 From: de l`abattoir <del> Subject: bad lighting hello all. as you may know, this month there are a couple of new Jazz Butcher release: the single (Sixteen Years - Creation CRESCD167) on the 6th, and the album itself (Illuminate - Creation CRCD182) on the 27th. word from pat is that the Creation shop is unexpectedly enthusiastic over this new material, and they are reportedly taking out newspaper adverts to promote it. the JBC have a couple upcoming UK gigs: 11th (Cellar Bar, Rugby) as a "practice" of the new material, and 23rd (Borderline, London) as a proper "album release" show, which would have been the case, had Creation not delayed the release by a week - thank the new Boo Radley album for that) there is an "album release party" on monday. pat was musing whom to invite, and came up with a list of about 15 people from Creation, and 25 conspirators. he is looking forward to playing with the media types: Media: "which one plays guitar?" Pat: "that one, and that one, and that one.." Media: "which one sings, then?" .... who (in the UK) watched the Stranger Tractors performing on TV last month? it was part-time conspirator Curtis singing, and full-time conspirator pat fish playing drums.. apparently, Curt managed to sneak in the phrase "YHET ABRIDGE" (obscure Black Eg reference - see the Black Eg web page for an explanation) pat & co have made a video for Sixteen Years, which they will present to Creation (and they can do with it what they will) - apparently, they recorded it themselves using a borrowed camcorder, and they intend for the audio not to be the studio version, but what the camcorder picked up with it's built-in microphone! the mighty kathie mcginty is doing video post production on it this afternoon. the old Glass re-issues will happen - the ink is dry on the Fire Records contracts, it is just a matter of time before they hit the stores. first will be Sex And Travel, then A Scandal In Bohemia. there may be mini-tours specifically to promote the old material, so those of you who hate the new stuff might have another shot at re-living 1986 (probably more on this later, and the news will be worth the wait...) the new album. i know, tough to talk about what has yet to be heard... however, *if* Creation really has it's act together, and *if* the material really is "a throwback to 1984 - it's really STUPID", then there is a chance this Conspiracy thing could get out of hand. speaking of, the new albums will contain this mailing list's address and that of the Web site. what sort of impact that may have on this little oasis, i do not know... 3 days and counting here. -david "breakfast would be nice, a nice breakfast, big and large and not continental" - Vergiftung JBC - http://${jbc_root} Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 02:11:02 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Shopping.... Have returned after my little expedition.... Unfortunately, the store did _not_ have "Unconditional"-- it was in fact "Condition Blue" they had. The salesclerk apologized for misinforming me. His body will be found in the dumpster behind the local 7-11 :) However, I did manage to pick up "Cult..." and "Big Planet..." for myself. Amazingly, they were only $9.50 a piece! I had figured that a little indie store like that would have marked up out-of-print items.... They had no JB vinyl, and the only other CDs they had were the import copy of "Love Bus" and "Western Family." They _did_ have a cassette copy of "Fishcoteque" for five bucks.... However, I'm supposed to be going into Denver fairly soon, where the parent store is-- they supposedly have a HUGE selection of rare stuff, so perhaps I can track down some of the other albums.... When I was leafing through my friend's 1,000 or so discs tonight, I found that she had copies of "Distressed Gentlefolk" and "Sex/Scandal..." I'm trying to convince her that she needs to sell them to me :) Sorry to any whose hopes I may have falsely sparked....if I can help out in the future, I will.... -julian- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 05:10:47 +0001 (EST) From: MATTHEW M FOGEL <> Subject: Illuminate and other stuff. I could be wrong, and I could be pointing out the obvious but won't Sixteen Years be the first video that "The JBC intercontinental analogue sampling firm (95?)" have ever done? Well, whatever, I think it's neat, especially that Pat's done it on Camcorder. To cop a phrase..."It's so appropriate it makes me grin." I mean, me and my cousin Tom used to get twisted up about who the Butcher was, for years we argued about whether or not it was actually David J. (With Apologies Pat). But once he had gone public just before Condition Blue it all started to make sense..."You look more like a Fish"..."Fishcotheque"(Damn good album by the don't walk to your indie shop) "Fish is biodegradable" etc. (How many references can you find I wonder?) But I've rambled too long already so to cut to the chase I'm looking forward to the Canadian release of Illuminate (I think Polygram still distributes Creation here) and I hope Much Music plays the video ONCE so the Canadian punter get to see it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- : That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down : : He saw the shadow of an Average Man : : Attempting the exceptional, and ran." --W.H. Auden: : : : Matthew M.J. Fogel ( : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who thinks that although BPSP isn't Butch's strongest album, it has a few high points that are well worth the $15 or $20 for CD...including The Good Ones, The Word I Was Looking For, and the hysterically witty Bad Dream Lover.... Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 08:59:41 -0600 From: "Dave Zembower" <> Subject: 1995 Tour Fantasy Play List OK, with the new release "Illuminate" pending in our near future, it is time to once again hope for a tour which includes the US (hopefully Chicago, where I'll be moving in June). So, in case Pat reads the occasional message from this list (via David W.), here is my Illuminate Jazz Butcher Conspiracy World Tour Play List, if I were God for a day..... :) Hungarian Love Song Partytime Southern Mark Smith Next Move Sideways Living in a Village (a MUST play!!) Out of Touch Line of Death The Word I was Looking For Nightmare Being She's on Drugs Girl Go Sister Death Shirley Maclaine Still and All Racheland Baltic Sweet Water President Chang 3 or 4 or more from the new album!! Well, it's only a fantasy!! Of course, I am not God, or else I would own a copy of all the JBC recordings! :) Dave Zembower Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 16:45:10 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael Whitworth <> Subject: videos re: Matthew Fogel's query: there was, many years ago, a video for "Spooky"; I saw it on a compilation of Creation videos the title of which totally escapes me; it was a sort of performance video: Pat wears a nice shirt and jumps around in some dry ice, Kizzy and Lawrence make brief appearances, and to be honest it's a bit of a disappointment. Any other opinions? Michael W. Date: Mon, 06 Mar 1995 18:47:57 -0600 (MDT) From: Subject: JBC videos About five (?) years ago I saw a video for "Girl Go" late at night on MTV's "120 minutes". Once. I can't really remember too much about it, though. It seems like it had some small clubish sort of performance bits with Pat playing guitar, singing and (of course!), wearing sunglasses. I doubt MTV will ever play the clip again. ("120 min." has really gone down hill, BTW). Cable's "Comedy Central" station (formerly "The Comedy Channel") used to have a show called "Onion World" hosted by Rich Hall. Apparently Hall or the show's producer was a JBC fan, because they used to use Butcher songs as incidental music. I remember hearing "Partytime", "So. Mark Smith", "Big Questions". And finally, yes that "History of Rock N' Roll" thing sounds truly dreadful. And finally, yes that "History of Rock N' Roll" thing sounds truly dreadful. Surely nothing anyone reading this list would be interested in. But oh well, David's right, open access means there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Let's all boycott the program and cause their ratings to suffer a staggering .000003% loss! =) -greg. Date: 07 Mar 1995 14:08:02 -0600 From: Steve Hill <> Subject: Re: JBC videos In <>, David A Whittemore wrote:
> >
> > About five (?) years ago I saw a video for "Girl Go" late at night
> > on MTV's "120 minutes".
> yeah. i remember seeing it twice on 120 minutes way back when.
> the last 2 or 3 minutes of it featured clouds.
I think two showings is correct. I know I caught it on tape. Actually, I wasn't too crazy about the song until I saw the vid. It was the clouds. So simple and ordinary, it really brought out the song's passion for me. That must be why they only aired it twice. :) -shill -- [][] [][] Steve Hill [] [] [] Network Specialist Voice:708-925-6273 William Rainey Harper College Fax:708-925-6030 [] [] [] 1200 West Algonquin Road Page:708-962-0430 [][] [][] Palatine IL 60067-7398 Me? Not allowed? I'm allowed everywhere! Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 23:48:23 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: thoughts on Western Family Well, today I finally got ahold of a tape copy of this Western Family DAT that David has so kindly been sending to people. (Thanks David! Thanks Gary!) I've only had the chance to listen to it once, but I have to say that on first listen I wasn't very impressed. It strikes me that the loud distorted guitar sound doesn't suit a lot of Pat's music, although Girl Go sounded just fine, amongst others... my other peeve which is I think more major peeve are the vocals. Pat's voice seems a bit strained, or is it just my imagination? Furthermore, the vocals were way too quiet compared with the rest of the instruments, though that may be the fault of the venues... On a more positive side, I really liked Pat singing Over The Rainbow. It seems a very appropriate song to sing alongside the Condition Blue material. Was Harlan ever played live? Chris -- Christopher Camfield | "Nothing beside remains. Round the decay | Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare 1996 BMath Joint CS/C&O | The lone and level sands stretch far away." [1998 BA Classical Studies] | (Shelley, "Ozymandias") Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 03:33:11 +0001 (EST) From: MATTHEW M FOGEL <> Subject: re: Western Family So, the Western Family thing on DAT is live JBC material from the Condition Blue tour? Well, I haven't heard any pirates of the tour myself, but I did see it when it flew by St. Catharines, ON. At the show, I saw, the wall of flanged, chorused and reverbed telecaster was a joy to hear. I think he openned with Still and All, played solo for the first few minutes and it was fantastic. I'm sure it wouldn't have went to tape that well, but it certainly proved that Pat can Rock when he wants to. Most enjoyable during the show was a rendition of Party Time with the lyrics changed from "cold bath....dislike" to "hot tub...Darryl Gates" My cousin saw him in T.O. a week before I did. Perhaps he like to pollute band width also...Tom?...Tom? Oh yeah, my point. My point was, he was great in concert when I saw him, maybe it was a mixing thing or maybe the distortion wasn't pushed to the back like it is on his albums... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- : That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down : : He saw the shadow of an Average Man : : Attempting the exceptional, and ran." --W.H. Auden: : : : Matthew M.J. Fogel ( : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And before you do just what you do, Here's one thought for you to chew. The men who run the business that you sell, They screw you too." --B. South Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 10:16:50 GMT From: Subject: Sixteen Years
> hmm. its the 7th. anyone have the new single?
It's the 8th now. I remembered at about 11 o'clock on the 6th that it was The Day Of The Single and nipped out to Avalanche Records to buy it. Nice shop, had a curious chat with the strange man in charge about the economics of stocking JBC records: "some years you'll sell a dozen. The next year, none" as it happens, they were trusting in sales this year and actually *had* the damn thing. this is my $0.02: cover concept: out of focus. Sixteen Years: cool. not only that, but spot on. Well, I hate them anyway. I couldn't help but notice that it bears a startling resemblence to The Fatima Mansions - right down to the strangely slightly distorted voice. "Blues for John Major" anyone? Truck of Fear: yeeehaaa. Surf Gear in Idaho: is this not a grower? thought it was weak at first but since the CD is in my player on repeat at the moment (pretty sad, considering it's only four tracks), I've grown to *love* this song already. Waiting for Sumo: filler, surely? It's not Girl Go is it? But it rocks and - after the slight acclimatisation that comes with any new JBC release (why does he *never* release songs that sound like the last one? Other bands can manage it..) - it's a killer. but I can see the reviews now: insipid grunge attempt by aging muso. ed Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 14:04:20 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael Whitworth <> Subject: Western Family I'm completely with Matthew Fogel on this one: it Rocks. I didn't see them on the Condition Blue tour as they temporarily abandoned the UK, but Western Family was a revelation; okay, so the first few tracks sound like they were recorded inside someone's old welly, and the crisper, poppier songs don't work so well (have I said this before?), but the immense slow paced ones work magnificently: Sister Death, Shirley Maclain and Racheland especially. The only slight disappointment was that Love Bus sounded thin and tinny in comparison: some of the stuff like Killed Out needed the guitars cranking up a whole lot louder. They've stuck to the Western Family sound in recent shows (certainly the ?august 1994 London Borderline gig was very loud and noisy), so I maybe it'll have found its way onto the latest waxing. Okay, so I'm really just a closet heavy-metal man... Michael. (ps: would love to hear the undamaged version of Western Family, but I don't have a DAT player.) Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 17:08:46 -0500 (EST) From: Sonia Bovio <> Subject: Re: JBC videos I think I have the video on tape somewhere. Yes, lots of clouds. I asked him about it in an interview (did I send you a tape of that david?) but can't remember the response. Something about he figured MTV would just cut the ending off anyway. -- Sonia p.s. hello all! I'm back after 4 years of modemlessness. Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 14:42:14 PST From: Tony Liano <> Subject: JBC Music Being an intermediate guitar player and a huge JBC fan, I've spent countless leisure hours trying reproduce the magic of Mr. Eider and Mr. Fish on my secondhand acoustic, and am wondering if anyone else has done the same. I'd be interested in swapping some hand-scribbled chords with anyone who is interested. So far, I've nailed Olaf Palmer, Girls Who Keep Goldfish, Still and All, and Angels (I think). Let me know. Thanks. Tony [] Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 21:58:55 -0700 From: nerini@PrimeNet.Com (Will Nerini) Subject: Jazz Butcher Guitar...
>Being an intermediate guitar player and a
>huge JBC fan, I've spent countless leisure hours
>trying reproduce the magic of Mr. Eider and
>Mr. Fish on my secondhand acoustic, and am
>wondering if anyone else has done the same.
>I'd be interested in swapping some hand-scribbled
>chords with anyone who is interested.
>So far, I've nailed Olaf Palmer, Girls Who Keep
>Goldfish, Still and All, and Angels (I think).
Hey! Pat and Max are my inspirations. I've got Girlfriend, Angels(it's that G - CMaj& thing!), Mind like a playgroup, Down the Drain, and Big ole wind.. I'd also like to know if anyone here on the list can tell me the quickest way to get permission to actually cover a couple of JBC tunes on my new album! Will Nerini Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 00:37:19 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Creation Page The Creation page has finally done it's March update....there is a sleeve shot of the "Sixteen Years" single available, but precious little else. -julian- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 00:35:20 -0700 From: nerini@PrimeNet.Com (Will Nerini) Subject: A Score! Max Eider Lives in my heart! Coolest of Coolness. I just found a (vinyl) Copy of Max Eider's "Best kisser in the world" Album at my local indie shop! Hmm, What's the status on Copyrights for that? Is the US record company out of business? If it's not going to cause problems, I might consider putting some of the songs on my website. Maybe a sort of Max-of-the-week club? Date: Sun, 12 Mar 1995 18:39:50 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: a Recommendation.... Picked up Grant Mclennan's latest, "Horsebreaker Star," the other day. I'm quite enjoying it....I think it has an aesthetic that JBC fans can appreciate (or Go-Betweens fans, obviously :) -julian- Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 09:54:06 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: the new single I picked up Sixteen Years at Reckless Records in Chicago. I picked up the cd because it had more songs, but they also had a 7" single. Here's my humble opinion: 1) Sixteen Years - Pat sings the Communist Manifesto. Someone's been listening to too much Billy Bragg. But that's ok, I'll just pretend that he's singing the PRAISES of privatization. 2) Truck of Fear - Sounds like something written for Scandal in Bohemia with Big Planet Scary Planet production. I only listened to it once, so I may be off the mark here. 3) Surf Gear in Idaho - The REAL reason to buy the single. Pat's voice has never sounded better than it sounds here. I hope that Illuminate has lots of this stuff on it. I'll have to listen to it again, but I would swear that the chorus has something in it about "the hero of the people". There's also some stuff about the government, too. Is this another political song? (Maybe Pat should pick up a copy of Killdozer's "The Uncomprimising War On Art Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat". It's their Communism concept album, and its really funny). 4) Waiting for Sumo - what is there to say? So all in all, it has what you expect from a single - one good song. After that, everything else is gravy. I still have to make up my mind about "Truck of Fear". On the same trip to the record store I also picked up the new CakeKitchen (New Zealand pop), the new Killdozer ("God Hears the Pleas of the Innocent"), and the new Archers of Loaf ("Vee Vee"). Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 13:09:24 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Fish-Friendly Stores While I was on my break last week I decided to check out the record stores in downtown Albany (NY). Unfortunately, I only managed to go to one store before blowing about $45 dollars (actually, it's an investment). After leaving Rhino I decided not to go anywhere else. At Rhino I found very good used copies of Cult Of The Basement and Condition Blue, plus a brand new still-in-shrink-wrap 12" single for Girl Go. Later on during the week, I went to the local Media Play for a couple of new cds to review for my college paper, and guess what I saw? The store ACTUALLY had a name card just for JBC in the cd bin (hence the subject heading at the top of this message)! They only had one cd--Waiting For The Love Bus, but I couldn't afford it. Someday, when I have money to spend on music again, I will go back to that store and get it. BTW, Media Play is a chain, so there very well may be one in your area (that is, if you live in the US). It's a great store; their new releases are usually never more than $13 for cds. I say this is good in comparison to some of the mall chains like Sam Goody, Camelot, and Record Town (aka NOT! Record Town, We-Sell-No-Records Town). They're even better than Rhino Records, which isn't really a chain (well, they have 3 stores across the whole country, and rumor has it that ours may be closing). I haven't seen that new single around yet, but Cobleskill has no record stores anyway. Now, what's this thing about Pat getting together with a bunch of former conspirators? Are the Haskins brothers included in this? Everybody, we must all thank Mr. Fish for re-releasing Sex And Travel and A Scandal In Bohemia (thanks, Pat!). I do hope they come out relatively soon, and are also made available here in the good ol' US of A. I'm still going to get a dubbed copy of them from Jennie Bolton 'cause I can't wait to hear them! --Tracy Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 18:48:42 GMT From: Subject: Re: the new single And now the shopping forecast... From: JOE BEAULIEU <jbeauli@com.mstar> I picked up Sixteen Years at Reckless Records in Chicago. I picked up the cd because it had more songs, but they also had a 7" single. Consumer thought process. Clunk. I also bought the CD. I don't have a record player. Easy. Here's my humble opinion: 1) Sixteen Years - Pat sings the Communist Manifesto. Someone's been listening to too much Billy Bragg. But that's ok, I'll just pretend that he's singing the PRAISES of privatization. You're winding me up. You're not? Ah. You don't know much about European politics? That's fine. But for the sake of your dinner party conversation, you should be aware that your opinions are sharply at odds with the majority view over here. It doesn't necessarily mean that they'd vote for Billy Bragg, but most people have a distinct feeling that they've been ripped off. Yeah, and (i) it is far more likely that Pat has been listening to too much Eno and Cale, if such a thing were possible (ii) the song doesn't work if you pretend; come to think of it, nothing much does. Yeah, I know you're probably only being light-hearted and I'm over-reacting, but that song hit the spot. Like the right drink at the right time. The right person walking in the room. Yeah, I liked it. Next please. 2) Truck of Fear - Sounds like something written for Scandal in Bohemia with Big Planet Scary Planet production. I only listened to it once, so I may be off the mark here. Actually, I can't help but agree with you here. Damn it. You're right. Next please. 3) Surf Gear in Idaho - The REAL reason to buy the single. Pat's voice has never sounded better than it sounds here. I hope that Illuminate has lots of this stuff on it. I'll have to listen to it again, but I would swear that the chorus has something in it about "the hero of the people". There's also some stuff about the government, too. Is this another political song? Yep. Politics again, just when I was expecting a song about sex in a time-lapse river sunset with abandoned punts and a hankerchief covered in hieroglyphics. It's always struck me that there's no line between personal and political, and Pat's music has always been personal. On the other hand, this is political, and it's fucking brilliant. So.... I'm glad you liked it. I did too. Great stuff. Now where's the album? Jim Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 10:11:16 +0000 (GMT) From: Subject: Truck Of Fear I think this one has something to do with a very scary experience that the Butcher once had. They saw a man driving the cab part of a lorry, except that this lorry had no shell from the seats upwards! Hence that bit about being open to the sky! and also a good reason to call it truck of fear, I think you will agree. Having just listened to the track again has reminded me about another detail of the aforementioned truck: It didn't have any seats, not proper truck seats anyway but just an ordinary dining room chair strapped down on to the floor. Crasy sounding kind of truck... Date: Tue Mar 14 11:46:56 CST 1995 From: UA-Content-ID: <PMX-LAN-2.2.1-******-uwspmail-dbuege-21907> Subject: Blue Aeroplanes Hey Partytimers, I've finally found time to introduce myself. I'm Doug, a professor of environmental philosophy at the University of Wisconsin--Stevens Point. I'm also a disc jockey at our campus radio station, WWSP 90fm, Wednesdays from 3-6pm CST. It was as an undergrad here in the mid-80s that I first discovered Pat and his cast of madcaps. "Domestic Animal" was the first tune that turned me on to this fellow philosopher. Since then I've seen the JBC three times and have reasonable bootlegs of those shows, one in Milwaukee (1988) and two at First Avenue in Minneapolis (later). At one of the MPLS gigs, I sent the band a sixer of Hacker Pschorr Dark and went backstage where Pat scrawled some graffiti on the wall: "US out of the alphabet." I agree with his politics and will hold this in my heart as a key moment in my life. I wanted to point out that Pat is a key component on the latest Blue Aeroplanes release, "Rough Music." I want to know more about the connection between Pat and the BAs, particularly concerning the enigmatic Gerard Langley. I must say that the BAs are one of the most fantastic guitar-poetry projects around. Pat has recommended The Perfect Disaster and Spacemen 3 in the past. I enjoy both but the Aeroplanes have lifted me to unseen musical levels, particularly in concert where the stereophonic effects were remarkably trippy. Anybody know anything about these bizarre connections? Pat, you out there? Please send Hacker Pschorr! "Peter Lorre, he's a brick" Douglas J. Buege Date: Wed, 15 Mar 95 12:37:05 GMT From: Subject: Re: the new single I have long been averse to even suggesting what my politics might be in arenas where it's not appropriate ie almost anywhere. Averse but not immune, however, since it does sneak out occasionally. This, for instance, cannot pass by without comment:
> 1) Sixteen Years - Pat sings the Communist Manifesto. Someone's been
> listening to too much Billy Bragg. But that's ok, I'll just pretend that
> he's singing the PRAISES of privatization.
It sounds *absolutely nothing like* anything even remotely to do with billy bragg. There. Said it. ed Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 13:47:25 GMT From: "Cliff Lovelock" <> Subject: Re: The new album! Dear All, I bought 'The Scotsperson' today by accident (well not completely - I wanted something to read while the snow thawed before I could go out and hammer at some rocks - as is my wont - however, the snow just got thicker and thicker, and my thoughts turned to... but that's another story) and was utterly gobsmacked to find the following review: The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy: Illuminate (Creation). The difficult tenth album from one of British pop's great lost eccentrics. Jazz Butcher albums consist of two or three guaranteed drop-dead moments of brilliance and a lot of amiable whimsy. 'Illuminate' doesn't break the mould and the glorious 'Cute Submarines', the deliciously catchy paean to art-rock 'When Eno Sings', and the heartfelt Jurassic Park as Utopia of 'Land' are essential additions to the great Jazz Butcher compilation in the sky. The rest is just silly, indulgent or leadenly political. lacking the JBC gift of pop-irony. True converts are encouraged to investigate 1988's wonderful 'Fishcoteque'.***(Okay) Tom Lappin. On the subject of the new single, which I have heard emanating from behind Ed's door, I like it. (Message to Joe) Privatisation has bled this country dry of what now appears to be it's leading assets, you don't have to be a Communist to feel ripped off by the Tories, you just have to have lived hear for the past 16 years. Love to all, Cliff. "...and people wonder where the fucking money's gone." Cliff Lovelock (PG) Dept. Geology & Geophysics University of Edinburgh Scotland, UK. Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 13:34:35 -0500 (EST) From: (Mitchell R Dickerman) Subject: I hate you! Just thought I'd add my two cents: "16 Years" - this rawks. It's gonna be tremendous live - figure a 5 minute version with "I hate you" repeated 20 times. This would fit pretty well on a tape between the Soft Boys' "I Wanna Destroy You" and the Stranglers "Shut Up". "The Truck Of Fear" makes me think of Spielberg's "Duel" - this crazy truck coming after you. I would place it sound-wise on "Distressed Gentlefolk". The other two tracks are pretty cool. The closer is especially fun. Anyone know who's on the cover? And is Alex Lee on the rest of the album, or just "16 Years"? Now if we could just get Strangelove and the Blue Aeroplanes to tour with Pat. Oooooo... Mitch Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 09:00:12 +0000 (GMT) From: Subject: Cover Person That person on the cover, is a nude woman with candles stuck to all her fingers and some in her head (Something to do with the naming of the album). I think she is supposedly from some religious cult in Idaho - link to a song title there! I think the artwork for the album goes along the same lines, but then it might have changed since I talked to Gabriel (The Bishop) last. I've now got a five week holiday from university, so I will be talking to him soon and definitely going to the gig at the Borderline (23rd March). Bye, Mark Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 08:51:01 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Illuminate Does anyone know of a scheduled domestic release for "Illuminate"? I've seen nothing through the end of April. Naturally, I'm not going to hold out for a domestic release that may never happen; I've already pre- ordered the import. In regards to the single, I've not had the chance to give it a really good listen, but so far, I'd have to agree with opinions previously expressed about "Surf Gear in Idaho" being the pick of the litter. I'm a bit disappointed that apparently, all these songs will be on the album. Guess I'm too used to the "single and three bonus cuts" format. I'm wondering if any of the U.K. list subscribers would be able to tell me which of Pat's albums are still in print over there? I'm hoping to stock up when I make my visit (or at least to find "Fishcotheque"). -julian- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 11:52:33 -0500 From: (Brian Hendrich) Subject: Long search at an end Hi kids, I finally found Love Bus here in Cleveland. Wax Stacks Alt, for those in the know, not only had Love Bus, but they also had it used. Western Family was also there. Amazing, this is the first time I have seen any JBC in stores here. SO they do have one copy left if anyone here is also looking. (Sorry to the UK folks; here in the US there is not much Illuminate in sight as of yet.) My collection is complete again. Cheers Brian Hendrich Department of Genetics Case Western Reserve University Tel: (216) 368-3518 Fax: (216) 368-3432 Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 22:18:52 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: no special title Um, how come nobody's mentioned that David J. produced Illuminate? Was this already said--did I miss it? I must be the last to know. I'm always the last to know when it comes to Pat--I didn't even know about Waiting For The Love Bus until I got on this list! The web site is fun:) I still haven't completely explored it yet (not enough time). You know, for somebody that's so obscure 'round these parts, there's an awful lot of information on the web site. It's probably one of the best ones I've seen. Does anybody know if the new album is still coming out next week? I think I e-mailed somebody about getting an advanced copy of it so I can review it for my college newspaper. I haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming the answer's no. It's not like I'm trying to pull a scam or anything, I'm being honest. We don't have a radio station, so this is the only way I can get cds to review for the newspaper without having to buy it myself (being a poor college student, I lack funds to go out and buy a lot of stuff, if anything at all). If I need to give proof to somebody about this, they can e-mail the newspaper. Two more things--is there anybody on this list that was on loverox? And, is there anybody on this list besides me that got into JBC because of Pat's connection with David J.? Just curious. --Tracy Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 12:05:23 CST From: (Hartman, Clint) Subject: Illuminate on CDEurope Yesterday I checked CDEurope (telnet: and they have a listing for Illuminate. Hope they deliver it in less than two weeks like the Blue Aeroplanes discs I ordered. Anyways thought some of the you US JBCers might like to know. Disclaimer: you mileage with CDEurope is just that. I hate the fact that they charge you upon placing the order, but the only other option for US people is an import order from your local record store which may or may not ever materialize. Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 11:50:21 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Ordering Illuminate EAR/Rational is also offering Illuminate, $19 for the CD....they are usually far more reliable than CDEurope, in my experience. The only problem is that "Illuminate" was a pre-order item, and I think that dealine might have passed. It seems likely that it will be carried as a regular stock item after the pre-orders are filled. You might want to check it out.... -julian- Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 22:27:37 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: EAR/Rational Info Yikes! How rude of me to tip people off w/o offering the requisite info: (note: This will probably be of interest to U.S. and Canadian residents only) EAR/Rational is a mail-order service, smaller scale than CDNow or CDEurope, but offering a much better selection of imports and independent product. Generally, the prices, selection, and delivery time are very good. I've been ordering stuff from them for several months with no problems. You can contact the owner, Dave, at the following address: Also, Dave runs an automated server for catalog requests and the like: Send an e-mail with "HELP" in the subject line (no quotes) for more information. EAR/Rational is offering "Illuminate" for $19 (CD) or $14-something (LP). In addition, they may still be offering the "Sixteen Years" single for those of you who haven't been able to find it yet...I think it was $8.75 or something like that. hope this helps, julian Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 09:04:16 -0500 From: Chris Camfield <> Subject: Hungarian Love Song I was listening to Distressed Gentlefolk last night, and a friend of mine posed a question I couldn't answer. I've always listened to the song as a sort of love/funny song, rather than a very sexual one. Opinions? I'd have to say my favourite songs on the album are Falling in Love, Nothing Special, and Angels, and I often just program my CD for that. The New World and Who Loves You Now usually have me itching to press the fast forward button... Chris -- Christopher Camfield | "Nothing beside remains. Round the decay | Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare 1996 BMath Joint CS/C&O | The lone and level sands stretch far away." [1998 BA Classical Studies] | (Shelley, "Ozymandias") Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 16:07:21 +0000 (GMT) From: Michael Whitworth <> Subject: Hungarian Love Song I'd always thought of it as generally funny rather than particularly sexual, but if you consider the date of the recording, it might also be Pat's oblique intervention into the whole Band Aid / Feed the World movement. They're not exactly the objects of the satire, but it does raise the question of why one should go round collecting for charity when there's tourists eating like porkers, and "a butter-mountain in your back yard." He introduced it once saying that it was about a tourist (American?) "who goes to Hungary and gets the wrong idea..." It's a big favourite of mine, but equally it seems about as far as he could go with that particular style of rhyming-couplets satirical song. Best wishes, Michael. Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 08:37:38 -0800 From: (Julian Stewart) Subject: Hungarian Love Song
> I've always listened to the song as a sort of love/funny song, rather than
> a very sexual one. Opinions?
Well, the whole idea of "consuming the other" seems rather sexual, and the song has a vibe that reminds me of several of the songs on Robyn Hitchcock's album, "Fegmania!", which is a _very_ sexual album. Hell, I don't know :)
> The New World and Who Loves You Now usually have me itching to press
> the fast forward button...
Don't care much for Max's singing, eh? (that IS him, isn't it?) "Who Loves You Now" is actually one of my favorite songs on the album...there is something cool about that "lounge act" sound. "Buffalo Shame" and "Big Bad Thing," on the other hand, are the ones I usually skip over.... -julian- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 11:40:23 -0500 (EST) From: "Grrrr." <> Subject: re: magyar liebeslied Faithful Chris Camfield writes:
> I was listening to Distressed Gentlefolk last night, and a friend of mine
> posed a question I couldn't answer. I've always listened to the song
> as a sort of love/funny song, rather than a very sexual one. Opinions?
I think double entendre is part and parcel of the way Pat writes.
> The New World and Who Loves You Now usually have me itching to press the
> fast forward button...
"Who Loves You Now" has always been one of my faves, actually. Though in retrospect it sounds like a demo/precog of _Best_Kisser_.... -- Rick G. Karr Engineer, Reporter National Public Radio Midwest 230 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 520 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: +1 (312) 516-3367 Fax: +1 (312) 516-3377 Date: Wed, 22 Mar 95 13:38:19 CST From: JOE BEAULIEU <> Subject: Distressed Gentlefolk Angels, Big Bad Thing, Falling in Love, and Nothing Special are the tracks I would include on my personal Best-of compilation. How about this for an exercise: it is YOUR job to put together the definitive JBC compilation. What to choose? What LP's would be best represented?
Received on Fri Jan 16 10:26:33 1998