The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1998


From: Jazz Butcher <>
Date: Wed 14 Jan 1998 - 19:34:10 PST

Does the new Green Day song (something about "the time of your life...") remind you of a Jazz Butcher song or is it just me ? If I ignore the singers voice, I can't help but think about "The Hairbrush & the Tank" or "Big Old Wind" whenever I hear that Green Day song on the radio...I dunno, maybe I'm nuts.

Also, is there a Jazz Butcher newsgroup ? If no, why not ? Or would it defeat the purpose of this list ?

One more thing, is David J releasing any new material soon ? If so, will Max appear on the release like in the last few albums ? Received on Wed Jan 14 19:34:10 1998