The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Etc | Mailing List
The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Re: welcome

From: <>
Date: Wed 29 Oct 1997 - 13:11:05 PST

I found you through the the adjective site. I'm desperately hunting down a CD version of Bloody Nonsense, or any CD that has "Human Jungle," "Drink," "Rain," and "Big Saturday." Doesn't look like they ever did release a compact disc version of Nonsense, though.

Subject: welcome
From: de l`abattoir <> at ccnode Date: 10/28/97 2.51 PM

> subscribe mailing list

+--------------------< generic introduction >------------------------+

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| you have been added to the jazz butcher conspiracy mailing list. |
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| articles may be sent to: |
| subscription stuff to: |
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| most anything pertinent to the jazz butcher and related/spin-off |
| projects has been discussed here: the black eg, pat fish, david j, |
| max eider, richard formby, creation records, tours, bootlegs... |
| |
| list members are from: |
| australia, austria, canada, germany, greece, france, spain, uk, |
| us, netherlands - a few people have reliable inside information. |
| |
| WorldWideWeb URL for The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy: |
| if you dont check anything else out, you MUST look at this! |
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| |
| |
| contains hypertext versions of the archives, messages from pat, |
| audio snippets, pictures, albums scans.. whew! |
| |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ disclaimer: Pat himself lurks here and Gabriel, the drummer, is a moderate poster: keep your complaints to a minimum, 'coz the JBC are watching and listening and they will roast you! it is a conspiracy, after all...

that said.. welcome!

curious... how did you find out about us? see any good shows? like any records in particular?

REMEMBER - responses go to:


        the (official) final Jazz Butcher Conspiracy gig
        was at the Garage in London on December 21st, 1995 -
        what you may have known as the JBC are no more!

the band has re-grouped under the name Sumosonic, which is much more beat-oriented and dance-y (vapid?). Sumosonic Central may be found online at:

"Quality in sound" Received on Wed Oct 29 13:11:05 1997