The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997


From: Gary McBride <>
Date: Mon 06 Oct 1997 - 12:13:54 PDT

Another lurker speaks...

Have an extra still-blister-packed copy of "Big Planet Scarey Planet" on CD, and my friendly neighborhood shop has a new copy of "Western Family" on CD, if anyone is interested. As new full-price CDs, I'd need to ask $15 to cover the discs and priority mail. Or I'd be willing to trade one for a good CD copy of "Gentlefolk" or any JB-CD earlier than "Fishcoteque". (Or a CD copy of "Virgins & Philistines" by the ColourField, but that's another list.) E-mail me if you're interested.

Wish I could have joined you all at the GAMH, but I look forward to hearing the CD of the show(s). Ah, technology...

G (aka

P.S. Hope this isn't against the rules, but if you've ever wanted to own your own little CD Shop in Southern England, visit my friend Steve's site at Received on Mon Oct 6 12:13:54 1997