The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Fwd: Golly!

From: <>
Date: Fri 03 Oct 1997 - 20:02:20 PDT

In a message dated 97-10-03 10:19:29 EDT, writes:

<< Perhaps we
 could do without the personal attacks, however. We're all here to find out  things like the name of the Tokyo boutique that President Chang's teenage  daughter buys her clothes in, not who is the better musician. >>

     Very much agreed!!!!! I'll never understand personal attacks/arguments on band

              lists......just enjoy the music!

Forwarded message:

Date: 97-10-03 10:19:29 EDT

Good Heavens!
So much activity for a list that was dormant about two months ago! Perhaps we could do without the personal attacks, however. We're all here to find out things like the name of the Tokyo boutique that President Chang's teenage daughter buys her clothes in, not who is the better musician.

And since everyone's telling their JBC finds stories... I bought The Gift of Music on vinyl in this Athens, Greece bondage gear/record shop for 1000 Drachmas ($4 US). The clerk tried to talk me out of it!


from the office of the Grand-High Muckety-Muck ASKalice multimedia art exchange network PO Box 246, Yardley, PA 19067-8246 USA

Shouting at the Postman Online

"Working to make the world a more cluttered place" Received on Fri Oct 3 20:02:20 1997