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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Princesses, car wrecks, etc

From: Walter Alden Tackett <>
Date: Wed 01 Oct 1997 - 08:37:41 PDT

Actually, wouldn't that song be referring to the plunge of the princess of Monaco? (Carolyn? Grace?)
These princesses die in car wrecks all the time. The princess<-->car wreck relationship is similar to the between trailerpark<-->tornadoes relationship.


> From: Michael J. Egli <>
> To: 'JBC List' <>
> Subject: RE: David J meets Nostradamus
> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 1997 6:12 AM
> On Monday, September 29, 1997 9:42 AM, Daniel Albright
[] wrote:
> > Here's your Monday morning freakout...
> >
> > David J. fans may recall a song on the Urban Urbane album from about
> > years ago called "Smashed Princess."
> >
> > I came across it the other day. With lyrics about a glamorous
> > paparazzi, and a car crash, I wouldn't hold my breath for a Diana
> > version...
> >
> > --dbright
> For those of you who don't have the album here are the lyrics
> Smashed Princess (written in 1992)
> Flying high and drinking
> To the goddess on the screen
> You're such a damaged baby
> You're the paparzi's dream
> A front-page perfect princess
> You hit the high life scene
> When you apply your lipstick and mascara to a scream

This verdict brought to you by M i c r o s o f t J u s t i c e (r) "Who will you obey today?"
Dr. Walter Alden Tackett, President
NEUROMEDIA, Inc. Received on Wed Oct 1 08:37:41 1997