The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

first time caller-interested in S.F.CD

From: lise roussel <>
Date: Mon 29 Sep 1997 - 13:55:59 PDT

RE:"Bootleg" of San Francisco show:
  I would LOVE to get a copy of the CD as the only JBC recording I am missing is Live in Hamburg.
 I have fond memories of meeting Pat & crew during the Distressed Genflefolk tour .(I was one of the winners of the Big Questions contest!)Through the years I have never missed a concert and sometimes even travelled from Montreal to Toront to see the show twice in one week(for two years in a row they played around Nov.11,and for two years in row,as luck would have it,it turned into a long weekend as I always get Nov.11 off.)So, I am a HUGE fan and have been listening to these guys ,well Pat and crew,off and on since I was 18,and I'm now,like, pushing 30.I even have a pig t-shirt,which I always knew was a treasure!

     So please count me in on the list for a copy of the CD,and also, if anyone has an extra

     Live In Hamburg ,I wouldn't mind hearing from you!

All the best, Lise Received on Mon Sep 29 13:55:59 1997