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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

12 Bar Club

From: Michael H Whitworth <>
Date: Tue 16 Sep 1997 - 01:26:13 PDT

I was there too: Pat and Max were great, not taking it too seriously at all ('Drink' was particularly silly), enjoying every moment of it. Max was in fine and distinctive voice, and as nimble fingered as ever. Apart from that, I don't want to give too much away, but I should think those of you lucky enough to be as the All American Music Hall (or whatever) will be treated to many cuts from the Bath of Bacon, and the Scandal in Bohemia (no Human Jungle, but I didn't notice its absence until I got home).

Robyn Hitchcock was later sighted skulking in the toilets, looking grizzled and misanthropic. I suspect the secret of Pat's eternal youth involves some sort of Picture of Dorian Grey arrangement. Anyway, enough of these ramblings: "enjoy", as I believe they say in America.

Michael xxx Received on Tue Sep 16 01:26:13 1997