The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Re: Pre-gig meeting - stats

From: <>
Date: Sat 13 Sep 1997 - 15:15:44 PDT

In a message dated 97-09-12 18:51:58 EDT, David wrote:

<< where: Twenty Tank Brewery

        316 11th St San Francisco, CA 94103-4314
        (415) 255-9455

 when: Sunday, 21 Sep 1997, 6pm-ish until ?

I'm assuming this place serves Vodka and Gatorade?? :^)

dave (who was happy to receive his credit card bill because there was a charge to The Great American Music Hall) Received on Sat Sep 13 15:15:44 1997