The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997


From: Joe Weiland <>
Date: Tue 05 Aug 1997 - 17:00:02 PDT

     Through my stealthy SF connection, I have found that the tickets are 
     now being processed.  They do not have a price, but if you give the 
     Great Am. Music Hall your CC # they will definitely save you a seat.  
     Sounds a little fishy to me.  There might be a sliding scale depending 
     upon your credit limit.
     In any case, there are already a couple of orders in line, one from 
     Japan.  If you are reading this, we know you are out there.
     The Dim Sum in a big green box on Sunday sounds other worldly enough 
     to be a perfect fit.  I think that I know the place.  I have never had 
     the courage to eat in a restaurant that color before but there is a 
     first for everything.  There must be a decent bar near by in case our 
     stomachs need a little post dinner settling. 
     'Til Sept.
Received on Tue Aug 5 17:00:02 1997