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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Latest news and stuff

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Sat 14 Jun 1997 - 19:19:38 PDT

there has been some activity in the Sumosonic camp and elsewhere that pat wishes to convey.

sumosonic has just had some publicity photos taken (by mitch jenkins who apparently has finally discovered color). pat (who is not actually *in* the pictures) claims they make the group look like "En Vogue": pretty-boy singer and three leggy female singers.

fearing that if that is going to be the world's impression of the group, then the website needs to reflect that image.

part of the site upgrade will be the REMOVAL of most of the current audio samples and their replacement with the new album versions. therefore - if anyone wants copies of those samples, visit before the end of the month and snag yr copies - they're going away..

creation now has the masters for the album and the ball is in their court.

the Eider/Fish gig in San Francisco the 22nd of September. still on. people have been asking about availablilty of tickets and such - the best thing to do is keep checking their website. - they say they don't sell tickets until 6 weeks before any show.

pat has performed on the new Purelove album and they also cover a version of Sister Death. copies available from:

	Marigold Records
	Simrockstrasse 11122589
	Hamburg  (20 d'marks)

the title is King Pop - code is Mari11

Owen Jones (ex JBC drummer) has a new folk CD out entitled "Sending the loons to Hades" available from:

	Whacking Shillelaghs
	Liekedeler Musikproduktionen
	Julius-Ludwiegstrasse 95
	0121073 Hamburg

tonight, i am going to scare myself by watching my fresh copy of the "Blood On The Cats" compilation video which has early JBC performing Count Dracula - as pat says - one sunday afternoon with the liquor stores closed in a friend's flat while the camera crew help drink what little cheap beer they had in the place.

how 'bout you?

-david Received on Sat Jun 14 19:19:38 1997