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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Re: jbc usa 97 honest

From: Thomas Frazer <>
Date: Wed 04 Jun 1997 - 14:29:17 PDT

Yea!!!!! I am so totally pleased at this glorious news. I'll buy 10 tickets and bring friends and family and my dog and wow!!!! Happy Happy Happy.

Ok, I'm better now. I think it would be a fine thing to see if we listies can buy Messrs Fish and Eider some post gig libations. See, told you going back to church would make it all better.

Just a trifle excited,

Tom Frazer
in beautiful Santa Rosa
p.s. re-comet thread, saw a bumper sticker "So few Comets, so many idiots" which is nearly a good as "I'm Hung Like Einstein and Have the Mind of a Horse"

> From: David Whittemore <>
> To:
> Subject: jbc usa 97 honest
> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 18:02:58 GMT
>there is a message from pat in the comments section
>of the JBC site. it goes like this:
> just dropping by quickly at the local internet
> cafe to communicate the following information:
> Monday 22nd September 1997 The Great
> American Music Hall,San Francisco,Ca. Pat
> Fish and Max Eider in concert. This is not a
> hoax. To see if it's a joke or not, you'll just have
> to turn up. Love on yz, Pat Fish xxx
>insider information gives this message the weight of authenticity.
>so, guys.. you've been begging. here they are.
>together in the USofA for the first time in 11 years.
>who's going to make it?
Received on Wed Jun 4 14:29:17 1997