The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Outta control

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Wed 08 Jan 1997 - 01:30:38 PST

new features at the JBC family of websites: you can now add comments to ANY page.

sort of a poor-man's discussion forum.

i have taken the old feedback messages from the purdue website and split them across the approximate appropriate pages on the new site.

out in the alley behind work, the street is marked with police "NO PARKING" cards and there are guys in cars with "Department Of Defense" stickers low in the windows guarding two absolutely MINT yellow '69 Hemicuda convertibles.

i have no idea what is going on. a movie, maybe, but the DOD?

-david Received on Wed Jan 8 01:30:38 1997