The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Re: Strange goings ons at Creation!

From: M.M.J. Fogel <>
Date: Tue 04 Jun 1996 - 09:07:58 PDT

On Thu, 30 May 1996, Ed Carter wrote:

> >the chorus of "Wonderwall" IS
> >"Mr Odd".
> no kidding! after hunting round frantically for a copy of Wonderwall
> (something, until recently, I didn't realise I owned) I found it and
> it's TRUE!!!!
> this has made my day, no mean achievement in these troubled times.
> Just goes to show, you should be careful what you leave lying about in
> the Creation offices.

What if Butch actually ghostwrote with Oasis...hey they're in the same offices and we all know that he is highly respected at Creation for for his pop composing abilities...Picture it! Shady back room deals, the G. brothers secretly being mentored by Pat...all night Oasis/JBC jam sessions!

Nah. That's a silly idea. And too plausible.


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Received on Tue Jun 4 18:14:40 1996