The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

A couple of vaguely related questions to JBC

From: <>
Date: Sat 04 May 1996 - 19:11:53 PDT


I'm an avid listener of the JBC, but in the absence of new material, I've been looking for other CDs to collect. I've recently picked a number of Blue Aeroplanes CDs (Pat plays guitar on a number of songs) and they're well worth the price. I'd particularly recommend the Life's Model and the Detective Song EP.

The most obsure JBC related CD, I've happened across is a Spacemen 3 one, in which Pat is credited with Joint Rolling. Don't expect any other JBC influences on this one though!

I've some David J: Etiquette of Violence, Urban Urbane, Songs from Another Season. I have also heard Crocodile Tears and the Velvet Cosh which like JBC early great works on Glass are no longer available. Getting stuff like David J and JBC is very difficult in Australia and so I decided to search out on the Net.

I came across CDNow ( which ships O/S and seems to have a good range. Searching on David J brought up two I'd never heard of:
* Birth Caul

  • Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian. Prices are around 12 to 15 bucks US plus shipping, which beats the insane CD prices here.

Does anyone know anything about these CDs? Equal on the credits are Moore and Perkins who are also new to me.

Anyone know of other online CD shops they'd recommend?

I've also been wondering when Max Eider is going to do some recording. When I saw the JBC and Max Eider playing about a year, I was lucky to have a brief chat with David J, who was at the table next to me. I remember him saying that Max was working on new material.

Oh yeah, does anyone know what came of the Restless Records re-releasing the JBC Glass Records? Or was that only a rumour:)?

The new Love & Rockets Sweet FA sounds pretty good but I think will take a few more listens to really appreciate.

Someone was asking of good new music. I'm reasonably impressed with the debut CD from Irish Band Whipping Boy. The single which gets a bit of airplay is a bit depresso but the album on the whole is very good. The prose type singing is reminiscent of Blue Aeroplanes while some of guitar riffs a bit like the more friendly Sonic Youth songs. Ain't bad at all.

Finally, I was wondering if anyone knows of some info they can point me to for setting up the a low volume mailing list like this one. My brother wants to set up one on something completely unrelated: Macadamia Nuts! If the JBC-list administrator is listening, could you tell me how much work is involved and any costs associated?


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Received on Sun May 5 04:13:26 1996