The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Re: Hello and please sign me up !

From: Sillyme <102465.41_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: Tue 30 Apr 1996 - 05:20:18 PDT

>I'm a HUGE fan. Have almost everything you've ever recorded, I think. Do you
>have a discography available ?

Oh yeah? Where'd you get it? I posted a similar request and got no response. This list ir *really low volume. I have Condition Blue, Cult of the Basement, Big Planet Scary Planet, Distressed Gentlefolk and a comp tape that includes early stuff from I'm not sure what albums....(The devil is my friend?, partytime? The Jazz Butcher meets the prime minister???? - anybody know what album these came from & where (right!) I can find them on CD? or at least vinyl in rthe Philadelphia area? From what I can tell this might be around 1/4 (or less) of the JBC discography. What you got?????? I almost bought Illuminate the other day but $24 bucks!? Next week, maybe lately. Anybody heard the live recording from Leeds, 1992? What's it called?

Cheers.... Sillyme(102465, Received on Tue Apr 30 14:29:21 1996