The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Are you out there?

From: Matthew Lorencz <>
Date: Mon 15 Apr 1996 - 08:27:32 PDT

Dear Butcher,
Well there is so much to say. But first are you recieving this? I've literally looked all over the world for your discs, not having the money to buy them when they originally came out, and am still not satisfied. Now that I'm in London had hoped to fullfill myself, with your music. I looked all weekend and only came up with Gregory's Closet. Please save me, my 10 year old tapes are in dire need of replacing.

I hope you're out there, as I know you are,

Dr. Inlet Received on Mon Apr 15 18:01:39 1996