The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Northampton Eastern District

From: Ed Carter <>
Date: Tue 12 Mar 1996 - 03:40:11 PST

Of [less than] tangential interest to the list, but whilst attempting to find an ISP in the Bromsgrove area, I stumbled across the Northampton Home Pages.

Check it out! Learn something new:

> Fascinating footwear worn throughout the ages is just one of the attractions in
> the museum

no mention of the JBC under the arts and entertainment section. Perhaps we should coordinate an email campaign to include Slurp's in the "Other Attractions" section...?

ed, curious about footwear

   Ed Carter, Department of Public Health, University of Glasgow

                "Mum, Mum, the cheese has escaped."
( +44 141 330 4041) Received on Tue Mar 12 13:14:26 1996