The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Tractors gig

From: Ed Carter <>
Date: Wed 14 Feb 1996 - 01:56:35 PST

Attention: correction:

I feel strangely compelled to point out that Stranger Tractors only have 'Pat Fish ex-Jazz Butcher' in support for one gig, the Bristol one. March 7th. So it's not as black as I painted it.

coincidentally, I might actually be in the Bristol area then. Gig report to follow if the damn university doesn't insist on working me in the evenings.

As an aside, I wonder what kind of toothpaste Pat uses?


Ed Carter, Dept.Public Health, University of Glasgow.

   "I saw a nation in decay, but also a solution."

      ( (+44 141 330 4041) Received on Wed Feb 14 11:03:31 1996