The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Despatch from the deep wold

From: Ed Carter <>
Date: Sun 04 Feb 1996 - 11:19:22 PST

Finally, after a great deal of delay on my part, I am prepared to announce the following news about the last-ever JBC outing and recorded versions thereof.

Pat writes:

This "last concert" cassette. It's really no great shakes. Some of the performances are quite all right. Lix is well on it. The tape cassette itself, however, is pretty knackered, and the sound... well, I hope it's not too accurate a picture of the sound in the room that night.
Plus you don't get all the stuff. Beginning and end there are none.

the upshot of which is the following. There is a possibility that perhaps somewhere one day Pat will manage to salvage *enough* to make it worth duplicating and distributing to interested parties. He promises to make an attempt, but we shall see. There's some argument for not actually doing so as well, though.

Other news from The ex-Butcher:

Stranger Tractors release their single today (5th feb): "Vibration" on Pro-Tractor Records - distribution by Vital [it says]. Good luck to anyone who tries to buy _that_ in the states! Tractors are playing live in Northampton tonight, then a micro-mini tour of three other venues. Solo "Pat Fish - ex Jazz Butcher" in support for, erm, publicity reasons by the sound of things.

Audio aquatic [Sound Machine] were all set to release a single: "Come, Friendly Spacemen" when the market for astronomical-electro pop was rather dragged away from them by Babylon Zoo and that dreadful Levi's commercial. (Do US citizens understand what I'm talking about here?) Fortunately, BZ are so bad it might just happen anyway.

Either I'm getting no email or everyone on the list has unsubscribed in the wake of the JBC implosion. Somebody discuss something.... please!


Ed Carter, Dept.Public Health, University of Glasgow.

   "I saw a nation in decay, but also a solution."

      ( (+44 141 330 4041) Received on Mon Feb 5 15:25:40 1996