The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

What Better Way to Start A New Year

From: Knight H. Berman, Jr. <>
Date: Tue 31 Dec 1996 - 00:29:04 PST

David- Hello! I hope you remember me--a nasty little party at my Atlanta warehouse home a few years ago starring you, M. Butcher et al (the end of the documented Western Family tour). Though I've been in love w/the modern world for quite sometime, I only embraced it this Xmas & am happy to report that I am now online and quite impressed with your thorough documentation of our beloved Capt. Fish! Please include me on your list, and if you encounter Pat please tell him I said "hello." Happy New Year, sir. I'd be interested in hearing how you're getting on... Knight. Received on Tue Dec 31 00:29:04 1996