The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

the now defunked JBC

From: Bradley Douglas Miller <>
Date: Mon 04 Nov 1996 - 15:40:19 PST

       Hey all,
               just got the British version of draining the glass... While 
none of these songs are new I am glad to finally get at least some of these gems on CD- since my records and tapes have long worn out (died more like). Nice liner notes, glad to see David and Max (is he ever going to put out another effort?) and was glad to hear about his reappearance with the JBC if only for a little while (some weeks back). Still waiting for other material to form- any news from fire records? Is there any chance for a farewell tour of the states? Last comment on this was some time ago- something to the tune of "who has the money?" So if that's it for the JBC and the good ole USA what about a sumosonic tour? Big questions indeed!

*Says here the Max still plays in and around London any ward on the shows? Received on Mon Nov 4 15:40:19 1996