The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Groovin in the buslane

From: Haydu, Julie <jhaydu_at_HDQTRS.CRCPRESS.COM>
Date: Wed 02 Oct 1996 - 06:56:43 PDT

Dear David,

    I found your web site via a U.K. indie bands site that has links to all the bands listed there. To my delight, the JBC were included! I was very impressed with the web site and will be spending more time browsing it as well as the post-JBC site.

    I've been a JBC fan since about 1987, and the only show I saw was in 1989 in Ann Arbor, MI at the Blind Pig, a small local bar. It was a great show! Afterward, my friend and I tracked down Pat Fish, showered him with admiration, and he gave us each a peck on the cheek. He was very nice.

    Bloody Nonsense is my favorite album, as well as the first album. I like the silliest stuff. Distressed Gentlefolk and Fiscotheque are also favorites. I have their later stuff, Condition Blue, Cult of the Basement, and Big Planet, Scarey Planet, but don't like it as much. I would love to track down a copy of Bath of Bacon--all I have is a worn out cassette. I cannot find JBC disks for the life of me now that I moved to Florida. In Ann Arbor it was a lot easier.

    Thanks for putting me on the list. How many people are on it? I have a hard time finding JBC fans. I have converted a few people at work by making them listen to Bloody Nonsense. Most ignorant people say, "Jazz who?" Please let me know if you have info about finding JBC albums--vinyl is fine. I still have a turntable!

Take care,

Julie Haydu Received on Wed Oct 2 06:56:43 1996