The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996


From: Cliff Lovelock <>
Date: Mon 19 Aug 1996 - 00:06:37 PDT

Are we still taking suggestions for names of this?

I thought "Surprisingly Tasty" or is that too obvious?

Yours dozily,



Cliff Lovelock               Customer Support - Geoscientist
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Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 10:20:48 +0100
From: (Matthew Cockerill) Subject: The Jazz Butcher and Independence Day

What do you make of this!



The Observer 18th August 1996

By Campbell Stevenson

He's in Hollywood's hottest film - so why is he boozing in Sheperd's Bush= ?

The promo schedule for Independence Day director Roland Emmerich is unrelenting. After Britain where the film took a record =A36824163 in its=

first weekend, he moved to Barcelona, then Cannes. But on Tuesday, Emmeri= ch
will fly to La Puebla, a small town in Majorca, where there are no privat= e
screenings of the film (gross US takings $240 million), but there is a one-off show by British cult pop band The Jazz Butcher (gross US takings=  -
substantially less).

Emmerich was introduced to their garage rock'n'roll, laced with copious references to alcohol and cats, by James Duval, who plays fighter pilot Randy Quaid's son in Independence Day. Duval's Keanu looks - and survival=

of the alien firestorm - should ensure his part in the sequel (Thanksgivi= ng

Duval, who's Butcher adoration crosses the border of obsession, pestered Emmerich to invite the group's singer, Pat Fish, to the film's London premiere.

And the band returned the favour by taking him drinking in Shepherd's Bus= h.

'It was weird', says Fish. 'Here's teh guy in the biggest movie in the world and the highlight of his trip to London is meeting this group who n= o
one over here could be bothered to arrest. He just kept sayiong how grateful he was'.

this unlikely adulation may force the group's record company, Creation, t= o
dust off some back catalogue, especially if Duval persuades Emmerich to u= se
their songs in the directors projected remake of Godzilla.

Still, this is a band used to the inner circles of celebrity. Former drummer Owen Jones emigrated and worked for 109 days as Gunter Grass's gardner. Received on Mon Aug 19 00:06:37 1996